

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-01

jason246 发表于 2023-7-7 06:39:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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 楼主| jason246 发表于 2023-7-29 14:57:33 | 显示全部楼层
shark fin just inches away from paddle-borders: 鲨鱼鱼翅离划桨者仅几尺
hydrated is important not even for heat but just for your general health: 多喝水不仅仅降温,更是为了身体健康
the killing lights a match: 枪杀点燃了火柴(比喻引发了愤怒)
packed a mosque this afternoon: 挤到了清真寺
spillover crowd of hundreds more praying on the outside: 清真寺外有上百人在祈祷
on-ramp repayment plan: 分期还款计划
beach-goers soak up the sun this holiday: 海滩沐浴阳光
surreal definitely the story: 像做噩梦
17-year-old Chaves is living life to the fullest: 完全享受生活
I've seen a lot of people with bad results: 我见过许多人手术效果很不好
I could easily serve myself a full plate, now I serve myself on a salad plate: 我可以轻松的吃一盘子,但我现在只吃沙拉 salad拌有生菜奶酪等的凉菜
getting a new lease on life: 新的生活契约(比喻新的生活状况)
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