

【同义词练习】 第15/30周(2023.07.31--2023.08.06)

jason246 发表于 2023-8-5 18:55:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. often suggests only the separation or division into elements or parts: matter ~d by the microscope into distinct cells; or its change of form or metamorphosis: hatred ~d by suffering into tenderness.
  a) umbrage
2. suggests separating or distinguishing the component parts of something (as a substance, a process, or a situation) so as to discover its true nature or inner relationships: ~d the current problem of trade imbalances to discover its basis.
  b) dissect
3. implies a methodical reducing of a complex whole to simpler parts or divisions: ~ the budget to see where the money is going.
  c) resolve
4. implies a feeling of being snubbed or ignored: took ~ at a lecturer who debunked American legends.
  d) break down
5. suggests a searching analysis by laying bare parts or pieces for individual scrutiny:  commentators ~d every word of the President's statement.
  e) analyze
cedab Right group analyze mean to divide a complex whole into its parts or elements.

1. usually implies a driving in, implanting, or embedding in an attempt to secure something: ~ the stake in the earth.
  a) fasten
2. implies an imposing of one thing on another by such means as gluing, impressing, or nailing:  ~ your address label here.
  b) follow
3. may apply to a coming after in time, position, understanding, or logical sequence: speeches ~ed the dinner.
  c) affix
4. implies an action such as tying, buttoning, nailing, locking, or otherwise securing: ~ed the horse to a post.
  d) fix
5. suggests a connecting or uniting by or as if by a bond, link, or tie in order to keep things  together: ~ the W-2 form here.
  e) attach
dcbae Right group fasten mean to make something stay firmly in place.

1. suggests a staying or a failing to proceed when it is time to do so: ~ied too long and misses the train.
  a) pert
2. usually implies a coquettish or roguish audacity or mischievous mockery: known for sly wit and ~ posturing.
  b) arch
3. implies a saucy freedom that may verge on presumption or affectation: amused by the boy's ~ answers; and sometimes also suggests sprightliness or cleverness: held her head at a ~ angle.
  c) tarry
4. is likely to stress levity with a hint of smartness or amusing effrontery: made a ~ retort.
  d) saucy
cbad Right group saucy meaning unknown

1. tends to suggest adding of new life and carries a weaker suggestion THAN revive of prior depletion: a good night's sleep ~ies the strongest person.
  a) occasion
2. applies to any event, circumstance, or condition that brings about or helps bring about a result: an icy road was the ~ of the accident.
  b) determinant
3. applies to what preceded and may therefore be in some degree responsible for what follows: the ~s of the faimne.
  c) reason
4. applies to a particular time or situation at which underlying causes become effective: the assassination was the ~ of the war. 
  d) antecedent
5. applies to a cause that fixes the nature of what results: heridity may be a ~ of heart disease.
  e) cause
6. applies to a traceable or explainable cause of a known effect: the ~ I was late was that my car would not start.
  f) revivify
fedabc Right group cause mean something that produces an

1. implies a predisposition to submit readily to control or guidance: a ~ child who never caused trouble.
  a) annul
2. implies compliance with the demands or requests of one in authority: cadets must be ~ to their commanding officer.
  b) docile
3. suggests a neutralizing or a making ineffective or nonexistent often by legal or official action: the treaty ~s all previous agreements.
  c) amenable
4. suggests a willingness to yield to or cooperate with advice, demands, or contrary suggestions: he's usually ~ to suggestions and new ideas.
  d) obedient
5. suggests having a character that permits easy handling or managing: Indian elephants are more ~ than their African cousins.
  e) tractable
bdace Right group obedient mean submissive to the will or control of another.

1. implies a concession of compliance or submission to force: I ~ to your greater expertise in this matter.
  a) waive
2. may suggest some regret, reluctance or weakness in the giving up: ~ed her crown with bittersweet feelings.
  b) tolerant
3. stresses finality and completeness in giving up: ~ all hope.
  c) surrender
4. emphasizes a voluntary relinquishment or sacrifice without struggle: ~ed rather than work under the new terms.
  d) yield
5. implies a freedom from bias or dogmatism and a reluctance to judge or restrict others harshly who hold opinions or doctrines different from one's own: a very ~ attitude towards dissenters.
  e) relinquish
6. implies a conceding or forgoing with little or no compulsion:~d the right to a trial by jury.
  f) abandon
7. implies a giving up to an external compulsion or demand after a struggle to retain or resist: forced to sign a document ~ing all claims to the land.
  g) resign
defgbac Right group relinquish mean to give up completely.

1. stresses prior knowledge and implies supernatural assistance, as through revelation: if only we could ~ our own destinies.
  a) anticipate
2. stresses resistance to attempts to manage or mold: special schools for ~ children.
  b) foresee
3. adds to foresee the suggestion of exceptional wisdom or discernment: an European traveler who ~d the course of American destiny.
  c) foreknow
4. implies foresight mingled with uncertainty, anxiety, or dread: ~ed that his odd behavior was a sign of a troubled soul.
  d) apprehend
5. implies nothing about how the knowledge is derived and may apply to ordinary reasoning and experience : no one could ~ the economic crisis.
  e) refractory
6. implies such foreknowledge as leads or allows one to take action about or respond emotionally to something before it happens: the servants ~d our every need.
  f) divine
cefdba Right group foresee mean to know or prophesy beforehand.

1. suggests a renewing by cleansing, repairing, or rebuilding: the apartment has been entirely ~d.   (rebuild可以表示修复翻新,用旧的或损坏的手机电视制作新的,如rebuilt cellphones, rebuilt TVs翻新机,如a rebuilt television is cheaper than a brand-new one翻新机比新机便宜)
  a) renovate
2. suggests the restoration of youthful vigor, powers, and appearance: the change in job ~d her.
  b) renew
3. implies the supplying of something necessary to restore lost strength, animation, or power: lunch ~ed my energy.  (可见本词主要针对体力精力,powerstrength都指力量,power泛指,strength指实际使用的,energy指能被使用或转化的,见2019-06-18)
  c) restore
4. implies so extensive a remaking or replacing that what had become faded or disintegrated now seems like new: efforts to ~ a failing marriage.
  d) refresh
5. implies a return to an original or perfect state after damage, depletion, or loss: ~d a fine piece of furniture.
  e) rejuvenate
6. adds to enjoin an implication of imposing as a duty or responsibility: ~d by the president with a covert mission.
  f) charge
aedbcf Right group renew mean to make like new.

1. stresses unexpected quickness because of old age or known infirmity: ~ older players beating  younger opponents.
  a) resuscitate
2. dexterity and ease in physical or mental actions: ~ at answering questions on a variety of issues.
  b) nimble
3. stresses lightness and swiftness of action or thought: a ~ tennis player.
  c) spry
4. sug. liveliness, animation, or vigor and sometimes with a suggestion of hurry: a ~ cleaning-UP before the relatives arrived.
  d) brisk
5. commonly implies a restoration to consciousness by arduous efforts to overcome a serious impairment: ~ a nearly drowned person with artificial respiration; and can suggest a restoring to vitality of someone or something in which life seems nearly or wholly extinct: labored to ~ her old interest in sports.
  e) agile
cebda Right group agile mean acting or moving with easy quickness.

1. implies absence of cloudiness, haziness, or muddiness: ~ water.
  a) clear
2. applies to whatever can be seen through clearly and sharply: a ~ sheet of film.
  b) translucent
3. carries a strong suggestion of offensiveness and gradually accumulated dirt that besmears and begrimes: a stained, greasy floor, utterly ~; OR obscenity: ~ language. (besmear: 用油粘物弄脏) (begrime: 泥污等弄脏) (stain: 液体等留下的污迹)
  c) limpid
4. applies to what permits the passage of light but not a clear view of what lies beyond: ~ frosted glass.
  d) transparent
5. suggests the soft clearness of pure water: ~ blue eyes.
  e) filthy
adebc Right group clear mean capable of being seen through.

1. adds to abate an implication of fading or weakening: a ~ing moon; and is often used of something impressive or intense: the public’s ~ing interest in spaceflight.
  a) subside
2. suggests a gradual waning, especially of something that commonly comes and goes: vitality often ~s with illness.
  b) ebb
3. applies to a combination of word elements which is peculiar to the language in which is occurs either in its grammatical relationships or in its nonliteral meaning: "to keep house", "to catch cold", and "to strike a bargain" are ~s.
  c) wane
4. stresses a progressive diminishing: waited until the storm ~d.
  d) abate
5. suggests a falling to a low level and an easing of turbulence: the protests ~d after a few days.
  e) idiom
cbeda Right:) group abate mean to die down in force or intensity.

1. implies that what is revealed must be inferred from acts, looks, or words: careful not to ~ what he feels.
  a) evidence
2. implies a showing by action or by display of feelings or evidence: ~d her appreciation in her own way.
  b) manifest
3. may replace branch, in reference to a tree or shrub, especially when the notion of foliage or blossom or fruit is prominent: pine ~s for Christmas decoration.
  c) show
4. implies a plainer, more direct, and more immediate relevation: ~ed musical ability at an early age.
  d) evince
5. suggests a serving as proof of the actuality or existence of something: her deep enmity is ~d by her silent glare.
  e) demonstrate
6. implies a showing by outward marks or signs: he ~d no interest in the project.
  f) bough
cefbad Right:) group show mean to reveal outwardly or make apparent.

1. implies a difference between what meets ordinary or practical demands and what qualifies in some formal or absolute way: the road is ~ finished; cars can use it all the way.
  a) forecast
2. adds the implication of anticipating eventualities and differs from predict in being usually concerned with probabilities rather than certainties: ~ a snowfall of six inches.   (eventual最终迟早”applies to something that is bound to follow sooner or later as the final effect of causes already in operation and implies a definite ending of a sequence of preliminary events,如the eventual defeat of the enemy敌人的最终失败,如the eventual reunification of motherland祖国最终统一,如we will win eventually我们最终会胜利)
  b) practically
3. implies a difference between what satisfies one's judgment and what constitutes legal or logical proof: the jurors were ~ certain of the defendant's guilt but the lack of conclusive evidence demanded a verdict of "not guilty".
  c) morally
bac Right:) group practically mean not absolutely or actually, yet so nearly that the difference is negligible.

1. suggests despair and the cessation of effort or resistance and often implies acceptance or resignation: the situation of the trapped miners is ~.
  a) woebegone
2. implies a deep dejection arising from a conviction of the uselessness of further effort: ~ over the death of her father.
  b) desperate
3. implies being overcome by shame, mortification, or loss of hope or confidence and an utter lack of cheerfulness: negative reviews left the actors feeling ~.
  c) disconsolate
4. suggests the slipping away of all hope and often an accompanying despondency: ~ appeals for the return of the kidnapped boy.
  d) depressed
5. suggests a defeated, spiritless condition and emphasizes the impression of dejection and discouragement produced by facial expression, posture, and surroundings: a rundown, ~ motel on an empty back road.
  e) dispirited
6. implies being inconsolable or very uncomfortable: ~ motorists leaning against their disabled car.
  f) dejected
7. implies a sudden but often temporary severe loss of hope, courage, or vigor: a crushing defeat that left the team in a ~ mood.
  g) despairing
8. implies delicate and considerate perception of what is fit or appropriate under given circumstances: use ~ when inquiring about the divorce. delicate敏感小心讲技巧,有2个意思,1.脆弱易损=fragile 2. 需要技巧小心敏感体察,即微妙精致showing or needing skill, care or sensitivity,如I admired your delicate handling of the situation我赞赏你应付局面的技巧) (considerate体谅体贴: 指考虑照顾他人情感或痛苦stresses concern for the feelings or distresses of others,如a manner both courtly and considerate举止恭敬而体贴(tact直接来自法语,法语中表示触碰触觉,本身也是词根TACT/TANG,如contact接触,tactile触觉的,tangible可触碰的有形的,tangent正切的离题的。人际交往需要像指尖fingertips一样极度敏感extremely sensitive,林肯说"tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves"评价他人时符合他的心意---即对自己的看法。有技巧的人可以安抚最难相处的人a tactful person can soothe the feelings of the most difficult people,没有技巧笨拙的人很可能让情况更糟a tactless person will generally make a bad situation worse因为他们不会像指尖一样体察他人情感,情商低)
  h) hopeless
9. implies such despair as prompts reckless action or violence in the face of anticipated defeat or frustration: one last ~ attempt to turn the tide of the war.  本义1、绝望到孤注一掷,如a desperate bid for freedom孤注一掷争取自由的努力  还表示2、极度希望,如I was desperate to see her/for a cigarette我极想见到她/抽支烟  3、严重severe,如in desperate need/shortage迫切需要/严重短缺)   tide潮水潮流趋势,这里指扭转战局
  i) despondent
10. may imply either a temporary or a chronic low-spiritedness and may indicate a serious inability to be normally happy and active: ~ by his failure to the point of suicide.
  j) tact
11. implies extreme low-spiritedness and discouragement resulting from failure to accomplish what one wants or to achieve one's goal: ~, the doomed explorers resigned themselves to failure.
  k) downcast
hikgacfjbde Right:) group downcast mean having lost all or nearly all hope.

1. is likely to suggest dullness and lowness of spirits resulting from irksome inactivity or sameness or monotony of occupation: could scarcely bear the ~ of listening to one long lecture after another.
  a) coalition
2. implies any union under the terms of a league or covenant, and especially a sovereign power formed by a union of states and having a central government and several state and local governments: the United States of America constitutes a ~.
  b) tedium
3. applies to a temporary association of parties often of opposing interests: formed a ~ government with two other parties.
  c) league
4. applies to a union of independent states under a central government to which  powers dealing with common external relations are delegated: the ~ formed by American colonies.
  d) alliance
5. applies to an association formed for the mutual benefit of its members: an ~ between  feminists and religious groups against pornography.
  e) federation
6. suggests a more formal compact often with a definite goal: the ~ of Nations; and may be used to suggest an association for a bad end: in ~ with the devil.
  f) confederation
beafdc Right:) group alliance mean an association to further the interests of its members.

1. implies the giving of courage sufficient to overcome timidity or reluctance: a successful climb ~ed her to try more difficult ones.
  a) encourage
2. implies the instilling of life, energy, courage, or vigor into something: pioneers ~ed by the stirring accounts of the explorers.
  b) glimmer
3. suggests a faint, obscured, or wavering gleam: a lone light ~ed in the distance.
  c) hearten
4. suggests the raising of one's confidence especially by an external agency: the teacher's praise ~d the student to try even harder.
  d) inspirit
5. implies the lifting of a dispiritedness or despondency by an infusion of fresh courage or zeal: a hospital patient ~ed by the display of moral support.
  e) embolden
edbac Right:) group encourage mean to fill with courage or strength of purpose.

1. suggests warm and excited feeling likely to be fitful or short-lived: the ~ of their honeymoon soon faded.
  a) faculty
2. applies to an emotion that is deeply stirring or ungovernable: developed a ~ for reading.
  b) zeal
3. implies a warm and steady emotion: read the poem aloud with great ~.
  c) enthusiasm
4. implies energetic and unflagging pursuit of an aim or devotion to a cause: preached with the ~ of the converted. pursue追赶追逐,强调热切和不松懈,有时带有敌意to follow someone eagerly and persistently, sometimes with hostile intent,如pursued the bandits on foot徒步追赶土匪)
  d) ardor
5. applies to an innate OR acquired ability for a particular accomplishment or function: a rare ~ for remembering people's names.
  e) passion
6. applies to lively or eager interest in or admiration for a proposal or cause or activity: never showed much ~ for sports. admiration钦佩赞赏羡慕applies to a feeling of great liking and respect for someone or something,如I have always had the greatest admiration for him我始终对他最为钦佩(或欣赏))  eager热切
  f) fervor
defbac Right:) group passion mean intense emotion compelling action.

1. suggests a downward step, sometimes in rank, more often in ethical stature, and typically implies a shameful or corrupt end: the public altercation ~d both candidates.
  a) degrade
2. suggests unsuitable behavior or association as the cause of loss of status: commercial endorsements ~ the Olympics.
  b) demean
3. suggests losing or voluntarily yielding up dignity or prestige: a fine stage actor who ~d himself by turing to television.
  c) shade
4. frequently replaces degrade when the disgrace of a reduction in status is to be emphasized: they were delighted to see the bully ~d by a boy half his size.
  d) abase
5. emphasizes loss of worth or quality: ~ a currency; and especially deterioration of moral standards: drunkiness has  ~d the Mardi Gras.
  e) humiliate
6. more usually indicates a gradation of a color or hue according to lightness or brightness: use a paler ~ of blue for the curtains.
  f) humble
7. implies the severe wounding of one's pride and the causing of deep shame: ~d by his suggestive remarks.
  g) debase
abdfgce Right:) group abase mean to lessen in dignity or

1. implies a reduction in number or quantity that may do harm: we cannot afford to ~ our natural resources.
  a) drain
2. sug. impoverishment to the point of imminent collapse: war has ~ the nation of manpower and resources.
  b) bankrupt
3. stresses a complete using up or emptying: a theme that can never be ~.
  c) disquiet
4. implies a gradual withdrawl and ultimate deprivation of sth. necessary to a thing's existence or function: a series of personal tragedies ~ him of hope.
  d) exhaust
5. suggests loss of sense of security or peace of mind and often the resulting uncertainty or fear: the ~ing news of a tragic accident.
  e) impoverish
6. deprivation of sth. essential to well-being : without arts we will live an ~ life.
  f) deplete
fbdace Right:) group deplete mean to deprive of something essential to existence or potency.

1. may emphasize a faith strong enough to resist all attack: believed in his innocence with a fair degree of ~.
  a) certainty
2. implies confidence rather than certainty and implies reliance on one's own powers or methods, or trust in another: as much ~ as is ever possible where hurricanes are concerned.
  b) assurance
3. usually implies previous doubt or uncertainty and stresses a subjective, rational reaction to evidence: holds firm ~s about everything.
  c) certitude
4. implies a seizing and holding as if with avidity and rapacity of bird of prey: stayed out of the executioner's ~ .
  d) conviction
5. may stress the existence of objective proof: claims that cannot be confirmed with any scientific  ~.
  e) clutch
cbdea Right:) group certainty mean a state of being free from doubt.

1. implies beneficially stimulating and making active or lively: the high salary ~ed her desire to have the job.
  a) quicken
2. implies a deceptive changing of appearance or behavior that serves to conceal an identity, a motive, or an attitude: ~d himself as a peasant to escape detection.
  b) cloak
3. suggests the assumption of something that covers and conceals identity or intention completely: ~s her greed and self-interest in the rhetoric of philosophy.
  c) disguise
4. suggests the prevention of recognition of a thing's true character usually by some obvious means and does not always imply deception or pretense: a smiling front that ~s a will of iron.
  d) mask
5. stresses simulation for the purpose of deceiving and disguising especially feelings and opinions: ~d madness to survive the intrigues at court.
  e) dissemble
acbde Right:) group disguise mean to alter the dress or appearance so as to conceal the identity, intention, or true feeling.

1. implies blameworthy carelessness shown in slackness, forgetfulness or negligence: had been ~ in her domestic duties.
  a) dubiety
2. stresses a lack of sureness that leads to a wavering between conclusions: in times of crisis, a leader must be free from all ~.
  b) remiss
3. suggests both uncertainty and inability to make a decision: plagued by ~ about his upcoming marriage.
  c) suspicion
4. implies a genuine doubt based upon suspicion: had a great ~ of all doctors.
  d) skepticism
5. stresses lack of faith in the truth,reality, fairnessor reliability of something or someone: viewed the new neighbors with ~.
  e) uncertainty
6. stresses lack of certitude that may range from a mere falling short of certainty to an almost complete lack of definite knowledge esp. about an outcome or result: general ~ about the program’s future.
  f) mistrust
7. implies a habitual state of mind or customary reaction characterized by unwillingness to believe without conclusive evidence: an economic forecast that was met with ~.
  g) doubt
bagfced Right:) group uncertainty mean lack of sureness about someone or something.首字母UDDSSM重组为UDS MDS有的事,没的事<==表示怀疑

1. implies making up a lack or making amends for loss or injury: ~ed for an injury on the job.
  a) balance
2. usually implies precise repetition of the words of another for a particular purpose: illustrate the use of a word by ~ing classical and modern authors; but sometimes quote is applied to a more general referral to someone as author or source of information: don't ~ me as your authority.
  b) offset
3. implies the equalizing or adjusting of two or more things that are contrary or opposed so that no one outweighs the other in effect: in sentencing prisoners, the judge ~ed justice and mercy.
  c) countervail
4. implies neutralizing one thing’s good or evil effect by the contrary effect of another: overeating will ~ the benefits of exercise.
  d) quote
5. suggests counteracting a bad or harmful influence or overcoming the damage suffered through it: a compassionate heart ~ed his short temper.
  e) compensate
edabc Right:) group compensate mean to make up for what is excessive or deficient, helpful or harmful in another.

1. suggests a noisiness and turbulence due to high spirits and release from constraint: a ~ crowd of partygoers.  (注意是turbulence不是turbulance)
  a) afflict
2. implies the unbearable pain or suffering: ~ed his captive by withholding food.
  b) torment
3. stresses straining or wrenching: a mind ~ed by guilt.
  c) try
4. suggests an imposing of something that strains the powers of endurance or self-control: young children often ~ their parent’s patience.
  d) boisterous
5. suggests persecution or the repeated inflicting of suffering or annoyance: the horses are ~ed by flies.
  e) torture
6. applies to the causing of any pain or suffering or of acute annoyance, embarrassment, or any distress: many aged persons who are ~ed with blindness.
  f) rack
defcba Right:) group afflict mean to inflict on a person something that is hard to bear.

1. the most general term, means to possess or control completely: ~d their attention.
  a) monopolize
2. suggests a loose and external attachment with LITTLE or NO loss of identity: the bridge ~ the island to the mainland.
  b) consume
3. sometimes implies getting a material control of: ~ a market by buying up available supplies; but more often it implies an unprotested monopolizing of time, attention, or interest: ~ed with a new magazine.
  c) absorb
4. implies a monopolization of one's time, interest, or attention: ~d with a desire to climb every mountain in the range.
  d) connect
5. is often interchangeable with engross but it tends to carry a hint of submission to pressure rather than ready acceptance: grinding tasks that ~ed her efforts.
  e) engross
adebc Right:) group monopolize mean to take up completely.

1. applies to whatever has to do with marriage and the married state: enjoyed 40 years of ~ bliss; a ~ relationship based on mutual trust and understanding.
  a) agree
2. refers to the married state: a ~ contract of no legal standing.  
  b) conjugal
3. specifically applies to married persons and their relations: inmates of the prison now have ~ rights.
  c) matrimonial, marital
4. implies complete accord usually attained by discussion and adjustment of differences: on some points we all can ~.
  d) connubial
5. usually refers to  marriage or to the marriage ceremony: busy all week with the ~ preparations.
  e) nuptial
cdbae Right:) group matrimonial, marital mean of, relating to, or characteristic of marriage.

1. often implies a state midway between tribal savagery and full civilization: traded with ~ peoples to the north.
  a) squander
2. usually used with away, implies expenditure on trifles, bit by bit, or without commensurate return: ~ed away the entire afternoon on aimless pursuits.
  b) dissipate
3. can imply a wasting or squandering as entirely as if by devouring: built a fire that ~d the entire stock of wood.
  c) fritter
4. stresses reckless and lavish expenditure that tends to exhaust resources: ~ed all their time and energy playing tennis. (lavish慷慨或过分慷慨铺张奢侈,如a lavish state dinner丰盛的国宴)
  d) consume
5. usually implies careless or prodigal expenditure: ~d her money on frivolous items; but it may also imply fruitless or useless expenditure: why ~ time trying to help people who want no help?
  e) waste
6. implies loss by extravagance and commonly stresses exhaustion of the store or stock: eventually realized they had ~d all their resources.
  f) barbarian
fcdaeb Right:) group waste mean to spend or expend futilely or without gaining a proper or reasonable or normal return.

1. sug. a forcing by constricting, confining or binding action or choice: ~ by my conscience to see that justice was done.
  a) force
2. implies the constaint of necessity, law, reason or duty: I am ~ to inform you of your rights.
  b) sacrosanct
3. in general use may retain its religious implication of the utmost of sacredness, or it may take on an ironic quality and suggest a supposed rather than a real sacredness: failed to accept that such public figures were ~.
  c) constrain
4. requires a personal object and may sug. the working of authority or irresistable force: all workers are ~ to pay taxes.
  d) coerce
5. the general term, implies overcoming resistance by strength, power, weight, stress or duress: ~ the prisoners to sign the contract.
  e) compel
6. sug. an overcoming of resistance by actual or threatend violence or intimidation: ~ by gangsters into selling his business.
  f) oblige
cfbead Right:) group force mean to make someone or something yield.

1. implies bitterness and often malevolence: a speech marked by ~ invective.  词根ACR表示锐利sharp酸sour,如acid酸,acrimony尖刻言辞激烈争吵, exacerbate恶化
  a) mordant
2. implies indignant attacks delivered with fierce or withering severity: a ~ satire of corporate life.
  b) caustic
3. suggests a wit that is used with deadly effectiveness: ~ reviews put the play out of its misery.
  c) scathing
4. suggests a biting wit: ~ comments about her singing ability.
  d) acrid
5. suggests utter and contemptible failure to use normal rationality or perception: a soap opera with an especially ~ plot. 注意只有1个s.
  e) asinine
dcabe Right:) group caustic mean stingingly incisive.

1. implies behaving in conformity with conventional rules of discipline or propriety: an ingenue who ~ herself in the best tradition. ingenue: 天真少女
  a) deport
2. implies action or behavior that shows one's capacity to control or direct oneself: ~ing herself with unfailing humor.   (南海行为准则COC(code of conduct) in the SCS)
  b) pictorial
3. may apply to the meeting of a standard of being proper or decorous: ~ very badly throughout the affair.  (proper恰当: 符合本质身份proper role of first lady第一夫人的恰当角色) (decorous得体: 符合社交常规品味a decorous kiss礼貌得体的吻一下) 
  c) behave
4. suggests conduct measured by what is expected or required of one in a certain class or position: ~ themselves as the gentlemen they were.
  d) acquit
5. implies representation of a vivid picture with emphasis on colors, shapes, and spatial relations: a ~ style of poetry marked by precise, developed imagery.
  e) conduct
6. applies to action under stress that deserves praise or meets expectations: ~ted himself well in his first battle.
  f) comport
aecfbd Right:) group behave mean to act or to cause or allow oneself to do something in a certain way.

1. implies the perception of visual or other sensory impressions that have no reality but are the product of disordered function: suffered from terrifying ~s.
  a) delusion
2. is comparable with the foregoing words in an extended sense in which it applies to vision, dream, hope, or aim that is illusory: the dream of peace was but a ~.
  b) illusion
3. implies a lack of essential relationship and may suggest casual addition or irrelevance: avoided elaborate designs with superfluous or ~ elements. 
  c) adventitious
4. implies self-deception or deception by others concerning facts or situations and typically suggests a disordered state of mind: suffered from a ~ that his family hated him.
  d) hallucination
5. implies ascribing truth or reality to something that seems to be true or real but in fact is not: clung to the ~ of happiness.
  e) mirage
decab Right:) group delusion mean something believed to be or accepted as true or real that is actually false or unreal.

1. implies the giving of what is deserved or merited after a careful weighing of pertinent factors: ~ the company a huge defense contract.
  a) vouchsafe
2. implies the giving to a claimant or petitioner, often a subordinate, of something that could be withheld: ~ them another month to finish the work.  (claim声索索要,即声称某物应属于自己)  (请愿者a person who organizes or signs a petition组织或参与请愿的人
  b) concede
3. implies the granting of something as a courtesy or an act of gracious condescension: the star refused to ~ an interview.
  c) accord
4. implies requested OR demanded yielding of something reluctantly in response to a  rightful or compelling claim: even her critics ~ she could be charming.
  d) grant
5. implies the giving to another of what is due or proper or In keeping with the other's character or status: ~ all the honors befitting a head of state. (befit: 对某人或某物而言合适)
  e) award
6. applies to something, especially a person, to be imitated or, in some contexts, on no account to be imitated but to be regarded as a warning: for better or worse, children follow the ~ of their parents.
  f) example
edabcf Right:) group grant mean to give as a favor OR a right.

1. applies to a result that ends or solves a problem, difficulty or conflict: a successful ~ that rendered all the controversy moot.
  a) result
2. implies a direct but looser or remoter connection with a cause, and usually implies the cause is NO longer operating: a single act that had far-reaching ~.
  b) issue
3. suggest the final result of a complex and conflicting causes or forces: the ~ of generations of controlled breeding.
  c) consequence
4. applies often to the last in a series of effects:  the END ~ was A growth in business.
  d) effect
5. implies peremptoriness and insistence and often the claiming of a right to make requests that are to be regarded as commands: the physician ~ed payment of her bill.
  e) demand
6. designate sth. that directly and necessarily follows upon OR occurs by reason of a cause: the ~ of radiation on the body.
  f) outcome
bcfaed Right:) group effect mean a condition or occurence traceable to a cause.

1. emphasizes the absence of illness, weakness, or malfunction: an examination showed his heart to be ~.
  a) sound
2. implies rapid and often wild or unrestrained spreading and can be applied both to what literally grows and to what increases as if by physical growth: diseases that are ~ in the region.
  b) rank
3. implies vigorous, luxurious, and often unchecked or excessive growth: the ~ plant life of the tropics.
  c) rampant
acb Right:) group rank meaning unknown


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