

【同义词练习】 第21/30周(2023.09.11--2023.09.17)

jason246 发表于 2023-9-16 12:52:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. is applied to what tends to lower a thing in value or status: her habit of referring to human body in the most ~ of ways.
  a) disparaging
2. implies depreciating by the use of oblique or indirect methods: a ~ look at some pupolar heroes.
  b) stout
3. applies to expressions that detract or belittle a thing by sugesting something discreditable: does not consider the word 'politician' a ~ term.
  c) depreciatory
4. is applied particularly to a word whose basic meaning has been given a deragatory twist: 'egghead' is a ~ term for intellectual.
  d) derogatory
5. implies mild disparagement, indifference and even scorn: made brief but ~ references to other candicates in the race.
  e) slighting
6. suggests derision or abrupt rejection or dismissal: ~ed any suggestion that his son was other than angelic.
  f) pejorative
cadfeb Right group derogatory mean designed or tending to belittle.

1. informal substitue for standard or criterion that sug. quantity MORE THAN quality: the movie was a flop by most ~.
  a) yardstick
2. applies to a means of testing a particular dimension such as thickness, diameter,or a particular quality, aspect: congressional mail is not always an accurate ~ of public opinion.
  b) gauge
3. applies to any authoritative rule, principle or measure by which the qualities, worth or nature of sth. can be measured: the book is a classic by any ~.
  c) stocky
4. suggests broad compact sturdiness: a ~, powerful man.
  d) criterion
5. applies to anything used as a test of quality WHETHER formulated as a rule, principle OR not: in art there are no hard and fast ~(复数ria).
  e) touchstone
6. sug. a simple test of authenticity or value of sth intangible: fine service is a ~ of first-class restaurant:
  f) standard
abfcde Right group standard mean a means of determing what a thing should be.

1. may imply a going back to a starting place or source or to a former or proper place or condition: ~ed home to an enthusiastic welcome.
  a) recur
2. implies a return, often repeated returns, of something that has happened or been experienced before: suffered from ~ring headaches. 不断的头痛
  b) return
3. basically means leaden-hued, and is used of things that have lost their normal coloring and assumed a dull grayish tinge: the ~ red of the sun through the fog.
  c) revert
4. implies a returning to life or activity especially of something that has been suppressed or kept under control: after an initial subsidence, the epidemic ~d with renewed vigor.
  d) recrudesce
5. is likely to imply a going back to a former, often a lower, condition: ~ed to an earlier, less civilized state; but it can also apply to a returning after interruption: after careful consideration he ~ed to his first decision.
  e) livid
baedc Right group return mean to go or come back.

1. differs from probable in implying more superficial or more general grounds for judgment or belief and from possible in imputing much greater chance of being true or occurring: the ~ result of their quarrel is continued bickering.
  a) probable
2. applies to what is supported by evidence that is strong but not conclusive: a ~ cause of the accident.
  b) possible
3. suggests that favoring qualities or circumstances played a part in the gaining: ~ the admiration of his fellow actors.
  c) likely
4. applies to what lies within the known limits of performance, attainment, nature, or mode of existence of a thing or person regardless of the chances for or against its actuality: it is ~ that she went home without telling us.
  d) win
cadb Right group probable meaning unknown

1. implies an excess in feeding or supplying that chokes or impedes: bookstores ~ted with diet books.
  a) gorge
2. implies a fullness to the point of nausea or disgust: ~ed themselves with junk food. (disgust恶心=只是不喜欢, nausea恶心而且想吐a wave of nausea swept over her她觉得一阵恶心)
  b) cloy
3. may sometimes imply only a complete satisfaction but more often suggests  fullness that has destroyed interest or  desire: movies that purported to ~ their appetite for violence; audiences were ~d with dizzying visual effects.   (purport声称,主旨=claim, 如a book that purports to tell the whole truth声称讲述了全部事实的书)
  c) pall
4. stresses the notion of agreeableness and sometimes implies tenderness or lusciousness: a dazzling array of ~ hor d'oeuvres.
  d) toothsome
5. emphasizes the loss of ability to stimulate interest or appetite: even a tropical paradise begins to ~ after ten trips.
  e) glut
6. suggests a glutting to the point of bursting or choking: ~ themselves with chocolate.
  f) surfeit
7. stresses the disgust or boredom resulting from such surfeiting: sentimental pictures that ~ after a while.
  g) satiate, sate
efgdcab Right group satiate, sate mean to fill completely or to excess.

1. suggests a thrusting out so that the extension seems an excrescence or a deformity: the bizarre ~s of a coral reef.
  a) have
2. is a general term carrying no specific implication of a cause or reason for regarding the thing had as one's own: they ~ plenty of money.
  b) enjoy
3. is often the preferred term when referring to an intangible such as a characteristic, a power, or a quality: possessed a first-rate intellect. 智力
  c) protrusion
4. suggests stronger control, grasp, or retention and suggests continuity or actual occupation: ~ absolute power over the whole country.
  d) possess
5. implies a natural or legal right to regard as one's property and under one's full control: ~ property in several states.
  e) hold
6. implies the having of something as one's own or for one's use: a company that ~ed a fine reputation.
  f) own
cadefb Right group have mean to keep, control, retain, or experience as one's own.

1. stresses lack of suppleness or pliability: for adequate support, rock-climbers wear shoes with ~ soles. (supple: 物体柔软身体柔韧皮肤弹性supple object,skin,body) 
  a) stiff
2. suggests a stretching or straining to the point where elasticity or flexibility is lost: ~ nerves. (elastic: 可拉伸而不断)
  b) rigid
3. applies to something SO stiff THAT it can't be bent without breaking: a ~ surfboard.
  c) tense
4. may apply to any degree of this condition: muscles will become ~ if they are not stretched.
  d) glee
5. stress EXSULTATION shown in laughter, cries of joy, and sometimes malicious delight: cackled with ~ at their misfortune.
  e) wooden
6. suggests the hard inflexibility and dry rigidity of wood and connotes stiffness and lack of life and often clumsy or heavy deadness: moved in a start ~ manner.
  f) inflexible
fcbade Right group stiff meaning unknown

1. implies conspicuousness for outstanding quality or character and is applicable to one rising above others of the same class: a conference of the country's most ~ writers.
  a) pacific
2. implies acknowledged excellence or superiority: a ~ scientist who recently won the Nobel prize.
  b) eminent
3. frequently adds to famous pejorative implications of questionableness or evil: a ~ gangster.
  c) famous
4. suggests well-deserved public attention: the ~ mystery writer.
  d) celebrated
5. implies little more than the fact of being, sometimes briefly, widely and popularly known: a ~ television actress.
  e) distinguished
6. implies more glory and acclamation: one of the most ~ figures in sports history.
  f) illustrious
7. implies popular notice and attention especially in print: the most ~ beauty of her day.
  g) renowned
8. stresses enduring and merited honor and glory attached to a deed or person: the ~ deeds of national heroes.
  h) notorious
9. applies chiefly to persons or to utterances, acts, influences, or ideas that tend to maintain peace and conciliate strife: adopted a ~ attitude at the conference.
  i) noted
behicgdfa Right group famous mean known far and wide.首字母FRCNNDEI重组成CNR(中央人民广播电台China National Radio的英文简称)FENDI(芬迪是意大利时装品牌),十分好记<==著名

1. applies to anything that encourages serenity, well-being, or complacency as well as  physical ease: began to feel ~ in her new surroundings.
  a) habitual
2. sug. a practice settled or established by much repetition: a ~ excercise regime(锻炼方法) that served me well.
  b) snug
3. suggests comfortableness derived from warmth, shelter, ease, and friendliness: a ~ neighborhood coffee shop.
  c) comfortable
4. implies relief from or absence of anything likely to cause physical or mental discomfit or constraint: our host has a warm, ~ manner.
  d) restful
5. applies to whatever induces or contributes to rest or relaxation: a quite ~ inn where indolence is encouraged.
  e) easy
6. suggests having just enough of something for comfort and safety but no more: a ~ little cottage.
  f) cozy
cafedb Right group comfortable mean enjoying or providing circumstances of contentment or security.

1. suggests lack of protection or powers of resistance against something actually present or threatening: the town's ~ position makes it impossible to defend.
  a) liable
2. implies a readiness to respond to or be influenced by forces or stimuli: her eyes are ~ to light.   stimuli刺激stimulus的复数
  b) susceptible
3. stresses natural tendency or propensity to incur something: a person who is ~ to accidents.
  c) open
4. implies a possibility or probability of incurring something because of position, nature, or the action of forces beyond one's control: unless you are careful, you are ~ to fall.
  d) sensitive
5. suggests great understanding of people and situation, and unusual discernment and judgment in dealing with them, and may imply a wide range of experience, knowledge, and learning: ~ enough to know what really matter in life.
  e) exposed
6. implies conditions existing in one's nature or individual constitution that make one unusually open to something, especially something deleterious: young children are ~ to colds.
  f) wise
7. stresses ease of access and a lack of protective barriers: a claim that is ~ to question.
  g) subject
8. implies an openness for any reason to something that must be suffered or undergone: all reports are ~ to editorial revision.
  h) prone
edhafbcg Right group liable mean being by nature or through circumstances likely to experience something adverse.

1. suggests a compelling need like that for liquid: ~ed for absolute power.
  a) thirst
2. implies an insistent or impatient craving or a compelling need like that for food: ~ed for a business of his own.
  b) yearn
3. implies a wishing with one's whole heart for something remote or not easily attainable: ~ed for some peace and quiet.   (with one’s whole heart全心全意,形容感情投入真挚强烈,等于wholeheartedly,如全心全意为人民服务to serve the people两个都可以用)
  c) hanker
4. suggests an eager, restless and painful longing: ~ed for a career on the stage.
  d) long
5. suggests a driving power arising from personal temperament or constitution: my first ~ was to hit him. (temperamentconstitution都表示天生性情性格)
  e) impulse
6. implies a languishing or a fruitless longing for what is impossible of attainment: ~ed for a  long-lost love.
  f) pine
7. suggests the uneasy promptings of unsatisfied appetite or desires: always ~ed for more money.
  g) hunger
agdbefc Right:) group long mean to have a strong desire for something.

1. applies chiefly to a formal or official visit made by one in authority often for a special purpose such as inspection or couselling: parochial ~s of a bishop.
  a) visit
2. applies to a brief, usually formal visit for social or professional purposes: the salesmen were expected to make at elast ten ~s each day.
  b) bookish
3. applies to any such coming, be it long or short, and whatever its nature or cause or purpose: spent the summer on a ~ to her English cousins.
  c) visitation
4. may suggest learning derived from books rather than actualities: had about him an effete, ~ air.  这里actual=real
  d) call
cdab Right:) group visit mean a coming to stay with another temporarily and usually briefly.

1. adds to slaughter the implication of exceeding cruelty and complete disregard of the sufferings of the victims: barbarians engaged in savage ~ of the conquered people.
  a) carnage
2. stresses bloodshed and great loss of life: saw scenes of the crash and attendant ~.
  b) detrimental
3. implies extensive and ruthless killing as in a battle or a massacre: went meekly, like lambs to the ~.
  c) slaughter
4. implies something obviously, but not necessarily extremely, harmful to the thing it affects: the ~ effects of prolonged fasting.
  d) butchery
5. describes an organized massacre and looting of defenseless people, carried on usually with official connivance: a governmentally sanctioned ~ against other ethnic groups.
  e) pogrom
6. implies promiscuous and wholesale slaying, especially of those not in a position to defend themselves: arrived in time to view the aftermath of the ~.wholesale有2个意思 1、批发the selling of goods in large quantities to be retailed by others大量卖货物供人零售,如I am in the wholesale trade我做批发生意,如the retail dealer buys at wholesale and sells at retail零售商批发购进货物以零售价卖出,可以作动词如a product that wholesales at/for 10 dollars a pound那种商品批发价10元一磅,book wholesaler图书批发商   2、大批大规模on a large scale,如a wholesale slaughter屠杀,wholesale westernization全盘西化,如菊与刀中in the seventh century, Japan adopted Buddhism wholesale from China as a religion公元7世纪日本从中国全盘引进佛教)
  f) massacre
dacbef Right:) group massacre mean a great and usually wanton killing of human beings.

1. suggests a leaving things to chance and a working or acting without deliberation, intention, or purpose: a ~ tour of the sights.
  a) casual
2. applies to the act of remembering or the fact of being remembered: any ~ of his deceased wife was painful.
  b) recollection
3. applies both to the capacity to bring back what one has once experienced or known and to what is remembered: no ~ of that incident.
  c) reminiscence
4. suggests the act of recalling incidents, experiences, or feelings from a remote past or things so recalled: recorded my grandmother's ~s of her Iowa girlhood.
  d) remembrance
5. suggests the act of consciously bringing back to mind often with some effort or the thing brought back: after a moment's ~ he produced the name.
  e) memory
adecb Right:) group memory mean the capacity for or the act of remembering, or the thing remembered.

1. implies the conveying of something as a gift and may suggest condescension on the part of the giver: ~ unwanted advice.  condescend屈尊,指和社会地位低的人交往交流to interact with social inferiors,如a plant manager condescending to mingle with employees工厂经理屈尊去和雇员们在一起)
  a) donate
2. implies a giving or bestowing usually as a natural or legitimate consequence of the character of the giver: the trees ~ed us a welcome shade.
  b) confer
3. implies a gracious giving, such as a favor or honor: the Pope ~red the rank of cardinal on three bishops.
  c) bestow
4. is likely to imply a publicized giving such as to charity: ~ a piano to the orphanage.
  d) afford
5. carries a note or formality and ceremony: ~ed him with the keys to the city.
  e) prevalent
6. implies only frequency: dairy farms were once ~ in the area.
  f) present
7. the general term, is applicable to any passing over of anything by any means: ~ alms; ~ a boy a ride on a pony; ~ my love to your mother.
  g) give
Wrong cdbafeg Right:) group give mean to convey to another.

1. implies profound respect mingled with love, devotion, or awe: have the greatest ~ for my father. devote本意是投入,这里比喻忠诚faithful,如her devotion to duty她对职责的忠诚
  a) homage
2. may apply to the recognition of one’s right to great respect or to any expression of such recognition: an ~ just to be nominated.
  b) honor
3. implies a yielding or submitting to another’s judgment or preference out of respect or reverence: refused to show any ~ to senior staffers.
  c) deference
4. is often used derogatorily in situations in which womanliness might naturally be expected or wanted: adopted an aggressively ~ stance; but in more neutral use, especially as applied to styles and dress, it carries little more than a suggestion of actual masculinity: dressednattily in a ~ suit of tweed.
  d) mannish
5. applies to the accompanying praise or tributes or esteem from those who owe allegiance: for centuries dramatists have paid ~ to Shakespeare.
  e) reverence
ebcda Right:) group honor meaning unknown

1. usually presupposes attainment of a high level of something such as of morals, manners, or habits and implies an abrupt departure from this level or standard; it may reflect culpability or grave weakness OR, sometimes, mere absentmindedness: suffered a momentary ~ of manners.
  a) backslide
2. similar in presuppositions and implications to relapse, is restricted almost entirely to moral and religious lapses, and tends more than the other words to suggest unfaithfulness to duty or to allegiance or to principles once professed: kept a constant vigil lest he ~.
  b) evince
3. presupposes definite improvement or an advance, toward, for example, health or a higher state, and implies a severe, often dangerous reversal of direction: a young person ~ing into childishness.
  c) relapse
4. implies a showing by outward marks or signs: he ~d no interest in the project.
  d) lapse
dacb Right:) group lapse mean to fall back from a higher or better state or condition into a lower or poorer one.

1. can be equivalent to counselor, but is typically used collectively to designate a group of lawyers acting for a legal cause in court: ~ for the prosecution. 
  a) lawyer
2. suggests losing or voluntarily yielding up dignity or prestige: a fine stage actor who ~d himself by turing to television.
  b) counsel
3. is similar in implication to counselor and barrister, but it is used chiefly in countries such as Scotland where the legal system is based on Roman law: acted as ~ in the trial.
  c) advocate
4. is often used interchangeably with lawyer, but in precise use it denotes a lawyer who acts as a legal agent for a client in such matters as conveying property, settling wills, or defending or prosecuting a civil law case: ~ for the deceased.
  d) barrister
5. applies to anyone versed in the principles of law and authorized to practice law in courts OR act as agent or adviser: the best defense ~ in town. (defense辩护)
  e) solicitor
6. the British equivalent of counselor, emphasizes court pleading which in English practice is permitted in higher courts only to barristers: ~s before the bench in wigs and robes. bench椅子,这里是法官
  f) attorney
7. is the British term corresponding to attorney with, however, emphasis on the transaction of legal business for a client as distinct from actual court pleading: send his ~ to negotiate on his behalf.
  g) counselor
8. applies to one who accepts court cases and gives advice on legal problems: met with their legal ~.  (还表示辅导员、顾问、领事,如student ~
  h) abase
bhcfadeg Right:) group lawyer mean one authorized to practice law.

1. adds a connotation of querulousness to finicky and particular: very ~ about the starch in his shirts.  querulous不停抱怨的=complain,如don't be querulous like a baby不要像小孩一样抱怨
  a) sardonic
2. implies an attempt to be amusing or provocative by saying something startlingly or surprisingly different from, and often the opposite of, what is meant: made the ~ observation that the government could always be trusted. 
  b) fussy
3. applies to what intentionally inflicts pain by deriding, taunting, or ridiculing: a critic famous for his ~ remarks.  ridicule, deride, mock, taunt都是讽刺的动词,苦涩程度递增。
  c) ironic
4. implies an intent to censure by ridicule and reprobation: a ~ look at contemporary sexual mores.
  d)  satiric
5. implies a scornful, mocking, or derisive disbelief or doubt that is manifested by either verbal or facial expression: surveyed the scene with a ~ smile.
  e) sarcastic
bceda Right:) group sarcastic mean marked by bitterness and a power or intent to cut or sting.

1. applies to what is proper, fitting, or ethical: ~ honesty.
  a) meticulous
2. implies great concern for persons or things in one’s charge and attentiveness and cautiousness in avoiding mistakes: a ~ worker.
  b) careful
3. is likely to be used in connection with children or juniors and in admonition or warning:children must ~ their parents; or in a weaker sense can carry the implication of heeding or attending in order to conform or comply: ~ you, he never spoke to me about it.
  c) scrupulous
4. implies minute, even excessive attention to fine points: ~ observance of ritual.
  d) mind
5. may imply either extreme carefulness or finicky caution over small details: ~ scholarship.
  e) punctilious
cbdea Right:) group careful mean showing close attention to detail.

1. merely implies that the winner has more votes than any other candidate or opinion, whether the majority of the total or not: a ~ of the voters defeated the referendum.
  a) plurality
2. implies serene mildness and kindliness that produce a favorable or beneficial effect: culture exchange programs have a ~ influence in world affairs.
  b) majority
3. implies that the winning candidate or opinion has received more votes than the other candidates or opinions combined; that is, the winning vote is in excess of half the votes: elected to the senate by a very slim ~.
  c) benignant
acb Right:) group majority mean a number or quantity or part larger than some other expressed or implicit, particularly in reference to an election.

1. may imply either the act of thinking in a concentrated manner OR the disposition to apply oneself to careful and serious thought about specific problems or questions: demonstrated a ~ mind.   (apply oneself to致力于)
  a) speculative
2. implies an attention fixed on the object of thought or a habit of mind: hoped for a calmer, more ~ life in retirement.  (contemplate还表示凝视,也是锁定目光未必要发现什么,只是欣赏凝神,如a relaxed moment contemplating the sunset轻松的凝视日落)
  b) reflective
3. suggests the use of analysis or logical reasoning with a definite aim: a philosopher of ~ bent. 爱好
  c) thoughtful
4. suggests a tendency to think about things so abstract or unknowable that any conclusions are bound to be uncertain; the term often implies theorizing with little consideration of the evidence: theories about the origins of the universe that are as yet ~.
  d) contemplative
5. implies a leading astray from the truth that may or may not be intentional: I was ~ by the confusing sign.
  e) pensive
6. not always distinguishable from meditative, may carry suggestions of dreaminess, wistfulness, or melancholy: a rainy day conducive to ~ reflection. (wistful惆怅: 无法得到想要的东西而不开心,"If only I had known you then," he said wistfully"要是我那时认识你就好了", 他惆怅地说道)  (conduce to导致有助于a country setting conduces to relaxation乡村环境使人放松)
  f) meditative
7. suggests a tendency to ponder or muse over something but without necessarily any purpose other than pleasure: allowed himself the luxury of a few ~ minutes every day.  (muse也是冥想: 如梦幻回忆的想spent the afternoon musing over the legends of the knights一下午冥想(回味)骑士传说。Muse缪斯是希腊掌管文艺的女神,比喻灵感,博物馆museum)  (ponder: 长时间不一定有结果的想pondered the solution for the problem长时间考虑解决办法, ponder和muse在2017-12-27帖子中)
  g) mislead
cdbagef Right:) group thoughtful mean characterized by or showing the power to engage in thought, especially concentrated thinking.

1. implies self-assertion and defiance: will not ~ restraint.
  a) suffer
2. suggests acceptance without resistance or protest: I cannot ~ her chronic rudeness.
  b) bear
3. implies meeting trials and difficulties with continued firm resolution: ~ the years of neglect and rejection.
  c) identification
4. often suggests acceptance or passivity rather than courage or patience in bearing: never ~ed a single insult to go unchallenged.
  d) abide
5. adds to recognition the implication of such prior knowledge as permits one to recognize the thing as an individual member of a class: bird calls aid in the ~ of species.
  e) endure
6. emphasizes even more strongly the ability to bear without discomposure or flinching:  she cannot ~ teasing. (discompose有点慌乱: 在压力下稍微有点紧张没把握, 如discomposed by the hecklers' shout有人诘问,变得有点慌乱)
  f) tolerate
7. suggests overcoming or successfully controlling an impulse to resist, avoid, or resent something injurious or distasteful: ~d his affairs for the sake of the children.
  g) stand
8. usually implies the power to sustain what is distressing or hurtful without flinching or breaking: forced to ~ one personal tragedy after another.
  h) brook
hdeacgfb Right:) group bear mean to put up with something trying or painful.

1. implies possession of ability to wield coercive force, permissive authority, or substantial influence: the ~ of the President to mold public opinion.
  a) control
2. implies the power to make arbitrary decisions and compel obedience: the respect of the men under his command.
  b) crave
3. suggests the extent or scope of exercised power or influence: an empire that extended its ~ over the known world.
  c) sway
4. stresses the power to direct and restrain: you are responsible for students under your ~.
  d) power
5. stresses the force of physical appetite or emotional need: ~ sweets constantly. 甜食
  e) authority
6. implies the granting of power for a specific purpose with specified limits: gave her attorney the ~ to manage her estate.
  f) command
7. applies to official power exercised within prescribed limits: a bureau that has ~ over Indian affairs.
  g) jurisdiction
8. stresses sovereign power or supreme authority: a world government that would have ~ over all nations.
  h) dominion
dfcabegh Right:) group power mean the right to govern, or rule or determine.

1. implies expertness with consequent ability or facility in manipulating: a ~ handling of situation.
  a) adroit
2. implies sharper, often more personal opposition in a struggle for supremacy: a formidable ~ in the struggle for corporate control.
  b) antagonist
3. emphasizes lightness, neatness and sureness in touch and handling: the ~ interweaving of the novel's several subplots.
  c) deft
4. implies dexterousness, but also stress resourcefulness, artfulness and inventiveness in coping with situation as they arise: a ~ host of a radio call-in show.
  d) dexterous
dbca Right:) group dexterous mean ready and skilled in physical movement or sometimes mental activity.

1. close to ascent, implies a gradual upward movement toward an even higher level or degree: felt her hopes ~ as the race went on.
  a) arise
2. usually connotes a continuous, often swift, ascent into high altitudes especially intellectually, spiritually, or aesthetically: the brilliant product of ~ing imagination.
  b) soar
3. little or minimal delay: after graduation, he went ~ to the company.
  c) mount
4. suggests a continuous or progressive upward movement or climbing: the sun ~s the sky until noon.
  d) ascend
5. comes close to rise but is somewhat more rhetorical or poetic: ~ slowly, brushing the dust of the street from his clothes.
  e) rise
6. is used in reference to persons or animals that get up from a lying or sitting position: ~ every morning at five; or to things that seem to come up into view or to lift themselves up: hills ~ing from the plain; or to fluid that is sent upward by some natural force: watched the river ~ing.
  f) directly
cbfdae Right:) group rise mean to move or come up from a lower to a higher level.

1. implies reference to everyone without exception in a class, category or genus: declared ~ amnesty.
  a) universal
2. implies reference to every member of a genus and applies especially to qualities, characteristics or likeness that serve as identifying guides: a ~ likeness among all dogs.
  b) general
3. applies to the art or science of fundamental military planning for the overall effective use of forces in war: sought a ~ that would maximize the use of air power.
  c) generic
4. implies reference to all OR nearly all: the theory has met ~ acceptance; or lack of precision in words or ideas: got the ~ idea (大致想法)d) strategy
acdb Right:) group universal mean characteristic of, relating to, comprehending, or affecting all or the whole.

1. implies a fanciful explanation, often symbolic explanation of facts or the creation of  beings or events: ~ creatures such as centaurs.
  a) legendary
2. suggests a loss or lack of some essential high quality of mind or spirit: ~ collectors who view artworks merely as investments.
  b) fabulous
3. implies fabrication and suggests artificiality or contrivance more than deliberate falsification or deception: all names used in the broadcast are ~.
  c) apocryphal
4. stresses the marvelous or incredible character of something without necessarily implying impossibility or actual nonexistence: a land of ~ riches.
  d) mythical
5. suggests the elaboration of invented details and distortion of historical facts produced by popular tradition: the ~ courtship of Miles Standish.
  e) fictitious
6. implies an unknown or dubious source or origin or may imply that the thing itself is dubious or inaccurate: a book that repeats many ~ stories.
  f) ignoble
dfebac Right:) group fictitious mean having the nature of something imagined or mentally invented.

1. in general as distinct from technical legal use, implies making a liar of oneself whether under oath or not: refused to ~ himself on anyone's behalf.
  a) perjure
2. implies a violation of one's oath, promise, or vow or sometimes of something , such as one's principles or beliefs, that is as sacred as an oath: ~ the laws of her country in order to save the life of her child.
  b) escape
3. stresses the fact of getting away or being passed by not necessarily through effort or by conscious intent: nothing ~s her sharp eyes.
  c) forswear
acb Right:) group perjure mean to violate one's oath or make a false swearer of oneself.

1. suggests imprudence, haste, and lack of forethought: a ~ decision that you will regret later.
  a) spurn
2. suggests more decisiveness and ungraciousness, and often refers to denial of what is expected or asked for: ~ them the loan they needed.
  b) repudiate
3. stresses a contempt and disdain in rejecting or repudiating: ~ his amorous advance.
  c) rash
4. implies a disowning and casting off as untrue, unauthorized or unacceptable: ~ the value of their parents.
  d) reject
5. implies a courteous refusal and may refer to offers or invitations: ~ the invitation to dinner.
  e) decline
6. implies a peremptory refusal by or as if by sending away or discarding: ~ the plan as unworkable.
  f) refuse
cfabed Right:) group decline mean to turn away by not accepting, receiving, or considering.首字母重组成RRR DS三人的事<==拒绝做事(三个和尚没水喝)

1. implies a flimsiness due to cheap or careless workmanship and may stress a lack or inferiority of standards: a ~ tale of second-rate intrigue.
  a) probity
2. implies tried and proven honesty or integrity: a judge with a reputation for ~.
  b) honor
3. implies refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way: a politician of scrupulous ~.
  c) integrity
4. suggests an active or anxious regard for the standards of one's profession, calling, or position: a keen sense of ~ in business matters.
  d) sleazy
5. implies trustworthiness and incorruptibility to a degree that one is incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility, or pledge: her unimpeachable ~ as a journalist.
  e) honesty
daebc Right:) group honesty mean uprightness of character or action.首字母HHIP重组成HI HP你好惠普<==正直的人

1. implies a loss of power to proceed because of a sudden fear or anxiety or because one does not know how to deal with a situation: ~ed to find herself the center of attention.
  a) daunt
2. implies that one is faced with that which perturbs, confounds, or shocks: ~ed by your utter lack of concern.  (perturb不安implies deep disturbance of mind and emotion指深深搅乱思维情感,如perturbed by her husband's behavior丈夫的行为让她不安)
  b) horrify
3. applies to a drawing together of surfaces or particles or a reduction of area, volume, or length: caused his muscles to ~.
  c) appall
4. stresses a reaction of horror or revulsion from what is aghast or hideously offensive: the scope of the famine is quite ~ing.用horror自释
  d) contract
5. suggests a cowing, subduing, disheartening, or frightening in a venture that requires courage: problems that would ~ even the most intrepid of reformers.
  e) dismay
ecdba Right:) group dismay mean to unnerve or deter by arousing fear, apprehension, or aversion.

1. implies an attachment by affixing or by or as if by being glued together: the gummed label will ~ when pressed.  attach附加: 原指用绳子等系住to connect by a bond, link, or tie,后泛指附上如贴上,本组基础词,如attach the W-2 form here这里附上工资税收表格)  affix: 1附上,如粘贴上钉上,2词缀=prefix+postfix  gum: 1) 树胶 2)黏胶a type of glue 3)牙龈 
  a) distinctive
2. implies an attachment by or as by hanging on with arms or tendrils: always ~ to a capsized ship.  capsize船翻, CBS一条新闻: amazing survival at sea: 2 men cling to capsized boat for morethan a week两名紧抓翻船两星期的幸存者) 
  b) stick
3. indicates qualities distinguishing and uncommon and often worthy of recognition or praise: her ~ aura of grace and elegance.
  c) cleave
4. is often interchangeable with stick, but sometimes implies a growing together of parts normally distinct: muscle fibers will ~ following surgery.
  d) cohere
5. suggests a sticking together of parts so that they form a unified mass: eggs will make the mixture ~. 
  e) adhere
6. stresses closeness and strength of the attachment: barnacles ~ to the hull of the ship.
  f) cling
bfaedc Right:) group stick mean to become closely attached.

1. implies a positive and active opposition to what is moral and may designate whatever is counter to accepted ethical principles or the dictates of conscience: ~ ideas and conduct.
  a) nonmoral
2. implies sustained pulling or dragging, especially of heavy or bulky objects: a team of horses ~ing supplies.
  b) immoral
3. is often applied to something that is not customarily exempted from moral judgment: a review that called the film ~.
  c) unmoral
4. implies that the thing described is patently outside the sphere where moral judgments are applicable: whether your car runs or not is a ~ issue.
  d) amoral
5. implies a lack of ethical perception and moral awareness or a disregard of moral principles: possessed the ~ conscience of a newborn baby.
  e) haul
bedac Right:) group immoral mean not moral.

1. implies the development and bringing out of something potential or latent: ~ from common sense the best solution to the problem.   (to bring out: 1出版书籍生产产品to produce or put on sale,如a journalist all his life, he's now brought out a book他当了一辈子新闻记者,现在出了一本书。2使人展现出不常展现的to cause someone to show,如he is totally dedicated and brings out the best in his pupils他全心投入,激发学生的潜能)
  a) educe
2. implies a strong stimulus that arouses an emotion or an interest or recalls an image or memory from the past: a song that ~s many memories.
  b) elicit
3. implies some effort or skill in drawing forth a response and often implies resistance in the object of effort: unable to ~ a straight answer from the candidate.
  c) evoke
4. suggests a wringing or wresting of something from one who resists strongly: ~ed the money from his father-in-law.
  d) neoplasm
5. is likely to replace tumor, especially in technical use, when reference is to a more or less unrestrained growth of cells without evident function or to a mass formed by such growth: identified the growth as a ~.
  e) extract
6. implies the use of force or pressure in obtaining answers or information: ~ testimony from a hostile witness.
  f) extort
acbfde Right:) group educe mean to draw out something hidden, latent, or reserved.

1. stresses effective assistance in hastening a process or bringing about a desired end: a gesture intended to ~ the cause of peace. 
  a) forward
2. suggests a removing of obstacles in the way of a desired advance: used the marriage to ~ his career.
  b) persevere
3. implies an impetus or moral force moving something ahead: a wage increase would ~ productivity.
  c) advance
4. suggests an open encouraging or fostering: a company trying to ~ better health among employees; and may denote an increase in status or rank: a student ~d to third grade.  (foster培养,如foster parents父母) 
  d) promote
5. implies an admirable determination and suggests both refusal to be discouraged, as by failure, doubts, or difficulties, and a steadfast pursuit of an end or undertaking: ~d doggedly in his efforts to get good grades.
  e)  further
ceadb Right:) group advance mean to help (someone or something) to move ahead.

1. stresses the fact of separation from someone or something: ~ her hometown to take a new job.
  a) quit
2. suggests a deliberate removal for good reason: the visitors ~ when the doctor came into the room.
  b) withdraw
3. carries more implication of separation than leave, and may suggest formality: the plane ~ in the afternoon.
  c) leave
4. is the general term, and is commonly used as the simple opposite of come: ~ away for the day.
  d) go
5. adds to leave the notion of freeing, ridding or disentangling from something that burdens or tries: ~ a dull job.
  e) ado
6. may suggest fussiness or waste of energy: go to work without more ado; or it may imply trouble or difficulty to be overcome: there was much ~ before their affairs were sorted out.
  f) retire
7. implies distinctively renunciation, retreat or recession: ~ into a monastory.
  g) depart
cbgdaef Right:) group go mean to move out of or away from the place where one is


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