

【同义词练习】 第08/30周(2023.06.12--2023.06.18)

jason246 发表于 2023-6-26 00:39:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. stresses rashness and lack of forethought of persons or acts: a ~ flight from arrest.
  a) impetuous
2. stresses extreme impatience or impulsiveness: it is a bit ~ to propose marriage on the third date.
  b) sudden
3. stresses curtness and a lack of warning or ceremony: an ~ refusal.
  c) abrupt
4. stresses lack of due deliberation and implies prematureness of action: the army's ~ withdrawal.   (premature不成熟为时过早,工程界有句话premature optimization is the root of all evil过早的优化是万恶之源,premature babies/death产儿/英年离世)
  d) random
5. stresses unexpectedness and sharpness or impetuousness of action: flew into a ~ rage.
  e) precipitate
6. stresses chance and lack of definite aim, fixed goal, or regular procedure: a ~ sampling of public opinion.
  f) headlong
facebd Right group precipitate mean showing undue haste or unexpectedness.首字母PHAIS组合成HAP IS运气总是<==突然降临

1. applies to the stopping of an accustomed activity or practice: we have ~d the manufacture of that item.  (accustomed习惯性的惯用的suggests fixed habit or invariable custom固定的习惯习俗,如accepted the compliment with her accustomed modesty她以惯有的谦虚接受别人对她的赞美,=habitual )
  a) discontinue
2. applies to action or progress or to what is operating or progressing and may imply suddenness or definiteness: ~ped the conversation.
  b) desist
3. may stress either finality or abruptness in stopping or ceasing: the engine faltered, sputtered, then ~ altogether.
  c) stop
4. implies forbearance or restraint as a motive for stopping or ceasing: ~ed from further efforts to persuade them.
  d) renounce
5. may be chosen when the sacrifice, especially to some higher or moral end, is stressed: the king ~d his throne to obtain peace.
  e) cease
6. applies to states, conditions, or existence and may imply gradualness and a degree of finality: by nightfall the fighting had ~d.
  f) quit
acfbde Right group stop mean to suspend or cause to suspend activity.

1. suggests noisy, heated verbal quarreling often with blows: a violent ~ between pro- and anti-abortion groups.
  a) tiff
2. implies a lively but brief dispute over a trifle: the couple averages a ~ a week.
  b) altercation
3. implies injury through poisoning or destroying influence: the ~ notion that discipline destroys creativity.
  c) squabble
4. implies a heated verbal clash followed by strained or severed relations: a bitter ~ that ended their friendship.
  d) baneful
5. implies a trivial dispute marked by ill humor or hurt feelings but without serious consequence: a ~ that was forgotten by dinnertime.
  e) quarrel
6. suggests a noisy, insistent, often futile dispute: an ongoing ~ over the town's finances.  又如they were wrangling over/about money他们为钱争论  dispute争议争论: 激烈的争论a heated argument, scientists dispute the reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs科学家争议恐龙灭绝原因)
  f) spat
7. implies childish and unseemly wrangling over a petty matter: the children constantly ~ over toys.
  g) wrangle
bfdeagc Right group quarrel mean an angry dispute.首字母QWASST想成was qst曾是个问题<==吵架

1. stresses the payment of money for the full use of property and may imply either hiring or letting: instead of buying a house, they decided to ~.
  a) charter
2. strictly implies a letting under the terms of a contract but is often applied to the act of hiring on a lease: the diplomat ~d an apartment for a year.
  b) palate
3. implies the act of engaging or taking for use: we ~d a car for the summer.
  c) let
4. applies to the hiring or letting of a public vessel or vehicle usually for exclusive use: ~ a bus to go to the game.
  d) rent
5. implies a liking based on pleasurable sensation: the discerning ~ of a tea taster.
  e) hire
6. suggests the granting of use: decided to ~ the cottage to a young couple.
  f) lease
dfeabc Right group hire mean to engage or grant for use at a price.首字母HLLRC想成出楼和入楼<==租用房屋

1. stresses the implication of noninterference in letting or allowing or permitting and can suggest the departure of the person who might interfere: ~ them to resolve the matter among themselves.
  a) let
2. implies express willingness or acquiescence: the park ~s powerboats on the lake.
  b) suffer
3. similar in meaning, is rarely used of material things and usually carries a more definite implication of support: used those facts as the ~ of her argument.
  c) allow
4. implies little more than a forbearing to prohibit or to exert this power: a teacher who ~s her pupils to do as they like.
  d) permit
5. may imply a positive giving of permission but more often implies failure to prevent either through inadvertence and negligence a through lack of power or effective authority: the goalie ~ the ball get by her.
  e) basis
6. can be close to allow or may distinctively imply indifference or reluctance: ~ed themselves to be photographed.
  f) leave
fdecab Right group let mean not to forbid or prevent.

1. is likely to imply a giving up or setting apart because of compelling motives: ~d his evenings to study.
  a) devote
2. often differing little from dedicate or consecrate, may distinctively imply an attribution on intrinsic sanctity: battleground ~ed by the blood of patriots.
  b) dedicate
3. stresses investment with a solemn and sacred quality: ~ a church to the worship of God.
  c) consecrate
4. implies a solemn and exclusive devotion to a sacred or serious use or purpose: ~d her life to medical research.
  d) hallow
5. usually suggests great physical weakness such as that associated with infancy, old age, or disease and often connotes a shaking that makes movement extremely difficult and uncertain and that forebodes a fall or collapse: the mast ~ed before it fell.
  e) totter
adcbe Right group devote mean to set apart for a particular and often higher end.

1. suggests that the difference is of no practical importance and that there is a reasonable approach to accuracy: weather forecasts cannot be more than ~ accurate.
  a) plain
2. stresses a falling short or deficiency: ~ out of her mind with grief.
  b) approximately
3. implies mere proximity: we were ~ home when the accident happened.
  c) well-nigh
4. stresses lack of anything such as ornamentation or affectation likely to catch the attention: a ~ house on a quiet street; or it may suggest elegance: the furnishings were ~ with very simple classic lines; or frugality: she sets a ~ but abundant table; or, with reference to personal appearance, lack of positive beauty that does not go to the extreme of ugliness: drawn to that ~ and kindly face.
  d) almost
5. implies the closest approach short of identity: they found him ~ dead from cold.
  e) nearly
bdeac Right group nearly meaning unknown

1. implies an appearance of goodness, sincerity, or piety by one who is deficient in these qualities or who is corrupt, dishonest, or irreligious: had no use for such ~ gestures.
  a) hypocritical
2. implies the use of religious or pietistic language without evidence of underlying  religious feeling: a ~ moralist.
  b) canting
3. suggests that the ends of justice are served OR another is being vindicated OR a merited punishment is administered: ~d the insult to his honor.
  c) sanctimonious
4. implies an affectation or merely outward show of holiness or piety: made a ~ appearance in church every week.
  d) pharisaical
5. stresses close adherence to outward forms and a censorious attitude toward others' defects in these respects, coupled with little real concern for spiritual matters: always under the gaze of ~ neighbors.
  e) avenge
abecd Right group hypocritical mean affecting more virtue or religious devotion than one actually possesses.

1. implies a tentative or temporary imperfect expedient and often connotes dubiousness or trickery: her desperate ~s and dodges fooled no one. (这个解释不太好理解,但动词容易理解,表示转嫁推卸,如shift blame/responsibility推卸转嫁责任/指责)
  a) stopgap
2. applies to an abrupt sharpness and ungraciousness: a ~ response to a civil question.
  b) brusque
3. applies to something used temporarily as an emergency measure: the farm aid bill is no more than a ~.
  c) resort
4. may apply to any device or contrivance used when the usual one is not at hand or not possible: the flimsiest of ~s ends the tale.
  d) expedient
5. applies to anything one falls back upon: haven't exhausted all of my ~s yet.   (fall back upon依靠依赖,表示开始去使用预留的人或物to begin to use someone or something held in reserve,如we fell back on our savings to get us through the hard times为了度过难关,我们动用了积蓄,如we had to fall back on our emergency generator我们必须依靠(动用)紧急发电机) 
  e) makeshift
6. implies an inferior expedient adopted because of urgent need or countenanced through indifference: the space heater was supposed to be only a ~.
  f) shift
7. is like resource but is used mostly with 'last' or in the phrase 'to have resort to': favor a sales tax only as a last ~.
  g) resource
Wrong fbadgec Right group resource mean something one turns to in the absence of the usual means or source of supply.

1. emphasizes the presence of dirt more than emotional reaction to it: children ~ from play; OR stresses meanness or despicable: a little ~ secret.
  a) squalid
2. implies existence of a common will to adjust differences or a need for diplomacy: warring nations ready to ~ for peace.
  b) filthy
3. adds to dirty and foul the idea of slovenly neglect: live in ~ poverty; or sordid baseness and dirtiness: a series of ~ affairs. (sordid肮脏卑鄙: dirty and dishonest脏不诚实: sordid details of their relationship他们关系的肮脏细节) (base卑鄙,比mean不高尚贬义重)
  c) nasty
4. applies to what is actually foul and repugnant to one expecting freshness, sweetness, or cleanliness: it's a ~ job to clean up after a sick cat. although in practice it is often no more than synonym of unpleasant, disagreeable: his answer gave her a ~ shock. (repugnant令人厌恶的)
  d) treat
5. carries a strong suggestion of offensiveness and gradually accumulated dirt that besmears and begrimes: a stained, greasy floor, utterly ~; OR obscenity: ~ language. (besmear: 用油粘物弄脏) (begrime: 泥污等弄脏) (stain: 液体等留下的污迹)
  e) foul
6. implies extreme offensiveness and accumulation of what rots and stints: a ~ smelling open sewer(下水道);  OR disgusting obscenity or loathsome behavior: a record of ~ deeds.
  f) dirty
fdacbe Right group dirty mean either physically or morally unclean or impure.

1. can imply a seizure by emotion and especially by joy or delight: ~ed by the sight of tropical sunset.
  a) chastise
2. usually suggests being held as spellbound as if in a trance by something that awakens an overmastering emotion: a naive ingenuousness that ~d them.
  b) transport
3. implies the fact of being moved by an emotion, as delight or rage, that exceeds ordinary limits and agitates or excites: children ~ed with delight at the thought of Christmas.
  c) enrapture
4. may apply to either the infliction of corporal punishment or to verval censure or denunciation: ~d his son for neglecting his studies.  inflict使承受苦难伤害等inflict某人使别人遭受,afflict某物使别人遭受)   (censure正式批评, denounce公开批评,参见2017-04-14 批评criticize-denounce)
  d) entrance
5. implies a putting into a state of rapture and usually suggests an intense, even ecstatic, delight, often in one of the arts: young girls ~d with the ballet before them; but sometimes it stresses the bemusing aspects of rapture and then suggests a bedazzling or suppressing of the powers of clear thinking: a campaign that failed to ~ voters.
  e) ravish
edbac Right:) group transport mean to carry away by strong and usually pleasurable emotion.

1. suggests an effect of bewilderment, perplexity, or wonder: ~d by the immense size of the place. bewilder: to confuse使人迷惑bewildered by city life面对城市生活感到迷茫perplex表示让人疑惑担心犹豫,多指不好的事情,如her change of personality perplexed her friends她性格的变化让朋友疑惑担心,没有采用)
  a) astound
2. stresses a stunning or overwhelming emotional effect resulting from unprecedented or unbelievable but true occurrences: news of the atomic bomb ~ed every one.  (stun使人眩晕昏迷震惊,如打击头部to make someone unconscious or unsteady, 如the animals are stunned before slaughter屠宰前要先把动物击昏, 又如she is a woman of stunning beauty她美得让人倾倒)
  b) unnerve
3. implies a surprising so great as to seem incredible: the young player ~ed the chess masters.
  c) flabbergast
4. may suggest a dumbfounding astonishment and bewilderment or dismay: ~ed by his daughter's precocious comments.  早熟的
  d) astonish
5. implies a marked and often temporary loss of courage, self-control, or power to act: ~d by the near midair collision.
  e) amaze
6. stresses the causing of surprise, amazement, or wonder through being unexpected or unanticipated at a particular time or place: ~d to find his mother in a bar.  (expect预料,有一定把握,如I expect to finish the work on Friday我预计周五完成任务,anticipate预料并提前做准备,如the servants anticipated our every need服务员预料到我们的需求(并做了准备))
  f) surprise
eadcbf Right:) group surprise mean to impress forcibly through unexpectedness.

1. implies a holding back, usually by interference, from completion or arrival: bad weather ~ed our return.
  a) detain
2. implies a holding back beyond a reasonable or appointed time, often with resulting delay: unexpected business had ~ her.
  b) liberal
3. often used with up or down, also implies a reduction of speed, often with deliberate intention: the engineer ~ed the train.
  c) slacken
4. applies chiefly to motion and suggests a slowing, often by interference: language barriers ~ed their rate of learning.
  d) slow
5. suggests an easing up or relaxing of power or effort: he needs to ~ his pace if he intends to finish the race.
  e) retard
6. implies a greater or less degree of emancipation from convention, tradition, or dogma  and may suggest either pragmatism and tolerance or unorthodoxy, extremism, and laxness: a politician's ~ tendencies.
  f) delay
fadecb Right:) group delay meaning unknown

1. is likely to stress the power of attracting and often of holding favorable attention: an ~ smile.
  a) jibe
2. otherwise close to engaging, is likely to stress the power of a person to please or delight: a girl with a ready smile and very ~ ways.
  b) winning
3. suggests an appealing and gratifying or soothing quality: the ~ tones of a harp.
  c) dulcet
4. implies a generally pleasing and engaging quality and often a childlike charm and innocence: had an indefinably ~ quality.
  d) sweet
5. is likely to be a term of mild general approval for what pleases or attracts without stirring deeply: what a ~ cottage; but can sometimes suggest a cloying excess of what is pleasing in moderation: a ~, overpowering aroma.
  e) winsome
6. st.equivalent to agree, s.t to accord and s.t to harmonize: his action deesn't ~ with his words
  f) engaging
fbceda Right:) group sweet mean distinctly pleasing or charming and free of all that is irritating or distasteful.

1. implies comparatively little extension between surfaces or in diameter: a ~ wire; or it may suggest lack of substance, richness, or abundance: soup that was ~ and tasteless.
  a) slight
2. implies smallness as well as thinness: the ~ build of a professional jockey.
  b) slim
3. implies extreme thinness, sheerness, or lack of substance or firmness: the sword hung by a few ~ threads.
  c) thin
4. applies to a slenderness that suggests fragility or scantiness: ~ chance of success.
  d) slender
5. implies leanness or spareness often with grace and good proportion: the ~ legs of a Sheraton chair.  leanspace是褒义词,表示精瘦没有多余脂肪lack of excessive fat,如来自饮食节制长期锻炼等,而上边的thin形容人一般是贬义,表示瘦弱面黄肌瘦不健康等)   (Sheraton喜来登,酒店名, 还表示18实际一种新古典主义的家具风格,以Thomas Sheraton命名an 18th-century neoclassical furniture style, so called after Thomas Sheraton,这种家具的框架都是直角,腿是圆形,从上往下逐渐变细,所以例句中说它苗条)
  e) tenuous
6. implies seeking favor by servile flattery or exaggerated attention and submissiveness: waiters ~ing over a celebrity.  servile也是低三下四地恭顺阿谀奉承implies lowly status and fawning submissiveness,可见和fawn互释, 都表示卑微恭顺(submissive)和阿谀奉承, 如a political boss and his entourage of servile hangers-on政治老板和攀附于他的奴颜婢色的随从)  hanger-on攀附他人趋炎附势的人
  f) fawn
caebdf Right:) group thin meaning unknown

1. applies to a style that is simple and elegant as well as clear: the ~ beauty of Shakespeare's sonnets.
  a) condescdend
2. implies freedom from obscurity, ambiguity, or undue complexity: the instructions were perfectly ~.
  b) clear
3. suggests a clear logical coherence and evident order of arrangement: an amazingly ~ description of nuclear physics.
  c) perspicuous
4. usually implies an assumed superiority and a patronizing stooping by one of high rank or position to interact with social inferiors: a plant manager ~ing to mingle with the employees.
  d) lucid
Wrong cbda Right:) group clear mean quickly and easily understood.

1. STRONGER than pleasing and gratifying, stress pleasure by satisfying a prior need or longing: as ~ as rain after a  long drought.
  a) pleasing
2. stresses a quality inherent in an object: a ~ evening.
  b) grateful
3. implies satisfaction, relief, and comfort yielded by what is agreeable and pleasing: the fire threw a ~ warmth into the room.
  c) sport
4. close to pleasant, stresses the effect that something on one: a ~ arrangement of color.
  d) pleasant
5. implies mental pleasure from satisfying one's hopes, desires, conscience and vanity: a ~ sense of accomplishment.
  e) gratifying
6. applies esp. to the arousing of laughter against someone in raillery or ridicule: teasing begun in ~ ended in ugly brawl.  (raillery逗笑,善意玩笑注意两个l)  (brawl打架斗殴)
  f) agreeable
7. applies to what is IN ACCORD WITH one's tastes or liking: an ~ companion(同伴).
  g) welcome
gdbaecf Right:) group pleasant mean highly acceptable to or delighting the mind or senses.

1. implies a summoning to assemble, esp. for deliberative or legislative purposes: ~ an assembly of the world's leading scientists. 
  a) convoke
2. applies especially to action of British crown or its representative by which a parliament is adjourned: the king's hasty decision to ~ the parliamentary session.
  b) dissolve
3. implies suspension until an appointed time OR indefinitely: ~ a meeting.
  c) adjourn
4. implies permanency and suggests that the body ceases to exist as presently constituted so that an election must be held in order to reconstitute it: the president's decision ~d the committee.
  d) prorogue
adcb Right:) group adjourn mean to terminate the activities of (as a legislature or meeting)

1. implies hardness together with lack of elasticity or flexibility or toughness: elderly patients with ~ bones.
  a) friable
2. applies to substances that are easily crumbled to pulverized: ~ soil.
  b) fragile
3. implies a firmness and brittleness desirable especially in some foods: ~ lettuce.
  c) crisp
4. implies extreme delicacy of material or construction and need for careful handling: a ~ antique chair.
  d) brittle
5. applies to what is on or comes from the outside and may OR may not be capable of becoming an essential part: ~ arguments that obscure the real issue.
  e) frangible
6. implies an inherent susceptibility to being broken without implying weakness or delicacy: ~ stone used as paving material.
  f) extraneous
dacbfe Right:) group fragile mean easily broken.

1. stresses precise, clear statement or arrangement that leaves no uncertainty or indecision: the law is ~ regarding to this case.
  a) express
2. implies both explicitness and direct and forceful utterance: her ~ will was to be cremated.
  b) definite
3. applies to what is precisely and fully referred to or treated in detail or particular: two ~ criticisms of the proposal.
  c) specific
4. suggests the place where a person or thing stands or is set to stand and connotes the accompanying responsibility, as in performance of duty or participation: waiters standing  expectantly at their ~s.
  d) station
5. implies such verbal plainness and distinctness that there is no need for inference and no reason for ambiguity or difficulty in understanding: the dress code is ~.
  e) explicit
bacde Right:) group explicit mean perfectly clear in meaning.

1. implies making more tolerable or acceptable the conditions that are hard to endure: a cancerous condition that cannot be ~ by chemotherapy.
  a) ameliorate
2. suggests a disregarding or ignoring through haste or lack of care: in my rush I ~ed some relevant examples.
  b) improve
3. implies a bettering that still leaves room for improvement: a coat of paint could ~ the house.
  c) help
4. a more vigorous and homely term,differs little in meaning: immigrants hope to ~ their lot in life.
  d) better
5. the general term, applies to what is capable of being made better whether it is good OR bad: measures to ~ the quality of medical care. (quality表质量时单数)
  e) overlook
aecdb Right:) group improve mean to make more acceptable or bring nearer some standard.

1. suggests facility and fluency in response: backed by a pair of ~ assistants.
  a) quick
2. stresses the possession of qualities, such as high intelligence, a particular talent, or a strong bent, that make quick effective response possible: an ~ student.
  b) prompt
3. implies the actual presence of a specified substance or quantity within something: the can ~s about a quart of oil.
  c) apt
4. is more likely to connote training and discipline that fits one for instant response: the ~ response of emergency medical technicians.
  d) ready
5. stresses instancy of response and is likely to connote native rather than acquired power: a ~ mind.  (acquired外部获得的、习得的,不是本身就具有的,如Acquired Immuno Defect Syndrome获得性免疫系统缺陷症)
  e) contain
dceba Right:) group quick mean able to respond without delay or hesitation or indicative of such ability.

1. implies a direct, open-eyed gazing denoting curiocity, disbelief or insolence: kept ~ing at them as they tried to eat.
  a) advance
2. implies a bringing forward of something as relevant or specific to an inquiry or discussion: asked to ~ a single piece of legislation enacted to relieve the situation.
  b) adduce
3. more specifically applies to a bringing forth of evidence, facts, instances, or arguments in support of a position or contention: reasons ~d by those who doubt the reality of UFOs.
  c) allege
4. often carries a strong suggestion of doubt about the validity of what is brought forward: tried the ~d perpetrator; and sometimes amounts to a disclaimer of responsibility for the assertion: the existence, real or ~d, of ghosts.
  d) cite
5. stresses the notion of bringing forward for consideration or study: the idea has been ~d as a theoretical possibility.
  e) stare
edbca Right:) group cite mean to bring forward as in explanation, proof, or illustrations.

1. suggests outspokenness and freedom from affectation or subtlety in expression: very ~ about telling them to leave.
  a) open
2. stresses lack of reticence in expressing oneself and connotes freedom from shyness, secretiveness, or considerations of tact or expedience : held ~ discussions on arms control.
  b) candid
3. suggests an act or method followed with regularity, and usually through choice: our ~ is to honor all major credit cards. (注意是honor不是respect)
  c) frank
4. suggests expression marked by sincerity and honesty especially in offering unwelcome criticism or opinion: a ~ appraisal of her singing ability.
  d) practice
5. implies frankness and candor but suggests more artlessness than frank and less earnestness than candid: young children are ~ and artless in saying what they think.
  e) plain
ecdba Right:) group frank mean showing willingness to tell what one feels or thinks.

1. may imply devoutness and piety but it emphasizes faith in a deity and adherence to a way of life in keeping with that faith: a basically ~ man, although not a regular churchgoer.
  a) pitiful
2. stresses genuine feeling and a mental attitude that leads to solemn reverence and fitting observance of rites and practices: a pilgrimage that is the goal of ~ believers.
  b) pietistic
3. applies especially to what excites pity or sometimes commiseration because it is felt to be deeply pathetic: a long line of ~ refugees; but it can also apply to what excites pitying contempt: a ~ excuse.
  c) sanctimonious
4. stresses the emotional as opposed to the intellectual aspects of religion: regarded religious articles as ~ excess.
  d) pious
5. implies pretentions to holiness or smug appearance of piety: a ~ preacher without mercy or human kindness.  smug沾沾自喜的,自鸣得意的,贬义implies an manner marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction,如a smug expression /smile/face沾沾自喜自鸣得意的表情/笑容/面容,如Thomas and his wife looked at each other in smug satisfaction托马斯和夫人得意地互相望了一眼)
  e) devout
6. applies to the faithful and dutiful performance of religious duties and maintenance of outwardly religious attitudes: a ~ family that faithfully observes the Sabbath.
  f) religious
feabcd Right:) group devout mean showing fervor in the practice of religion.首字母DPRPS想成SP PRD(super proud)超级自豪<==因为虔诚

1. implies insinuating or alluring indirectness in dealing and often connotes sophistication or coquetry or cleverness: an ~ matchmaker. (coquetry假装兴趣奉承without serious intention)
  a) absolute
2. implies that one is not bound by legal restraints OR the control of another: King Louis XIV was an ~ monarch.
  b) crafty
3. implies cleverness and subtlety of method: a ~ trial lawyer.
  c) cunning
4. suggests the inventive use of sometimes limited intelligence in overreaching or circumventing: relentlessly ~ in her pursuit of the governorship. (overreach越权circumvent避免或叫塞责)
  d) artful
5. implies furtiveness, lack of candor, and skill in concealing one’s aims and methods: a ~ corporate-takeover scheme.
  e) sly
6. suggests unscrupulous shiftiness and unreliability: a ~ interviewer who usually got what she wanted from her subject.
  f) foxy
7. implies a shrewd and wary craftiness usually based on experience in devious dealing: a ~ thief got away with her jewels.
  g) tricky
dabcegf Right:) group sly mean attaining or seeking to attain one’s ends by devious means.

1. is a scientific term chiefly in reference to plants from which sunlight has been excluded and the natural coloring of chlorophyll has not been formed: ~d plants look sickly.
  a) reward
2. implies the action of light or chemicals in removing or reducing color: ~ hair with peroxide.
  b) bleach
3. implies a making white or whiter, often by a surface application: the snow fell softly, ~ing the roofs and streets.
  c) decolorize
4. implies a whitening either by the removal of color: ~ed when she saw the accident; or by preventing it from developing: ~ celery by covering the stalks with earth.
  d) whiten
5. implies the deprivation of color by a process such as bleaching or blanching: a process to ~ raw sugar.
  e) etiolate
6. implies the giving of what is deserved or merited after a careful weighing of pertinent factors: ~ the company a huge defense contract.
  f) blanch
ebdfca Right:) group whiten mean to change from an original or natural color to white or nearly white.

1. adds an emphasis on a place needing to be filled: obtained a ~ as clerk to the city council.
  a) ostentatious
2. implies an appearance of importance not justified by the thing's value or the person's standing: for a family-style restaurant, the menu was far too ~.
  b) showy
3. implies an imposing or striking appearance but usually suggests cheapness or poor taste: the ~ costumes of the circus performers.
  c) situation
4. stresses conspicuous or vainglorious display or parade that may or may not be showy or pretentious: very ~, even for a debutante party.  vainglorious炫耀,目的是给别人看to show, to display,如resorted to bragging and vainglory to get his own way通过吹嘘炫耀,他为所欲为。 近义词vanity虚荣表示希望别人注意称赞自己desire to win notice and praise,如a woman of enormous vanity一个很虚荣的女人。炫耀和虚荣都来自泛指空虚的vain)  debutante首次亮相社交场合的女子a young woman making her first appearance in a social event. 
  d) pretentious
cdba Right:) group showy mean given to or making excessive outward display.

1. stresses lack of courage and daring and implies extreme cautiousness and a fear of venturing into the unfamiliar or the uncertain: a ~ investor impairing his capital in a vain search for complete security.
  a) timid
2. stresses a usually habitual domination by fears and apprehensions of often imaginary risks that leads one to shrink terrified from any exhibition of independence or self-assertion: a ~ personality unsuited to door-to-door selling.
  b) timorous
ab Right:) group timid mean so fearful and apprehensive as to hesitate or hold back.

1. implies a positive rejection of something stated or advanced: regarded his explanation with ~.
  a) incredulity
2. suggests a disposition to refuse belief or acceptance: greeted her announcement with ~.
  b) disbelief
3. stresses absence of belief especially in respect to something above or beyond one's experience or capacity: received news of the disaster with an attitude of ~.
  c) unbelief
bac Right:) group unbelief mean the attitude or state of mind of one who does not believe.

1. suggests an unstudied naturalness and may connote freshness, lack of deliberation, or obedience to the impulse of the moment: a welcome full of warm ~.
  a) abandon
2. expresses the fact of freely yielding to impulse and can replace either of the other terms though it is less positive in implication: lived a life of complete ~.
  b) unconstraint
3. may add an implication of loss of self-control: weep with ~; or of the absence or impotence of any check on full, free, or natural expression of feeling: ate with ~ the whole time we were on vacation.
  c) spontaneity
cba Right:) group unconstraint mean a free and uninhibited expression of thoughts or feelings or a mood or style marked by this.

1. implies an excessive desire to win notice, approval, or prasie and connotes self-centeredness and may suggest concentration on trivia: a woman of enormous ~.
  a) pride
2. may imply either justified OR unjustified self-esteem, and it may refer to real OR imagined merit or superiority or to feelings of proper respect for oneself and one's standards OR to blatant and arrogant conceit: took ~ in her marks.
  b) vanity
3. suggests excessive boastful pride often manifested in an arrogant display of one's vaunted qualities: resorted to bragging and ~ to get his own way.
  c) vainglory
bac Right:) group pride mean the quality or feeling of a person who is firmly convinced of his or her own excellence or superiority.

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