

【同义词练习】 第19/30周(2023.08.28--2023.09.03)

jason246 发表于 2023-9-1 19:00:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. applies to delight in eating or acquiring things especially beyond the point of necessity or satiety: an admiral who had a ~ appetite for glory.
  a) gluttonous
2. implies that a person is in a state of misery that may arise in extreme distress of body or mind or in pitiable poverty or degradation: looked ~, with eyes red and swollen from crying; in reference to things, it suggests such meanness or inferiority or unpleasantness that it arouses utter dislike or disgust in the observer: what ~ weather.
  b) miserable
3. stresses the unhappiness or despondency of a person exposed to a grave distress, such as want, grief, oppression, affliction, or anxiety: ~ survivors of the terrible flood; applied to things, it stresses extreme or deplorable badness: made a life as best as they could in their ~ hovel.
  c) wretched
abc Right group miserable mean deplorably or contemptibly bad or mean.

1. suggests the disclosing for the first time of something long thought over or reserved for a suitable occasion: ~ the subject of a divorce.
  a) delicate
2. applies to what is rich and luxurious but restrained by good taste: an ~ dining room with genuine French antiques. 雅致:人或物的外表举止即优雅有格调 ~is an attitude雅致是种态度
  b) elegant
3. suggests an uncommon excellence: refused to drink any but the ~st of wines.
  c) choice
4. implies exquisiteness, subtlety or frailty: the play's ~ charm was lost on screen.
  d) dainty
5. stresses preeminence in quality or kind: a ~ bit of gossip.
  e) broach
6. implies a perfection in workmanship or design that appeals only to very sensitive taste: an ~ gold bracelet. bracelet手镯
  f) rare
7. suggests smallness coupled with exquisiteness: precious, ~ food that leaves you hungry.
  g) exiquisite
ebfacgd Right group choice mean having qualities that that appeal to cultivated taste.

1. stresses extravagance or violence in expressing something: the ~s and ravings of political fanatics.
  a) rhapsody
2. implies verbose grandiosity or inflation of style disproportionate to the thought: pedestrian ideas dressed up with ~.
  b) execute
3. applies to an ecstatic or effusive utterance governed more by the feelings than by logical thought and may specifically describe an excess of more or less incoherent praise: she went into ~ over their new house.
  c) fustian
4. stresses the enforcing of the specific provisions of a law, will, comission, or command: charged with failing to ~ the order.
  d) rant
5. stresses the banality of what is expressed: dimestore novels bursting with romantic ~.
  e) bombast
deabc Right group bombast mean speech or

1. implies a conceiving or imagining that is especially clear or detailed: ~ a totally computerized operation; ~ a world free of hunger and disease.
  a) imagine
2. suggest the forming, or bringing forth and usually developing of an idea, plan, or design: ~d of a plan to rescue the hostage.
  b) envisage, envision
3. suggests a grasping of the significance of what is vividly conceived or imagined: ~ the enormity of the task ahead.
  c) realize
4. stresses an imagining often unrestrained by factual reality but spurred by desires: ~ied himself a super athlete.
  d) think
5. applies to the things or persons from which something is ultimately derived and often to the causes operating before the thing itself comes into being: an investigation into the ~s of baseball.
  e) fancy
6. stresses a visualization: ~ a permanently operating space station.
  f) origin
7. implies the entrance of an idea into one's mind with OR without deliberate consideration or reflection: I just ~ of a good story.
  g) conceive
bgcefad Right group think mean to form an idea of something.

1. implies a keeping at work and often suggests resulting strengthening and development: ~ muscles by active play.
  a) depreciate
2. connotes an intent to fix as a habit, and stresses repetition as a means of training and disciplining : ~ school children in pronunciation.
  b) drill
3. implies a representing of something as being of less value than commonly believed: critics ~d his plays for being unabashedly sentimental.
  c) practice
4. may imply a doing habitually or regularly: ~ one's profession; or a doing over and over for the sake of acquiring proficiency and skill: ~ on the piano each day. (proficiency精通,指全面的能力thorough ability)(skill技术: 专业知识+精通 technocal knowledge and proficiency)
  d) exercise
dbac Right group practice mean to perform or make perform repeatedly.

1. is a very general term and may OR may not imply effort or initiative: ~ a car for my birthday.
  a) procure
2. suggests that favoring qualities or circumstances played a part in the gaining: ~ the admiration of his fellow actors.
  b) get
3. implies difficulty in obtaining or keeping safely in one's possession or under one's control: an ad agency that ~ many top accounts. (account这里表示固定客户主顾,多指公司客户won  many  accounts  i n  China在中国赢得很多固定客户 )
  c) obtain
4. suggests the attainment of something sought for with some expenditure of time and effort: ~ statements from all of the witnesses.  (seek: 很努力寻找谋求,如ICQ: I seek you. The prosecutors warned they would seek the death penalty检方律师警告说他们会努力争取判处死刑。)
  d) earn
5. often suggests an adding to what is already possessed: ~ a greater appreciation of music. : acquire较通用,不一定通过逐渐增加(add to what is already possessed),如AIDS艾滋中的acquired)
  e) secure
6. implies a correspondence between one's one's effort and what one gets by it: a compelling performance that ~ her many awards. (compelling使人不得不信服认可,~ argument令人信服的论证。compel: 逼迫某人)
  f) ordinance
7. suggests struggle or competition and usually a material value in the thing obtained: gradually ~ a reputation as a skilled musician.  struggle斗争挣扎,用它说明gain的困难痛苦==>No pains, no gains不劳无获)
  g) win
8. implies effort in obtaining something for oneself or for another: in charge of ~ing supplies for the office.
  h) acquire
9. applies to an order govening some detail of conduct or procedure, enforced by a limited authority such as a municipality: a city ~.
  i) gain
bgechdiaf Right group get mean to come into possession of.

1. implies quick perception, clever resourcefulness, or sometimes devious cunning: ~ enough to know a con job when he saw one.
  a) acute
2. implies a power to penetrate and may suggest subtlety and depth and sharpness of insight: an ~ sense of what is linguistically effective.
  b) keen
3. implies the taking of immediate and effective measures to avoid, repel, or counteract  threatening evil: deftly ~ed a hostile corporate takeover.
  c) sharp
4. suggests quickness, enthusiasm, and a clear-sighted, penetrating mind: a ~ observer of the political scene.
  d) avert
Wrong cadb Right group sharp mean having or showing alert competence and clear understanding.

1. implies serene mildness and kindliness that produce a favorable or beneficial effect: culture exchange programs have a ~ influence in world affairs.
  a) priory
2. denotes a monastery or a nunnery governed by an abbot or an abbess: took the message to the abbot at the ~.
  b) nunnery
3. stresses the idea of seclusion from the world for either sex: kept a strict silence within the ~ walls.
  c) abbey
4. often interchangeable with convent, refers to a cloister for nuns: found life in a ~ too restrictive.
  d) cloister
5. refers to a cloister for monks and may indicate a community that combines the cloistered life with teaching, preaching, or other work: left his job on Wall Street and entered a ~.
  e) monastery
6. indicates a community governed by a prior or prioress: summoned the inhabitants of the ~ for matins.
  f) convent
7. may refer to a retreat for either sex or may refer to a retreat for nuns and stresses the idea of community of living: the shared labor of life within the ~.
  g) benignant
gcdbeaf Right group cloister mean a place of retirement from the world for members of a religious community.

1. specifically implies correction of a text or manuscript: ~ the text to match the first edition.
  a) deadly
2. applies to something that is bound to cause death or exists for the destruction of life: ~ gas.
  b) emend
3. stresses the inevitability of eventual death or destruction: ~ consequences.
  c) mortal
4. applies to what has caused or is about to cause death: a ~ wound.
  d) fatal
5. applies to whatever is certain or very likely to cause death: a ~ disease.
  e) lethal
bedca Right group deadly meaning unknown

1. stresses moderation or restraint of force or intensity: ~ weather; and is often applied to what induces a feeling of quiet beauty or serenity: spoke to the patient in a ~ tone.
  a) soft
2. applies to things that are pleasant and agreeable rather than harsh, rough, fierce, strong, or irritating, and that produce a sense of placidity or tranquility or restrained power: a ~ rain.
  b) appreciate
3. implies a just estimation of a thing's value and is often used in reference to what is likely to be misjudged: failed to ~ the risks involved.
  c) balmy
4. stresses a relaxing, softening, or calming influence: the ~ effect of lanolin.
  d) mild
5. suggests refreshment and sometimes exhilaration, frequently coupled with a suggestion of fragrance: an unusually ~ day in early spring.
  e) lenient
6. implies a subduing of all that is vivid, intense, or forceful until it is agreeably soothing: took a walk in the ~ evening air.
  f) gentle
7. implies the absence of anything that might disturb, stimulate, or irritate and may suggest insipidness: spent a week on a ~ diet.
  g) bland
dfbecag Right group soft mean devoid of harshness, roughness, or intensity.

1. the most general term, refers to any whole, natural or artificial, material or immaterial, and may be used specifically of the parts or arrangements that give a whole its characteristic form or nature: studied the ~ of the atom.
  a) framework
2. also suggests a quality of temperament enabling one to hold one's own or keep up one's morale when opposed or threatened: too many failures had broken the ~ of the man.
  b) anatomy
3. applies principally to the structure of an organism or any of its parts: the ~ of the heart; but is likely to stress examination of parts and study of their relation to a whole: described the ~ of a political campaign.
  c) skeleton
4. applies to the bony framework of the animal body: found only the ~ of a mouse; or may imply either a carefully developed and articulated design or a sketchy conception of the whole that serves as a starting point: roughed out the ~ of the novel.
  d) structure
5. is used chiefly with reference to an artificial supporting construction that serves as a prop or guide but is not visible in the finished whole: the ~ of a sofa.
  e) spirit
debca Right:) group structure mean the parts of or the arrangement of parts in a whole.

1. suggests a suitability through essential nature or accordance with custom: the ~ role of the First Lady.
  a) fitting
2. implies an answering to requirements or demands: shopped for clothes ~ for camping.
  b) fit
3. suggests what is effectively or successfully appropriate: a ~ choice of words.
  c) apt
4. implies harmony of mode or tune or purpose: ~ subjects for dinner table conversation.
  d) proper
5. suggests an aptness that is opportune, telling or graceful: a ~ note of apology.
  e) suitable
6. suggests a rightness or just proportioning and suitability: a tip that was ~ for the service rendered.
  f) felicitous
7. stresses adaptability and sometimes special readiness for use or action: the vessel is now ~ for service.
  g) happy
8. implies eminent or distinctive fitness: a golf bag is a ~ birthday gift for a golfer.
  h) meet
9. connotes a fitness marked by nicety and discrimination: a speech laced with some ~ quotations.  (lace: 1网眼织物蕾丝 2加入夹杂酒药语言等Fred liked to lace his conversation with military terms弗雷德喜欢说话时加入军事术语)
  i) appropriate
degafhbic Right:) group fit mean right with respect to some end, need, use, or circumstance.

1. implies a RELIABLE ability to judge and decide with SOUNDNESS, intelligence, prudence: hadn't the ~ to run out of the rain.
  a) sense
2. implies the use of the voice rather than the hand (as in writing or signaling in communication): legend is the ~ transmission of tradition.
  b) judgment
3. suggests average degree of such ability, oft with native shrewdness but ! sophistication and special knowledge: ~ tell me it's wrong.
  c) wisdom
4. implies senses TEMPERed and refined with experience, training, and maturity: ~ is required of a camp counselor.
  d) gumption
5. suggests a readiness to use and apply COMMON sense, and stress initiative and driving : a shrewd business man known for his ~.
  e) common sense
6. implies sense and judgment far above average: the ~ that comes from years of experience.
  f) oral
afebdc Right:) group sense meaning unknown

1. stresses the sensation induced or experienced: ~ to see that no bones were broken.
  a) palpate
2. stresses the act and may imply bodily contact or the use of an implement: ~ paint with a finger to see if it is dry; or it may imply immaterial contact: we were ~ed by his concern.
  b) character
3. is likely to imply clumsy or offensive handling: ~ed eagerly through the box of prizes.
  c) handle
4. implies examination or exploration with hands or fingers to determine qualities such as texture, weight, or condition: heavier fabrics can be appreciated better by actually ~ing them, feeling the substance and texture.
  d) touch
5. applies to a peculiar(=distinctive) and distinctive characteristic of an individual or class: each of the island's villages had a distinctive ~.
  e) feel
6. stresses the feeling of the surface of a body as a means of examining its internal condition: the doctor ~ed the abdomen and detected a swollen mass.
  f) paw
edfcba Right:) group touch mean to get or produce or affect with a sensation by or as if by bodily contact. 首字母TFPHP想成碰碰黑头发<==触摸

1. stresses a definitely hostile or alarming quality in what portends: conditions that ~ the stability of society.
  a) menace
2. is applied specifically to bleeding, bloodthirstiness, or the color of blood: one of the most ~ of the Jacobean revenge tragedies.
  b) threaten
3. may imply an attempt to dissuade or influence by promising punishment for failure to obey: ~ a boy with a spanking if he teases the baby; or it may apply to an impersonal warning of something dire, disastrous, or disturbing: heavy clouds that ~ rain. 第二项解释中3个d
  c) sanguine
acb Right:) group threaten mean to announce or forecast impending danger or evil.

1. implies a high degree of certainty and involves idea of preparing and envisioning: I ~ to be finished by Tuesday.
  a) expect
2. adds to look for the implication of being ready: we ~ your decision.
  b) sway
3. followed by for, sug. expectancy and watchfulness rather than confidence or certainty: we ~ for great things in the new year; followed by TO,  sug. strongly counting on and freedom from doubt: ~ to their children to care for them in old age.
  c) look
4. implies LITTLE certainty but sug. confidence or assurance in the possibility that what one desires or longs for will happen: she ~ to find a job soon.
  d) hope
5. suggests the extent or scope of exercised power or influence: an empire that extended its ~ over the known world.
  e) await
aecdb Right:) group expect mean to anticipate in the mind some occurrence or outcome.

1. applies to any act that involves unfairness to a person or violation of rights: the ~ inflicted by society.
  a) grievance
2. applies to any circumstance or condition that, in the opinion of the one affected, constitutes an injustice or gives just grounds for complaint: a committee for investigating employee ~s.
  b) individual
3. applies in law to any act punishable according to the criminal code and connotes a flagant injustice: a crusading reporter determined to right society's ~s.   criminal code刑法典,刑法
  c) injury
4. implies unequivocal reference to one of a class or group: valued each ~ opinion.  equivocal故意模棱两可deliberate use of language open to differing interpretations,如only gave an equivocal answer只给出模棱两可的答复  
  d) wrong
5. applies specifically to an injustice for which ther is a legal remedy: a libeled reputation is legally considered an ~.
  e) injustice
eadbc Right:) group injustice mean an act that inflicts undeserved damage, loss, or hardship on a person.

1. are more likely to imply the state of one specifically provoked to action and truculently ready to seek or take revenge; both terms may also apply to an agent or weapon by which vengeance can be attained: an insult that provoked a ~ spirit in the target; trained his children to be his ~ agents.
  a) revengeful,vengeful
2. tends to stress the reaction as inherent in the nature of the individual and is appropriate when no specific motivating grievance exists: not a ~ bone in his body; but sometimes it implies a persistent emotion, based on real or fancied wrongs, that may manifest itself in implacable malevolence or in mere spiteful malice: a ~ person plotting revenge.
  b) vindictive
3. stresses the force of the movement and may imply entry into any penetrable substance or into a state or condition in which one is overwhelmed or immersed: he ~d eagerly into the new course of studies.
  c) plunge
abc Right:) group vindictive mean showing or motivated by a desire for vengeance.

1. stresses a driving away or getting rid of by or as if by scattering: an authoritative statement that ~led all doubt.
  a) dispel
2. stresses a complete disintegration or dissolution and final disappearance: the fog was ~d by the morning sun.
  b) disperse
3. implies a wider separation of units and a complete breaking up of the mass or group: police ~d the crowd.
  c) dissipate
4. implies the presence of detectable inequalities on the surface, such as points, bristles, ridges, or projections: a ~ wooden board.
  d) rough
5. implies the action of a force that drives parts or units irregularly in many directions: the bowling ball ~ed the pins.  (又如after dinner, everyone scattered用餐后,大家各奔东西,如scatter the grass seed over the lawn把草籽撒到草坪上,如they scattered his ashes at sea他们把他的骨灰撒向大海,如he who is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters不和我一起的就是反对我的,不和我聚集的必将分散)
  e) scatter
acbde Right:) group scatter mean to cause to separate or break up.

1. implies a release from something that weighs down or imposes a heavy burden: a science article ~d of scientific jargon.
  a) track
2. implies a continuous line of marks or footprints or scent that can be followed: the fossilized ~s of dinosaurs.
  b) trace
3. may suggest any line, mark, or discernible effect left behind: an animal species believed to have vanished without a ~.
  c) vestige
4. applies to a tangible reminder such as a fragment or remnant of what is past or gone: boulders that are ~s of the last ice age.
  d) disencumber
dabc Right:) group trace mean a perceptible thing made by something that has passed.

1. implies use of extravagant or absurd style that at once demeans the reader and the topic : this production is a ~ of a classic play.
  a) travesty
2. implies intense loathing and usually passionate fury: ~d the men who had molested his family.
  b) execrate
3. applies partiuclarly to a treatment of subject in the style of a well-known auther or by sustained and subtle exaggeration or distortion: a witty ~ of a popular soap opera.
  c) burlesque
4. implies mockery EITHER through treating a trivial subject in a mock-heroic style OR throught giving a serious or lofty subject a frivilous treatment : a ~ that treats a petty quarrel like a great battle.
  d) parody
5. implies a LUDICROUS exaggeration of a characteristic or peculiar feature of a subject: this film is the ~ of the novel.
  e) caricature
abdce Right:) group caricature mean a comic or grotesque imitation.

1. stresses the forceful or urgent nature of actively countering something: ~ the disease  by educating the public.
  a) withstand
2. can apply to a range from mere objection to bitter hostility or active warfare: ~d the plan to build a nuclear power plant.
  b) resist
3. suggests a more passive, yet often successful, resistance: unable to ~ peer pressure.
  c) combat
4. implies an arousing of resistance or hostility in another: statements that ~d even his own supporters.
  d) counteractive
5. implies an opposition between two things that nullifies the effect of one or both: poor eating habits will have a ~ effect on any gains from exercise.
  e) oppose
6. implies an overt recognition of a hostile or threatening force and a positive effort to counteract, fend off, or repel it: struggled valiantly to ~ the temptation.
  f) antagonize
ceafdb Right:) group oppose mean to set oneself against someone or something.

1. suggests a sudden, violent, startling stimulation comparable to that produced by an electric current: the news ~ied the community.
  a) electrify
2. suggests being pervaded by usually agreeably stimulating emotion that sets one atingle with pleasure, horror, or excitement: a ~ing detective story.
  b) enthuse
3. applies to the art or science of fundamental military planning for the overall effective use of forces in war: sought a ~ that would maximize the use of air power.
  c) thrill
4. implies an arousing or experiencing of enthusiasm: was ~d about the new vacuum cleaner.
  d) strategy
acdb Right:) group thrill mean to fill with emotions that stir or excite.

1. may imply the presence of material curves, bends, or twists: a ~ road; or it may imply departure from a right and proper course and then usually suggests cheating or fraudulence: set up a ~ deal to force his partner out of the business.
  a) crooked
2. implies departure from a horizontal or vertical direction: an ~ line dividing a rectangle into two equal triangles; and can suggest indirection or lack of straightforwardness: made an ~ but damning attack on his character.
  b) responsible
3. implies the holding of a specific or formal office, duty, or trust: the bureau ~ for tax collection.
  c) devious
4. implies a departure from a direct or usual course: returned home by a ~ route to avoid the waiting bully; in application to persons or their acts or practices it is likely to imply unreliablility, shiftiness or trickiness, or sometimes obscurity: gained an inheritance by ~ means.
  d) oblique
Wrong adbc Right:) group crooked mean not straight or straightforward.

1. suggests giving advice that puts one on guard or suggests precautions against EITHER a prospective or present risk or peril: the doctor ~ him against overeating.
  a) persevere
2. stresses timeliness and regularly imply a warning in advance of a foreseen risk or danger: they had been ~ of the danger, and were prepared when it arose.
  b) caution
3. may range in meaning FROM simple notification of something to be watched for or guarded against TO admonition or threat of violence or reprisal: the weather bureau ~ the coastal areas to prepare for a hurricane. 
  c) warn
4. implies an admirable determination and suggests both refusal to be discouraged, as by failure, doubts, or difficulties, and a steadfast pursuit of an end or undertaking: ~d doggedly in his efforts to get good grades.
  d) forewarn
bdca Right:) group warn mean to let one know of approaching or possible danger or risk.

1. stresses complete freedom from care and exuberantly overflowing spirits: the ~ spirit of Paris in the 1920s.
  a) certitude
2. applies to what is spirited, active, and sparkling: an ~ discussion of current events.
  b) gay
3. suggests briskness, alertness, or energy: a ~ hour of news and information.
  c) sprightly
4. suggests an activeness of gesture and wit, often playful or alluring: a ~ party hostess.
  d) animated
5. suggests lightness and spirited vigor of manner or of wit: a tuneful, ~ musical revue.  revue轻歌舞剧、时事讽刺剧   
  e) lively
6. may emphasize a faith strong enough to resist all attack: believed in his innocence with a fair degree of ~.
  f) vivacious
bdefca Right:) group lively mean keenly alive and spirited.首字母LAVSG想成Large Volume of GAS气量足<==活泼

1. implies a commanding nature or manner and often suggests arrogant assurance: an ~ executive used to getting his own way.
  a) repair
2. applies to the mending of more extensive damage or dilapidation requiring professional skill or special equipment: the car needs to be ~ed by a mechanic.  professional专业的;职业的implies a job that requires special training or skill需要特殊训练和技能,如professional qualifications/skills
  b) imperious
3. implies the making whole or sound of something that is broken, torn, or injured: the wound ~ed slowly.
  c) mend
4. suggests the making like new of something without completely replacing it: a ~ television is cheaper than a brand-new one.
  d) rebuild
5. implies an often temporary or hasty mending of a rent or breach with new material: ~ potholes with asphalt.
  e) patch
bacde Right:) group mend mean to put into good order something that is injured, damaged, or defective.首字母MRPR想成Ren Pin Ren Mai人品人脉<==不断修理

1. suggests a small defect in continuity or cohesion that is likely to cause failure under stress: a ~ in a pane of glass.
  a) defect
2. implies a lack, often hidden, of something that is essential to completeness or prefect functioning: the smoke detector failed because of a mechanical ~.
  b) blemish
3. suggests something that only affects the surface or appearance: fair skin completely devoid of ~es.
  c) flaw
4. often equals abjure but may carry the meaning of disclaim or disown: willing to ~ his lifelong friends.
  d) renounce
cabd Right:) group blemish mean an imperfection that mars or damages.

1. implies a freer and less rigorous standard than just and may sug. fair and equal treatment to all concerned: provides for ~ distribution of his property.
  a) whim
2. stresses the erratic, irresponsible, or extravagant character of the notion or desire: recently he had been prone to strange ~ies of taste.
  b) equitable
3. implies a fantastic, humorous turn of mind or inclination: an odd antique that was bought on a ~.
  c) crotchet
4. implies an impulsive change of mind made apparently without cause: struck by a ~ notion.
  d) caprice
5. stresses lack of apparent motivation and suggests willfulness: by sheer ~ she quit her job.
  e) freak
6. implies perversely eccentric opinion or preference especially on trivial matters: a serious scientist equally known for his bizzare ~s.
  f) vagary
bfaedc Right:) group caprice mean an irrational, fanciful, or impractical idea or desire.首字母VW是大众volkswagon,FCC是联邦通信委员会<==都任性

1. applies to the price asked, usually in the form of a fixed charge, for a specific professional service: a pianist's fee for a concert.
  a) stipend
2. can replace any of the foregoing and is the one of these terms freely used in combination or as a modifier: waiting for the ~ day; lost his ~ envelop.
  b) wage
3. often used in the plural wages, applies to an amount paid usually on hourly basis and chiefly at weekly intervals especially for physical labor: dirty and difficult jobs should command a  higher ~.
  c) pay
4. stresses preeminence in quality or kind: a ~ bit of gossip.
  d) choice
5. adds to salary the notion of a regular income such as a pension or scholarship paid without concurrently performed service: received a fellowship that included a small ~.
  e) fee
6. applies to compensation at a fixed, often annual, rate that is paid in installments at regular intervals and suggests that the services performed require training or special ability: negotiated for a higher ~.
  f) salary
ecbdaf Right:) group wage mean the price paid for services or labor.

1. suggests what is both relevant and opportune: for your term paper use only ~ quotations.
  a) acquit
2. stresses a clear and decisive relevance: a ~ observation that cut to the heart of the problem.
  b) apropos
3. applies to action under stress that deserves praise or meets expectations: ~ted himself well in his first battle.
  c) applicable
4. may additionally imply a fitness for or appropriateness to the situation or occasion: a topic not ~ to our discussion.
  d) pertinent
5. applies to something such as a general rule or principle that may be brought to bear upon or used fittingly in reference to a particular case, instance, or problem: a precedent that is not ~ in this case.
  e) germane
6. suggests a marked and felicitous relevance: the anecdotes in his sermons are always ~. mark标记,使人能注意,marked明显的,不需要强调
  f) relevant
7. implies a traceable, significant, logical connection: use any ~ evidence to support your argument.
  g) apposite
8. implies so close a relationship that it cannot be altered without obvious deleterious effect: the scene is ~ to the rest of the play.
  h) material
bdaecgfh Right:) group relevant mean relating to or bearing upon the matter at hand.

1. applies to both taste and aroma and suggests piquancy and often spiciness: egg rolls filled  with various ~ fillings.
  a) restrain
2. often applies to something that is unexpectedly found to be agreeable: surprised to find Indian food quite ~. 
  b) palatable
3. suggests a whetting of the appetite and applies to aroma and appearance as well as taste: select from a cart filled with ~desserts.
  c) tasty
4. stresses the notion of agreeableness and sometimes implies tenderness or lusciousness: a dazzling array of ~ hor d'oeuvres.
  d) savory
5. suggests a holding back by force or persuasion from acting or from going to extremes: ~ed themselves from trading insults.
  e) appetizing
6. implies a pronounced and appetizing taste: stale shrimp that were far from ~.
  f) toothsome
Wrong dbefac Right:) group palatable mean agreeable or pleasant to the taste.

1. applies to something that is bound to follow sooner or later as the final effect of causes already in operation and implies a definite ending of a sequence of preliminary events: the ~ defeat of the enemy.
  a) terminal
2. applies to something that comes at the end of a series but does not always imply that the series is completed or has stopped: the ~ news we had of him.
  b) last
3. may indicate a limit of extension, growth, or development: the ~ phase of a disease.
  c) final
4. suggests the need of help or relief and so imputes weakness to the one aided and strength to the one aiding: an army of volunteers ~ed the flood victims.
  d) aid
5. applies to that which definitely closes a series, process, or progress: the ~ day of school.
  e) ultimate
6. implies the last degree or stage of a long process or a stage beyond which further progress or change is impossible: the ~ collapse of civilization.
  f) eventual
fbadce Right:) group last mean following all others in time, order, or importance.

1. usually implies one repetition after another especially of something that is said: ~d her views on the matter at every opportunity.
  a) reiterate
2. stresses the fact of uttering, presenting, or doing again one or more times: ~ed the joke over and over.
  b) activate
3. implies a passing from an inactive to an active state and stresses the influence of an external agent in arousing to activity: a switch in the office ~s all the outdoor lights.
  c) iterate
4. means the same as reiterate but is rarer and has a bookish feel: an ancient theme ~d by many noted authors.
  d) repeat
adbc Right:) group repeat mean to say or do again.

1. implies great skill in constructing or creating: a writer who is ~ in his manipulation of the reader.
  a) cunning
2. stresses physical or mental quickness, deftness, or aptitude: a person ~ with horses.  deft 轻巧利落有把握implies an light, neat, and sure handling,如a deft interweaving of the novel’s several subplots轻巧地将小说的几个情节交织在一起)  (aptitude天分==innate capacity+natural liking天生能力+喜欢,美国高考SAT中的A,全称scholastic aptitude test学术能力倾向测验,始于1926,主要测试学术研究能力,而非高中学了多少知识)
  b) ingenious
3. suggests brilliance or cleverness in inventing or discovering: an ~ computer engineer.  (brilliant在bright组,表示璀璨发出大量光点sparkles,如brilliant diamonds璀璨的钻石,也表示杰出让人钦佩,如a brilliant scientist一个杰出科学家)
  c) outward
4. commonly implies motion or direction away from, or the reverse of, what is inward: given to ~ display;  or implies what is apparent, as opposed to what is within or is spiritual or mental: an ~ show of courage belied his inward terror.
  d) clever
5. often implies a shrewd or skillful use of expedients to achieve one's purpose: an ~ negotiator of business deals.
  e) adroit
adbce Right:) group clever mean having or showing practical wit or skill in contriving.首字母CACI想成CIA Chief中央情报局长<==聪明

1. stresses close adherence to outward forms and a censorious attitude toward others' defects in these respects, coupled with little real concern for spiritual matters: always under the gaze of ~ neighbors.
  a) fragrant
2. applies to things emitting pungent, often fresh odors: an ~ blend of rare teas.
  b) odorous
3. applies to things such as flowers or spices with sweet or agreeable odors that give sensuous delight: roses that were especially ~.
  c) balmy
4. applies to whatever has a strong distinctive smell whether pleasant OR unpleasant: ~ cheeses should be tightly wrapped.
  d) aromatic
5. applies to things which have a delicate and soothing aromatic odor: the soft, ~ air of a summer evening.
  e) redolent
6. applies usually to a place or thing that diffuses or is impregnated with odors: the kitchen was often ~ of garlic and tomatoes.
  f) pharisaical
fdabce Right:) group odorous mean emitting and diffusing scent.

1. stresses falsity and may describe a tawdry show that beckons with a false allure or promise: a ~ wasteland of nightclubs and bars.
  a) athirst
2. implies an effect of brilliance quickly and easily revealed to be shallow or vulgar: a ~ nightclub act with leggy chorus girls.
  b) tawdry
3. stresses yearning or longing but not necessarily readiness for action: ~ for adventure on her first trip to India.
  c) meretricious
4. implies a tasteless use of overly bright, often clashing colors or excessive ornamentation: circus performers in ~ costumes.
  d) garish
5. applies to what is at once gaudy and cheap and sleazy: ~ saloons along the waterfront.
  e) gaudy
6. describes what is distressingly or offensively bright: ~ signs the casinos.
  f) flashy
cfaebd Right:) group gaudy mean vulgarly or cheaply showy.


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