

【同义词辨析】2019年国庆笔记: 一些记忆小窍门 【完】

jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:12:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




1) bind绑定,谐音use band or bond to attach firmly用带子绑(tie是用线绳系)   注: 这里谐音是指用发音相似的词解释这个词,如解释bind用的band和bond,和被解释的词发音相似

2) fleeting飞逝,谐音so short or quick that it is impossible to hold back from flight,好像无法阻挡飞行,如a life with only fleeting moments of joy一生中只有短暂的快乐。

3) jocular和jocose一组,对比记,jocular喜欢打趣开玩笑的性格,褒义,jocose表示试图逗乐,指笨拙贬义,如jocose attempt at a joke笨拙地开玩笑。

4) rove畅游,谐音to roam vigorously and purposely,如the brigade roved in the field.

5) pester骚扰,表示一直骚扰干扰continued harassment,如an agency pestered by customers一个被顾客不断骚扰的机构。

6) maneuver操作运作,谐音to manipulate to avoid difficulty or solve problem,如a bold maneuver that won him the nomination大胆操作使他赢得提名.

7) proportion比例协调,死记,是measured fitness经过测量估量,因此贴切适合,另外measured表示慢而稳,或语言行为有分寸。



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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:14:05 | 显示全部楼层

1) thickset,谐音thick solid burly body, 如a wrestler's thickset physique摔跤手粗壮的体格.

2) mitigate缓解,谐音to moderate, counter the effect of..., 如英国说Huawei's threats can be mitigated华为的威胁可以缓解。

3) repugnant比repellent程度重,虽都表厌恶,第一个是resistance or loathing抗拒恶心,第二个只是turning away转开身,如the public display of grief was repellent to her她厌恶公开表达悲伤.

4) refer解释记成人名jim: to judge, introduce, or mention提到介绍判断.如refer to himself as a star自称明星(或自认).

5) stammer和stutter前一个是暂时说话口吃结巴,后一个是长期,想成你u(stUtter是你不是我)是长期结巴,如he had a terrible stutter他患严重口吃.

6) crafty表示clever and subtle聪明狡猾, 想成cs(一款游戏反恐精英),玩游戏需要聪明狡猾,如a crafty trial lawyer一名聪明狡猾的庭审律师。

7) sly解释的3项都是hide相关implies furtiveness, lack of candor, skill in concealing one's aim and method,如a sly corporate take-over一起诡秘(偷偷)的公司收购.

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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:15:21 | 显示全部楼层

1) kind善良,联想上海人implies a disposition to be sympathetic and helpful(SH),有同情心愿意帮助人的性格,如a kind heart

2) purpose目的,强调决心determination and resolution,由于resolution本身表示determination,相当于双重决心determination,如she stopped for a purpose有目的

3) tremble和quiver解释相同,都是rapid and slight shaking,如her body trembles with fear,如aspen leaves quiver in the slightest breeze

4) discomfit和discompose字形意思接近,discomfit程度,表示frustrate,hamper,confuse让人困窘,而discompose程度implies minor loss of control or confidence,说被heckler诘问两个词都可以用,暗示的程度不一样

5) earnest认真热切的,表示sincerity and zealousness真诚热情,联想成SZ深圳人,如an earnest student求知欲强(认真)的学生

6) 我们不辨析professional专业职业的,vocation职业,imminent很快到来的(不好事物),urgent迫切的这几个词,都是常用词,使用自由

7) consult咨询,谐音implies the seeking and taking of counsel,如consult a doctor咨询医生.

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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:16:13 | 显示全部楼层

1) 倾向inclination和tendency互释,即互相解释,就像问A是什么,答A是B,再问B是什么,答B是A。倾向表示愿望或喜好的态度,如incline(=tend) to do nothing for the moment倾向于暂时不采取行动

2) sly和furtive互释,即使忘了准确完整的解释,也能说出准确虽然不太完整的解释, 如exchanged furtive smiles across the room偷偷一笑

3) assuage缓解,都有两个s: to soften or sweeten what is harsh and disagreeable,如hoped that a vacation would assuage the pain of the divorce缓解离婚的痛苦.

4) manipulate和handle互释,都表示(用手)操纵或处理,如handle an ax skillfully娴熟地摆弄斧子,如manipulate the currency操纵货币

5) temperate节制解释是implies restraint or restriction克制限制,两个表示克制限制的词在这聚到一块了,如a man of temperate virtue节制的美德

6) moderate中等适度温和中庸,表示avoidance of excess避免过度,请死记,如at a moderate speed中速,如he was an easygoing man of very moderate views他的观点非常温和,容易相处

7) obnoxious讨厌的,谐音implies objectionableness too great to tolerate难以忍受的讨厌,如a loud, obnoxious person大声讨厌的人, 另外object表示反对,也不好记stresses dislike or aversion,可以联想成da大或打,如objected to his sweeping generalizations反对他的过度概括

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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:16:45 | 显示全部楼层

1) curtail缩短,谐音implies a cutting that deprives completeness or adequacy,如ceremonies curtailed because of the rain.

2) mirth欢乐3L: implies lightness of heart, love of joy and ready laughter: family reunion is the occasion of much mirth家庭聚会欢乐时光

3) decent体面,表示seemly and proper得体适当,联想新加坡sp如decent people didn’t go to such movies体面人不看

4) meek温顺,谐音being mild and gentle,如the refugees were meek难民温顺

5) haul和hurl两词,词形接近意思相反,haul拉拖重物,hurl抛重物,haul发音像""子,如三峡纤夫号子,所以是拉,如he made a living hauling the coal他拉煤为生,如hurled the intruder out of the window扔出窗外.

6) delirium谵妄发狂extreme emotional excitement解释由3个e开头,in a delirium of ecstasy狂喜

7) dulcet甜美,a gratifying, soothing, appealing quality,首字母gas气体,甜美空气,如the dulcet tone of a harp竖琴甜美音调, 如utile dulci有用甜美,是一个拉丁短语,有人用它形容乔布斯的设计理念

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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:17:43 | 显示全部楼层

1) polite礼貌, 谐音implies polish of speech and manners,polish磨亮优雅修养to rub something,如a conversation as polite as it was condescending谈话既礼貌又显得屈尊

2) business事务营业关心的事,首字母Tod,stresses duty or office or an imposed task,如quality is everyone's business每个人都应关心质量. Tod是百万英镑里的店员,比喻癞蛤蟆toad

3) faith信念和certitude坚信互释,可见certitude程度之深,如believed in his innocence with a fair degree of certitude坚信无辜

4) foreboding不祥预感,感到害怕,谐音suggests fear that is oppressive, unreasoning, or indefinable,如the deserted streets filled me with strange foreboding废旧街区让我感到害怕(不祥之兆)。

5) mode时尚,谐音implies fashion of the moment短暂的时尚,如in mode流行,out of mode过时

6) suppress压制,谐音implies a determination to subdue,如 suppressed all opposition压制一切反对

7) deteriorate和impair互释,都表示损坏降低,使不再complete and efficient健全有效,用于健康记忆力量等,如the deterioration of her memory in recent years近年记忆下降,如years of smoking impaired his health损害健康

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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:18:03 | 显示全部楼层

1) breach违背承诺,联想把breach拆成b+reach不到达,没赴约==>违反承诺promise,如breach of contract合同,否则不好记,容易和其他表示违反法律,侵权的混淆

2) quality属性性质,死记,泛指任何trait或characteristic,属性或特性,trait是基础词,表示属性,characteristic也是基础词,表特性(特性指可用于区分某一事物),如a star whose acting had a persistently amateurish quality一个演技水平感觉业余的明星

3) formal正式,联想,表示implies obedience to custom and suggests restrained, out-fashioned, stiff behavior遵守习俗,暗示拘束不入时僵硬的动作。想成ros玫瑰,感觉正式。如formal report

4) compress压缩,谐音to press into a small compass or shape,如compress the data数据压缩,如compressed air压缩空气

5) flinch退缩,谐音failure to endure pain or face danger,如faced her accusers without flinching面对指责她的人毫不退缩。另外,俞老师说可以想成"飞了一inch"==>退缩

6) idle和busy互释,idle解释是not busy,busy解释是not idle,结合例句可熟练应用,如too busy to spend time with the children太忙

7) choice自释ability to choose,如total freedom of choice in this matter自由选择
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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:18:52 | 显示全部楼层

1) hamper和impede互释,impede指使行动不便to clog, hamper, fetter三个词在一组。如tight clothing impeded my movement紧身衣使我行动不便,如hamper investigation阻挠调查

2) ardent热忱,首字母zed是字母Z发音implies intense degree of zeal, devotion, or enthusiasm,如an ardent admirer of Jane Austen热忱读者

3) salubrious气候宜人的,联想US美国,另一个salutary表示有益处的,如salutary warning有益的告诫

4) hate,detest都表示厌恶反感,hate仇恨表示有enmity,malice,而detest厌恶"没有"hostility,malevolence,凑巧的是enmity,malice分别是2018-02-27 敌意enmity-animus和2018-06-04 恶意malice-grudge两组的第一个单词,hostility,malevolence分别是第二个单词

5) usage,custom在一组,互释,usage惯例强调普遍,custom习俗强调固定,侧重不同,例句中,国际场合穿西装是usage惯例,葬礼穿黑衣是custom习俗。

6) constrain迫使,谐音to force by constricting, confining,or binding action如constrained by my conscience to tell you良知迫使我告诉你

7) inhibit抑制,两个rest在一起to restrict or restrain,如cold inhibits plant growth抑制生长
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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:19:10 | 显示全部楼层

1) rebuke斥责,联想sharp or stern criticism尖锐严厉批评,想成大小S,如rebuked the US for interference严厉指责

2) glint金属反光,不好记implies a quickly glancing or gleaming light,三个词都以g开头,如steel bars glinted in the moonlight 月光下钢板发着微光

3) fear和anxiety互释,anxiety表示uncertainty and fear焦虑,如plagued by anxiety and self-doubt被焦虑自我怀疑折磨。fear是anxiety and loss of courage害怕,如fear of the unkown害怕未知事物

4) forgive原谅,谐音to gives up requital, resentment, or revenge,首字母3个r

5) surpass超越,谐音suggests superiority in quality, merit, or skill,如the book surpassed our expectations超出预期

6) conspicuous和obvious互释,都表示明显到任何人都能看出来,如the conspicuous waste of the corrupt regime明显浪费,如the motive is obvious to all but the most obtuse动机明显

7) extort勒索,死记to wrest or wring,wrest是索取夺回take,wring是拧twist,如extort money from his father-in-law从岳父榨取钱财
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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-9-6 19:19:56 | 显示全部楼层

1) dedicate献身,首字母3s,也表示devotion投入,但强调solemn devotion to a serious, sacred purpose庄严神圣严肃,如dedicated her life to medical research献身医学研究

2) finish自释, 强调to complete the final step,和complete互释,因为complete意思是successful finishing,如completes the agreement完成协议

3) invaluable无价,自释implies such great worth as to make valuation all but impossible不可能估值,如a good education is invaluable无价的

4) appeal和plead两个词不辩析,appeal表示request请求或上诉,plead的意思是appeal请求,还表示认罪,如don't go, she pleaded别走,她恳求道。如she appealed to Germany for political asylum请求避难,如these topics appeal to youngsters对年轻人有吸引力

5) rack折磨,死记stresses straining or wrenching,wrench是拧to pull or twist,如a mind racked by guilt受罪恶感折磨

6) sullen闷声不乐,谐音silent ill humor,如remained sullen throughout the party整个聚会闷闷不乐

7) frail脆弱,首字母3L, implies delicate, slight structure and liability to destruction,如a once robust man now frail with illness体弱多病,part5的mirth也3L
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