

【同义词练习】 第16/30周(2023.08.07--2023.08.13)

jason246 发表于 2023-8-13 23:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. suggests an occurrence of brief duration or relatively slight importance: one of the minor ~s of the war.
  a) incident
2. like figure, suggests an outline but carries a stronger implication of the enclosed body or mass: the ~ of the monument was pyramidal.
  b) occurrence
3. implies a specific detail attending an action or event: couldn't remember the exact ~s.
  c) shape
4. usually implies an occurrence of some importance and frequently one having evident antecedent causes: the sequence of ~s following the assassination.
  d) circumstance
5. implies any happening without intent, volition, or plan: a meeting that was a chance ~.
  e) episode
6. stresses the distinctiveness or apartness of an incident: recounted some amusing ~s from his youth.
  f) event
acdfbe Right group occurrence mean something that happens or takes place.

1. applies to what is on or comes from the outside and may OR may not be capable of becoming an essential part: ~ arguments that obscure the real issue.
  a) same
2. is stronger than foreign in suggesting such strangeness as leads to opposition, repugnance, or incompatibility: a practice that is totally ~ to our democratic principles.
  b) foreign
3. applies to what is so different as to be rejected or repelled or, if admitted, to be incapable of becoming identified or assimilated by the thing in question: inflammation resulting from a ~ body in the eye.
  c) extraneous
4. may imply that the things under consideration are one thing OR, although distinct, have no appreciable difference: we took the same ~ on the ~ day.
  d) alien
5. applies to what is distinctly outside the thing in question or is not contained in or derived from its essential nature: sentimental attachment that is ~ to the house's market value.
  e) extrinsic
cdbae Right group extrinsic mean external to a thing, its essential nature, or its original character.

1. sug.a deceiving lack of substance, soundness, genuineness, or value: 例1: an ~ attempt at reconciliation (empty). 例2: a ~ victory that benefited no one (hollow).
  a) empty,hollow
2. implies either absolute OR relative absence of value or worth: it's ~ to think we can alter destiny.
  b) vain
3. implies the having of something as one's own or for one's use: a company that ~ed a fine reputation.
  c) idle
4. sug. an lack of capacity for worthwhile use or effect: It is ~ to speculate on what might have been.
  d) otiose
5. sug. that sth, serves NO purpose and is either an encumbrance OR superfluity: not a single Scene in the film is ~.
  e) nugatory
6. sug. triviality and insignificance: a monarch with ~ powers.
  f) enjoy
abfcde Right group vain mean being without worth or significance.

1. implies a merging or mingling that obscures identity of each unit: ~ the ingredients for a cake.
  a) wizen
2. implies a loss of vital moisture, such as sap or tissue fluids, with consequent fading or drying up: ~ leaves; or suggests a comparable loss of vigor, vitality, or animation: interest that ~ed as the hard work increased.
  b) combine
3. carries a stronger impression of a becoming wrinkled or crinkled or shrunken: leaves ~ in the hot sun.
  c) wither
4. may be preferred when the notion of shrinking in size and accompanying wrinkling of the surface are stressed, especially if the shrinking is caused by aging, deprivation, or failing vitality: the ~ed old man; the ~ed face of the starving child.
  d) shrivel
bcda Right group wither mean to lose or cause to lose freshness and smoothness of appearance.

1. may imply any or all of these agricultural practices or may apply to any gathering in or husbanding: ~ed a bumper crop.
  a) blench
2. suggests an instinctive recoiling through sensitivities, scrupulousness, or cowardice: refused to ~ from responsibilities.   cowardice胆怯语气比fear害怕重,因此shrink语气比recoil重 
  b) wince
3. implies a failure to endure pain or to face something dangerous or frightening with resolution: faced her accusers without ~ling.
  c) recoil
4. suggests a slight involuntary physical recoiling from what pains, frightens, or disgusts: ~d when the new secretary called him by his first name.
  d) shrink
5. suggests a shrinking and cowering in fear: ~ed at the fury of the storm.
  e) quail
6. implies fainthearted, fearful flinching: never ~ed even as his head was lowered on the guillotine.  3个f fainthearted胆小的胆怯的not confident, not taking strong actions, because being afraid of failing,如this is no time to be faint-hearted现在不是怯懦的时候,词组not for the faint-hearted表示不适合怯懦的人applies to something that is unusual or extreme, and is not suitable for people who like only safe and familiar things,如it's a film about a serial killer and not for the faint-hearted这部电影是讲连环杀手,不适合胆小的人看)
  f) harvest
7. implies a start of a movement away prompted by shock, fear, or disgust: ~s at the sight of blood.
  g) flinch
fdgbeac Right group recoil mean to draw back in fear or distaste. RSFWBQ不问人情是非<==退缩

1. tends to retain its comparative force and apply to what is farther out from something described as inner: the ~ layer of skin is called the epidermis; or is farther than another thing from a center: shed one's ~ garments.
  a) proportional
2. may apply to several closely related things that change without altering their relations: medical fees are ~ to one's income.
  b) exterior
3. close to outside in meaning, may be preferred when location beyond or away from the thing under consideration is implied: directed their attention to ~ affairs.
  c) external
4. also close to outside, may be preferred when location on the surface or outer limits of the thing is implied: gave the ~ of the building a fresh coat of paint.
  d) outside
5. usually implies a position on or a reference to the outer parts or surface of a thing: a shutter covered the ~ of the window; it also tends to apply to what is beyond some implied limit: looked for caused in ~ influences.
  e) outer
6. commonly implies motion or direction away from, or the reverse of, what is inward: given to ~ display;  or implies what is apparent, as opposed to what is within or is spiritual or mental: an ~ show of courage belied his inward terror.
  f) outward
eacbdf Right group outer mean being or placed without something.首字母OOOEE,out,ex都是表示外的词根<==外部

1. implies direct or intuitive perception esp. of intangibles or of emotional states or qualities: a doctor who was ~ of the woman's deep depression.
  a) conscious
2. suggests vivid awareness and acute sensitivity to something: fully ~ to the momentousness of the occasion.
  b) decry
3. implies one has become alive to something and on the alert: a country not ~n to the danger of persistent inflation.
  c) sensible
4. implies open condemnation with intent to discredit: ~ied their do-nothing attitude.
  d) awake
5. implies vigilance in observing and alertness in inferring from what is observed: ~ of a great number of police officers Out and About.  (alret和vigil首字母av和aware发音相同
  e) aware
6. implies focusing one's attention on something ALREADY perceptible to the mind or senses: ~ that my heart is pounding away.
  f) cognizant
7. implies possession of special or certain knowledge as from first-hand source: as yet, not fully ~ of all the facts.
  g) alive
cgdbeaf Right group aware meaning unknown

1. suggests bold self-confidence in expression of one's opinion: ~ speakers dominated the open forum.
  a) self-assertive
2. implies a disposition to dominate often in disregard of others' rights or in determined and energetic pursuit of one's ends: ~ and successful in the business world.
  b) assertive
3. may apply to ambition or enterprise or to snobbish and crude intrusiveness or officiousness: ~ salespeople using ~ tactics; ~ people break into the line for tickets.
  c) aggressive
4. suggests not self-seeking but devotion to a cause, movement, or principle: ~  environmentalists staged a protest.
  d) militant
5. implies being overcome by shame, mortification, or loss of hope or confidence and an utter lack of cheerfulness: negative reviews left the actors feeling ~.
  e) downcast
6. connotes forwardness or brash self-confidence: a ~ young executive climbing the corporate ladder.
  f) pushing,pushy
bcfdea Right group aggressive mean obtrusively energetic especially in pursuing particular goals.

1. implies a more effective action to make something conform to a rule or standard of what is right, just, or properly controlled or directed: a major error in judgment that should be ~ at once.
  a) rectify
2. may refer to a long, continued, heroic story that deals with a person or a group and is historical OR legendary OR a mixture of both: the building of the railroad was part of the great ~ of the West.
  b) redress
3. implies making corrective changes that are usually slight: a law that needs to be ~ed.
  c) remedy
4. implies the removing or making harmless of the cause of trouble, harm, or evil: set out to ~ the evils of the world.
  d) emend
5. implies corrective changes that are more drastic: plans to ~ the entire court system.
  e) revise
6. suggests a careful examination of something and the making of necessary changes: forced to ~ the production schedule.
  f) saga
7. implies making compensation or reparation for an unfairness, injustice or imbalance: we must ~ past social injustices. (compensation, reparation都是补偿赔偿没有发现日常使用的区分。redress常表示纠正并赔偿)
  g) correct
8. implies taking action to remove errors, faults, deviations, or defects : ~ all her spelling errors.
  h) amend
9. specifically implies correction of a text or manuscript: ~ the text to match the first edition.
  i) reform
afhciebgd Right group correct mean to make right what is wrong.首字母记忆CRER RARR重新排序成ACE RRRRR最好的5人,想成东邪西毒南帝北丐中通<==绝顶高手知过必改正

1. implies the absence of inhibitions restraining civilized people filled with rage, lust, hate, fear, or other violent passions: ~ reviews of the new play.  inhibit阻止阻碍抑制to prevent something from happening,如wine or sugary drinks inhibit digestion酒或含糖饮料抑制消化, 如lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child缺氧可能阻碍胎儿的大脑发育)
  a) barbarous
2. implies subjection to strain or pressure and resulting tension, pain, worry, or grief: ~ed by the sight of suffering.
  b) ferocious
3. implies extreme fierceness and unrestrained violence and brutality: signs warned of a ~ dog.   (brute野兽an animal as opposed to a human being, 形容词brutal凶残暴力的being savagely violent,如brutal crime of massacre残暴的屠杀罪行,如she has to face the brutal reality她不得不面对残酷的现实,如brute-force attack是计算机术语表示暴力破解)
  c) fierce
4. applies to humans and animals that inspire terror because of their wild and menacing appearance or fury in attack or to qualities, expressions, or events characteristic of these: a battle marked by ~ fighting.
  d) cruel
5. implies a ferocity or mercilessness regarded as unworthy of civilized people: the ~ treatment of prisoners.
  e) savage
6. implies indifference to suffering or even positive pleasure in witnessing or inflicting it: the ~ jokes of young children.
  f) distress
efbcad Right group fierce mean showing fury or malignity in looks or actions.

1. suggests the existence of a standard or guide and implies a straying from the right course through failure to make effective use of this: one ~ in planning lost the battle.
  a) frugal
2. stresses abstention and restraint: mother was ~ in the use of butter.
  b) economical
3. implies simplicity and temperance and suggests absence of luxury and display: carried on in the ~ tradition of the Yankees.
  c) error
4. stresses good management and industry as well as frugality: the store prospered under his ~ management.
  d) sparing
5. stresses prudent management, lack of wastefulness, and efficient use of resources: trucking remains an ~ means of transport.
  e) thrifty
Wrong cdaeb Right:) group sparing meaning unknown

1. stresses eager promptness in response to suggestion or command: the students volunteered with surprising ~.
  a) celerity
2. implies speed in working: got dinner ready with remarkable ~.
  b) alacrity
3. stresses ease of access and a lack of protective barriers: a claim that is ~ to question.
  c) open
bac Right:) group celerity mean quickness in movement or action.

1. implies the inflicting of anything detrimental to one's looks, comfort, health, or success: an accident that ~ him physically and emotionally.
  a) impel
2. suggests the inflicting of an injury that lowers value or impairs usefulness: a table that was ~ in shipping.
  b) mar
3. suggests a making less complete and efficient by deterioration or dimimution: years of somking has ~ his health.
  c) hurt
4. applies to disfiguration or maiming that spoils perfection or well-being: a text is ~ by numerous typos.
  d) harm
5. implies the inflicting of a wound to the body or to the feelings: ~ by his callous remarks.
  e) impair
6. suggests a greater impetus producing more headlong action: burning ambition ~ed her to the seat of power.
  f) damage
7. often stresses the inflicting of pain, suffering, or loss: be careful not to ~ the animals.
  g) injure
gfebcad Right:) group injure mean to affect someone or something so as to rob it of soundness or strength or to reduce its value, usefulness, or effectiveness.首字母IHHDIM重组成HI Da HI Ma嗨打嗨骂 <==伤害

1. implies the initiation of action, often sudden and violent: sustained running ~ resulting in an early touchdown.
  a) hearsay
2. applies to a report that flies about, often gains in detail as it spreads, but lacks both an evident source and clear-cut evidence of its truth: unsubstantiated ~s that spread like wildfire.
  b) report
3. stresses the source of a rumor or report as what is heard rather than what is seen or known directly: rumored by ~ to have a personal stake in the deal; and in its application to evidence retains this implication of indirect or imperfect knowledge of the facts: based his prosecution on ~ evidence.
  c) attack
4. is likely to suggest some ground for belief unless specifically qualified as false, untrue, or wild: it was common ~ that they were living together.
  d) rumor
5. applies primarily to the idle, often personal, chatter that is the chief source and means of propagating rumors or reports: wrote a ~ column for the local paper.
  e) gossip
cdabe Right:) group report meaning unknown

1. stresses prudence, discretion, vigilance, and the surveying of all possible consequences before acting or deciding: the panel must be ~ in assigning blame.
  a) cautious
2. implies a cautious reluctance to give, act, or speak freely: I am ~ of signing papers I have not read.
  b) wary
3. implies a mild and merciful disposition in one having the power or duty of judging and punishing: a judge little inclined to show ~.
  c) circumspect
4. emphasizes suspiciousness and alertness in watching for danger and cunning in escaping it: be ~ of those claiming to have all the answers.
  d) clemency
5. implies the exercise of forethought or prudence usually prompted by fear of danger: a ~ driver.
  e) chary
cedba Right:) group cautious mean prudently watchful and discreet in the face of danger or risk.首字母CCWC从未出错<==因为谨慎

1. suggests a lifting of spirits often from loneliness or boredom as well as from pain or grief: ~d himself by reading books and writing poetry.
  a) console
2. suggests delay through trifling and vacillation when promptness is necessary: stop ~ing and get to work.
  b) dally
3. emphasizes the alleviating of grief or the mitigating of the sense of loss: ~d herself by remembering the good times.  alleviate暂时部分减轻mitigate缓解中和反抗to moderate,counter,如英国说华为安全问题可以缓解Britain says Huawei security problems can be mitigated.
  c) solace
4. implies imparting cheer, strength, or encouragement as well as lessening pain: a message intended to ~ the grieving family.
  d) comfort
cbad Right:) group comfort mean to give or offer help in relieving suffering or sorrow.

1. applies to entrance or formal acceptance (as into a club) that carries with it rights, privileges, standing, or membership: candidates for ~ must submit recommendations from two club members.
  a) admittance
2. is usually applied to mere physical entrance to a locality or a building: members must show their cards upon ~ to the club.
  b) revile
3. scurrilous and abusive: the Pres was ~ in the press.
  c) admission
cab Right:) group admittance meaning unknown

1. when used of services, can replace oblige or can implies gracious compliance and consideration: a most ~ing host; or connote the intent to be of assistance: willing to ~ their unusual requests.
  a) accommodate
2. usually implies saturation but may suggest a covering of a surface with water or something such as paint not yet dry: slipped on the ~ pavement. 铺过的路   wet还表示下雨raining,如it's wet outside外边在下雨 如come in out of the wet快进来,别淋着(湿)
  b) favor
3. implies the putting of someone into one’s debt by doing something that is pleasing: ingenuous and eager to ~ everyone; and is commonly used in conventional acknowledgement of small courtesies: much ~d for their warm hospitality.
  c) oblige
4. implies the rendering of a service out of goodwill and without imposing an obligation on or expecting a return from the one favored: luck ~ed him in all his enterprises; it can sometimes carry a suggestion of gratuitousness or of patronizing: ~ a friend with unsought advice.
  d) wet
adcb Right:) group oblige mean to do a service or courtesy.

1. suggests a trade, profession, or avocation followed with zest or steady interest: her family considered medicine the only proper ~.
  a) pursuit
2. implies work in which one engages regularly or by preference, especially as a result of training or experience: his ~ as a trained auto mechanic.
  b) advance
3. implies work for which one has been engaged and for which one is being paid: ~ will be terminated in cases of chronic tardiness.
  c) metier
4. may apply to any purposeful activity whether remunerative OR not: her work as a hospital volunteer.
  d) calling
5. may be used in the sense of work or occupation but often suggests activity in commerce or the management of money and affairs: the ~ of managing a hotel.
  e) work
6. implies a calling or pursuit for which one believes oneself to be especially fitted: from childhood I considered acting my ~.
  f) employment
7. stresses effective assistance in hastening a process or bringing about a desired end: a gesture intended to ~ the cause of peace. 
  g) occupation
8. applies to an occupation viewed as a vocation or profession to which one has been drawn by one's nature, tastes, or aptitudes: I feel the ministry is my true ~.
  h) business
agfehcbd Right:) group work mean a specific sustained activity engaged especially in earning one's living.

1. implies bitterness and often malevolence: a speech marked by ~ invective.  词根ACR表示锐利sharp酸sour,如acid酸,acrimony尖刻言辞激烈争吵, exacerbate恶化
  a)  logistics
2. applies to the handling of forces in the field or in action and suggests the actual presence of an enemy force: known for their daring ~ in battle.
  b) tactics
3. is the art or science of military supply or transportation, both planning AND implementation in all their aspects: wrestled with the ~ of the campaign.
  c) strategy
4. applies to the art or science of fundamental military planning for the overall effective use of forces in war: sought a ~ that would maximize the use of air power.
  d) acrid
dbac Right:) group strategy mean an aspect of military science.

1. implies an opinion based on general visual impression: ~ed exactly like this picture.
  a) humbug
2. may convey the same implications as look but often it suggests an obviously distorted impression: an explanation that ~ed to be true.
  b) look
3. suggests elaborate pretense that may be deliberate or may result from self-deceit: the diet business is populated with ~s.
  c) appear
4. is likely to suggest an opinion based on subjective impressions and personal reaction: ~ed to be strong and healthy.
  d) seem
bcad Right:) group seem mean to give the impression of being as stated without necessarily being so in fact.

1. usually implies laughter or gaiety, BUT may imply merely a lack of serious or ulterior purpose: played cards just for ~.
  a) jest
2. applies esp. to the arousing of laughter against someone in raillery or ridicule: teasing begun in ~ ended in ugly brawl.  (raillery逗笑,善意玩笑注意两个l)  (brawl打架斗殴)
  b) get
3. implies lack of earnestness in what is said or done and may suggest a hoaxing or teasing: took seriously remark said only in ~.
  c) play
4. is close to sport, and often stresses mischievous or malicious fun, BUT may also apply to any activity carried out in a spirit of fun: habitually made ~ of their poor relations.
  d) game
5. stresses the opposition to earnest or serious, and connotes the absence of any element of malice or mischief: pretended to strangle his brother in ~.
  e) sport
6. the most neutral of these terms, can replace any of them, especially when the method by which a decision is brought about is irrelevant or deliberately not stressed: finally ~ the boy to do his homework.
  f) fun
feadcb Right:) group fun mean action or speech that provides amusementor arouse laughter. (注意不可数名词用or连接谓语单数)

1. suggests voluntary inattention: ~ed the wishes of the other members.
  a) aberrant
2. implies a departure from the usual or normal type: that joyriding incident must be regarded as an ~ episode in his life.
  b) abnormal
3. stresses divergence upward or downward from some established norm: a markedly ~ reaction to the drug.
  c) disregard
4. frequently suggests strangeness and sometimes deformity or monstrosity: a classic study of ~ personalities.
  d) atypical
cadb Right:) group abnormal mean deviating markedly from the rule or standard of its kind.

1. suggests extent, often circular or arch-shaped, of motion or activity: the book covers the entire ~ of criminal activity.
  a) orbit
2. suggests a graduated series running from one possible extreme to another: a performance that ran the ~ of emotions.
  b) scope
3. suggests an extent of perception, knowledge, ability, or activity attained to or experienced by stretching out: a goal well within ~.
  c) compass
4. is a general term indicating the extent of one's perception or the extent of powers, capabilities, or possibilities: the entire ~ of human experience.
  d) reach
5. stresses clear and unequivocally diametrical opposition: a law that is ~ to the basic idea of democracy.
  e) range
6. is applicable to a predetermined and limited area of activity that is somewhat flexible within those limits: as time went on, the ~ of the investigation widened.
  f) gamut
7. implies a sometimes limited or bounded extent of perception, knowledge, or activity: your concerns lie beyond the narrow ~ of this study.
  g) antithetical
8. suggests an often circumscribed range of activity or influence in which forces work toward accommodation: within that restricted ~ they tried to effect social change.
  h) sweep
hfdegbca Right:) group range mean the extent that lies within the powers of something to cover or control.

1. stresses absence of characteristics of dress or behavior unbefitting one who is pure and chaste: her dress was always ~.
  a) racy
2. implies a sharp, stinging, biting quality, especially of odors: a cheese of with a ~ odor.
  b) poignant
3. suggests something that is sharply or piercingly effective in stirring one's consciousness or emotions: upon her departure he felt a ~ sense of loss.
  c) modest
4. suggests a power to whet the appetite or interest through a mildly pungent or provocative quality: grapefruit juice gave the punch it ~ taste.
  d) pungent
5. implies possession of a strongly characteristic natural quality that is fresh and unimpaired: the spontaneous, ~ prose of the untutored writer.
  e) piquant
cdbea Right:) group pungent mean sharp and stimulating to the mind or the senses.

1. may imply lack of schooling in the arts and ways of civilization: strange megalithic monuments left by an ~ people.
  a) contrive
2. suggests a bringing together of ingredients in new or unexpected ways that enhance their effectiveness: ~ a plausible excuse for his lateness.
  b) devise
3. contains some notion of finding and suggests originality, especially after reflection, as the result of happy accident: the telescope was ~ed by Galileo.
  c) concoct
4. stresses mental effort rather than ingenuity and often implies the reflection and experimentation that precede the bringing of something into being: ~ new dishes to tempt the palate.
  d) frame
5. implies the exact fitting of one thing to another, as of words to thought or of the means to the end: ~ a proper reply to the letter.
  e) untutored
6. implies ingenuity or cleverness in planning, designing or scheming: ~d a way of helping them without their knowing it.
  f) invent
ecfbda Right:) group contrive mean to find a way of making or doing something or of achieving an end by the exercise of one's mind.首字母CDIFC想成成都衣服厂<==设计衣服

1. implies a searching for facts or for truth often specifically by asking questions: began to ~ into the charges of espionage.
  a) interrogate
2. implies no more than the putting of a question: ~ for directions.
  b) event
3. suggest formal or official systematic questioning: the prosecutor ~d the witness all day.
  c) question
4. implies a desire for authoritative information or confirmation: ~ied the reference librarian about the book.
  d) query
5. usually implies an occurrence of some importance and frequently one having evident antecedent causes: the sequence of ~s following the assassination.
  e) inquire
6. usually suggests the asking of a series of questions: ~ed them about every detail of the trip.
  f) ask
efadbc Right:) group ask mean to address a person in order to acquire information.

1. may be preferred when reference to a way of expressing oneself is accompanied by a qualifying adjective, phrase, or clause: that's an odd ~.
  a) locution
2. applies to a combination of word elements which is peculiar to the language in which is occurs either in its grammatical relationships or in its nonliteral meaning: "to keep house", "to catch cold", and "to strike a bargain" are ~s.
  b) idiom
3. a somewhat bookish word, may be chosen when reference is to phrases that are idiomatically peculiar to a language, a group, or a person: a pet ~ of the author.
  c) eulogy
4. applies to a prepared speech, especially a funeral oration or an essay extolling the virtues and services of a person: delivered the ~ at the funeral.
  d) phrase
5. is applicable to any group of words that recurs frequently but is likely to suggest some distinctive quality, such as triteness, pithiness, or pointedness: a poem made up of several trite ~s  strung together.
  e) expression
ebacd Right:) group phrase mean a group of words which together express a notion and which may be used as part of a sentence.

1. implies that what is described has gone to the extreme and can be made neither better nor worse or is past recall: he is an ~ fool.
  a) rip
2. implies a pulling apart in one rapid uninterrupted motion often along a seam or joint: ~ped the jacket along the seams.
  b) unmitigated
3. applies to what is completely as described at all times or in every part or from every point of view: this is an ~ fraud.
  c) out-and-out
4. applies to what is or seems to be so utterly what it is as to be beyond the possibility of being lessened, softened, or relieved: an ~ evil.
  d) arrant
5. applies to something that is all that is implied by the term, usually a term of abuse, that follows: an ~ coward.
  e) outright
eacbd Right:) group outright mean without limit or qualification.

1. implies a strong and demonstrative expression of sorrow: never stopped ~ing the loss of their only son.
  a) bemoan
2. suggests great lugubriousness in such utterances: purists continually ~ the corruption of the language.  (moan呻吟悲叹a long, low sound made by a person expressing physical or mental suffering,如the sick woman moaned那位生病的女人在呻吟,引申为悲叹,如he moaned his fate他悲叹自已的命运)
  b) stalwart
3. implies sorrow, disappointment, or protest finding outlet in loud words or cries: fans ~ed the defeat of their team.
  c) bewail
4. implies strong objection or sorrowful condemnation regarding the loss or impairment of something of value: ~s the bad manners of today's young people.
  d) deplore
5. suggests an unshakable dependability and connotes great physical, mental, or spiritual strength: ~ supporters of the environmental movement.
  e) lament
eacdb Right:) group deplore mean to express grief or sorrow for something.

1. implies concentration of power in the hands of the wealthy and is regularly derogatory: successful attempts to prevent the state from becoming a ~.
  a) aristocracy
2. basically and historically implies the rule of the best citizens, but in its more usual use it implies power vested in a privileged class, often regarded as superior in birth and breeding: a revolution that toppled the ~.
  b) oligarchy
3. stresses breaks in continuity: an ~ correspondence with a distant relative.
  c) plutocracy
4. is applicable to any government or state in which power is openly or virtually in the hands of a favored few: :the many ~ies of ancient Greece.
  d) intermittent
cadb Right:) group oligarchy mean government by, or a state governed by, the few.

1. applies to the operation and functioning of public carriers of goods and persons: ~ managers have rediscovered the railroads; or to the activities of those engaged in the exchange of commodities: ~ in contraband goods.
  a) testy
2. may be an inclusive term but specifically designates the activities of those engaged in the purchase or sale of commodities or in related financial transactions: the ~ section of the newspaper.
  b) business
3. implies the exchange and transportation of commodities especially on a large scale: full power to regulate interstate ~; seek ways to increase foreign ~.  (商业commerce用于国内,贸易trade用于国际)  transport运输,一般指长途运送,这是它和traffic交通本组第5个词的区别
  c) industry
4. applies to the producing of commodities, especially by manufacturing or processing: ~ has overtaken agriculture in the South.
  d) commerce, trade
5. suggests irascibility over small annoyances: everyone grew ~ under the emotional strain. 
  e) traffic
ebdca Right:) group business mean activity concerned with the supplying and distribution of commodities.


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