attempted a march on Moscow: 试图向莫斯科行进
vowing to take the fight to the capital: 宣称要打到首都
a day's drive from Moscow: 离莫斯科一天的车程
to take down the military lead: 打倒军事领导层
calling on them to lay down thier arms: 呼吁放下武器
setting up roadblocks and checkpoints to bolster Kremlin in Moscow: 设立路障和检查站加强安保
what they say about the deal that was brokered: 他们怎样评论达成的交易
mafia power struggle: 黑社会权斗
he uses his private army to prop up dictators in Africa用私人部队支持非洲独裁者
agreed to some some sort of exile in Belarus: 同意流亡到白俄罗斯
was this all stunt to prove a point? no , I think it is a munity, that is the right word: 是一个表演吗?我认为是兵变,是正确的词
no matter how the dust settles, I think Putin emerge from this a lot weaker in Russia: 无论尘埃如何落定,普丁都会变弱很多
we need to scope out the lines of inquiry: 需要设定调查范围
riveted the world's attention: 吸引了世界的注意力
we know there was risks and it's clear not for the faint-hearted: 我们知道有风险,肯定是需要胆量
carrying hot asphalt and molten sulfur near water treatment facilities: 火车上装着热沥青,溶解硫,在水处理厂附近
asking residents to conserve water: 让居民储存水
some areas getting blasted especially hard with temperaturs as high as 120 degrees: 受创最严重地区温度达120度
the supreme court's seismic decision overturning Roe v Wade: 最高法院令人震撼的推翻堕胎权的决定
dueling rallies across the country: 正反两方都举行了集会
pointed to adoption as a viable alternative to terminating a pregnancy: 指出可以领养而避免堕胎
to carry her baby to term: 将孩子生出来
banned abortion at six weeks: 六周以后禁止堕胎
killer whales ramming into a sailboat: 鲸鱼冲撞帆船
take aim at yet another boat: 撞击另一只船
this is a moment that deserves a standing ovation: 这一刻值得起立鼓掌