

【同义词练习】 第13/30周(2023.07.17--2023.07.23)

jason246 发表于 2023-7-23 13:30:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. historically implies ruin resulting from neglect or abuse but in more general use implies a shabby, run-down, or tumbledown condition without direct suggestion of culpability: drove a ~d car.
  a) dilapidate
2. implies a ruining by or as if by crashing or being shattered and is likely to suggest damage that is beyond repair: health ~ed by dissipation.
  b) wreck
3. implies blameworthy delay esp. through laziness, hesitation or apathy: ~ about making every decision.
  c) procrasinate
4. usually suggests the action of destructive agencies and the ending of the value, beauty, or well-being of something or someone or the loss of something vital: a reputation ~ed by ugly rumors.
  d) ruin
abcd Right group ruin mean to subject to forces that are destructive of soundness, worth, or usefulness.

1. implies a pain caused by deep disappointment, fruitless longing, or unavailing remorse: never felt a moment of ~ following the divorce.
  a) regret
2. suggests a torturing often persistent grief or dread: the ~ felt by the hostages.
  b) grief
3. is weaker than guilty and is likely to connote malfeasance or errors of ignorance, omission, or negligence: a clear case of ~ neglect on the part of the landlord.
  c) sorrow
4. implies a sense of loss or a sense of guilt and remorse: a nation united in ~ upon the death of the President.
  d) woe
5. implies a poignant sorrow for an immediate cause: gave his father much ~.
  e) culpable
6. implies a deep or inconsolable distress or misery: cries of ~ echoed throughout the bombed city.
  f) anguish
afecbd Right group sorrow mean distress of mind.首字母SGAWR想成Wear RAGS衣着褴褛<==悲痛

1. too, stresses assurance but implies trust and faith rather than evidence as its basis: no longer ~d in the Tooth Fairy.
  a) scholarship
2. implies the possession of learning characteristic of the advanced scholar in a specialized field of study or investigation: a work of first-rate literary ~.
  b) believe
3. stresses assurance and implies sound logical or factual information as its basis: whatever we don't ~, we can find out.
  c) know
4. suggests probability rather than firm assurance and implies mental appraisal of pertinent circumstances as its basis: ~s she will do well on the test.
  d) think
bacd Right group know mean to hold something in one's mind as true or as being what it purports to be.

1. is a chiefly literary term implying a killing marked by deliberateness and violence: ~ thousands of the enemy.
  a) animadvert
2. implies a remarking or commenting usu. of scholarly caliber or based on careful judgement: willing to ~ at length on topics in her field; but oft. emphasizes passing of adverse judgement: elders ~ on the content of rock music.
  b) slay
3. is sometimes substitued for comment to sug. a purely expository or interpretive intent: ~ knowlegeably on current events.
  c) remark
4. implies little more than a desire to notice or call attention to something: ~ on a friend's taste in dress.
  d) comment
5. stresses oft. critical interpretation: refused to ~ on the situation. (critical批判性: 指清晰真实的评判, 不是批评)
  e) commentate
baecd Right group remark mean to make observations or pass judgment.

1. suggests a smoothness or brightness resulting from attentive grooming or excellent physical condition: a ~ race horse.
  a) silken, silky
2. is used frequently of a fairly well-defined period dominated by a prominent figure or feature: the ~ of Samuel Johnson.
  b) glossy
3. imply the smoothness and luster as well as the softness of silk: ~ hair(en); expensive dresses made of ~ fabrics(y).
  c) satiny
4. suggests a surface that is smooth and highly polished: photographs having a ~ finish.
  d) age
5. applies to what is soft and smooth and shining: a flower's ~ petals.
  e) sleek
6. suggests extreme smoothness that results in an unsafe or slippery surface: slipped and fell on the ~ floor.
  f) slick
edabcf Right group sleek mean having a smooth bright surface or appearance.

1. suggests a blatantly displayed consciousness of superior birth or position: an ~ manner that barely concealed his scorn.
  a) corporal
2. implies cool, patronizing haughtiness: ~ parvenus with their disdainful sneers. (parvenus新贵、暴发户)
  b) supercilious
3. implies claiming for oneself of MORE consideration or importance THAN warranted, and often suggests an aggressive, domineering manner: an ~ business executive used to being kowtowed to. (warranted合乎情理的)
  c) proud
4. suggests a MORE active and openly scornful superciliousness: ~ of their pathetic attempts.
  d) haughty
5. implies pomposity or an arrogant display of power: a ~ indiffernece to the consequences of his carelessness.
  e) arrogant
6. implies insultingly contempuous haughtiness: suffered the stares of ~ waiters.
  f) lordly
7. suggests a tyranical manner or an intolerable insolence: wearied by demands from her ~ in-laws.
  g) overbearing
8. applies chiefly to things that affect or involve the body: a teacher who still used ~ punishment.   这两个词都来自词根CORP表示body身体,又如incorporate合并corpulent肥胖的corpse尸体corps军、兵团(好像a "body" of soldiers)
  h) insolent
9. suggests an attitude or feeling of pleased satisfaction in oneself OR one's accomplishments that may OR may not be justified and may OR may not be demonstrated offensively: a ~ man, not willing to admit failure.
  i) disdainful
dbeifhgac Right group proud mean showing superiority toward others or scorn for inferiors. 首字母组合非常好记 PHILDAOS:PHIL词根表示喜欢,DAOS是道的英文,崇尚谦虚==>乐道的人傲慢

1. found chiefly in negative phrases, suggests a loss of assurance orequanimity, often sudden and thorough: a veteran teacher ~ by nothing.
  a) lethal
2. implies a hampering or frustrating that accompanies confusion: persistent heckling ~ the speaker.
  b) faze
3. implies some influence that impedes thought, speech or action: ~ to admit that she liked the movie.
  c) discomfit
4. presupposes some initial self-confidence that receives a sudden check by something that produces shyness, shame or conviction of inferiority: completely ~ by her swift and cutting retort.
  d) embarrass
5. applies to something that is bound to cause death or exists for the destruction of life: ~ gas.
  e) abash
6. implies an upsetting of equanimity and assurance and producing uncertainty or hesitancy: ~ by the sight of the large audience.
  f) disconcert
7. implies a disorganizing agitation that impairs thought and judgment and undermines normal poise and composure: a tennis player not at all ~ by television cameras.
  g) rattle
bcdeafg Right group embarrass mean to distress by confusing or confounding.(distress痛苦,这里写成难受)

1. is the ordinary and general term applying to whatever comes about with OR without obvious causation or intention: remembering an incident that ~ed in his childhood.
  a) chance
2. implies an attempt to persuade or convince by warning or reproving: ~d on his son's free-spending ways at college.
  b) happen
3. implies a leaking out so as to become known or apparent: the meeting ~d as planned.
  c) remonstrate
4. stresses presentation to sight or attention: such events, when they ~, fascinate the public.
  d) occur
5. regularly implies absence of design or apparent lack of causation: a man he ~d to know.
  e) transpire
bceda Right group happen mean to come about.

1. suggests absolute emptiness as far as the mind or senses can determine: a statement ~ of meaning.
  a) vacuous
2. suggests a complete absence of contents: an ~ bucket.
  b) indifferent
3. suggests the emptiness of a vacuum and especially the lack of intelligence or significance: a ~ facial expression.
  c) void
4. stresses the lacking of any significant, relieving, or intelligible features on a surface: a ~ wall.
  d) blank
5. suggests an absence of appropriate contents or occupants: a ~ apartment.
  e) vacant
6. implies a quality, a character, or an appearance that is not readily categorized, especially as good or bad, right or wrong, and that, therefore, is unlikely to stir up strong feeling or elicit firm opinions: she was a hard worker but an ~ student.  category希腊哲学中的范畴,是一切类型的基础词,甚至是class这样基础的词的基础词
  f) empty
cfadeb Right group empty mean lacking contents which could or should be present.首字母EVBVV想成BE VVV做大V<==空的

1. suggests the opportunity or privilege to choose freely from a number of alternatives: total freedom of ~ in the matter.  自释
  a) dive
2. is likely to stress lack of all intent or design: she caught her heel in a crack and ~ed to the ground; or may imply the alternate forward and backward plunging of a ship or a spaceship: struggled to control the capsule as it ~ed and yawed.
  b) choice
3. stresses the force of the movement and may imply entry into any penetrable substance or into a state or condition in which one is overwhelmed or immersed: he ~d eagerly into the new course of studies.
  c) plunge
4. suggests intent and may imply more deliberateness and more skill than plunge: pilots trained to ~, climb, and bank in unison.
  d) pitch
bdca Right group plunge mean to throw oneself or to throw or thrust something forward and downward into or as if into deep water.

1. is close to mad, and often suggests violence, fury or raving: once behind the wheel, she turns into a ~ driver.
  a) crazy
2. often used instead of crazy, implies the existence of temporary disorder,usually with a specific cause: stampeding cattle ~ with fear.  (stampede: 奔逃踩踏)
  b) crazed
3. implies comparatively little extension between surfaces or in diameter: a ~ wire; or it may suggest lack of substance, richness, or abundance: soup that was ~ and tasteless.
  c) thin
4. implies that one is unable to function safely and competently in everyday life, and is not responsible for one's actions: adjudged ~ after a period of observation. (adjudge宣判: He was adjudged guilty.他被判有罪)
  d) maniac
5. suggests such mental breakdown as comes from old age or may suggest a distraught or wild state of mind induced by intense emotion: ~ with grief; when applied to a scheme, project, or notion, it usually suggests the product of a disordered mind: got those ~ ideas into her head. (distraught心烦意乱)
  e) deranged
6. suggests mental unsoundness that manifests itself by apathy, incoherence in thought, speech or action: years of solitary confinement had left him ~.
  f) demented
7. stresses a clear loss of mental balance or order resulting in functional disorder: assassinated by a ~ anarchist.
  g) insane
8. strongly suggests wildness, rabidness, ravings, or complete loss of control: drove her husband ~ with jealousy.
  h) mad
Wrong dbcgafeh Right:) group insane mean having or showing an unsound mind or being unable to control one's rational processes.

1. implies full consciousness of the nature of one's act and its consequences: the ~ sabotaging of a nuclear plant.
  a) voluntary
2. stresses an awareness of an end to be achieved: the ~ concealment of Vital information.
  b) tardy
3. implies a readiness and eagerness to accede to or anticipate the wishes of another: a ~ accomplice in a bank robbery. anticipate预先考虑并满足What Jeff did was to anticipate my next question杰夫预先回答了我的下一个问题)
  c) willful
4. implies freedom and spontaneity of choice or action without external compulsion: ~ enlistment in the armed services.
  d) intentional
5. implies a lack of promptness or punctuality or a lateness that results from slowness in progress, or, more often, from delay in starting: made excuses for his ~ arrival.
  e) deliberate
6. adds to deliberate the implication of an obstinate determination to follow one's own will or choice: ~ ignorance.
  f) willing
edfabc Right:) group voluntary meaning unknown

1. implies greater formality and courtesy: ~s the pleasure of your company at the ball.
  a) pushing,pushy
2. implies no more than the statement of the desire: ~ a favor of a friend.
  b) solicit
3. suggests a calling attention to one's wants or desires, often publicly, in the hope of having them satisfied: a classified ad that ~s a situation as a babysitter.
  c) ask
4. may apply to ambition or enterprise or to snobbish and crude intrusiveness or officiousness: ~ salespeople using ~ tactics; ~ people break into the line for tickets.
  d) request
dcba Right:) group ask mean to seek to obtain by making one's wants known.

1. implies a monetary penalty fixed within certain limits by law: the library ~s careless borrowers a few cents a day to encourage prompt return of books.
  a) penalize
2. implies an unknown or dubious source or origin or may imply that the thing itself is dubious or inaccurate: a book that repeats many ~ stories.
  b) fine
3. implies a penalty left to the discretion of the judge and may refer to a nonpecuniary penalty: the judge ~d the offender in the sum of fifty dollars.
  c) amerce
4. implies subjection to a superior power that can legally or illegally enforces penalties and especially monetary penalties for failure to conform to its discipline or edicts and is likely to stress the helplessness of the victim and the arbitrariness of the penalizing power: a rash of arson designed to ~ the terrorized shopkeepers. edict法令敕令an order or instruction from one in authority
  d) mulct
5. usually presupposes a violation of an order, rule, or law intended to maintain discipline or ensure propriety; it also implies a penalty such as forfeiture of money, advantage, or privilege or imposition of handicap: ~ late taxpayers by adding interest to their bills.
  e) apocryphal
becda Right:) group penalize mean to punish by depriving of something.

1. implies comparison of views or opinions and usu. an equality between the participants: the excutives ~ weekly about current business problems.
  a) treat
2. adds to confer the implication of seeking or taking counsel: before acting, the president ~ with his aides.
  b) parley
3. sug. a compromising and bargaining: unwilling to ~ with terrorists.
  c) confer
4. applies especially to the seeking and giving of opininons regarding personal matters: before deciding to run, he ~ with friends.
  d) advise
5. implies a conference for tha sake of settling differences: the government refusing to ~ with the rebels.
  e) chary
6. implies existence of a common will to adjust differences or a need for diplomacy: warring nations ready to ~ for peace.
  f) negotiate
7. implies a cautious reluctance to give, act, or speak freely: I am ~ of signing papers I have not read.
  g) consult
cgfdbae Right:) group confer mean to engage in discussion in order to reach a decision or settlement

1. implies scaliness or prickliness of surface and may connote an unwholesome, decayed, or diseased appearance: an allergic condition that results in ~ hands.
  a) blameworthy, blamable
2. implies responsibility for or consciousness of crime, sin, or, at least, grave error or misdoing: the defendant was found ~.  misdoing泛指坏事
  b) scabrous
3. is weaker than guilty and is likely to connote malfeasance or errors of ignorance, omission, or negligence: a clear case of ~ neglect on the part of the landlord.
  c) culpable
4. acknowledge the censurable quality of the act or the agent but imply nothing about the degree of reprehensibility: conduct adjudged ~ by a military court; an accident for which no one is ~.
  d) guilty
bdca Right:) group blameworthy, blamable mean deserving reproach or punishment.

1. implies unity that indicates exactitude of association and interdependence of the parts and completeness and perfection of the whole: a farcical scene that destroys the play's ~.
  a)  mob
2. implies a thorough integration and harmonious cooperation of the parts or the body or organization that results from such a uniting: the ~ of thirteen diverse colonies to form one nation.
  b) integrity
3. implies a disorderly crowd with the potential or the intent for violence: heard an angry ~ outside the jail.
  c) solidarity
4. implies oneness especially of what is varied and diverse in its elements or parts: a multiplicity of styles effectively combined into a ~ of architectural design.
  d) union
5. implies a unity in a group or class that enables it to manifest its strength and exert its influence as one: an ethnic minority with a strong sense of ~.
  e) unity
bdaec Right:) group unity mean a combining of parts or elements or individuals into an effective whole or the quality of a whole made up of closely associated parts.

1. implies a strong marked taste for something or an irresistible attraction by something: has a ~ for overdramatizing his troubles.
  a) good-natured
2. implies a deeply ingrained or innate and usually irresistible longing: the natural ~ of in-laws to offer advice.
  b) propensity
3. suggests a liking or attraction not strong enough to be decisive or uncontrollable: accused of having socialist ~s.
  c) flair
4. implies a cheerful willingness to please or to be helpful and sometimes to permit imposition: a ~ boy always willing to pitch in.
  d) proclivity
5. suggests a strong natural or habitual proneness usually to something objectionable or evil: movies that reinforce viewers' ~ for violence.
  e) penchant
6. implies an instinctive attraction that leads someone to something: a woman with a real ~ for business.
  f) leaning
ebfadc Right:) group leaning mean a strong instinct or liking for something.

1. applies to something that serves as proof or offers evidence of something intangible: this gift is a ~ of our esteem.
  a) token
2. implies a noisy, intrusive, often self-important activity: the hustle and ~ of city life. (the hustle and bustle固定搭配:形容扰攘的城市生活,hustle用手推人催促)
  b) stir
3. stresses nervous agitation and undue haste: a ~ of activity.  (The U.S. held a flurry of diplomatic talks新闻常用,旋风式会谈,访问等)
  c) pother
4. suggests brisk or restless movement or reaction, usually of a crowd: caused a great ~.
  d) flurry
5. implies flurry and fidgety activity and may additionally stress commotion or confusion: the ~ made by unexpected guests.
  e) ado
6. may suggest fussiness or waste of energy: go to work without more ado; or it may imply trouble or difficulty to be overcome: there was much ~ before their affairs were sorted out.
  f) fuss
7. is close to pother but adds the notion of needless worry or effort: wondered what all the ~ was about.
  g) bustle
agdbcef Right:) group stir mean signs of excitement or hurry accompanying an act, action, or event.

1. applies to any manner of imparting information OR skill so that others may learn: ~ them how to ski.
  a) refute
2. stresses a logical method of disproving and suggests adducing of evidence, bringing forward of witnesses or authorities, and close reasoning: ~d every piece of his argument.
  b) instruct
3. stresses instructing and drilling with a specific end in view: ~ foreign pilots to operate the new aircraft.
  c) teach
4. sug. methodical or formal teaching: ~ the new recruits in calisethenics at the boot camp.
  d) train
5. implies a subordinating to a master OR subjection to control: ~ herself to exercise daily.
  e) descipline
6. implies training or disciplining esp. in what is hard to master or bear: ~ myself not to flinch at the sight of blood.
  f) educate
7. implies an attempt to bring out AND develop latent capabilities: ~ students so that they are prepared for the future.
  g) school
cadbegf Right:) group teach mean to cause to acquire knowledge or skill.

1. implies an effective calming or soothing especially of fears or alarms: the encouraging report ~ed their fears.
  a) abysmal
2. connotes exceedingly great depth: the ~ depths of the sea; and may imply the need or presence of  thoroughness: a ~ thinker.
  b) profound
3. is the more general term, stressing the fact rather than the degree of extension downward from a surface or sometimes backward or inward from a front or outer part: a ~ river; when applied to persons or mental processes, it implies the presence of or need for great intellectual activity or emotional conviction: felt ~ concern for his brother's safety.
  c) allay
4. carries the idea of abyss and implies fathomless distance downward, backward, or inward: on the brink of the ~ precipice; or often of measureless degree, especially with words denoting a lack of something: ~ ignorance.
  d) deep
cbda Right:) group deep mean having great extension downward or inward.

1. indicates an uneven shrinking that bends or twists parts out of a flat plane: ~ed floorboards.
  a) narcotic
2. may imply a changing of shape, appearance, character, or nature through stress, injury, or some accident of growth: relentless winds ~ed the pines into bizarre shapes.
  b) warp
3. applies to something that literally or figuratively produces sleep, stupor or lulling drowsiness: beautiful music used as a ~ to escape from the pressures of work.
  c) deform
4. suggests an extreme distortion that is grotesque or painful: a degenerative bone disease had painfully ~ed the child's body.
  d) distort
5. implies a wrenching from the natural, normal, or true shape, form, direction: the odd camera angle ~s his face in the photograph.
  e) contort
bcaed Right:) group deform mean to mar or spoil by or as if by twisting.

1. suggests great or imposing altitude: ~ mountain peaks.
  a) lofty
2. implies marked extension upward and is applied chiefly to things which rise from a base or foundation: a ~ hill; or are placed at a conspicuous height above a lower level: a ~ ceiling.
  b) tall
3. applies to what grows or rises high by comparison with others of its kind and usually implies relative narrowness: a ~ thin man.
  c) clamor,racket
4. stress the psychological effect of a combination of sounds or any excessively noisy scene and implies annoyance and disturbance: the ~ of pigs demanding food; impossible to hear oneself think amid the ~.
  d) high
adbc Right:) group high mean above the average in height.

1. indicates lack of fear in alarming or difficult circumstances: a ~ kitten hissing at the much bigger dog.
  a) dauntless
2. suggests daring in meeting danger or fortitude in enduring it: ~ pioneers struggling westward.
  b) unafraid
3. emphasizes determination, resolution and fearlessness: held their ~ position to the end.
  c) intrepid
4. implies temperamental stoutheartedness and readiness to meet dangers and difficulties: ~ stance before the unruly crowd.
  d) enable
5. implies provision of the means or opportunity to do something: a job that ~s them to live with dignity.
  e) valiant
6. may indicate lack of fear or, more positively, undismayed resolution: took a ~ stance against powerful opponents.
  f) valorous
7. indicates simple lack of fright or fear: face the future ~.
  g) fearless
8. suggests illustrious accomplishments: the ~ deeds of King Arthur’s knights.
  h) courageous
9. implies resolute courage and fortitude whether in facing danger or attaining some end: her ~ efforts to perfect her technique.
  i) brave
icahdgbfe Right:) group brave mean having or showing no fear when faced with something dangerous, difficult, or unknown.首字母BCUFIVVD重组为CBD VIV FU中央商务区生活(VIV是拉丁词根表示to live,FU是活的谐音) <==需要勇敢

1. implies special aptitude as well as proficiency: very ~ at handling large numbers in his head. (aptitude天分==innate capacity+natural liking天生能力+喜欢,美国高考SAT的A)
  a) proficient
2. implies a thorough competence derived from training and practice: a translator thoroughly ~ in Russian.
  b) skillful
3. may imply lack of schooling in the arts and ways of civilization: strange megalithic monuments left by an ~ people.
  c) expert
4. implies individual dexterity in execution or performance: a shrewd and ~ manipulation of public opinion.
  d) adept
5. implies extraordinary proficiency and often connotes knowledge as well as technical skill: ~ in the identification and evaluation of wines.
  e) skilled
6. stresses mastery of technique: a delicate operation requiring a ~ surgeon. (delicate这里表示棘手需要小心)
  f) untutored
dafbce Right:) group proficient mean having or manifesting the great knowledge and experience necessary for success in skill, trade, or profession.

1. applies to things measured in bulk, even though they can be counted: a ~ of carrots; or to anything that is measurable in extent, duration, volume, magnitude, intensity, or value: the ~ of work performed. 
  a) amount
2. suggests the completeness or inclusiveness of the result and may stress magnitude in the result: counted a ~ of 328 paying customers.  (inclusive包含所有的the fully inclusive fare for the trip is RMB 52这次旅行的全部费用是52元)  (complete完全,即没有缺失,a complete success完全成功)
  b) number
3. implies the result of combining sums, or weights or measures into a whole: the ~ of cotton raised last year. 
  c) sum
4. implies a counting or considering together of all the distinct individuals or particulars of a group or a collection: errors that are individually insignificant but in their ~ destroy confidence. 
  d) quantity
5. close to total, emphasizes unity in what is summed up: wanted the individual elements to create a cohesive ~. (cohesive 1统一的,2凝聚的: 指紧密联系的整体,如例句表示统一,又如they had no group cohesiveness他们没有团队凝聚力,表示凝聚力,注意不要错写成cohensive) 
  e) aggregate
6. applies to the result of addition of numbers or particulars: thought of his car as more than the ~ of its parts.
  f) rip
7. implies a pulling apart in one rapid uninterrupted motion often along a seam or joint: ~ped the jacket along the seams.
  g) total
8. suggests a countable aggregate of persons or things: a large ~ of apples. 
  h) whole
dgaehcfb Right:) group sum mean all that is present

1. implies a meddling in such a way as to hinder, interrupt, frustrate, disorder, or defeat, although not necessarily with conscious intent: the rain ~d with their game.
  a) interfere
2. suggests a meddling impertinently and officiously and in such a way as to interfere: government agencies ~ing in their business.
  b) sign
3. suggests officiousness and an acting without right or permission of those properly concerned: they will tolerate no ~ing in their affairs.
  c) tamper
4. implies a seeking to make unwarranted alterations, to perform meddlesome experiments, or to exert an improper influence, and may but need not suggest corruption or clandestine operation: obvious signs that the lock had been ~ed with.  原文说"不一定是暗中改动损坏need not suggest…",但没有见到不是暗中的例子,所以未采用
  d) meddle
5. is applicable to any means by which one conveys information without verbal communication: made a ~ to the others to wait while he reconnoitered.
  e) intermeddle
aedcb Right:) group meddle mean to concern oneself with someone or something officiously, impertinently, or indiscreetly.

1. applies to what is slightly damp or not entirely dry: treat the injury with ~ heat.
  a) wet
2. applies to reasoning or logical proof that puts an end to debate or questioning: ~ evidence of criminal guilt. 逻辑logic是基础词,有3个属性,1有顺序orderly2清晰clear3无谬误freedom from error,如she has a logical mind逻辑思维很强。 推理reason就是指逻辑思考implies logical thinking,如reasoned they must know each other推断他们肯定互相认识)        decisive: may apply to something that ends a controversy, a contest, or any uncertainty: the ~ battle of the war.
  b) damp
3. implies a slight or moderate absorption and often connotes an unpleasant degree of moisture: clothes will mildew if stored in a ~ place.  发霉霉菌 moderate中等的不极端,有克制的,中庸==restrained,如we walked at a moderate pace我们走得不快不慢
  c) dank
4. implies a more distinctly disagreeable or unwholesome dampness and often connotes a lack of fresh air or sunshine: a prisoner in a cold, ~ cell.
  d) humid
5. usually implies saturation but may suggest a covering of a surface with water or something such as paint not yet dry: slipped on the ~ pavement. 铺过的路   wet还表示下雨raining,如it's wet outside外边在下雨 如come in out of the wet快进来,别淋着(湿)
  e) moist
6. applies to the presence of an oppressive amount of water vapor in warm air: the hot, ~ conditions brought on heatstroke.
  f) conclusive
efbcad Right:) group wet mean more or less covered or soaked with liquid.首字母WDDMH想成我们的大河<= =为我们带来潮湿

1. implies standards enforced without indulgence or laxity and may suggest harshness: the ~ dress of the Puritans.   清教徒   (severe有2个意思 1、严格严肃strict, serious, formal,又如a severe woman/architecture一个严肃的女人/严格的建筑风格  2、糟糕严重严峻very bad, serious, or harsh,如severe weather/damage/injuries/pain/punishment/criticism/challenge/situation恶劣的天气/严重的损坏/受伤/疼痛/严厉的惩罚/批评严峻的挑战/形势,这里表示1)
  a) severe
2. may imply a general condition: an ~ fool; or it may apply to lack of knowledge or awareness of a particular thing: he's ~ of nuclear physics.
  b) untutored
3. applies to either an absolute or a relative inability to read and write: much of that country's population is still ~.
  c) ignorant
4. implies ignorance of the knowledge gained by being educated or by reading: a literary reference that is meaningless to the ~.
  d) unlearned
5. may imply lack of schooling in the arts and ways of civilization: strange megalithic monuments left by an ~ people.
  e) illiterate
6. suggests ignorance of advanced or scholarly subjects: a poet who speaks to the ~.
  f) unlettered
Wrong acefbd Right:) group ignorant mean not having knowledge.

1. is often preferred to express one's acknowledgment of divine favor or of what is vaguely felt to be providential: be ~ that you were not badly hurt.
  a) grateful
2. is employed to express a proper sense of favors received from another person or persons: ~ for the company.
  b) vulgar
3. otherwise similar to popular, is likely to carry derogatory connotations of inferiority or coarseness: goods designed to appeal to the ~ taste.
  c) thankful
cab Right:) group grateful mean feeling or expressing gratitude.

1. may be chosen when the sacrifice, especially to some higher or moral end, is stressed: the king ~d his throne to obtain peace.
  a) renounce
2. applies to delight in eating or acquiring things especially beyond the point of necessity or satiety: an admiral who had a ~ appetite for glory.
  b) resign
3. implies a giving up of sovereign power: the king was forced to ~; or sometimes an evading of responsibility such as that of a parent: by walking out he ~d his rights as a father.
  c) abdicate
4. applies especially to the giving up of an unexpired office or trust: forced to ~ from office.
  d) gluttonous
adcb Right:) group abdicate mean to give up formally or definitely.

1. usually implies unselfish concern for others and a capacity for anticipating another's needs or wants: the thank-you note was a ~ gesture.
  a) aroma
2. suggests a somewhat penetrating, pervasive, or sometimes pungent, but usually pleasant odor: the ~ of freshly ground coffee.
  b) considerate
3. emphasizes continuous thoughtfulness often shown by repeated acts of kindness: a wonderfully ~ host.   kindness善意=good will良好的心意,如truth, kindness, and beauty真
  c) thoughtful
4. stresses concern for the feelings or distresses of others: a manner both courtly and ~.
  d) attentive
cadb Right:) group thoughtful mean mindful of others.

1. stresses duty or office and implies an imposed task: quality is everyone's ~.
  a) concern
2. is often used when there is a desire to be vague or inexplicit: a promise to see the ~ through.
  b) affair
3. somewhat rhetoric and bookish, is likely to stress the injuriousness and destructiveness of the contact and to suggest such motivations as hot anger or a desire for a vengeance: fell as if ~ten by a heavy blow.
  c) business
4. generally refers to something being considered or being dealt with: the one remaining ~ in dispute.  (如what is the matter?什么事?)
  d) smite
5. suggests action or performance and may imply a process, an operation, a proceeding, an undertaking or a transaction: the resounding success of the whole ~.
  e) matter
6. suggests personal or direct relationship to something that has bearing on one's welfare, success, or interests: viewed the issue as of no ~ to them.   (to have bearing on: 和...有关系,对...有影响: your credibility has bearing on your success信誉关系到成功)
  f) thing
cfdeba Right:) group affair mean in general terms something done or dealt with.

1. stresses the fact of winning against an opponent or against odds: won an upset ~ in the election.
  a) submissive
2. implies the state of mind of one who has yielded his or her will to control by another and who unquestioning obeys or accepts: ~ to authority.
  b) subdued
3. generally implies a loss of vehemence, intensity, or force and may suggest the quietness or meekness of one dependent, chastised, or timorous: a meek, subdued attitude.  vehement特指人的感情反应强烈implies strong feeling or reaction,如her voice was low but vehement她的声音低沉但强烈富有激情,如vehement criticism猛烈批评)  (intense泛指强烈to a high degree,不仅指人而且指物,如intense heat/blue/life/pain/longing/person/study热/蓝/紧张的生活/痛/强烈的渴望/感情丰富的人/深入的研究) (meek温顺,温和平静,有时表示过度顺从implies mildness or gentleness and sometimes undue submissiveness,如on the surface she seemed meek, rather insipid表面上她似乎温顺,相当乏味,如the refugees were meek and grateful whatever they got难民表现温顺,对得到的任何东西都表示感谢 )
  c) tame
4. implies a lack of independence and spirit that permits or results from domination by others: a friendship that rendered her uncharacteristically ~.
  d) victory
dabc Right:) group tame mean docilely tractable or incapable of asserting one's will.

1. seriously straitened circumstances and accompanying hardships: the ~ of her years as a graduate student.
  a) want
2. sug. a cramping and oppressive lack of resources, esp. of money: given the ~ of lifestyle, few suspected their wealth.
  b) poverty
3. sug. such utter lack of resources AS threatens life through exposure or starvation: the widespread ~ of countries beset by famine:
  c) destitution
4. covers a range from extreme want of necessities to a falling short of having comfortable means: the extreme ~ of many Americans.
  d) indigence
5. adds to treacherous the implication of an incapacity for fidelity or reliability and of baseness or vileness: repeated and ~ violations of the treaty公约. (basevile分别表示一般下劣极端下劣,和low(介于之间)组成一组同义词,应该不难记)
  e) perfidious
6. an extreme poverty that deprives one of necessities of life: lived in a constant state of ~.
  f) penuary
dfcbea Right:) group poverty mean the state of one who is poor or with insufficient resources.

1. implies the taking of advance measures against something possible or probable: measures taken to ~ an epidemic.
  a) prying
2. suggests impertinent and habitual curiosity and persistent quizzing and peering after information: dreaded the visits of their ~ relatives.
  b) prevent
3. a neutral term, connotes an active desire to learn or to know: children are ~ about everything.
  c) curious
4. implies busy meddling and officiousness: ~ neighbors who refuse to mind their own business.
  d) inquisitive
bdca Right:) group curious meaning unknown

1. implies rigid adherence or even slavish conformity to established principle: ~ in her demands.
  a) inflexible
2. suggests extraordinary strength of will and suggests utter immovability in the face of all temptation or entreaty: was ~ that the project be completed on time.   (entreat请求to ask or request urgently,一般指请求别人改变主意,如entreated him to change his mind请求他改变主意) 
  b) presuppose
3. stresses hardness of heart and insensitivity to appeals for mercy or the influence of divine grace: an ~ governor who refused to grant clemency.
  c) inexorable
4. may imply a hazy or imperfectly realized belief or uncritical acceptance: a work which ~s a knowledgeable readership; or it may imply the necessity of accepting something that must be logically true: an effect ~s a cause.
  d) obdurate
5. implies relentlessness of purpose or ruthlessness or finality or, especially when applied to things, inevitableness: the ~ path of progress.
  e) adamant
aedbc Right:) group inflexible mean unwilling to alter a predetermined course or purpose.


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