

【同义词练习】 第17/30周(2023.08.14--2023.08.20)

jason246 发表于 2023-8-20 09:14:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. stresses the offensive quality of what decays or rots: corpses ~ing on the battlefield. =battleground
  a) decompose
2. stresses a breaking down by chemical change and often implies a corruption: the body was badly ~d.
  b) stand
3. is similar to position, but connotes a stronglyheld or expressed opinion: took a ~ against continuing government subsidies.
  c) spoil
4. implies decay or decomposition, usually of matter, and often connotes foulness: grain left to ~ in warehouses. 谷物谷粒
  d) putrefy
5. implies a slow and not necessarily complete change from a state of soundness or perfection: a ~ Southern mansion.
  e) decay
6. applies chiefly to the decomposition of foods: be on guard against ~ed mayonnaise.  蛋黄酱(尤指三明治填料)
  f) rot
dabfec Right group decay mean to undergo destructive dissolution.

1. suggests that one fails to distinguish two things that have similarities or common characteristics: ~ moral and political issues.
  a) mistake
2. implies the seizing of something that has been in motion or in flight or in hiding: ~ the dog as it ran by.
  b) confound
3. implies that one mixes things up so hopelessly as to be unable to detect their difference or distinctions and usually connotes mental bewilderment or a muddled mind: hopelessly  ~ed by the wealth of choices avialable.
  c) catch
4. implies that one fails to recognize a thing or to grasp its real nature and therefore identifies it with something not itself: ~ synthetic fur for real.
  d) confuse
dcba Right group mistake mean to mix things up or take one thing to be another.

1. implies a force that brings about a change (as in nature or behavior): our beliefs are ~ by our upbringing. a drug that ~ growth rates.
  a) influence
2. implies the acting of the influences that are not resisted or irresistible, with resulting change in character or course of action: politicians who are ~ by popular opinion.
  b) affect
3. implies the action of a stimulus that can produce a response or reaction: the sight ~ him deeply.
  c) sway
4. stresses notions of slovenliness, unkemptness, and sordidness: a run-down ~ apartment.  slovenly有2个意思,1、邋遢不整洁messy, unclean, untidy,如slovenly clothes/habit不整洁的衣服/邋遢的习惯,如he grew lazy and slovenly in his habits他养成了懒散邋遢的习惯; 2、马虎的careless, 如slovenly thinking随便的想一想,如Lisa was irritated by the slovenly attitude of her boy friend莉萨对男朋友吊儿郎当的态度很恼火)  (unkempt没收拾的、头发蓬乱not looked after carefully or kept neat,如his hair was unkempt and filthy他的头发蓬乱污秽)  sordid脏到恶心的
  d) impress
5. stresses the depth and persistence of the effect: only one of the plans ~ him.
  e) slatternly
6. may carry a vivid of suggestion of close contact and may connote stirring, arousing, or harming: plants ~ed by frost. his emotions were ~ed by her distress.
  f) strike
7. may convey the notion of sudden sharp perception or appreciation: ~ by the solemnity of the occasion.
  g) touch
acbedgf Right group affect mean to produce or have an effect upon. (effect效果对应cause原因,这组词表示原因产生效果的动作affect影响)

1. suggests inhumane imposing of burdens one cannot endure or exacting more than one can perform: a people ~ed by a warmongering tyrant.
  a) aggrieve
2. implies inflicting injury either unmerited or out of proportion to what one deserves: a penal system that had ~ed him.
  b) wrong
3. implies that one passes over a behavior, such as dishonesty or violence, that seriously breaches moral, ethical or penal code: a society that ~ alchcol but not drugs.
  c) persecute
4. implies a relentless and unremitting subjection to annoyance or suffering: a boy with a clubfoot ~d by his playmates.
  d) oppress
5. implies suffering caused by an infringement or denial of rights: a legal aid society representing ~d minority groups.
  e) condone
dbeca Right group wrong mean to injure unjustly or outrageously.首字母WOPA想成A POW一个战俘<==遭迫害

1. implies innocence and absence of temptation RATHER than control of one’s impulses and actions: the ~ of heart.
  a) pure
2. primarily implies a refraining from acts or even thoughts or desires that are not virginal or not sanctioned by marriage vows: maintained ~ relations until marriage.
  b) chaste
3. stresses regard for what is considered seemly and proper: ~ people didn’t go to such movies.
  c) gain
4. is likely to imply a struggle to reach a contemplated or desired goal or end: ~ed a measure of self-confidence from the experience.  struggle 1、打斗斗争when two people struggle with each other, they fight,如she screamed at him to 'stop it' as they struggled on the ground他们在地上扭打成一团,她尖叫着“别打了”,2、奋斗拼搏to strive,如a country struggling for independence为独立而奋斗的国家,或表示3、困难的having difficulty,如life as a struggling artist生活困难的艺术家。这里表示义项2: 奋斗拼搏)  contemplate沉思专心思考
  d) modest
5. stresses absence of characteristics of dress or behavior unbefitting one who is pure and chaste: her dress was always ~.
  e) decent
abecd Right group chaste mean free from all taint of what is lewd or salacious.

1. implies the discharge of an obligation incurred: we pay taxes in exchange for government services.   (incur招致,带来强调相应责任stresses responsibility for what is incurred, 如the government had also incurred huge debts政府已债累累)
  a) content
2. implies the full appeasement not only of desires and longings BUT of needs and requirements: ~ her fondest desire.
  b) pay
3. implies the appeasement to the point where one is not disquieted or disturbed even though every wish is NOT gratified: refused to ~ herself with the answer.
  c) satisfy
bca Right group satisfy mean to appease one's desires or longings.

1. implies the promised or actual making good of a loss, injury, or damage suffered through accident, disaster, or warfare: the government cannot ~ the families of military casualties.
  a) repay
2. suggests due return in amounts, friendly repayment, or reward: the hotel ~d us with a free bottle of champagne.
  b) compensate
3. implies the discharge of an obligation incurred: we pay taxes in exchange for government services.   (incur招致,带来强调相应责任stresses responsibility for what is incurred, 如the government had also incurred huge debts政府已债累累)
  c) pay
4. more clearly suggests a paying for services rendered and may extend to payment that is generous or not contracted for: promised to ~ the searchers handsomely.
  d) recompense
5. implies the paying of what is demanded or required by law: all creditors will be ~ied in full.
  e) reimburse
6. heightens the implications of exertion and difficulty and connotes a striving to fulfill a duty: ~ed to find survivors of the crash.
  f) remunerate
7. stresses the paying back of an equivalent in kind or amount: ~ a loan.
  g) indemnify
8. implies a return of money that has been expended for another's benefit: the company will ~ the employees for expenses incurred.
  h) endeavor
9. implies a counterbalancing of services rendered or help given: an attorney well ~d for her services.
  i) satisfy
gdcfihaeb Right group pay mean to give money or its equivalent in return for something.首字母PCRSRIRR组合成RRRR PICS,想成4Rolls of PICtureS四卷画<==Franz Schubert用lullaby摇篮曲支付土豆烧牛肉,想像Vincent Van Gough用4卷画支付什么(上帝总是把他的宠儿放在最艰苦的地方)

1. implies customary moods and attitudes toward the life around one: a boy of cheerful ~. 
  a) character
2. implies some distinctive mood, attitude, or way of thinking that determines the impressions produced on others: a leader of severe and authoritarian ~.
  b) personality
3. applies to an aggregate of qualities that distinguish one as an individual: a somber ~ not to everyone's liking.
  c) disposition
4. implies the qualities acquired from experiences that determine how one meets difficulties or handles situations: the national ~ has always been one of optimism.
  d) temper
5. suggests a falling short of what is desired or desirable RATHER than of what is essential: accorded the guests ~ welcome. 
  e) scanty
6. applies to the aggregate of moral qualities by which a person is judged apart from his intelligence, competence or special talents: a woman of resolute ~.
  f) complexion
7. implies a pattern of innate characteristics that results FROM one's specific physical, mental, or emotional makeup: an artistic ~ inherited from his mother.
  g) temperament
cfbdeag Right group disposition mean dominant qualities distinguishing a person or group.

1. stresses an intent to mark boundaries  so as to prevent confusion, conflict, or overlap: ~d clearly the limits of their freedom.
  a) baneful
2. implies injury through poisoning or destroying influence: the ~ notion that discipline destroys creativity.
  b) define
3. implies an intent to provide explicit direction or clear guidance to those who accept or are bound by one's authority: the Constitution ~s the conditions under which it may be amended.
  c) assign
4. implies an arbitrary but not despotic determination, allotment, or designation for the sake of an end such as harmonious functioning, smooth routine, or proper or efficient operation: ~ a worker to the late shift.
  d) prescribe
badc Right group prescribe mean to fix arbitrarily or authoritatively.

1. applies to a peculiar(=distinctive) and distinctive characteristic of an individual or class: each of the island's villages had a distinctive ~.
  a) attribute
2. intensifies sureness or certainty and may imply opinionated conviction or the forceful expression of it: she is ~ that he is the killer.
  b) positive
3. a characteristic ASCRIBEd to a thing or being: a man with none of the traditional ~ of a popular hero.
  c) character
cba Right group character mean an intelligible feature by which a thing may be identified or understood. (feature特征也是基本词,本条有3个基本词,trait,characteristic和feature)

1. stresses enduring and merited honor and glory attached to a deed or person: the ~ deeds of national heroes.
  a) illustrious
2. implies something which is essentially good has been carried to an excessive and offensive degree: the ~ flattery of a celebrity interviewer.
  b) unctuous
3. implies an offensively ingratiating quality and sometimes suggests a suavity or  benevolence or kindliness that masks a sinister or dubious intent: ~ land developers trying to persuade older residents to sell.  ingratiating讨人喜欢,让人对自己有好感applies to a person trying to make others like him or her常有贬义,如ingratiating smile讨好的笑容,来自词根GRAT表示喜欢to please, welcome, agree)
  c) oleaginous
4. may be used in place of oily to suggest pomposity or to convey a mocking tone: an ~ host fawning over the female guests.
  d) oily
5. implies the hypocritical adoption of a grave, devout, or spiritual manner: the ~ pleading of the First Amendment by  pornographers.
  e) fulsome
aedcb Right:) group fulsome mean too obviously extravagant or ingratiating to be accepted as genuine or sincere.

1. may imply importance in social rank  but more generally implies importance because of probable or possible effects: whatever style you choose is of little ~.
  a) retaliate
2. implies a more or less equivalent exchange or a paying back of what one has received: ~ their hostility by inviting them for a visit.
  b) consequence
3. implies a paying back according to one's preference and often not equivalently: ~ed her love with cold indifference.
  c) requite
4. usually implies a paying back of injury in exact kind by way of vengeance: the enemy ~d by executing their prisoners.
  d) reciprocate
5. implies a paying back of something usually in kind but sometimes by way of contrast: ~ed their kindness with ingratitude.
  e) return
bdcae Right:) group reciprocate mean to give back usually in kind or in quantity.

1. may suggest grouping on the basis of status, attitude, or temperament: synics of that ~.
  a) description
2. may be indefinite and involve any criterion of classification whatever: that ~ of ice-cream; or may suggest  natural and inherent criteria: a zoo with animals of every ~.
  b) type
3. stress acknowledge of power or authority of another, and oft. sug. loss of  independence: hung his head in a gesture of ~.
  c) ilk
4. stresses the distinguishing and individualizing criteria that mark the group: a society with little of the ~ of an advanced culture.
  d) nature
5. may imply inherent, essential resemblance rather than obvious, superficial likeness: two problems of a similar ~.
  e) sort
6. often close to kind, may suggest a note of disparagement: the ~ of newspaper dealing in sensational stories.
  f) kind
7. may suggest strong and clearly marked similarity throughout the items included so that the distinctiveness of the group is obvious: one of three basic body ~s.
  g) submission
8. implies a group marked by agreements in all details of a type as described or defined: not all individuals of that ~ are truly psychotic.
  h) character
cfghdeba Right:) group type mean a number of individuals thought of as a group because of a common quality or qualities.首字母TKSNIDC重组成Ti Cai和KINDS题材种类<==类型

1. implies tender or sometimes slightly contemptuous sympathy or sorrow for one in distress: he felt a tender ~ for her.
  a) compassion
2. is likely to suggest pity or compassion resulting from the softening of a stern or indifference spirit: an old man ignorant of the healing effects of ~.
  b) usefulness
3. is the most general term, ranging in meaning from friendly interest or agreement in taste to emotional identification: felt ~ for his political beliefs.
  c) pity
4. is employed chiefly with reference to definite concrete things that serve or are capable of serving a practical purpose: demonstrated the ~ of the gadget.
  d) sympathy
5. implies a capacity for vicarious feeling, but the feeling need not be one of sorrow not involve agreement: lacked capacity for ~ for the plight of others.
  e) ruth
6. implies tenderness and understanding and a desire to aid or spare: treated the sick with great ~; BUT can be quite impersonal in its reference: justice tempered with ~.  宽严相济 
  f) empathy
cedbfa Right:) group sympathy mean a feeling for or a capacity for sharing in the interests or distress of another.

1. implies the holding of a specific or formal office, duty, or trust: the bureau ~ for tax collection.
  a) quiet
2. also applicable to soundless motion, usually connotes absence of commotion or sounds of activity or movement: a cat slowly advancing on ~ feet.
  b) still
3. applies to what is motionless and adds the implication of hush and absence of sound: the dark, ~ night.
  c) responsible
4. like still, may implies absence of perceptible motion or sound or both, but it is likely to stress absence of excitement or turbulence, and connote tranquility, serenity, or repose: a ~ town.
  d) silent
5. applies to motion and stir UNaccompanied by sound and carries a strong impression of silence: a submarine equipped for ~ running.
  e) noiseless
cebad Right:) group still meaning unknown

1. adds the implication of being designed or planned or expected to stand or continue indefintely: a ~ living arrangement.
  a) screen
2. implies power of resistance to destructive agencies that exceeds that of others of the same kind or sort: ~ fabrics.
  b) stable
3. implies an interposing of something that shelters, hides, or merely obscures: ~ed her true identity from her colleagues.
  c) durable
4. implies lastingness or durability because deep-rooted or balanced or established and therefore resistant to being overturned or displaced: a ~ government.
  d) lasting
5. implies a capacity to continue indefinitely: a book that left a ~ impression on me.
  e) permanent
ecabd Right:) group lasting mean enduring for so long as to seem fixed or established.首字母LPDS排序成PLDS漂亮的事<==持久的事

1. implies the quieting of agitation or insistent demands by making concessions: nothing seemed to ~ their appetite for territorial expansion.
  a) miserly
2. implies a penuriousness motivated by obssesive avariousness and morbid pleasure for hoarding: a ~ man indifferent to the cries of the needy.
  b) mollify
3. suggests a smoothing or calming or the quelling of insurrection: a sincere apology seemed to ~ his rage. (smooth除了光滑还表平静,谚语a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor平静海面培养不出出色的水手,calm意思一样) (rage和anger区别: anger泛指任何生气,rage指非常生气,几乎失控,如screaming with rage愤怒吼叫)  (insurrection泛指反抗起义,一般组织性较弱,如slaves' insurrection奴隶起义)
  c) placate
4. implies the softening of anger or the soothing of hurt feelings by positive action: a promise of a hearing ~ied the demonstrators.
  d) appease
5. suggest a change of resentment or bitterness to goodwill: bought flower to ~ his irate wife.   (irate非常生气: very angry,如irate customer暴怒的顾客)
  e) pacify
6. implies the averting of anger or malevolence or the winning of favor especially of a powerful person: ~ his mother-in-law by getting the clean-cut look. malevolence恶意: 形容自身邪恶,如deep malevolence governed his every act他做的每件事都有深深恶意
  f) propitiate
7. suggests the ending of an estrangement by persuasion, concession or settling of differences: America's efforts to ~ the nations of the Middle East.
  g) conciliate
daebcfg Right:) group pacify mean to ease or quilt the anger or disturbance of someone or something.首字母MAC PPP的P想成PP CAMP两人去宿营<==安抚不和

1. carries strong implications of permission, allowance, or sufferance: ~ new members to a club.
  a) admit
2. carries the notion of accepting or at least of making no positive protest against receiving, and often of almost welcoming on principle, what is offered, conferred, or inflicted: a man who took whatever fortune sent him.
  b) accept
3. can imply a welcoming recognition: ~ guests with open arms; but more often it implies that something comes or is allowed to come into one's possession or presence while one is passive: ~d the news without comment.
  c) air
4. adds to receive an implication of some degree of positive acquiescence or consent even if tacit: refused to ~ a valuable gift from a comparative stranger.
  d) receive
5. may suggest natural acquirement through environment or way of life: years of living in Europe had given him a sophisticated ~.
  e) take
aedbc Right:) group receive mean to permit to come into one's possession, presence, group, mind, or substance.

1. implies the use of a band or bond to attach two or more things firmly together: used wire to ~ the gate to the fence post.
  a) bind
2. describes something corrective or beneficially effective, even though it may in itself be unpleasant: a ~ warning that resulted in increased production.
  b) salutary
3. implies the use of a line, such as a rope or chain or strap, to attach one thing that may move to another that is stable: ~ the boat securely to the dock.
  c) tie
abc Right:) group tie mean to make fast or secure.

1. implies vigorously aggressive action, especially in war, or it denotes a particular episode marked by such action: launched an economic ~ to stave off a recession.
  a) offense
2. implies the initiation of action, often sudden and violent: sustained running ~ resulting in an early touchdown.
  b) dense
3. stresses a lack of provocation and a desire for conquest or domination, chiefly by military invasion of another's territory: pledged never to fight a war of ~.
  c) attack
4. characterizes the position or methods of the attackers with specific reference to their desire for supremacy: went on the ~ to gain as much ground as possible.
  d) aggression
5. implies a thickheaded imperviousness to ideas or impressions: was too ~ to take a hint.
  e) offensive
ecdab Right:) group attack mean action in a struggle for supremacy, either military or athletic, which must be defended against.

1. implies that essential or striking qualities are so weak or diluted that as to seem utterly insipid or vapid: a set of ~ opinions on national issues.
  a) inane
2. implies lack of any significant or convincing quality or of any sense or point: gave an ~ interpretation of the play.
  b) jejune
3. applies to things that has lost their sparkle or zest and become dull and lifeless: although well-regarded in its day, this novel now seems ~.
  c) whishy-washy
4. suggests lack of liveliness, freshness, sparkle, force or spirit: a potentially exciting story given a ~ treatment.
  d) banal
5. suggests a lack of rewarding or satisfying substance and connotes barrenness, aridity, and meagerness: on close reading the poem comes across as ~.
  e) insipid
6. stresses the presence of trite and commonplace elements and the complete absence of freshness , novelty, or immediacy: a ~ tale of unrequited love.  (immediacy: 实时, 因为直接)
  f) vapid
7. implies a lack of sufficient taste or flavor to please or interest: ~ art and dull prose. (flavor也是味道,但表示 taste+smell即味觉加嗅觉)
  g) laconic
8. implies brevity to the point of seeming rude, indifferent, or mysterious: a ~ people who are cold to strangers.
  h) flat
cahfbdeg Right:) group insipid meaning unknown

1. implies the extraordinary ability to go on continuously and without interruption: ~ researchers who fight against the disease.
  a) untiring
2. stresses the apparent absence of any sign of fatigue in the person or thing concerned: detectives remain ~ in their search for the killer.
  b) unflagging
3. implies persistent or unremitting activity or effort: an ~ champion of women’s rights.
  c) unwearied
4. implies a remarkable energy or stamina: honored as a teacher of ~ industry and limitless patience.
  d) tireless
5. is likely to imply a natural or homogeneous association of similar things or persons: a ~ of bananas.
  e) bunch
6. stresses the absence of any diminution or relaxation in one’s efforts or powers: an ~ attention to detail.
  f) indefatigable
Wrong acfdeb Right:) group indefatigable mean capable of prolonged and strenuous effort.

1. implies the exercise of proper authority in abolishing or making void: ~ed their earlier decision in a second vote.
  a) rescind
2. implies a calling back that annuls or abrogates what was previously done: had his license ~d for ninety days.
  b) repeal
3. stress the psychological effect of a combination of sounds or any excessively noisy scene and implies annoyance and disturbance: the ~ of pigs demanding food; impossible to hear oneself think amid the ~.
  c) recall
4. a less technical term, can replace any of the others: ~ a bid in bridge.
  d) revoke
5. usually implies revocation of a law or ordinance by the legislative body that made it: ~ed the parking ban.  (ordinance: 地方性针对特定行为的法律,权力有限)
  e) reverse
6. usually applies specifically to a high court's action in overthrowing a disputed law, decree, or court decision: the court of appeals ~d the opinion of the circuit court; when applied to actions or judgments of a non-judicial nature, it implies an upsetting of what was previously done: convinced the umpire to ~ his decision.
  f) clamor,racket
adfcbe Right:) group revoke mean to undo something previously done.

1. implies a petty feeling of envy and resentment that is often expressed in small harassment or meanness: petty insults Inspred only by ~.  (inspire这时贬义)
  a) malignity
2. implies deep-seated often unexplainable desire to see another suffer: felt no ~ for his former enemies; or it may suggest a causeless passing mischievous impulse: a rascal full of ~. (feel ... for固定搭配,感到) (注意mischievous拼写) (rascal坏蛋,用于小孩表示淘气鬼
  b) malice
3. implies a feeling of antipathy that is of limited duration and usually lacks any element of mental turmoil: a directive that provoked ~ among the employees.
  c) grudge
4. suggests appearance to unaided senses that is not or may not be proven by more rigorous examination or greater knowledge: the ~ cause of the train wreck.
  d) ill will
5. implies deep passion and relentless driving force: never viewed her daughter-in-law with anything but ~.
  e) malignancy
6. suggests aggressive maliciousness that comes from a basically evil or injurious nature: proceeded to treat the employees with insupportable ~.
  f) malevolence
7. suggests the wrathful release of latent spite or persistent malice: quick to vent his ~ upon incompetent subordinates.
  g) spite
8. suggest a bitter, persistent hatred and may suggest inherent evil that is likely to be expressed in malicious conduct: deep ~ governed his every act.
  h) spleen
9. implies a harbored or cherished feeling of resentment or ill will that seeks satisfaction: never one to harbor a ~.
  i) apparent
gbdiaehfc Right:) group malice mean the desire or wish to see another experience pain, injury or distress.

1. stress the psychological effect of a combination of sounds or any excessively noisy scene and implies annoyance and disturbance: the ~ of pigs demanding food; impossible to hear oneself think amid the ~.
  a) din
2. stresses the confusing and seemingly meaningless mass of sound that results from a mingling of languages and vocal qualities: the incomprehensible ~ of everyone talking at once.
  b) babel
3. stresses the unfolding of what is latent and the attainment of what is possible to the species and potential to the individual: a child who had not yet ~ed a cynical outlook.
  c) develop
4. suggests prolonged and deafening clangor or insistent earsplitting metallic sounds: the ~ of a machine shop.  (clangor铿锵: a loud, resonant noise巨大低沉噪音,多指金属或钝器碰撞,如he could hear the clang of distant bells他可以听到远钟的铿锵作响)  machine shop机械或修理厂
  d) hullabaloo
5. denotes the confusing mixtures of sounds characteristic of the incessant movement of activities and business: the ~ of city streets.
  e) hubbub
6. suggests tumults or wild disorder or often the sound of a multitude noisily or riotously protesting, arguing or defying: remarks that threw the crowd into an ~.
  f) clamor,racket
7. suggests the tumultuous din produced when a crowd or group becomes uncontrollably boisterous: ~ erupted as soon as the teacher left the room. (boisterous由于情绪高亢宣泄而大声,如a boisterous crowd of partygoers一群喧闹聚会的人,2018-07-03 吵闹vociferous-obstreperous中介绍)
  g) uproar
8. suggests great excitement, stormy protest, and an interruption of peace and quiet RATHER than vociferous turmoil: resubmitted his proposal after the ~ died down.
  h) pandemonium
fbcaeghd Right:) group din mean a disturbing or confusing welter of sounds or a situation marked by such a welter.

1. implies the possession or manifestation of moral excellence in character: a person not conventionally religious, but ~ in all other respects. 
  a) moral
2. may suggest the involvement of more difficult and subtle questions of rightness, fairness, or equity and usually implies the existence or conformance to an elevated code of standards: his strict ~ code would not tolerate it.
  b) noble
3. implies conformity to established codes or accepted notions of right and wrong: the basic ~ values of a community.
  c) ethical
4. implies a false impression based on deceptive resemblance or faulty observation, or influenced by emotions that prevent a clear view: the ~ happiness of a new infatuation.
  d) virtuous
5. implies moral eminence and freedom from anything petty, mean or dubious in conduct or character: had only the ~st of reasons for pursuing the case.   (标蓝的三个词虽然贬义,但语气都轻,如mean表示让人不喜欢,如心胸窄脾气坏贪婪。连这些小毛病都没有,可见noble褒义最强,贵族nobleman)
  e) illusory
6. stresses guiltlessness or blamelessness and often suggests sanctimoniousness: responded to the charge with ~ indignation.  (guilt表示至少也是重错,但比crime重罪轻些)
  f) righteous
dcaebf Right:) group moral mean conforming to a standard of what is right and good.首字母MEVRN想成Very Respectable MEN非常值得尊敬的人<==有道德

1. emphasizes the approach to or attainment of the peak of perfection: bided his time, waiting for his hatred to ~.   approach接近to come near to
  a) develop
2. may equal mature when applied to the young but more often it implies approach to the period of decline or decay: wine and cheese improve as they ~.
  b) mature
3. fundamentally implies a sense of being overwhelmed or overcome by great superiority or impressiveness and may suggest such varied reactions as standing mute, adoration, profound reverence, terror, or submissiveness: stood in ~ of his talent.
  c) ripen
4. stresses the unfolding of what is latent and the attainment of what is possible to the species and potential to the individual: a child who had not yet ~ed a cynical outlook.
  d) age
5. in its basic application to living things, stresses fullness of growth and attainment of adult characteristics: ~ed nicely during her college years.
  e) awe
cdeab Right:) group mature mean to come or cause to come to be fit for use or enjoyment.

1. in the sense here considered occurs chiefly in religious use and implies awed recognition of divine power and majesty: lived in ~ of the Lord.
  a) awe
2. fundamentally implies a sense of being overwhelmed or overcome by great superiority or impressiveness and may suggest such varied reactions as standing mute, adoration, profound reverence, terror, or submissiveness: stood in ~ of his talent.
  b) reverence
3. implies a character in the thing observed that gives it the appearance, sometimes through intent, of something else: the ~ simplicity of the story.
  c) seeming
4. stresses a recognition of the sacredness or inviolability of the person or thing which stimulates the emotion: demonstrated a lack of ~ for the truth.
  d) fear
dacb Right:) group reverence mean the emotion inspired by something that arouses one's deep respect or veneration.

1. implies a false impression based on deceptive resemblance or faulty observation, or influenced by emotions that prevent a clear view: the ~ happiness of a new infatuation.
  a) ostensible
2. suggests a discrepancy between an openly declared or logically implied aim or reason and the true one: business was the ~ reason for their visit.   (discrepancy差异不相符:本应相同的事物有差异a difference between two things that should be the same,如the discrepancy between press and radio reports新闻和广播报道之间的出入)
  b) illusory
3. implies a character in the thing observed that gives it the appearance, sometimes through intent, of something else: the ~ simplicity of the story.
  c) seeming
4. suggests appearance to unaided senses that is not or may not be proven by more rigorous examination or greater knowledge: the ~ cause of the train wreck.
  d) apparent
bacd Right:) group apparent mean not actually being what appearance indicates.

1. implies a medical agent that causes insensibilities to pain and other sensations either locally or generally: given an ~ by the dentist before her tooth was pulled.
  a) analgesic
2. suggests a somewhat penetrating, pervasive, or sometimes pungent, but usually pleasant odor: the ~ of freshly ground coffee.
  b) anesthetic
3. may be applied to any agent used to relieve pain whether by dulling the perception of pain OR by altering the situation and has a literary rather than a medical connotation: took a long, hard walk as an ~ for disappointment.
  c) aroma
4. applies especially to a medical preparation used locally or systematically to dull the sensation of pain: used liniment as an ~ for stiff joints. ( liniment擦剂,油膏,如红花油)
  d) anodyne
bcda Right:) group anodyne mean something used to relieve or prevent pain.

1. implies a refusal to accept either a rightful claim or an imputation made by another: ~ed in equal measure the virtues and vices attributed to her.
  a) disclaim
2. implies a rejection or denial of something that had been previously acknowledged, recognized, or accepted: ~d the socialist views of his college days.
  b) bete noire
3. implies the withholding of sanction or approval and sometimes suggests complete rejection or condemnation: IRS auditors ~ed that deduction.
  c) repudiate
4. implies a vigorous rejection or renunciation of something with which one formerly had a close relationship: ~ed his allegiance to the country of his birth.
  d) disown
5. suggests a pet aversion that one habitually or especially avoids: his mooching brother-in-law was the ~ of his life.
  e) disavow
6. implies a vigorous denial of personal responsibility, acceptance, or approval: the radical group ~ed any responsibility for the bombing.
  f) disallow
Wrong acfdbe Right:) group disclaim mean to refuse to admit, accept, or approve.

1. implies a warm and steady emotion: read the poem aloud with great ~.
  a) competent and qualified
2. suggests ability above the average as revealed in actual performance: proved that she is an ~ Shakespeare actress.
  b) fervor
3.implies having the experience or training for adequate performance: a leap that any ~(competent) ballet dancer can execute; seek help from a ~(qualified) medical professional.
  c) able
4. stresses the having of qualities fitting one for work, but does not imply outstanding  qualities: ~ of doing simple tasks under supervision.
  d) capable
bcad Right:) group able meaning unknown

1. implies a usually habitual, often temperamental fondness for jesting and joking: a ~ fellow whose humor often brightened spirits.
  a) jocular
2. implies lack of deviation from what has been discovered or established as the most usual or expected: ~ behavior for a two-year-old boy.
  b) normal
3. stresses conformity to a rule, standard, or pattern: the ~ monthly meeting of the organization.
  c) regular
4. implies showing all important traits of a type, class, or group and may suggest lack of marked individuality: a ~ small town in American.
  d) typical
5. applies to what conforms to a thing's essential nature, function, or mode of being: the ~ love of a mother for her child. (essential本质是指最重要,如果改变会导致整个事物改变的东西,如conflict is an essential element in drama冲突是戏剧的本质要素,但这里nature天性是主要意思,所以没有标红essential)
  e) natural
abcde Right:) group regular mean being of thesort or kind that is expected as usual, ordinary, or average.

1. suggests a bringing back to a former state or condition of someone or something abandoned or debased: ~ed long-abandoned farms.  debase贬值减损败坏implies loss of worth or quality or good name,如to debase a currency货币贬值,drunkenness has debased the Mardi Gras酗酒败坏了美国狂欢节的声誉)
  a) rescue
2. implies a delivering from bondage or penalty by giving what is demanded or necessary as an equivalent: ~ed her from a life of boredom.
  b) deliver
3. suggests a cowing, subduing, disheartening, or frightening in a venture that requires courage: problems that would ~ even the most intrepid of reformers.
  c) save
4. implies the releasing usually of a person from confinement, temptation, slavery, suffering, or something that distresses: ~ed his people from bondage.
  d) daunt
5. may replace any of the foregoing terms, or it may further imply a preserving or maintaining for usefulness or continued existence: a social worker who ~d youths from life as criminals.
  e) redeem
6. specifically applies to a buying out of captivity: subjects forced to ~ their king.  臣民
  f) reclaim
7. implies a freeing from imminent danger by prompt or vigorous action: ~ the crew of a sinking ship.
  g) ransom
fedbcga Right:) group rescue mean to set free from confinement, risk or danger.首字母RDRRRS四人的事,想成人人的事<==拯救

1. applies to a momentous or conspicuous arrival or an appearance upon a scene especially for the first time: the ~ of a new age in space travel.
  a) advent
2. adds to nerve and gall the notion of supreme confidence: his ~ got him into the exclusive party.
  b) arrival
3. emphasizes the preceding travel or movement: an ~ delayed by fog and ice.
  c) chutzpah
acb Right:) group arrival mean the reaching of a destination.

1. stresses clear and unequivocally diametrical opposition: a law that is ~ to the basic idea of democracy.
  a) tasty
2. implies a pronounced and appetizing taste: stale shrimp that were far from ~.
  b) antithetical
3. implies extreme divergence or diametrical opposition of such things as opinions, motives, intentions, or ideas: ~ accounts of the late president's character.
  c) opposite
4. applies to things that stand in sharp contrast or in conflict: they held ~ views on foreign aid.
  d) contradictory
5. applies to two things that completely negate each other so that if one is true or valid the other must be untrue or invalid: made ~ predictions about the stock market.
  e) contrary
baecd Right:) group opposite mean being so far apart as to be or seem irreconcilable.


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