

【同义词练习】 第20/30周(2023.09.04--2023.09.10)

jason246 发表于 2023-9-9 00:36:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. applies to qualities or attributes or attitudes characteristic of women and not shared by men: a ~ approach to a problem.
  a) womanish
2. suggests a contemptuous attitude and an attempt to make something seem small: inclined to ~ the achievements of others.
  b) female
3. applies to plants and animals as well as persons and stresses the fact of sex: the more numerous ~ births as compared to male.
  c) womanly
4. is often used derogatorily in situations in which manliness might be naturally expected: shed ~ tears at his loss.
  d) belittle
5. suggests decorous propriety: all three were ~ and well brought-up girls.  (lady女士淑女: 身分高, 有教养, 气质好的女子。)
  e) ladylike
6. is more likely to suggest characteristically feminine faults and foibles: displayed a ~ rage at the slight.
  f) womanlike
7. emphasizes the softer and more delicate aspects of womanly nature and in its usual applications to men implies lack of virility or masculinity: a country grown weak and ~ on its wealth. 
  g) feminine
8. suggests the qualities of the mature woman, especially those qualities that make her effective as wife and mother or indicate the absence of mannish qualities: possessed all the ~ virtues.
  h) effeminate
gdbaefhc Right group female mean of, characteristic of, or like a female, especially of the human species.

1. implies such a startling or outrageous quality as produces utter consternation or a paralysis of fear: a ~ tornado.
  a) horrific
2. describes what strikes one with dismay as well as terror or horror:  had to perform the operation under ~ conditions.
  b) frightful
3. suggests qualities or properties intended or suited to produce a horrible effect: a ~ account of the tragedy.
  c) horrible
4. usually suggests an awareness of a threat to one's dignity or state and a reaction of hostility or resentment: local government officials who ~d against interference.
  d) shocking
5. applies to what fills one with shuddering fear or loathing and strikes one as at least disagreeable or extremely unpleasant: cancer is a ~ disease.
  e) appalling
6. implies characteristics which startle because they are contrary to expectations, standards of good taste, rational thought, or moral sense: fond of ~ stories.
  f) dreadful
7. applies to what produces fear, agitation, loss of courage, or mere disquiet: a ~ predicament.
  g) fearful
8. applies to something intended or fitted to inspire terror as by its size, appearance, or potency: a ~ outburst of fury.
  h) bridle
9. implies the creating of an awareness of transcendent or overpowering force, might, or significance: waited in the ~ dark for their rescuers to come.
  i) terrific
10. applies to something the sight of which induces fear or terror combined with loathing or aversion and suggests hatefulness or hideousness: the ~ carnage of war.
  j) awful
11. suggests painfulness too great to be endured or a capacity to produce and prolong extreme and agitating fear: caught in  the grip of the ~ maelstrom.
  k) terrible
beahfdgijck Right group fearful mean of a kind to cause grave distress of mind. Additionally, all these words have a lighter, chiefly conversational value in which they mean little more than extreme.首字母FADFTTAHHS重新排列成FFAATT双倍肥胖 + HHDS很坏的事<==后果可怕

1. chiefly literary, applies to petitions and efforts to obtain relief: a ~ request for aid.
  a) abortive
2. suggests failure before plans are matured or activities begun: an ~ attempt to escape.
  b) futile
3. comes close to vain but often suggests long and arduous effort or severe disappointment: ~ efforts to obtain a lasting peace.
  c) bootless
4. may connote completeness of the failure or unwisdom of the undertaking: a ~ search for survivors of the crash.
  d) vain
5. usually implies simple failure to achieve a desired result: a ~ attempt to get the car started.
  e) bully
6. implies an intimidating through swaggering threats or insults: tourists being ~ied by taxi drivers.
  f) fruitless
cafbde Right group futile mean barren of or producing no result.

1. is likely to suggest the sluggishness or inertness accompanying sleepiness more than the actual impulse to sleep: the ~ air of a tropical noon.
  a) drowsy
2. implies exceptional or abnormal smallness: ~ gymnasts outshone her larger competitors.
  b) sleepy
3. applies to whatever seems about to fall asleep or to whatever leads to such a state: a ~ little town.
  c) somnolent
4. may replace any of the other terms; distinctively it may connote quiescence or the repose of latent powers: felt the sea's ~ power.
  d) diminutive
5. carries a stronger implication of the heaviness or languor associated with sleepiness than of an actual need for sleep: grew ~ in the stuffy room.
  e) slumberous
cdbea Right group sleepy mean affected by or inducing a desire to sleep.

1. applies to something taken or proposed as worthy of imitation: a model worker.
  a) example
2. suggests either a faultless example to be emulated or a perfect typification: cited Hitler as the ~ of power-mad egomania.
  b) ideal
3. implies the best possible exemplification either in reality or in conception: never found a suitor who matched her ~.
  c) exemplar
4. applies to something, especially a person, to be imitated or, in some contexts, on no account to be imitated but to be regarded as a warning: for better or worse, children follow the ~ of their parents.
  d) pattern
5. suggests a clear and detailed archetype or prototype: American industry sets a ~ for others to follow.
  e) model
6. is the ordinary and general term applying to whatever comes about with OR without obvious causation or intention: remembering an incident that ~ed in his childhood.
  f) happen
ecbadf Right group model mean someone or something held before one for guidance or imitation.

1. stresses antagonism that may range from a deep hatred or a will to harm and destroy TO no more than active or evident dislike or a habit of preying on: a man with many friends and no ~ies.
  a) foe
2. may imply a going back to a starting place or source or to a former or proper place or condition: ~ed home to an enthusiastic welcome.
  b) return
3. preferred in rhetorical or poetic use, stresses active fighting or struggle rather than emotional reaction: a ~ of all injustice.
  c) enemy
cba Right group enemy mean an individual or a group who shows hostility or ill will to another.

1. implies such bluntness as makes one insensitive in perception, speech, or imagination: too ~ to realize that she had deeply hurt us.
  a) obtuse
2. suggests an inherent lack of sharpness or quickness of feeling or perception: even a person of his ~ sensibility was moved.
  b) serene
3. suggests a lack of keenness, zest, or pungency: a ~ pain.
  c) dull
4. stresses an unclouded and lofty tranquility: a woman of ~ beauty.
  d) blunt
adcb Right group dull meaning unknown

1. applies to substances soft enough to be molded yet capable of hardening into a final fixed form: ~ materials allow the sculptor greater freedom.
  a) malleable
2. applies to what may be pressed or beaten into shape: the ~ properties of god enhance its value.
  b) pliable
3. applies to what can be drawn out or extended with ease: copper is one of the most ~ of metals. #注意用法
  c) attainment
4. suggests something easily bent, folded, twisted, or manipulated: headphones that are ~ and can be bent to fit.
  d) plastic
5. implies the capability of being easily modified to suit other conditions, needs, or uses: computer hardware that is ~.
  e) pliant
6. implies a distinguished achievement (in the arts or sciences) and suggests fully developed talents: honored as woman of the year for her many ~s.  又如we can't exaggerate his scientific attainment我们无法估量他在科学上的造诣,如he is a scholar of the highest attainments他是位造诣很深的学者  attain取得获得stresses the spur of aspiration or ambition and suggests a reaching for the extreme, the unusual, or the difficult强调异常困难,需要巨大努力远大志向,如vowed not to relax his efforts until peace was attained誓言取得和平不停歇)  achieve同样强调需要克服巨大困难
  f) adaptable
7. may stress flexibility and sometimes connotes springiness or, in persons, submissiveness: select an athletic shoe with a ~ sole.
  g) ductile
dagbfce Right group plastic mean susceptible of being modified in form or nature.

1. suggests strength in seizing, retaining, clinging to, or holding together: ~ of their right to privacy.
  a) enable
2. implies provision of the means or opportunity to do something: a job that ~s them to live with dignity.
  b) tenacious
3. refers to the provision of the power or the delegation of the authority to do something: a law which ~s the courts to try such cases.
  c) empower
bac Right group enable mean to make one able to do something.

1. implies directing an  acquired skill to the accomplishment of immediate ends: ~d the crisis with cool efficiency.
  a) power
2. implies mastery or vigor in handling a tool or a weapon or in exerting influcence, authority, or power: the news media ~ a tremendous  influence on the electorate.
  b) handle
3. may imply latent or exerted physical, mental, or spiritual ability to act or be acted upon: the incredible ~ of flowing water.
  c) manipulate
4. implies adroit handling and often suggests the use of craft or fraud to attain one's ends: brutally ~s other people for his own selfish ends.
  d) wield
bdac Right group handle mean to manage dexterously or efficiently.

1. usually implies a taking of credit for something that brings honor or gives just cause for pride: he ~s himself on his ancestry.
  a) pride
2. may be preferred when the stress is on providing grounds that satisfies conscience as well as reason: an end that surely did not ~ such harsh means.
  b) warrant
3. is especially appropriate when the emphasis is on something that requires an explanation or reason rather than an excuse, and is likely to suggest support by the authority of  precedent, experience or logic: the deposits have shown enough ore to ~ further testing. (注意是warrant不是warrent)
  c) justify
acb Right:) group justify mean to be what constitutes sufficient grounds for doing, using, saying or preferring something.

1. implies a sudden and forcible effort in getting hold of something tangible OR in apprehending something fleeting and elusive when intangible: ~d the crook as he tried to escape.
  a) gull
2. implies roughness and rudeness and often implies arrogant or vulgar disregard for the rights of others: roughly ~ her by the arm.
  b) grab
3. stresses credulousness or readiness to be imposed on or made a fool of: you are so easily ~ed by these contest promoters.
  c) clutch
4. suggests avidity and anxiety in seizing or grasping and may imply failure in taking or holding: frantically ~ing the bush at the edge of the cliff.
  d) take
5. stresses a laying hold of so as to have firmly in possession: grasp the handle and pull.
  e) snatch
6. suggests a more sudden or quick action: ~ a doughnut before running out the door; and may carry a connotation of stealth: ~ a purse.
  f) grasp
7. is a general term appliable to any manner of getting something in one's possesion or control: ~ some salad from the bowl.
  g) seize
gbacfed Right:) group take mean to get hold of by or as if by catching up with the hand. (catch抓捕)

1. refers to persons of a privileged and titled class that ranks just below royalty: the duke ranks highest in British ~.
  a) elite
2. usually refers to those persons of superior birth, breeding, and social station: plantation families constituted the ~ of the antebellum South; OR to an ideally superior caste without reference to a definite group: the ~ of intellectuals.
  b) nobility
3. refers to that class of people who are celebrated for their active social life, conspicuous leisure, and fashionable sports and clothes: the famed lavish balls of Newport ~.
  c) gentry
4. refers to the members of any group or class who are judged highest by social or cultural standards: acknowledged to be among the ~ few of the artistic set.
  d) society
5. may apply to either the infliction of corporal punishment or to verval censure or denunciation: ~d his son for neglecting his studies.  inflict使承受苦难伤害等inflict某人使别人遭受,afflict某物使别人遭受)   (censure正式批评, denounce公开批评,参见2017-04-14 批评criticize-denounce)
  e) aristocracy
6. refers to a class of leisured, well-bred persons who are considered gentlefolk but are without hereditary titles: a private school favored by generations of the ~.
  f) chastise
bedafc Right:) group aristocracy mean a body of people constituting a socially superior caste.首字母ANGES排序成AS GEN根据出身<==生而贵族

1. implies the anger of the speaker and stresses the harshness of the language: charged her husband with verbal ~.
  a) abuse
2. implies viciousness of attack and coarseness or foulness of language: a debate that was  not an exchange of ideas but an exercise in ~.
  b) invective
3. implies a comparable vehemence but suggests greater verbal and rhetorical skill and may apply to public denunciation: a politician known for his blistering ~.   (denounce本身表示公开批判public condemnation,如stood and denounced the war站起来公开谴责战争)
  c) obloquy
4. implies fluent and sustained abuse: subjected his aide to a torrent of ~ion.
  d) billingsgate
5. suggests defamation and consequent shame or disgrace: silently endured the ~ of his former friend.
  e) scurrility
6. applies especially to the seeking and giving of opininons regarding personal matters: before deciding to run, he ~ with friends.
  f) vituperate
7. implies practiced fluency and variety of profane or obscene abuse: a ~ that would make a drunken sailor blush.  profane亵渎,指宗教或精神方面不尊敬,如profane language亵渎的语言,sacrilegious意思相同但语气更重)
  g) advise
aebfcgd Right:) group abuse mean vehemently expressed condemnation or disapproval.

1. implies an encroachment upon the rights, the comfort, or the property of others: a would-be buglar who was arrested for ~.
  a) transgression
2. applies to whatever induces or contributes to rest or relaxation: a quite ~ inn where indolence is encouraged.
  b) violation
3. usually implies the breaking of a law or obligation: an ~ of the school rules.
  c) breach
4. often with a moral connotation, applies to any act that goes beyond the limits prescribed by law, rule, or order: censured for repeated financial ~s.
  d) trespass
5. implies failure to keep a promise: sued for ~ of contract.
  e) restful
6. implies the flagrant disregard of the law or the rights of others and often suggests the exercise of force or violence: the police intervention was a ~ of the right to assembly.
  f) infringement
7. implies an encroachment upon a legally protected right or privilege: any unauthorized reproduction constitutes an ~ of the book's copyright.
  g) infraction
degacbf Right:) group breach mean the breaking of a law, duty or obligation.

1. implies a luring away or into entrapment by artifice or false appearance: the female bird attempted to ~ us from her nest.
  a) inveigle
2. suggests a drawing by artful or adroit means: advertising designed to ~ new customers.
  b) hullabaloo
3. implies an enticing by cajoling or flattering: ~ her suitor into proposing marriage.
  c) entice
4. implies a leading astray by persuasion or false promises: ~d young runaways into the criminal life.
  d) tempt
5. suggests great excitement, stormy protest, and an interruption of peace and quiet RATHER than vociferous turmoil: resubmitted his proposal after the ~ died down.
  e) lure
6. implies the exerting of an attraction so strong that it overcomes the restraints of conscience or better judgment: ~ed him to abandon his diet.
  f) seduce
7. implies a drawing into danger, evil, or difficulty through attracting and deceiving: ~d naive investors with get-rich-quick schemes.
  g) decoy
gcafbde Right:) group lure mean to draw one from a usual, desirable, or proper course or situation into one considered unusual, undesirable, or wrong.

1. implies an offensive bellowing or insensitive, conspicuous, or vulgar loudness: a ~ and abusive drunkard.  (记忆: blatantbellow吼叫开头发音接近:he bellowed out the order.大吼着发出命令)
  a) clamorous
2. may imply insistence as well as vociferousness in demanding or protesting: ~ demands for prison reforms.
  b) obstreperous
3. suggests a noisiness and turbulence due to high spirits and release from constraint: a ~ crowd of partygoers.  (注意是turbulence不是turbulance)
  c) vociferous
4. often implies the use of an inferior substitute for a natural product: served ~ cream with the coffee.  ersatz coffee咖啡替代品
  d) boisterous
5. implies a vehement deafening shouting or calling out: ~ cries of protest and outrage; or an insistent urgent  presentation of requests, excuses, or demands: made ~ demands.
  e) ersatz
6. suggests a harsh and discordant noise: heard the ~ cry of the crowd.
  f) blatant
7. suggests unruly and aggressive noisiness and resistance to restraint or authority: the ~ demonstrators were removed from the hall.
  g) strident
fadecgb Right:) group vociferous mean so loud or insistent as to compel attention.

1. may replace branch, in reference to a tree or shrub, especially when the notion of foliage or blossom or fruit is prominent: pine ~s for Christmas decoration.
  a) bough
2. is likely to apply to a main branch arising directly from a trunk: the great ~s of the old oak.
  b) branch
3. stresses persistence in clinging to or bleeding another for one's own advantage: ~ who abandoned her when the money ran out.
  c) shoot
4. suggests a spreading out by dividing and subdividing and applies typically to a matured member arising from a primary stem or truck or from a division or subdivision of one of these: ~es silhouetted against the sky.
  d) leech
5. stresses actual growing and is applicable chiefly to new growth from a bud: allowed only the strongest ~s to grow.
  e) limb
aedbc Right:) group shoot mean one of the members of a plant that are outgrowths from a crown or from a main base or one of its divisions.

1. is varied in application and connotation and can apply to a fanciful explanation as of a natural phenomenon, social practice, or belief: ~s of ancient Greece; or a story, belief, or notion commonly held to be true but utterly without fact: the ~ that money buys happiness.
  a) myth
2. may imply the habits of a spendthrift but stresses dissipation of resources and powers and suggests debauchery and dissoluteness more than waste: a aging rock star forced to abandon his life as a ~.
  b) profligate
3. may refer to a long, continued, heroic story that deals with a person or a group and is historical OR legendary OR a mixture of both: the building of the railroad was part of the great ~ of the West.
  c) legend
4. typically applies to a story, incident, or notion attached to a particular person or place that purports to be historical though in fact unverifiable or incredible: the ~ of Paul Bunyan.
  d) saga
abdc Right:) group myth mean a traditional story of ostensibly historical content whose origin has been lost or forgotten.

1. suggests earnest desire but emphasizes fear of frustration, failure, or disappointment: ~ to know that they got home safely.
  a) eager
2. adds to eager the implication of insatiability or greed: young pleasure-seekers ~ for the next thrill.
  b) trouble
3. stresses yearning or longing but not necessarily readiness for action: ~ for adventure on her first trip to India.
  c) avid
4. suggests intensity of interest and quick responsiveness in action: very ~ on the latest styles and fashions.
  d) keen
5. implies effort that inconveniences or wastes time and patience: went to a lot of ~ to get the right equipment.
  e) anxious
6. implies ardor and enthusiasm and sometimes impatience at delay or restraint: ~ to get started on the trip.
  f) athirst
ecfdba Right:) group eager mean moved by a strong and urgent desire or interest.首字母EAKAA想成AKA也叫做AE想成美式英语<==热切想学

1. implies a scantiness or niggardliness in the amount dispensed: ~d out the little food there was.
  a) deal
2. implies an apportioning by separation of something into parts, units, or amounts and a spreading out of those parts equally, systematically, or at random: ~d the work to all employees.
  b) distribute
3. emphasizes the allotment of something piece by piece in turn to each of the members of a group: ~ out equipment and supplies to each soldier.
  c) divide
4. suggests the giving of a carefully weighed or measured portion to each of a group according to need or as a right or as due: ~d medicine during the epidemic.
  d) dole
5. stresses the separation of a whole into parts before giving out or delivering and implies that the parts are equal: three charitable groups ~d the proceeds.
  e) dispense
6. suggests mechanical skill esp. in imitating things in nature, but implies a lack of real creative power and a degree of artificiality: a painter with much of the ~ of Rubens but none of the art. (Rubens鲁宾斯荷兰画家)
  f) artifice
dbaecf Right:) group distribute mean to give out, usually in shares, to each member of a group.

1. suggests a faint, obscured, or wavering gleam: a lone light ~ed in the distance.
  a) glisten
2. implies a quickly glancing or gleaming light: steel bars ~ed in the moonlight.
  b) flash
3. suggests a steady light seen through an obsuring medium or against a dark background: the lights of the town ~ed in the valley below.
  c) glance
4. suggests innumerable moving points of bright light: the ~ing waters of the gulf.
  d) shimmer
5. suggests a bright darting light reflected from a moving surface: sunlight ~d off the hull of the boat.
  e) sparkle
6. connotes a brilliant sparkling or gleaming: ~ing diamonds.
  f) glitter
7. implies a soft tremulous gleaming or a blurred reflection: a ~ing satin dress.
  g) bear
8. stresses the effort of sustaining or the importance of what is carried: ~ the flag aloft.
  h) gleam
9. applies to the soft, persistent sparkle from or as if from a wet or oily surface: rain-drenched sidewalks ~ed under the street lamps.
  i) glimmer
10. implies a sudden and transient burst of bright light: lightning ~.
  j) glint
ijhecfdgab Right:) group flash mean to send forth light.首字母FGGGSGGGS想成FSS山峰上GGGGGG6道光<==闪光

1. implies bodily awkwardness together with crude stupidity: her ~ boyfriend spoiled the cocktail party.
  a) propound
2. fundmentally implies an invitation to consider, discuss, settle or agree on some clearly stated question or proposition:  ~ marriage; ~ a solution; or an offering of someone as a  candidate: ~ his collegue for atterney general. (解释用自身名词proposition少见)
  b) propose
3. very close to propound, is likely to imply NO attempt will be made to seek an immediate answer: ~ a question for your consideration.
  c) pose
4. implies the stating of a question or proposition for discussion usu. WITHOUT personal bias and without any attempt to prove OR disprove on the part of the propounder: ~ the thesis that all great music is inspried.
  d) loutish
dbca Right:) group propose mean to set before the mind for consideration.

1. implies the softening or sweetening of what is harsh and disagreeable: hoped that a vacation would ~ the pain of the divorce.
  a) assuage
2. implies a lifting of enough of a burden to make it endurable or even temporarily forgotten: took drugs to ~ the pain.
  b) alleviate
3. implies a reducing of a burdensome or depressing weight and often connotes a cheering influence: good news that ~ed his worries.
  c) lighten
4. implies a temporary or partial lessening of pain or distress: new buildings that will help to ~ the housing shortage.
  d) allay
5. implies an idealized simplicity and peacefulness and apartness from the world: the ~ setting of an exclusive health resort.
  e) mitigate
6. implies an effective calming or soothing especially of fears or alarms: the encouraging report ~ed their fears.
  f) relieve
7. suggests a moderating or countering of the effects of something inflicting or likely to inflict pain or distress: ocean breezes ~d the intense heat.
  g) pastoral
afcbgde Right:) group relieve mean to make something less grievous or more tolerable.疟疾是malaria,首字母ralama少了一个i,想成我没有疟疾<==缓解

1. suggests a cool reserve arising from a sense of superiority or disdain for inferiors OR from shyness or suspicion: remained ~ from the other club members.
  a) indifferent
2. implies an inability to take a normal interest due to dullness of mind or self-centeredness: ~ about the world beyond their village.
  b) disinterested
3. suggests such indifference as arises from unconsciousness OR from a lack of sensitivity or regard for others' needs or troubles: ~ about the problems of the homeless.
  c) incurious
4. implies neutrality of attitude from lack of inclination, preference, or prejudice: ~ to the dictates of fashion.
  d) detached
5. may apply to what is notably apt, ready, or well-suited to the occasion: a ~ remark; OR to what is so very apt as to be suspect: offered an alibi that seemed too ~.
  e) unconcerned
6. implies an objective aloofness achieved through lack of prejudice or selfishness: observed family gatherings with ~ amusement.
  f) aloof
7. implies a circumstantial freedom from concern for personal or especially financial advantage that enables one to judge or advise without bias: a panel of ~ observers to act as judges. (circumstantial实际情况的,如时间地点,如their problems were circumstantial rather than personal他们的问题是环境而非个人所致) (advantage益处利益,如例句financial advantage经济利益)
  g) pat
fceagdb Right:) group indifferent mean not showing or feeling interest.

1. stresses largeness of supply rather than fullness or richness: ~ examples of bureaucratic waste.
  a) plentiful
2. implies a great or rich supply, often of something that is not regularly or universally available: peaches are ~ this summer.
  b) ample
3. is applicable to anything that is not the reult of natural processes or conditions: the state is an ~ society; but especially to something that has a counterpart in nature or imitates something natural: ~ teeth.  (来自两个词根ART表示skill技术,和词根FIC表示feign假装,如artificial satellite/intelligence/island人造卫星/人工智能/人造岛屿)
  c) abundant
4. implies a generous sufficiency to satisfy a particular requirement: an ~ amount of food to last this winter.
  d) copious
5. suggests an even greater or richer supply than does plentiful: has surprisingly ~ energy for a woman her age.
  e) artificial
daebc Right:) group plentiful mean more than sufficient without being excessive.

1. always implies seizure through exercise of authority: customs officers ~ all contraband.
  a) preempt
2. implies insolence, presumption, or exclusion of others in seizing rights, powers, or functions: White House staffers ~ed powers belonging to cabinet members.
  b) confiscate
3. implies unlawful or unwarranted intrusion into the place of another and seizure of what is his by custom, right, or law: her new stepmother had ~ed her place in the household.
  c) appropriate
4. suggests making something one's own or converting to one's own use without authority or with questionable right: just ~d the tools meant to be shared by all.
  d) repentance
5. adds the implication of an awareness of one's shortcoming and a resolve to change: a complete change of character accompanied his ~.
  e) arrogate
6. implies beforehandedness in taking something desired or needed by others: news of the crisis ~ed much of the regular programming.
  f) usurp
befcda Right:) group appropriate mean to seize high-handedly.

1. is often interchanged with sterile: an ~ egg; but it may imply deficiency rather than absence of fertility: an ~ strain of beef cattle.
  a) sham
2. basically applicable to a female or a marriage that does not produce offspring, may imply a lack of normal or expected return or profit: a ~ victory.
  b) impotent
3. may replace barren in any of its applications with the emphasis on not bearing fruit: un ~ enterprise.
  c) sterile
4. implies inability to reproduce or to bear fruit through or as if through an organic defect: a ~ imagination. sterile主要有2个含义 1、贫瘠,不促进生长not able to support  growth,如sterile soil/fields贫瘠的土壤/田地  2、不育、无生育能力not able to produce children or young animals, etc,如sterile offspring不育子代,a sterile egg未受精卵,如sterile mind/imagination/debate/subject贫乏的思维/想象力/索然无味的辩论/主题,sterile needles无菌针头,表示clean and free of bacteria and germs清洁无细菌病菌;to sterilize绝育,如sterilize your cat/dog使你的狗/猫绝育)  sterile和fertile几乎完全对应,这段注释是从fertile拷贝改写的
  d) barren
5. stresses an obvious intent to deceive with falseness that fools only the gullible: ~med a most unconvincing limp.  gullible: 非常容易受骗,如you are so gullible to these salesmen联想gull海鸥)
  e) unfruitful
6. applies to the male and implies inability to copulate or reproduce: an operation that made him temporarily ~.
  f) infertile
fdecab Right:) group sterile mean lacking the power to produce offspring or bear fruit.

1. suggests a disregarding or ignoring through haste or lack of care: in my rush I ~ed some relevant examples.
  a) ignore
2. implies a leaving out of a part of a whole: ~ a verse of a song; or a neglecting entirely: ~ted to remove the telltale fingerprints.
  b) disregard
3. may suggest either a willful ignoring or a failure to impress something on one's mind: ~ what others say and listen to your conscience.
  c) overlook
4. implies a contemptuous or disdainful disregarding or omitting: ~ed several worthy authors in her survey.
  d) brag
5. implies giving insufficient attention to something that has a claim to one's care or attention: habitually ~ed his studies. 
  e) omit
6. suggests conceit, crudity, and artlessness in glorifying oneself: boys ~ging to each other.
  f) slight
7. implies a failure, sometimes deliberate, to regard something obvious: ~d the snide remarks of passersby.
  g) neglect
8. suggests voluntary inattention: ~ed the wishes of the other members.
  h) forget
cehfgdab Right:) group neglect mean to pass over without giving due attention.

1. often applies to one practicing an art without mastery of its essentials: a painting obviously done by an ~; and in sports it may also suggest not so much lack of skill but avoidance of direct remuneration: must remain an ~ in order to qualify for the Olympics.
  a) amateur
2. is applicable to an outward sign of something spiritual or immaterial: a king's crown is the ~ of his sovereignty and his scepter the ~ of his authority.    (sign迹象标志applies to any indication to be perceived by the senses or the reason泛指任何用于指示的、可以被感知和推理的事物,如interpreted her smile as a good sign她的微笑是个好的迹象,call the police at the first sign of trouble一有闹事的苗头就叫警察,如a road/traffic/shop/pub/plus/minus/dollar/pound sign道路/交通标志/商店/酒吧招牌/加/减/美元/英镑符号+-$/£,sign language语,如伊索寓言中<Androcles安德罗克勒斯>的寓意是gratitude is the sign of noble souls感恩是高尚灵魂的标志(或迹象))
  b) attribute
3. with emblem, may apply to an object that is conventionally represented in art as an accompanying symbol of a character or of a personified abstraction: the blindness that is the ~ of Justice.
  c) symbol
4. may apply to a pictorial device or representation chosen as the symbol of a person, a nation, a royal line, or other institution that has adopted it: the fleur-de-lis is the ~ of French royalty.
  d) emblem
acbd Right:) group symbol mean a perceptible thing that stands for something unseen or intangible.

1. stresses a critical  testing of the premises or examination of the evidence on which a conclusion is based: ~ people by their actions, not words.
  a) infer
2. the most general term, means to possess or control completely: ~d their attention.
  b) judge
3. adds to infer the special implication of drawing a particular inference from a generalization: from that we can ~ that man is a mammal.
  c) conclude
4. implies an arriving at a logically necessary inference at the end of a chain of reasoning: ~ that only he could have committed the crime.
  d) deduce
5. implies the formulation of an opinion, a principle, a decision, or a conclusion by reasoning from evidence: from that remark, I ~red that they knew each other. (reason推理: 指连续的逻辑思考consecutive logical thinking)
  e) gather
6. suggests a direct or intuitive forming of a conclusion from hints or implications: ~ that the couple wanted to be alone.
  f) monopolize
bfdcae Right:) group infer mean to arrive at a mental conclusion.

1. implies an enticing by what is fair, pleasing, or seductive: the excitement of the city ~ young people.
  a) repartee
2. implies an exertion of overwhelming power of attraction: ~ by the promise of great wealth. (注意不是exersionexertion)
  b) bewitch
3. applies to any degree OR kind of ability to exert influence to draw: a university that ~ students from around the world.
  c) captivate
4. may suggest magic and implies a power to evoke or attract admiration: ~ by the beauty of that serene isle.
  d) enchant
5. implies the power or art of answering quickly, pointedly, or wittily, or to an interchange of such responses: a partygoer well known for razor-sharp ~.
  e) attract
6. implies an often transitory capturing of the fancy or feelings: her grace and beauty ~ us all.
  f) allure
7. suggests a magical influence and tends to stress the ineffectiveness of the attempts to resist or escape: a story that continued to ~children.
  g) charm
8. stresses the power to evoke delight or joy or ecstatic admiration in the one affected : hopelessly ~ by his dashing Looks and deep voice.
  h) fascinate
fbegachd Right:) group attract mean to draw another by exerting anirresistible or powerful influence. (注意不是irristable是irresistible)


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