

【同义词练习】 第07/30周(2023.06.05--2023.06.11)

jason246 发表于 2023-6-15 23:09:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. applies to the subscribing of one's own name as evidence of the genuineness of a document: two persons who ~ed the signing of the will.
  a) certify
2. applies to oral or written testimony usually from experts or witnesses and often under oath or by word of honor: ~ed the authenticity of the document.
  b) vouch
3. usually applies to a written statement, especially one carrying a signature or seal: ~ied that the candidate had met all the requirements.
  c) fulsome
4. suggests that the one who testifies is a competent authority or a reliable person who will stand behind an affirmation: willing to ~ for the woman's integrity.
  d) attest
5. implies something which is essentially good has been carried to an excessive and offensive degree: the ~ flattery of a celebrity interviewer.
  e) witness
edabc Right group certify meaning unknown

1. implies an attracting of interest or admiration or a trifling in love without serious intention: brazenly ~ with the husbands of her friends.
  a) coquet
2. suggests an indulging in thoughts or plans or activity merely as an amusement or pastime: likes to ~ with the idea of writing a book someday.
  b) flirt
3. applies to a troublesome or dangerous situation from which escape is difficult: in dire ~ since the death of their father.
  c) straits
4. may imply such varied attitudes as playfulness, unconcern, indulgent contempt, or light amorousness: ~ with her boyfriend's feelings.
  d) dally
5. implies a superficiality of  interest or attention that soon passes to another object: ~ with one college major after another.
  e) trifle
6. implies an acting without full attention or serious exertion of one's powers: ~ing with the idea of taking a cruise.
  f) toy
adcebf Right group trifle meaning unknown

1. implies a stealthiness in moving to escape attention and may connote sly caution: during the festivities, I ~ away. (过去式i变u)
  a) lurk
2. suggests furtive movement and cowardice or fear or sinister intent: spied something ~ing in the shadows.
  b) tense
3. may add an implication of entering or leaving a place or evading a difficulty by furtive, indirect, or underhanded method: he
  c) slink
4. may be preferred when the tightness or tautness results in or manifests itself in severe physical or mental tension or strain: the crouching cat, ~ and ready to spring.
  d) skulk
5. implies a lying in wait in a place of concealment and often suggests an evil intent: suspicious men ~ing in alleyways.
  e) sneak
cdeba Right group lurk mean to behave furtively so as to escape attention.

1. applies to all the extertal factors that have a formative influence on one's physical, mental or moral development: the kind of ~ that produces juvenile delinquents.
  a) instill
2. describes the time, place and conditions in which the charactrers act in a literature, art or drama: chose a 19th century ~ for her novel; and suggests one is looking at a real-life situation as though it were a dramatic or literary presentation: a reformist who was born into the most unlikely ~.
  b) mise-en-scene
3. stresses gradual, gentle imparting of knowledge over a long period of time: ~ traditional values in your children.   (gradual逐步逐渐的,来自词根GRAD表示步伐程度step, degree,如graduate毕业: 走过了某一步,汉语中"逐步"强调"有步骤"或有方法,"逐渐"中的""本来是浙一水名,逐渐强调程度"一点点"加强或加深,但不强调步骤方法)
  c) milieu
4. refers to those aspects of a stage or picture most remote from the viewer against or in front of which the actions or figures are set: city streets visible in the ~; and by extension often  refers to the circumstances or events that precede a phenomenon or development: a ~ that prepared her well for the task.
  d) background
5. strongly suggests the use of properties to achieve a particular atmosphere or theatrical effect: a tale of occult with a crafted ~.
  e) setting
6. applies especially to the physical and social surrounding of a person or a group: an intellectual ~ conduCive to bold experimenTation in arts.
  f) environment
feadbc Right group background mean the space, time, and circumstances in which something occurs.

1. implies a sharppenetrating flavor or savor: there was a ~ of vinegar in thedressing.
  a) happy
2. suggests delicate or pervasive flavor appealing toa sensitive palate: sipping slowly to get the full ~ of the wine.
  b) taste
3. combines the implications of lucky and fortunate, with its more common meaning of being blessed: a life that has been a series of ~ accidents.
  c) flavor
4. suggests the interaction of the senses of taste and smell: a head cold seems to spoil the ~ of most foods.
  d) savor
5. merely indicates the property: the fundamental ~s are sour, sweet, bitter, and salt.  国外说法基本味道是酸甜苦咸
  e) tang
edacb Right group taste mean the property of asubstance which makes it perceptible to the gustatory sense.

1. often stresses the adding of a superfluous or adventitious element: ~ the page with floral BORDERS. (adventitious: 无关随意的lack of essential relationship)
  a) ornament
2. suggests the addition of color or interest to what is dull or monotonous: ~ a birthday cake with colored frosting.
  b) deck, bedeck
3. suggests a decorating with a small final touch, and is used especially in referring to the serving of food: airline food invariably ~ with parsley.
  c) decorate
4. implies the addition of something that contributes to the gaiEty, splendor, or showiness: a house all ~ out for the holidays(deck); ~ with garlands(bedeck).
  d) dispense
5. implies the adding of something extraneous to heighten or set off the original: a white house ~ with green shutters.
  e) garnish
6. suggests the giving of a carefully weighed or measured portion to each of a group according to need or as a right or as due: ~d medicine during the epidemic.
  f) adorn
7. implies an enhancing by something beautiful in itself: a diamond necklace ~ her neck.
  g) embellish
8. suggests a counteracting of a plainnessor ugliness: will ~ the park with flower bed.
  h) beautify
gcebadfh Right group adorn mean to enhance the appearance of something by adding something UNessential.

1. is applied literally to what is deprived of vital force but is used figuratively of anything that has lost any attribute of life, such as energy, activity, or radiance: a ~ engine.
  a) defunct
2. stresses cessation of active existence or operation: a ~ television series.
  b) dead
3. is likely to imply anaction for a specific end, such as illuminating, heating,or smoking: ~ a fire in the stove.
  c) light
4. apply to persons who have died recently. deceased occurs especially in legal use: the rights of the ~ must be acknowledged; departed usually occurs as a euphemism: pray for our ~ mother; and late applies especially to a person in a specific relation of status: the ~ president of the company.
  d) deceased,departed,late
bacd Right group dead mean devoid of life.

1. in its strict sense is a divine attribute equivalent to immanent, but more commonly it implies presence or prevalence: the residents of that neighborhood have an ~ sense of fear.
  a) fetish
2. is applied to an object that is regarded as sacred or magical or to something that is cherished unreasonably or obsessively: make a ~ of the Bill of Rights.
  b) ubiquitous
3. implies a quality being so active or so numerous as to seem to be everywhere: ~ tourists toting their omnipresent cameras.
  c) omnipresent
cab Right group omnipresent mean present or existent everywhere.

1. applies to one thing that bears a reciprocal relationship to another: a punishment not at all ~ to the offence.
  a) commensurable
2. more strongly implies a common scale by which two quite different things can be shown to be significantly equal or proportionate: equal pay for jobs that are ~ in worth.
  b) proportional
3. may apply to several closely related things that change without altering their relations: medical fees are ~ to one's income.
  c) proportionate
4. stresses an equality between things different from but in some way dependent on each other: the salary will be ~ with experience.
  d) predict
5. commonly implies inference from facts or from accepted laws of nature: astronomers ~ed the return of the comet.
  e) commensurate
cabed Right group proportional mean in due ration to something else.

1. implies an arousing of strong annoyance or vexation that may excite to action: remarks that were made solely to ~ him.
  a) provoke
2. suggests galling annoyance or vexation and the arousing of extreme impatience: his ~  habit of putting off every decision.  galling使人恼怒(因为不公平),如it was especially galling to be criticised by this scoundrel被这个无赖指责让人尤其气愤 ) (annoy使厌烦,生气: a wearing on the nerves by persistent and petty unpleasantness不停用琐碎讨厌的东西消磨人的神经 ,如his constant complaining annoys us他不停抱怨让人厌烦
  b) nettle
3. suggests the arousing of fretful, often petty, or querulous irritation: she is easily ~d after a  sleepless night.
  c) irritate
4. implies an often gradual arousing of angry feelings that may range from impatience to rage: her constant nagging ~ him to no end.
  d) rile
5. suggests a light and sharp but transitory stinging or piquing: your high-handed attitude ~d  several people.  pique温和刺激挑战to stimulate by mild irritation or challenge,如that remark piqued my interest那句话激起我的兴趣)
  e) aggravate
6. implies persistent, often petty, goading that leads to displeasure, impatience, or anger: the ~ing drone of self-important politicians.
  f) peeve
7. suggests actual as well as relative heaviness: really ~ parcels are shipped by freight: or implies a momentous or highly important character: pondered ~ matters late into the night.
  g) weighty
8. implies the inducing of an angry or resentful agitation: the new rules ~d the employees.
  h) exasperate
ahfcbegd Right group irritate mean to excite a feeling of angry annoyance.

1. is used in relation to concrete things and implies a fixed but not necessarily a clearly definite place: knows the ~ of every historical building in town.
  a) consequence
2. the most general of these terms, carries the implication of having dimensions in space, although the dimensions may be large or small and the limits may not be clearly defined: the place where I was born.
  b) situation
3. implies a direct but looser or remoter connection with a cause, and usually implies the cause is NO longer operating: a single act that had far-reaching ~.
  c) site
4. can be used in relation to abstract as well as concrete things and usually implies place in relation to something in particular: an instrument used to indicate the ~ of the aircraft.
  d) station
5. adds to location a more specific note about the character of the surroundings: liked the ~ of the house halfway up the hill.
  e) location
6. close to situation, carries a clearer reference to the land on which something, such as a building, a group of buildings, or a town, is built: built the new factory on the ~ of the old one.
  f) position
7. suggests the place where a person or thing stands or is set to stand and connotes the accompanying responsibility, as in performance of duty or participation: waiters standing  expectantly at their ~s.
  g) spot
8. implies a restricted, particular place, clearly defined in extent: called back that she had found the perfect ~ for the picnic.
  h) place
ehafbcdg Right:) group place mean the point or portion of space occupied by or chosen for a thing.

1. suggests lack of worldly wisdom often connoting credulousness and unchecked innocence: in money matters she is distressingly ~.
  a) natural
2. implies prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity: forced to endure a ~ companion the whole trip.
  b) garrulous
3. implies lacking artificiality and self-consciousness and having a spontaneousness suggesting the natural rather than the man-made: her unaffected, ~ quality comes across on film.
  c)  naive
4. implies inability to disguise or conceal one's feelings or intentions and usually implies candid frankness and lack of reserve: the ~, spontaneous utterances of children. 
  d) ingenuous
5. suggests a naturalness resulting from unawareness of the effect one is producing on others: gave an ~ impromptu speech at the dinner.
  e)  unsophisticated
6. implies a lack of experience and training necessary for social ease and adroitness: the store intimidates ~ customers.
  f)  artless
cbadfe Right:) group natural mean free from pretension or calculation.

1. stresses a restriction in every direction and by clearly defined boundaries: the work of the investigating committee was carefully ~d.
  a) limit
2. suggests severe restraint within bounds that cannot or must not be passed and a resulting cramping, fettering or hampering: our freedom of choice was ~d by finances. 
  b) restrict
3. implies the setting of a point or line, as in time, space, speed, or degree, beyond which something cannot or is not permitted to go: visits are ~d to 30 minutes.
  c) circumscribe
4. suggests a narrowing ortightening or restraining within or as if within an encircling boundary: laws intended to ~ the freedom of press.
  d) confine
5. applies especially to a situation involving no more than slight inconvenience or minor annoyance: took the wrong road by ~.
  e) mischance
cdabe Right:) group limit mean to set bounds for.

1. implies serious offense punishable by the law of the state: the ~ of murder.
  a) catch
2. suggests taking by overcoming resistance or difficulty: ~ an enemy stronghold.
  b) trap,snare,entrap,ensnare
3. imply seizing by some device that holds the one caught at the mercy of one's captor. trap and snare apply more commonly to physical seizing: ~ animals(trap); ~d butterflies with a net; entrap and ensnare more often are figurative: ~ped the witness with a trick question(entrap); a sting operation that ~d burglars(ensnare).
  c) bag
4. implies success in seizing a difficult quarry by skill, stealth, or artifice, often with the suggestion of a hunter's craft: ~ged a brace of pheasants.
  d) capture
5. implies the seizing of something that has been in motion or in flight or in hiding: ~ the dog as it ran by.
  e) crime
edbca Right:) group catch mean to come to possess or control by or as if by seizing.首字母CCTSB常常不上套<==捕捉不易

1. stresses the puzzlement and perplexity of one faced by a dilemma: in a ~ about how to repair it.
  a) scent
2. applies to the characteristic smell given off by a substance, an animal, or a plant and stresses the source of the sensation: dogs trained to detect the ~ of narcotics.
  b) quandary
3. implies solely the sensation without suggestion of quality or character or source: an odd ~ permeated the room.
  c) aroma
4. suggests a somewhat penetrating, pervasive, or sometimes pungent, but usually pleasant odor: the ~ of freshly ground coffee.
  d) smell
5. may imply a stronger or more readily distinguished scent or it may be equivalent to smell: a type of cheese with a very pronounced ~.
  e) odor
Wrong badce Right:) group smell mean the

1. implies a wide range of choice and often the need of thought or discrimination in choosing: a store offering a wide ~ of furniture.
  a) election
2. suggests the opportunity or privilege to choose freely from a number of alternatives: total freedom of ~ in the matter.  自释
  b) choice
3. implies a formal choosing, typically for an explicit role, duty, or function: the careful ~ of college courses.  如the election of government officials政府官员选举,如general election普选大选.  role职位职能角色refers to a position or function,如the role of the teacher in the classroom教师在课堂上的职能,如role model楷模行为榜样
  c) alternative
4. a comparatively minor but special ability making for ease and dexterity in performance: has the ~ for making swift, cutting retorts.
  d) selection
5. implies a specifically given power to choose among mutually exclusive items: the ~ of paying now or later.
  e) knack
6. implies a necessity to choose one and reject another possibility: the ~ is peace with dishonor or war.
  f) option
7. suggests personal bias and predilection as a basis of choice: stated a ~ for red-haired women.   (predilection强烈喜好implies a strong liking derived from temperament or experience强烈喜欢,由于性格经历,如 teenagers with a predilection for gory horror movies青少年喜好血腥恐怖电影,如his predilection for fast cars and fast horses他很喜好跑车和骏马)
  g) preference
dbaefcg Right:) group choice mean the act or opportunity of choosing or the thing chosen.

1. often implies an avoiding as a matter of habitual practice or policy and may imply repugnance or abhorrence: you have ~d their company.
  a) evade
2. implies a slippery or baffling quality in the person or thing that gets away: what she sees in him ~s me.   (强调让人困扰迷惑,如elude pursuit/observation/understanding逃避追捕/人耳目/使人不解,又如the Abominable Snowman ... in the Himalayas is hardly more elusive喜马拉雅雪人也不比大猩猩更让人难以捉摸,是NCE4新四第5篇的结尾句)
  b) elude
3. implies an avoiding or abstaining from as unwise or distasteful or immoral: a playwright who ~s melodrama and claptrap.
  c) radiant
4. stresses the emission or seeming emission of rays of light: an imposing figure in ~ armor.  ray是一根根的光即光线, 中文中,光芒指向四面八方放射的强烈光线,光辉则指强烈的光芒,光华和光辉同意)
  d) shun
5. stresses forethought and caution in keeping clear of danger or difficulty: with careful planning we can ~ the fate of previous expeditions.
  e) escape
6. stresses the fact of getting away or being passed by not necessarily through effort or by conscious intent: nothing ~s her sharp eyes.
  f) eschew
7. implies adroitness, ingenuity, or lack of scruple in escaping or avoiding: ~d the question by changing the subject.
  g) avoid
dbfcgea Right:) group escape mean to get away or keep away from something.首字母EAEESE安逸,剩下的EE想成双眼,眼中只有安逸<==应该避免

1. may apply to what is freshly made and unused: ~ brick; or has not been known or experienced before: starts his ~ job.
  a) modern
2. suggests a spreading out by dividing and subdividing and applies typically to a matured member arising from a primary stem or truck or from a division or subdivision of one of these: ~es silhouetted against the sky.
  b) new
3. applies to what belongs to or is characteristic of the present time or the present era: the life-style of the ~ woman.
  c) fresh
4. applies to what is or produces the first of its kind to exist: a man without one ~ idea.
  d) original
5. applies to what is not only new but strange or unprecedented: a ~ approach to the problem.
  e) branch
6. applies to what is or seems new or has not lost its qualities of newness, such as liveliness, energy, or brightness: a ~ start.
  f) novel
beadfc Right:) group new mean having recently come into existence or use or into a particular state or condition.

1. sug. giving thought to in order to reach a suitable conclusion, opinion or judgement: refused even to ~ my proposal.
  a) contemplate
2. stresses focusing of one's thought on sth, oft. WITHOUT indication of purpose or result: ~ the consequence of such a decision.
  b) weigh
3. implies making of an attempt to reach the truth or arrive at a decision by balancing conflicting claims and evidence: ~ the pro and con of the project.
  c) study
4. implies lack of desirable or necessary restraint: an ~ amount of time was spent on grooming.
  d) immoderate
5. implies sustained purposeful concentration and attention that will reveal details and minutiAE: ~ the budget before making sweeping cuts.
  e) consider
eabdc Right:) group consider mean to think about in order to increase one's knowledge or to arrive at a judgment or decision.

1. is likely to suggest a selfish or arrogant exclusiveness and is especially applicable to a small inner or dissident group within a larger set or circle: a high school made up of combative ~s.
  a) set
2. implies a common center of the group, such as a person, an activity, or a cause: a peaceful family ~.
  b) coterie
3. applies to a comparatively large, typically social, group of persons bound together by common interests or tastes: the hunting ~.
  c) clique
4. applies to a small, select, or exclusive circle: political aspirants, each with a ~ of advisors.
  d) circle
5. applies partiuclarly to a treatment of subject in the style of a well-known auther or by sustained and subtle exaggeration or distortion: a witty ~ of a popular soap opera.
  e) parody
cdabe Right:) group set mean a more or less closed and exclusive group of persons.

1. implies strict adherence to moral disciplines: ministers of the church must be ~ and unimpeachable.
  a) upright
2. sug. a firm holding of code of right behaviour and guidance of honor and duty: the ~ thing would be to resign my position.
  b)  sanctuary
3. stresses recognition and adherence to such virtues as truthfulness, candor and fairness: doctors must be ~ with the terminally ill.
  c) honest
4. implies an active moral sense governing all one's actions and stresses painstaking efforts to follow one's conscience: ~ in doing all the chores.
  d) scrupulous
5. stresses conscious choice and regular practice of what is morally right and equitable: a reputation for being ~ in all business dealings.
  e) honorable
6. like conscientious, connotes action of moral sense in all one's doing, but distinctively it stresses meticlulous attention to details of morality and conduct: ~ in carrying out the terms of the will.
  f) just
7. stresses the claim of a refuge to reverence or inviolability: established a wildlife ~.
  g) conscientious
aecgfdb Right:) group upright meaning unknown

1. implies a making of something powerless or unacceptable by a declaration of its logical or moral or legal unsoundness: the absence of witnesses ~s the will.
  a) invalidate
2. implies counteracting completely the force, effectiveness, or value of something: his critical insights are ~ied by tiresome puns.
  b) abrogate
3. implies the destruction or canceling out of one of two mutually exclusive things by the other: a relationship ~ by petty jealousies.
  c) annul
4. is like annul, but more definitely implies a legal or official purposeful act: a law that would ~ certain diplomatic privileges.
  d) nullify
5. applies especially to a manufactured substance or to a natural substance so treated that it acquires the appearance or qualities of another and may substitute for it: ~ furs.
  e) synthetic
6. suggests a neutralizing or a making ineffective or nonexistent often by legal or official action: the treaty ~s all previous agreements.
  f) negate
adfbec Right:) group nullify mean to deprive OF effective or continued existence.

1. stresses intense enthusiasm in adopting a fad: Cajun food was quite the ~.
  a) rage
2. is the most general term and applies to any way of dressing, behaving, writing, or performing that is favored at any one time or place or by any group: the current ~ for Russian ballet dancers.
  b) craze
3. suggests caprice in taking up or in dropping a fashion: nothing is more dated than last year's ~.
  c) style
4. suggests the fashion of the moment among those anxious to appear elegant and sophisticated: sleek, tanned bodies are the ~ at such resorts.
  d) fashion
5. often implies a distinctive fashion adopted by people of wealth or taste: a media mogul used to travelling in ~.
  e) myth
6. is varied in application and connotation and can apply to a fanciful explanation as of a natural phenomenon, social practice, or belief: ~s of ancient Greece; or a story, belief, or notion commonly held to be true but utterly without fact: the ~ that money buys happiness.
  f) vogue
7. like rage, emphasizes senseless enthusiasm in pursuing a fad: a sport that is more than a passing ~.
  g) mode
8. stresses the prevalence or wide acceptance of a fashion: a novelist who is no longer much in ~.
  h) fad
adhgcebf Right:) group fashion mean the way, as in dressing, decorating, or living, that is accepted by those who want to be up-to-date.

1. implies the fact or means by which harmony is achieved throgh coincidence or concurrence: immediate ~ of action and custom.
  a) assault
2. implies more violence and malice or viciousness and often the infliction of greater damage than attack, sometimes with specific legal or military connotations: a victim of a brutal ~.
  b) concord
3. implies a beautiful effect achieved by the agreeable interrelation, blending, or arrangement of parts in a complex whole: a resort in splendid ~ with its natural setting.
  c) harmony
4. may imply personal agreement or goodwill or the absence of friction or ill will: parents and teachers are in ~ on this issue.   (如such an approach accords with the principles of socialist ideology这种方法与社会主义意识形态的原则相符(一致),如this military action, taken in accord with United Nations resolutions依据联合国决议而采取的军事行动)
  d) accord
5. adds to accord implications of peace and amity: a planned utopian community in which all would live in ~.
  e) consonance
eacdb Right:) group harmony mean the state resulting when different things come together without clashing or disagreement.

1. may apply to an admission of a weakness, failure, omission, or guilt: ~ed that she had a weakness for sweets.
  a) menace
2. implies acknowledging something in close relation to oneself: must ~ that I know little about computers.
  b) admit
3. implies boldly declaring what one might be expected to be silent about: ~ed hostility toward his parents.
  c) confess
4. stresses a definitely hostile or alarming quality in what portends: conditions that ~ the stability of society.
  d) avow
5. stresses reluctance to disclose, grant, or concede and refers usually to facts rather than their implications: ~ted that the project was over budget.
  e) own
6. implies the disclosing of something that has been or might be concealed: ~d a lie.
  f) acknowledge
cedabf Right:) group acknowledge mean to disclose against one's will or inclination.

1. implies the exerting of efforts to get around difficulties and transcend limitation, and often connotes skill or craft in management: an actress taking on the most difficult role that her skill could ~.
  a) gain
2. is likely to imply a struggle to reach a contemplated or desired goal or end: ~ed a measure of self-confidence from the experience.  struggle 1、打斗斗争when two people struggle with each other, they fight,如she screamed at him to 'stop it' as they struggled on the ground他们在地上扭打成一团,她尖叫着“别打了”,2、奋斗拼搏to strive,如a country struggling for independence为独立而奋斗的国家,或表示3、困难的having difficulty,如life as a struggling artist生活困难的艺术家。这里表示义项2: 奋斗拼搏)  contemplate沉思专心思考
  b) attain
3. may be used with reference to anything arrived at by any degree of effort: after a long climb we ~ed the top of the hill.
  c) monetary
4. can stress the skill or endurance as well as the effort involved in reaching an end : ~d the success that was her due.
  d) reach
5. refers to money as coined, distributed, or circulated: the country's basic ~ unit is the peso.
  e) achieve
6. stresses the spur of aspiration or ambition and suggests a reaching for the extreme, the unusual, or the difficult: vowed not to relax his efforts until peace was ~ed.
  f) compass
fadecb Right:) group reach mean to arrive at a point or end by effort or work.

1. implies a juncture, especially in personal affairs, that exerts pressure and demands vigorous counteractive action, but to a less degree than exigency or emergency: this will do in a ~.
  a) emergency
2. stresses the pressure of necessity or the urgency of demand created by a juncture or pass: made no effort to provide for ~ies.
  b) contingency
3. stresses the significant concurrence or convergence of events that is likely to lead to a turning point: at an important ~ in our country's history.  (concurrence1同时发生,2同意converge会合会聚cur词根表示verge表示边界外延)
  c) pass
4. implies an emergency or exigency that is regarded as possible or even probable but uncertain of occurrence: ~ plans prepared by the Pentagon.
  d) pinch
5. applies to a juncture whose outcome will make a decisive difference: the fever broke and the ~ passed.
  e) straits
6. implies a bad or distressing state or situation brought about by a combination of causes: things have come to a sorry ~ when it's not safe to be on the street.
  f) juncture
7. applies to a sudden and unforeseen situation requiring prompt action to prevent disaster: the presence of mind needed to deal with ~ies.
  g) crisis
8. applies to a troublesome or dangerous situation from which escape is difficult: in dire ~ since the death of their father.
  h) rancid
9. suggests foulness of both taste and smell, usually of fatty substances that have spoiled: the unmistakable stink of ~ butter.  (spoildecay同义表示腐坏但多指食物)
  i) exigency
difbgcaeh Right:) group juncture mean a critical or crucial time or state of affairs.

1. applies to something of such looseness of structure or insubstantiality of texture as to be unable to stand up under strain; it may also stress a lack of real worth or of capacity for endurance: a ~ excuse.
  a) flimsy
2. suggests too weak a light for things to be clearly visible: a clandestine meeting in a ~ bar.
  b) dark
3. the general term, implies utter or virtual lack of illumination: a ~ cave.  (illumination照明启迪彩图,词根LUM表示light光,如lumen流明是物理中光的单位,luminary名人,luminous发光的光彩的,bioluminescent生物发光的如firefly萤火虫和most deep-sea animals大多数深海动物)
  c)  gloomy
4. implies serious interference with the normal radiation of light and connotes cheerlessness and pessimism: a ~ room in the basement of the house.   
  d) dusky
5. suggests deep twilight and a close approach to darkness: trudging through ~ woods at day's end.  dusk黄昏 twilight黄昏暮光,即日落后剩余的微弱光线small amount of light after the sun has gone down,如the deepening autumn twilight渐浓的秋日暮色  trudge徒步跋涉。步履沉重to walk slowly and with heavy steps,如it was a hard trudge up the hil这趟上山是艰难的跋涉
  e)  dim
6. implies a heavy obscuring darkness such as that caused by smoke, fog, or dust in air or mud in water: fish cannot live in the river's ~ waters. 
  f)  murky
aebcdf Right:) group dark mean more or less deficient in light.

1. stresses a friendly readiness to be helpful or to accommodate to the wishes of others: our ~ innkeeper granted our request.
  a) obliging
2. implies having qualities that make one liked and easy to deal with: a travel club that attracts ~ types.
  b) cursory
3. implies a cheerful willingness to please or to be helpful and sometimes to permit imposition: a ~ boy always willing to pitch in.
  c) good-natured
4. often implies passivity or a weakly amiable willingness to yield to others through a desire to please or to be agreeable: ~ people who only say what others want to hear.
  d) complaisant
5. suggests haste and casualness that lead to a lack of thoroughness or a neglect of details: even a ~  reading of the work will reveal that.
  e) amiable
aecdb Right:) group amiable mean having the desire or disposition to please.

1. suggests a strong natural or habitual proneness usually to something objectionable or evil: movies that reinforce viewers' ~ for violence.
  a) contrast
2. implies an aim of emphasizing differences: ~ed the computerized system with the old filing cards.
  b) proclivity
3. implies minute and critical comparison in order to note points of agreement or divergence: data from police districts across the country will be ~d.
  c) compare
4. implies an aim of showing relative values or excellences by bringing out characteristic qualities whether similar OR divergent: wanted to ~ the convention facilities of the two cities.
  d) collate
badc Right:) group compare mean to set side by side in order to

1. implies ready responsiveness to an occasion for expression or free, forceful, insistent and emphatic voicing of one's ideas and feelings : one of the Pres's most ~ critics.
  a) voluble
2. stresses facility in speaking and writing and copiousness in the flow of words: seemed ~ on any subject; or facility and ease in the use of a foreign lang: had a ~ command of idiomatic French.
  b) glib
3. implies the use of language which exactly and distinctly reveals or conveys what one seeks to express: questioned the validity of the criticism from a critic who is himself hardly ~.
  c) vocal
4. usually implies fluency, but also suggests the stimulation of strong emotion and use of fervent and moving language: moved by the ~ words of the Gettysburg address .
  d) fluent
5. is also derogatOry and may imply an emptiness and superficiality in what is said, or untrustworthiness and slipperiness in the speaker:  例1: a ~ reply; 例2: known for his ~ tongue.
  e) eloquent
6. is somewhat derogatOry and may suggest a flow of language difficult to stem: indulge in ~ explanations.
  f) musty
7. implies staleness markedby dampness, darkness, and moldiness: the ~ odor of a damp cellar.
  g) articulate
cdgebaf Right:) group vocal mean being able to express oneself clearly and easily.


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