

【同义词练习】 第06/30周(2023.05.29--2023.06.04)

jason246 发表于 2023-6-15 20:02:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. suggests overcoming or successfully controlling an impulse to resist, avoid, or resent something injurious or distasteful: ~d his affairs for the sake of the children.
  a) chastise
2. implies a punishing or chastising in order to bring or keep under control: the duty of parents to ~ their children.
  b) castigate
3. may apply to either the infliction of corporal punishment or to verval censure or denunciation: ~d his son for neglecting his studies.  inflict使承受苦难伤害等inflict某人使别人遭受,afflict某物使别人遭受)   (censure正式批评, denounce公开批评,参见2017-04-14 批评criticize-denounce)
  c) tolerate
4. implies a severe, typically public lashing with words: an editorial ~ing the entire city council.
  d) discipline
5. implies a punishing aimed at reforming an offender: the function of prison is to ~ the wrongdoer.
  e) correct
6. suggests any infliction or trial that leaves one humbled or subdued but improved or strengthened: a stunning election defeat that left him ~ed.
  f) chasten
7. implies the imposing of a penalty for violation of law, disobedience, or wrongdoing: ~ed for stealing.
  g) punish
cdabefg Right group punish mean to inflict a penalty on in requital for wrongdoing.

1. stresses the number of sorts or kinds: ~ methods have been tried.
  a) various
2. implies both distinctness and marked contrast: such ~ interests as dancing and football.
  b) different
3. may imply little more than separateness but it may also imply contrast or contrariness: ~ foods from ~ lands.
  c) divergent
4. implies measurable or decisive influencein determining acts or choices: the wishes of the President obviously had much ~.
  d) disparate
5. emphasizes the essential incongruity or incompatibility: ~ notions of freedom.
  e) weight
6. implies movement away from each other and unlikelihood of ultimate meeting or reconciliation: went on to pursue very ~ careers.   
  f) diverse
afbedc Right group different mean unlike in kind or character.

1. stresses the bringing of points or parts that should be in a straight line into correct adjustment or into correspondence: ~ the front and rear wheels of an automobile.
  a) range
2. implies a generous sufficiency to satisfy a particular requirement: an ~ amount of food to last this winter.
  b) align
3. applies especially to a setting in battle order and therefore suggests readiness for action or use as well as ordered arrangement: a splendid collection of legal talent ~ed against the prosecution.
  c) array
4. stresses orderly disposition, sometimes by aligning but often by separating into classes according to some plan: students ~d in groups by age and gender.
  d) line
5. implies a setting in single file or parallel rows: ~ up prisoners for identification.
  e) ample
becad Right group line mean to arrange in a line or lines.

1. a technical term, applies to the place where something originally came from: all the furniture is of English provenance.  这些家具都是英国货 
  a) origin
2. adds a greater implication of harsh vehemence or ironic force and suggests a power to impress deeply the mind or memory: a biting commentary on the election.
  b) source
3. applies more often to the point where something springs into being: the ~ of the Nile.  spring快速突然出现: to emerge rapidly and suddenly: a brilliant idea that sprang out of nowhere突然冒出个好主意)
  c) biting
4. stresses the beginning of the existence of something without implying anything about the causes: the business has been a success since its ~.
  d) inception
5. applies to the things or persons from which something is ultimately derived and often to the causes operating before the thing itself comes into being: an investigation into the ~s of baseball.
  e) provenance
6. suggests a first, ultimate, or fundamental source often not readily discerned: a need to find the real ~ of violence.  
  f) root
Wrong ecbdaf Right group origin mean the point at which something begins its course or existence.

1. implies abstention from pleasure and comfort or self-indulgence as a measure of self- or spiritual discipline: the ~ life of monastic orders.
  a) ascetic
2. implies gradual expansion beyond a thing's original or normal limits: bureaucracy ~ed to unmanageable proportions.
  b) stern
3. stresses inflexibility and inexorability of temper or character: a ~ judge who seemed immune to pleas for mercy.
  c) austere
4. stresses lack of warmth, color, or feeling and may imply rigorous restraint, simplicity, or self-denial: the view that modern architecture is ~, brutal, and inhumane.
  d) severe
5. implies standards enforced without indulgence or laxity and may suggest harshness: the ~ dress of the Puritans.   清教徒   (severe有2个意思 1、严格严肃strict, serious, formal,又如a severe woman/architecture一个严肃的女人/严格的建筑风格  2、糟糕严重严峻very bad, serious, or harsh,如severe weather/damage/injuries/pain/punishment/criticism/challenge/situation恶劣的天气/严重的损坏/受伤/疼痛/严厉的惩罚/批评严峻的挑战/形势,这里表示1)
  e) swell
aebcd Right group severe mean given to or marked by strict discipline and firm restraint.首字母ASAS想成AS...AS结构像什么一样<==像铁石一样严格

1. stresses a grievous misfortune involving a great personal or public loss: the father's sudden death was a ~ for the family.
  a) cataclysm
2. originally refers to a deluge or geological convulsion, applies to anything that produces an upheaval or complete reversal of an existing order: the French Revolution ranks as one of the ~s of the modern era.
  b) catastrophe
3. implies a disastrous conclusion and emphasizes finality: speculation about the ~ that befell Atlantis.
  c) disaster
4. applies to what lies within the known limits of performance, attainment, nature, or mode of existence of a thing or person regardless of the chances for or against its actuality: it is ~ that she went home without telling us.
  d) possible
5. implies an unforeseen, ruinous and often sudden misforetune that happens either through lack of foresight OR through some hostile external agency: the war proved to be a ~ for the country.
  e) calamity
eabdc Right group disaster mean an event or situation that is or is regarded as a terrible misfortune.

1. implies contemptuous foolishness, inanity, and disregard of reality: the ~ responses of over-ambitious politicians.
  a) foolish
2. implies the character of being or seeming unable to use judgment, discretion, or good sense: ~ people believed the ghost story.
  b) asinine
3. implies a degree of intelligence inadequate to cope with anything complex or involving mental effort or implies a failure to use one's intelligence: ~ peasants afraid of revolutionary ideas.
  c) fatuous
4. suggests utter and contemptible failure to use normal rationality or perception: a soap opera with an especially ~ plot. 注意只有1个s.
  d) silly
5. suggests failure to act as a rational being by showing lack of common sense or by ridiculous behavior: the ~ stunts of vacationing college students.
  e) simple
6. implies a habitual state of mind or customary reaction characterized by unwillingness to believe without conclusive evidence: an economic forecast that was met with ~.
  f) skepticism
Wrong caebdf Right group simple mean actually or apparently deficient in intelligence.

1. often rhetoric in tone, implies violent or ruthless severing or sundering: an angry mob ~ed his clothes.   (sever暴力撕开,如手臂四肢如his arm was severed by a chain saw他胳膊被一个链锯割断, sunder暴力撕开拧断,如a friendship sundered only by death一段只有死亡才能割断的友谊)
  a) rive
2. implies a pulling apart in one rapid uninterrupted motion often along a seam or joint: ~ped the jacket along the seams.
  b) split
3. implies a pulling apart by force that leaves ragged edges: ~ up lettuce for a salad.
  c) rip
4. suggests action rougher or more violent than split or cleave: a friendship ~n by jealousy.
  d) cleave
5. implies a forcible cutting or splitting with a blow of an edged weapon or tool: a bolt of  lightning ~ the giant oak.
  e) tear
6. implies a paying out of money from a fund, but it may also imply distribution , such as to pensioners or heirs, and often stresses an acting under authority: needed a court decree to ~ the funds.
  f) disburse
7. implies a cutting or breaking apart in a continuous, straight, and usually lengthwise direction or in the direction of grain or layers: ~ logs for firewood.
  g) rend
gceadfb Right group tear mean to separate forcibly.

1. applies to a technical or esoteric language used by a profession, trade, or cult: educationese is the ~ of educational theorists. 
  a) patois
2. designates a class of mostly recently coined and frequently short-lived terms of usages informally preferred to standard language as being forceful, novel, or voguish: the ever changing ~ of college students. 
  b) jargon
3. applies to the everyday speech of the people in contrast to that of the learned: the doctor used the ~ indescribing the disease.
  c) cant
4. implies an inducing of fear or a sense of inferiority in another: ~d by all the other bright young freshmen.
  d) intimidate
5. is applied derogatorily to language that is both peculiar to agroup or class AND marked by hackneyed or unclear expression: the ~ of TV sportscaster.
  e) lingo
6. applies commonly to a language found regionally OR among the uneducated: the ~ of Cajuns in Louisiana. (Cajuns:卡津人,法国后裔)
  f) vernacular
7. is a mildly contemptuous term for any language or form of language not readily understood: foreign tourists speaking some strange ~.
  g) slang
8. designates the speech used in a bilingual section or country, esp. the mixed English and French spoken in some parts of Canada: children chattering happily in the local ~.
  h) argot
9. is applied to a peculiar, often almost secret, language of a clique or other closely knit group: the ~ of narcotics smugglers.
  i) dialect
bgfdcieah Right group dialect mean a form of language that is not recognized as standard.

1. suggests prediction based on the learned or skilled interpretation of signs or symptoms:  economists are ~ing a slow recovery.
  a) prognosticate
2. commonly implies inference from facts or from accepted laws of nature: astronomers ~ed the return of the comet.
  b) prophesy
3. suggests amusement, diversion, or entertainment in relation to pleasurable experience: presented a variety of skits for their ~.  (ade本身是一组同义词,amuse表示放松lightdiversion表示转移注意力即散心,entertain表示准备、提供让人amuse和divert的东西称作娱乐)
  c) predict
4. connotes inspired or mystic knowledge of the future, especially as the fulfilling of divine threats or promises, or implies great assurance in predicting: preachers ~ing a day of divine retribution.   (名词prophet表示先知倡导者a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God,如the Old Testament prophet, Jeremiah旧约先知耶利米,the Prophet Muhammad伊斯兰先知默罕默德, 如he was a prophet of revolutionary socialism他是革命社会主义的倡导者
  d) delectation
5. adds the implication of anticipating eventualities and differs from predict in being usually concerned with probabilities rather than certainties: ~ a snowfall of six inches.   (eventual最终迟早”applies to something that is bound to follow sooner or later as the final effect of causes already in operation and implies a definite ending of a sequence of preliminary events,如the eventual defeat of the enemy敌人的最终失败,如the eventual reunification of motherland祖国最终统一,如we will win eventually我们最终会胜利)
  e) forecast
6. applies to the telling of a future event by any procedure or from any source of information: seers ~ of calamitous events.
  f) foretell
acdbef Right group foretell mean to tell beforehand.

1. is often used like reel: their heads ~ing with confusion; but it more frequently implies swiftness or impetuousness of movement: dancers ~ing about the stage.   (swift表示动作既快速轻松rapid and easy,如a swift current/runner湍急的水流/轻快的跑步者)
  a) reel
2. usually suggests a turning round and round or a sensation of so turning or being turned, but it may also imply a being thrown off balance: a boxer ~ing from the blow.
  b) stagger
3. stresses loss of control and uncertainty of movement, typically of a person walking while weak, intoxicated, or heavily burdened but sometimes simply of someone meeting with difficulty or adverse conditions: ~ed by the sheer enormity of the task.
  c) whirl
4. not only implies weakness or unsteadiness that causes uncertain movement but often also hints at the approach of complete collapse: watched closely as the oligarchy ~ed.  (collapse的意思是to fall down, 既可指物也可指人,表示崩塌摔倒昏倒)  寡头政治
  d) fortuitous
5. SO strongly suggests chance THAT it often connotes entire absence of cause: believes that life is more than a series of ~ events.
  e) totter
cabed Right:) group reel mean to move or seem to move uncertainly and irregularly or with such loss of control as occurs in extreme weakness or in intoxication.

1. implies a wider separation of units and a complete breaking up of the mass or group: police ~d the crowd.
  a) antagonist
2. may carry an additional implication of active hostility: two peoples that have been bitter ~ies for centuries.   (hostility敌对、恶意,是指公开强烈的恶意open and strong ill will,往往表现出攻击侵略aggression and attack,如a history of hostility between the two nations两国长期敌对)
  b) adversary
3. implies sharper, often more personal opposition in a struggle for supremacy: a formidable ~ in the struggle for corporate control.
  c) disperse
4. implies little more than position on the other side, as in a debate, election, contest, or conflict: ~s of the project cite cost as a factor.
  d) opponent
cbad Right:) group opponent mean one who expresses or manifests an opposite position.

1. implies bodily awkwardness together with crude stupidity: her ~ boyfriend spoiled the cocktail party.
  a) churlish
2. suggests ill-bred awkwardness, ignorance or stupidity, ungainliness, and often a propensity for absurd antics: ~ conduct that was out of keeping with the solemn occasion.  antics滑稽可笑古怪的事funny, silly, or unusual ways of behaving,如Elizabeth tolerated Sarah's antics伊丽莎白容忍了萨拉的搞怪   (ungainliness步态举止不优雅moving in an awkward or clumsy way, not graceful,如a large ungainly animal块头大步态不优雅的动物)
  b) boorish
3. suggests surliness, unresponsiveness, and ungraciousness: ~ remarks made during a television interview.
  c) fetter
4. suggests a restraing so severe that freedom to move or progress is almost lost: a nation that is ~ed by an antiquated class system.
  d) clownish
5. implies rudeness of manner due to lack of culture, insensitiveness to others’ feelings, or unwillingness to be agreeable: your ~ behavior at the wedding reception.
  e) loutish
edacb Right:) group boorish mean uncouth in manner or appearance.

1. implies a median line or axis on either side of which the details correspond in size, form, and placement: the ~ of a Greek temple.
  a) kindred
2. stresses family relations: an isolated community most of whose members were ~; but in more common applications is likely to stress shared interests or tastes or congeniality: felt it to be the meeting of ~ souls.
  b) cognate
3. applies to things that are genetically alike, have a common ancestor or source, or derive from the same root or stock: ~ words in various languages, such as pater, vater, and father.
  c) allied
4. often close to allied, distinctively tends to stress a dependent relation like that of a child to a parent: all blood banks ~ with the Red Cross; and may connote a loose union in which the associated elements are independent: the network and its ~ stations.
  d) related
5. can imply connection by blood or marriage or a correspondently close connection: in separate but ~ incidents.
  e) affiliated
6. may imply connection by marriage or voluntary association rather than by origin or blood: ~ through his wife with several prominent English families; or by remote biological relationship, but it is more likely to stress relationship based on common characters, qualities, aims, or effects: DDT and ~ insecticides.
  f) symmetry
fabedc Right:) group related mean connected by or as if by close family ties.首字母RCKAA想成A RACK一个支架<==亲缘像支架

1. implies the use of the voice rather than the hand (as in writing or signaling in communication): legend is the ~ transmission of tradition.
  a) oral
2. usually stress freedom from anxiety and apprehension of danger or risk based on grounds that are sound and sufficient: ~ themselves from the harm.
  b) secure
3. implies the risk HAS been run WITHOUT incurring harm or damage: arrived home ~ and sound; or stresses freedom from risks: kept her ~ from harm;  or suggests a character that eliminates or mimimizes risks: ~ investment.
  c) safe
abc Right:) group safe meaning unknown

1. suggests a complete wiping out of existence of something material or immaterial: homes and cities ~d by enemy attack.   nihil无,虚无=none,如虚无主义nihilism认为某事没有意义,如existential/moral/hero nihilism人生/道德/英雄虚无主义    如to annihilate the enemy/opponent消灭敌人/彻底打败对手
  a) extinguish
2. is likely to suggest a complete and abrupt ending (as by stifling, choking, or smothering): a religion that was thoroughly ~ by governmental oppression. 几个词都表示窒息或呼吸困难,stifle表示缺少新鲜空气,choke表示呼吸不畅,smother表示有烟尘,见2018-02-26 窒息suffocate-strangle
  b) annihilate
3. commonly a fixing by an expert of the monetary worth of a thing, but it may be used OF any intent to give a critical judgement: a real estate agent ~ the house.
  c) appraise
4. implies a putting to an end chiefly of things that are the outgrowth of law, customs, and conditions of existence: ~ed a poll tax.
  d) abolish
bacd Right:) group abolish mean to make nonexistent.

1. is likely to sug. the intervention of an external force, such as bending and tipping: graciously ~ her head in response to cheers.
  a) lean
2. implies a noticeable physical divergence but implies NOTHING about the degree of such divergence:  handwriting that was characterized by ~ letters.
  b) fatal
3. oft. interchangeable with slant, may be preferred when reference is made of gradual divergence of side or surface: the land ~ to the east.(方向前加the)
  c) slant
4. stresses the inevitability of eventual death or destruction: ~ consequences.
  d) slope
5. stress a definite directing of an inclination: ~ a ladder against the wall; or a literal or figurative resting or intent to rest against a support: ~ back in an easy chair.
  e) incline
ecdba Right:) group slant meaning unknown

1. is a general term for bringing or placing a thing or a person into a group or body  already in existence: ~d a new topic into the conversation.
  a) divorce
2. implies a separating into pieces, groups, or sections by cutting, breaking, or branching:  civil war ~d the nation.  divide and conquer而治之是词组,也是主要的算法设计范式algorithm design paradigm---如果能把复杂的大问题分解成简单的小问题,问题就解决了一半)
  b) divide
3. may imply any of several causes such as dispersion, removal of one from others, or presence of an interfering thing: ~d her personal life from her career.
  c) sever
4. implies the separating of things or persons from close union or association: an argument that ~ed the friends permanently.
  d) part
5. implies a separating of two things that commonly interact or belong together: would ~ scientific research from moral responsibility.
  e) separate
6. implies violence especially in the removal of a part or member: his arm had been ~ed by a chain saw.
  f) introduce
7. suggests a violent rending or wrenching apart: a friendship ~ed only by death.
  g) sunder
fbedacg Right:) group separate mean to become or cause to become disunited or disjointed.

1.implies a sending out of a country, often back to his or her country of origin, an alien who has illegally entered or whose presence is judged inimical to the public welfare: ~ed many foreign criminals.
  a) banish
2. implies compulsory removal from a country not necessarily one's own: a country that once ~ed the Jesuits.  耶稣会会士
  b) deport
3. implies a sending of a convicted criminal to a particular place, often an overseas penal colony: a convict who was ~ed to Australia.
  c) bewitch
4. implies an exertion of overwhelming power of attraction: ~ by the promise of great wealth. (注意不是exersionexertion)
  d) transport
5. implies a compulsory removal or an enforced or voluntary absence from one's own country: a writer who ~d himself from South Africa.
  e) exile
badce Right:) group banish mean to remove by authority or force from a state or country.

1. implies ceaseless or uninterrupted activity that is viewed as undesirable or distasteful: the ~ quarreling frayed her nerves.
  a) perpetual
2. implies a close or unceasing succession or recurrence: ~ showers the whole weekend.
  b) thoughtful
3. usually implies an uninterrupted flow or spatial or temporal extension: the ~ roar of the falls.
  c) constant
4. implies uniform or persistent occurrence or recurrence: lived in ~ pain.
  d) continuous
5. usually implies unselfish concern for others and a capacity for anticipating another's needs or wants: the thank-you note was a ~ gesture.
  e) incessant
6. suggests unfailing repetition or lasting duration: the fear of ~ torment after death.
  f) continual
7. implies enduring existence often through constant renewal: a ~ source of controversy.
  g) perennial
efdcbag Right:) group continual mean characterized by continued occurrence or recurrence.首字母CCCIPP排序成PICC PC中国人保赔偿<==持续不断

1. implies lifting with a great effort or strain: struggled to ~ the heavy crate.
  a) heave
2. suggests the briefest possible presentation of a complex whole as an ideal example: "know thyself" was the ~ of Greek philosophy.
  b) abstract
3. implies reduction in compass with retention of relative completeness: an ~ of a dictionary.
  c) abridgement
4. applies to a summary of points (as of a treatise, document, or proposed treatment): a published ~ of a medical paper.
  d) conspectus
5. suggests a quick overall view of a large detailed subject: the book is a ~ of modern American history.
  e) synopsis
6. implies a skeletal presentation of an article or narrative suitable for rapid examination: read a ~ of the screenplay.
  f) epitome
afcbde Right:) group abridgement mean a condensed treatment.

1. suggests inertia induced by an enervating climate or illness or soft living or love: ~ induced by a tropical vacation.  (inert惰性: 人不愿活动或物无力活动,如inert ingredient惰性成分,inert citizen惰性公民) (enervate逐渐变得无力,如totally enervated after a week's vacation一周长假使人彻底无力)  4个原因中都有字母L
  a) quiet
2. implies a state of suspended animation as of hibernating animals but may suggest merely extreme sluggishness: a once alert mind now in a state of ~.
  b) lethargy
3. implies a deadening of the mind and senses by or as if by shock, narcotics, or intoxicants: lapsed into a ~ following a night of drinking.
  c) torpor
4. implies a drowsiness or aversion to activity such as is induced by disease, injury, or drugs: months of ~ followed my skiing accident.
  d) lassitude
5. stresses listlessness of indifference resulting from fatigue or poor health: a deepening depression marked by ~.
  e) languor
6. like still, may implies absence of perceptible motion or sound or both, but it is likely to stress absence of excitement or turbulence, and connote tranquility, serenity, or repose: a ~ town.
  f) stupor
ecfbda Right:) group lethargy mean physical or mental inertness.首字母LLLST累死他(3L想成非常累)<==困倦

1. implies proficient skill such as results from training and practice: handled the class with the ~ of a master.
  a) dexterity
2. stresses insufficiency in amount, quantity, or extent: supplies too ~ to last the winter. 
  b) scant
3. implies absence of strain or care or hesitation with resulting smooth efficiency in performance: answer a series of questions with ~.
  c) ease
4. emphasizes the quickness or promptness with which something is done: indicated her ~ for the task.
  d) facility
5. is often very close to ease, but sometimes suggests a slick superficiality rather than true ease: a ~ with words that was almost too glib.
  e) readiness
abced Right:) group readiness mean the power of doing something without evidence of effort.

1. implies satisfaction, relief, and comfort yielded by what is agreeable and pleasing: the fire threw a ~ warmth into the room.
  a) reap
2. implies the storing of produce reaped or gathered and can apply to any laying away of a store: a collection of maxims ~ed from her neighbors.
  b) glean
3. applies to any collecting or bringing together of material, such as the produce of a farm or garden, and stresses amassing or accumulation: ~ed information.   (amass积攒to gather together,如he amassed a fortune他积攒了一笔财产)
  c) gather
4. implies a striping of a field or plant that has already been gone over once and applies to any gathering up of useful bits from here and there and especially of such as have been overlooked by others: ~ed new evidence from the site of the crime.
  d) garner
5. may imply any or all of these agricultural practices or may apply to any gathering in or husbanding: ~ed a bumper crop.
  e) grateful
6. basically applies to the cutting down and usually collecting of ripened grain, and often suggests a return or requital: hoped to ~ the rewards of hard work.
  f) harvest
edcbfa Right:) group reap mean to do the work or a particular part of the work of collecting ripened crops.

1. implies a usually passing mood of one who is downcast or dispirited from a natural or logical cause: a struggling actor used to periods of ~.
  a) dejection
2. suggests a condition in which one feels let down, disheartened, despondent, or enervated: under a doctor's care for serious ~.
  b) melancholia
3. is a general term that carries no suggestion of the cause, extent, or exact nature of low spirits: a feeling of ~ marked the farewell dinner.
  c) demeanor
4. applies to a disordered mental state characterized by settled deep depression: fell into a state of ~ after her husband's death.
  d) gloom
5. applies to either the extreme sadness of the person afflicted by any of these moods or conditions OR the atmosphere or the effect on others created by one so afflicted: a universal ~ engulfed the devastated town.
  e) sadness
6. suggests a mood of sad and serious but not wholly unpleasant pensiveness: old love letters that gave her cause for ~.
  f) melancholy
7. suggests one's attitude as expressed by behavior among others : the haughty ~ of a head waiter.
  g) depression
agebdfc Right:) group sadness mean the state of mind of one who is unhappy or low-spirited.

1. suggests a grinning or grimacing derisively: the freshmen were greeted by ~ing seniors.
  a) sneer
2. implies a taunting either good-naturedly OR in sarcastic derision: ~d at him for repeatedly missingthe ball.
  b) flout
3. stresses an insulting by contemptuous facial expression, phrasing, or tone of voice: ~ed at anything even remotely romantic.
  c) scoff
4. suggests a coarser more undiscriminating derision: the crowd ~ed the visiting team.
  d) gibe
5. sug. the presence of signs and omens promising success: an ~ beginning for a great parternership.
  e) fleer
6. stresses a showing of contempt by refusal to heed or by denial of a thing's truth or power: ~ed the conventions of polite society.
  f) jeer
7. stresses a derision motivated by insolence, disrespect, or incredulity: ~ed at the religious faith of others.
  g) auspicious
edafgbc Right:) group scoff mean to show one's contempt by derision or mockery.

1. implies a lack of promptness or punctuality or a lateness that results from slowness in progress, or, more often, from delay in starting: made excuses for his ~ arrival.
  a) behindhand
2. applies to the situation of persons who have fallen into arrears or whose development, progress, or action is slower than normal: ~ in their mortgage payment.
  b) overdue
3. implies provision of complete and usually elegant or elaborate equipment or furnishings: a lavishly ~ed penthouse apartment.
  c) late
4. usually stresses a failure to come or take place at the time due because of procrastination, slowness, or interference: he was ~ for work most mornings.
  d) appoint
5. may apply to what has become due but not been dealt with: an ~ library book; or what has been expected or scheduled but has not arrived: our guests are long ~; or what might logically have occurred or appeared long before: produced ~ tax reform.
  e) tardy
eadcb Right:) group tardy mean not arriving or doing or occurring at the set, due, or expected time.

1. used with in or to, implies assurance based on faith that another will not fail one: ~ed in her own strength.
  a) rely
2. implies a ready or happy acceptance: eagerly ~d the ways and customs of their new homeland.
  b) count, reckon
3. used with on, expresses near or absolute certainty: you can ~ on his honesty.
  c) bank
4. used with on or upon, implies a resting on someone or something for support or assistance and often connotes weakness or lack of self-sufficiency: lost the compass on which their lives ~ed.
  d) embrace
5. both used with on, impliesa taking into one's calculations as certain or assured: ~ed on his sister for help; a speaker who ~s on the intelligence of her audience; or they may mean little more than expect: they ~ed on staying with friends; ~ed they could always go home.
  e) depend
6. used with on and upon, implies a judgment based on experience or association that someone or something will never fail in giving or doing what one expects: a man one can ~ on in an emergency.
  f) trust
Wrong fdceba Right:) group rely mean to have or place full confidence.

1. adds to despicable an implication of arousing disgust: the offer of help turned out to be a ~ trick.
  a) injury
2. applies specifically to an injustice for which ther is a legal remedy: a libeled reputation is legally considered an ~.
  b) scurvy
3. may imply any quality provoking scorn or a low standings in any scale of values: a ~ bigot and liar.   scale of value价值尺度价值观
  c) despicable
4. may imply contemptibility resulting from undue familiarity or accessibility: treatment that make her feel ~; but more often implies contemptible pettiness or meanness: critics who condemned the book with ~ remarks.   谚语familiarity breeds contempt熟悉使人轻视,注意不要写成familarity
  d) cheap
5. may imply utter worthlessness and usually suggests arousing an attitude of moral indignation: the ~ crime of child abuse.
  e) pitiable
6. applies to what inspires mixed contempt and pity and often attributes weakness to the agent: the play is his ~ attempt at tragedy.
  f) sorry
7. may stress pitiable or ridiculous inadequacy, wretchedness, or sordidness: the orphanage was a very ~ place.
  g) contemptible
bagdcef Right:) group contemptible mean arousing or deserving scorn.

1. implies a physical attachment: the ~ of paint to a surface.
  a) adhesion
2. suggests a mental or moral attachment: ~ to the principles of reform.
  b) joyous
3. is more likely to apply to something that is by its nature filled with joy or a source of joy: sang song after ~ song.
  c) adherence
acb Right:) group adherence mean to stick to or together.


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