

【同义词练习】 第04/30周(2023.05.15--2023.05.21)

jason246 发表于 2023-6-4 14:25:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. suggests a getting up upon something raised: ~ a horse.
  a) ascend
2. connotes the effort involved in the upward movement and is used  when difficulty is implicit in the situation: ~ a tree to rescue a cat.
  b) mount
3. implies progressive upward movement: the car ~ed the steep grade.
  c) climb
4. suggests skill and adroitness in upward movement: ~ a high wall to freedom.  adroit机智,指能急中生智想办法达到目的skillful use of expedients to achieve one's purpose,如a adroit host of a radio call-in show一个机智的电台热线节目主持人。 expedient权宜之计)
  d) skinny
5. implies leanness that suggests deficient strength and vitality: ~ fashion models.
  e) scale
bcaed Right group ascend mean to move upward or toward a summit.

1. likely to refer to situations involving death through lack of oxygen or presence of toxic gas: several people were ~ by calorine escaping from the wrecked train.
  a) choke
2. stresses the effectiveness of an existent barrier in excluding a person or class from what is open and accessible to others: arbitrary standards that effectively ~ most female candidates.
  b) asphyxiate
3. similar to choke, more consistently imply a serious or fatal interference: ~ to death by the assailant.
  c) stifle
4. usable in situations in which the supply of oxygen is inadequate for life, and often suggest a deandening pall of smoke, dust or impurities in the air: ~ by a blanket of volcano ash.
  d) smother
5. suggests positive interference with breathing, for example by compression, obstruction, or severe inflammation of throat: ~ on a bit of apple.
  e) debar
6. likely to imply the impossibility to breathe because of absence of oxygen, presence of noxious gases, or the interference with passage of air to and from the lungs: ~ under the sand which had fallen upon him.
  f) strangle
7. is apppropriate for situations where breathing is difficult or impossible because of inadequate fresh air: the room's ~ atmosphere.
  g) suffocate
befdagc Right group suffocate meaning unknown

1. the most general of these, may imply either going in or forcing a way in: ~ed the city in triumph.
  a) penetrate
2. implies refined, perhaps romantic, and sometimes artificial or affected emotion with an intellectual component: her feminist ~ are well known.
  b) enter
3. adds to penetrate a clear implication of an entering point or wedge: a fracture in which the bone ~s the skin.   wedge楔子,一边厚一边薄的工具,用来分离物体
  c) sentiment
4. carries a strong implication of an impelling force or compelling power that achieves entrance: no bullet has ever ~d a vest of that material.
  d) probe
5. implies a penetration to investigate or explore something hidden from easy observation or knowledge: ~d the depth of the sea.
  e) pierce
bcead Right group enter mean to make way into something.

1. implies the acquiring of infection and in its broader use implies an acquiring through personal contact or association: ~ their interest.
  a) impetuous
2. more strongly implies effective acquisition but often no definite responsibility for the act of acquiring; it also suggests a meeting between two things that permits transmission of something from one to the other: ~ a disease.   如he contracted a debt of $3,300负债3300美元,如evil habits are easy to contract染恶习容易
  b) contract
3. usually implies responsibility for the acts that bring about what is incurred: a couple who adopts a child ~s a great responsibility.
  c) incur
4. stresses extreme impatience or impulsiveness: it is a bit ~ to propose marriage on the third date.
  d) catch
dbca Right group incur mean to bring something, usually unwanted, upon oneself.

1. implies authority and some degree of formality and impersonality in the official exercising of authority: when his superior ~s, a soldier obeys.
  a) order
2. connotes expectation of obedience and usually concerns specific points of procedure or method: ~ed her assistant to hold all calls.
  b) command
3. may add the notion of peremptory or arbitrary exercise of power: ~ed his men about like slaves. (peremptory专断: abrupt, dictatorial manner, unwilling to tolerate disobedience or dissent粗暴专制容不得不同意见,如a peremptory style that does not allow for compromise专断的风格容不得妥协)
  c) instruct
4. suggests absolute emptiness as far as the mind or senses can determine: a statement ~ of meaning.
  d) bid
5. sometimes implies greater explicitness or formality: the judge ~ed the jury to ignore the remark.
  e) void
6. implies the giving of an order or direction authoritatively and urgently and often with admonition or solicitude: our guide ~ed us to be quiet in the cathedral.   (admonish劝告: 严肃友好的警告建议earnest and friendly warning or counselling,如my parents admonished me to control expenses父母劝告我控制开销 )
  f) charge
7. adds to enjoin an implication of imposing as a duty or responsibility: ~d by the president with a covert mission.
  g) enjoin
8. suggests giving orders directly and orally: ~ her fix a drink for him.
  h) direct
bhaecgfd Right group command mean to issue orders.

1. implies a regulating or restraining in order to keep within bounds or on a course: try to ~ the number of people using the park.
  a) manage
2. implies a leader's taking responsibility for or supervising the acts and achievements of a group: in charge of ~ing the negotiations.
  b) direct
3. implies direct handling and manipulating or maneuvering toward a desired result: ~s the financial affairs of the company.
  c) conduct
4. adds to explain the need of imagination, sympathy and special knowledge: ~ the play as an ALLEGORY about good and evil. (allegory寓言,指用某事物表达其他事物,有时讽喻) 
  d) interpret
5. implies constant guiding and regulating so as to achieve smooth operation: ~s the day-to-day running of the store.
  e) control
ecadb Right group conduct mean to use one's powers to lead, guide, or dominate.

1. stresses fraudulent or deceptive intent: a car dealership guilty of ~ practices.
  a) stealthy
2. applies to action or behavior done secretly often with skillful avoidance of detection and in violation of custom,law,or authority: compromised his diet with ~ snacking.
  b) secret
3. implies a sly or cautious stealthiness: Exchanged ~ smiles across the room.
  c) furtive
4. can apply when sincerity of intention is in question: ~ sale of securities.   securities证券总称,包括股票股权债券等
  d) clandestine
5. implies concealment on ANY grounds for ANY motive: a ~ meeting.
  e)  bona fide
6. stresses the fact of not being open or declared: ~ operations against guerrilla forces.
  f) underhanded
7. suggests taking pains to avoid being seen or heard esp. in some misdoing: the ~ movements of a cat burglar.  (cat burglar飞贼: 身手敏捷,从上层楼窗或天窗入室行窃的贼)
  g) surreptitious
8. implies secrecy usually for an evil or illicit purpose: a ~ drug deal in a back alley.
  h) covert
fgcebhad Right group secret mean existing or done without attracting observation or attention.

1. usually reverses this emphasis and stresses lively expression of obvious satisfaction: the delight of grandparents in a new grandchild.
  a) consent
2. may imply a more deep-rooted rapturous emotion than either pleasure or delight: felt a profound ~ at the sight.
  b) pleasure
3. involves the will or feeling and indicates compliancewith what is requested or desired: ~ to their daughter's wish to go on the trip.
  c) delight
4. suggests amusement, diversion, or entertainment in relation to pleasurable experience: presented a variety of skits for their ~.  (ade本身是一组同义词,amuse表示放松lightdiversion表示转移注意力即散心,entertain表示准备、提供让人amuse和divert的东西称作娱乐)
  d) delectation
5. stresses a gratification or happiness resulting from a pleasurable experience: derived great ~ from her books and her music.
  e) joy
6. stresses a feeling of satisfaction or gratification rather than visible happiness: take ~ in one's possessions.  (happy幸福,基本意思就是satisfy满足gratify心理满足)
  f) enjoyment
ceadfb Right group pleasure mean the agreeable emotion accompanying the possession or expectation of what is good or greatly desired. (agreeable和pleasant完全同意,都表示令人满意)

1. suggests a refusal to proceed or acquiesce in a desired direction or course of action: workers became ~ when asked to accept pay cuts.
  a) restive
2. suggests strong-willed capriciousness and irregularity in behavior: ~ inmates isolated from the others.
  b) perverse
3. may imply wrong-headed, determined, unwholesome, or cranky opposition to what is reasonable or generally accepted: offered the most ~ argument for declaring war.
  c) rife
4. implies a temperamental unwillingness to accept orders or advice: the most ~ child in my class.
  d) wayward
5. suggests unwillingness or obstinate refusal to submit to discipline or follow orders and often suggests restlessness or impatience with control: a ~ horse who refused to stand still.
  e) balky
6. implies a growing pravalence or rapid spread: during the epidemic rumors were ~.
  f) contrary
edbfac Right group contrary mean inclined to resist authority, control, or circumstances.

1. suggests a tenacious, sometimes sullen and unwavering, persistence: pursued the story with ~ persistence.  tenacious紧抓不放的,TEN词根表示hold抓住,如tenure任期表示"hold抓住"职位,又如hold onto your dream like a dog with a bone像狗咬紧骨头一样抓住梦想,形象的说明了dogged和tenacious意思相同,谚语it's dogged that does it天下无难事只怕有心人)
  a) scale
2. implies usually a perverse or unreasonable persistence: a President who was resolute but never ~.
  b) stubborn
3. implies a settled and thoroughly unreasonable obstinacy: a ~ determination to stick with a lost cause.
  c) obstinate
4. suggests skill and adroitness in upward movement: ~ a high wall to freedom.  adroit机智,指能急中生智想办法达到目的skillful use of expedients to achieve one's purpose,如a adroit host of a radio call-in show一个机智的电台热线节目主持人。 expedient权宜之计)
  d) pertinacious
5. implies innate sturdiness or immovability in resisting attempts to change or abandon a course or opinion: swallow your ~ pride and admit that you are wrong.
  e) dogged
6. suggests an annoying or irksome persistence: a ~ salesman who wouldn't take no for an answer.
  f) mulish
ecfabd Right group obstinate mean settled and unyielding in an course or purpose.

1. may refer to any utterance, however coherent OR disconnected, and with OR without reference to hearers: too hoarse to ~ clearly.
  a) converse
2. implies an interchange in talk of thoughts and opinions: a multitude of subjects on which they happily ~d.
  b) speak
3. necessity by the situation: an ~ shelter in the rain.
  c) extemperaneous
4. usually implies one or more listeners and related conversation or discourse: ~ over a problem with an adviser.
  d) talk
bacd Right:) group speak mean to articulate words so as to express one's thoughts.

1. suggests chiefly increase in duration especially beyond usual, normal, or pleasing limits: ~ed illness.
  a) extend
2. stresses an insulting by contemptuous facial expression, phrasing, or tone of voice: ~ed at anything even remotely romantic.
  b) lengthen
3. usually implies increase in spatial length and frequently suggests stretching: the dancer's ability to ~ her body.
  c) sneer
4. suggests an increase of length in either time or space: ~ the school year.
  d) elongate
5. adds to prolong implications of needlessness, vexation, or indefiniteness: ~ed litigation.
  e) prolong
6. implies a drawing out of extent in space or time and may also imply increase in width, scope, area, influence, or range: ~ welfare services.  这里用extent解释extend,属于自释    extent是所有范围的基础词,对range的解释是range is the general term indicating the extent,即range泛指extent 
  f) protract
ecdbfa Right:) group extend mean to draw out or add to so as to increase in length.

1. is used when the influence of existing conditions or accompanying circumstances is present but not predictable: partners chosen by ~.
  a) chance
2. emphasizes lack of intention: met by happy ~.
  b) hap
3. often refers to the hypothetical cause of what happens fortuitously: favored by ~; or the outcome of problematic undertaking : the ~s of war.
  c) fortune
4. may be preferred when the notion of shrinking in size and accompanying wrinkling of the surface are stressed, especially if the shrinking is caused by aging, deprivation, or failing vitality: the ~ed old man; the ~ed face of the starving child.
  d) hazard
5. is the most general term and may imply determination by irrational, uncontrollable forces: left things to ~; or degree of probability: a ~ of one in ten.
  e) luck
6. usually denotes what falls or has already fallen to one's lot: a position won by ~.
  f) wizen
7. less dignified than fortune, has connotations of gambling: her good ~ held; and can imply success or a happy outcome: I wish you ~.
  g) accident
dgcfabe Right:) group chance mean something that happens without an apparent cause or as a result of unpredictable forces.

1. suggests shuddering fascination with violent death and especially with murder: the tabloids  wallowed in the crime's ~ details.
  a) grisly, gruesome
2. suggests a fierce and forbidding aspect: the ~ face of an executioner.
  b) ghastly
3. suggests the terrifying aspects of bloodshed, death, corpses, and ghosts: a ~ portrait of life after a nuclear war.
  c) lurid
4. implies a marked or excessive preoccupation with the horrible aspects especially of death: a ~ tale of premature burial.
  d) macabre
5. implies a following of something with one's eyes as as to keep it under constant observation: ~ing the clock as closely as a cat ~es a mouse.
  e) watch
6. suggests additionally the results of extreme violence or cruelty and an appearance that inspires shuddering or horror: the case of an unusually ~
  f) grim
cfbdea Right:) group ghastly mean horrifying and repellent in appearance or aspect.

1. sug.a capacity for intense, sometimes bustling or forced, activity: an ~ wife, mother, and career woman.
  a) heave
2. implies lifting with a great effort or strain: struggled to ~ the heavy crate.
  b) vigorous
3. implies an undepleted and undiminished capacity for activity, freshness or roubustness: still ~ and sharp in his seventieth year.
  c) lusty
4. sug. forcible and sustained effectiveness resulting from mental vigor: a ~ energy informed his sculptures.
  d) nervous
5. sug. what is arduous and challenging, and evokes a consistently vigorous response: moved to Alaska in search of the ~ life.
  e) strenuous
6. exuberant energy and capacity for enjoyment: a huge meal satisfied their ~ appetite.
  f) energetic
fabdec Right:) group vigorous meaning unknown

1. stresses sincerity and steadiness of emotional warmth or zeal: ~ Christians on a pilgrimage.
  a) impassioned
2. implies warmth and intensity without violence and suggests fluent verbal or artistic expression: an ~ plea for international understanding.
  b) perfervid
3. suggests warmly spontaneous and often feverishly urgent emotions: ~ love letters that suggest emotional imbalance. spontaneous自发natural, lack of prompt,如a spontaneous burst of applause自发的热烈掌声) 
  c) passionate
4. implies ingenious contrivance and invention: his smile is just an ~.
  d) fervid
5. implies the expression of extravagated, insincere, or overwrought feelings: wary of such ~ expressions of selfless patriotism.
  e) ardent
6. implies great vehemence and often violence and wasteful diffusion of emotion: ~ denunciations of American arrogance.
  f) fervent
7. implies an intense degree of zeal, devotion, or enthusiasm: an ~ admirer of the novels of Jane Austen.  (zeal表示不懈的追求unflagging pursuit,devotion表示投入,都比enthusiasm热情程度深)
  g) artifice
fadgbce Right:) group impassioned mean showing intense feeling.

1. implies a rich or showy or elaborate splendor, esp. in the display of color: a ~ red dress. (elaborate两个意思1详尽2精心)
  a) superb
2. suggests a radiance that heightens beauty or a state of being that is eminently worthy of admiration, renown or distinction: a ~ sunset OVER the sea.
  b) splendid
3. suggests a glowing and blazing splendor: the church was ~ in its Easter decorations. (注意是resplendent不是resplendid)
  c) glorious
4. suggests a magnificence, brilliance, grandeur, splendor, or excellence of the highest conceivable degree: a three-star restraunt offering ~ cuisine.
  d) ready
5. emphasizes a putting or getting into order especially for use or action : ~ a room for a committee meeting.   (in order这里表示条理the state of being carefully and neatly arranged,如it was time she put her life in order她到了该好好安排自己生活的时候了,如get your ideas into some sort of order before beginning to write落笔之前,先要理清思路,短语in short order表示迅速立即就绪quickly and without trouble,如she applied in short order立即提交申请)
  e) gorgeous
6. implies an outshining of the usual and customary: the royal wedding was a ~ occasion.
  f) resplendent
7. implies a exaltation or elevation almost beyond human comprehension: the ~ grandeur of the thunderous falls.
  g) sublime
ecfadbg Right:) group splendid mean extraordinarily and transcendently impressive. (transcend超越)

1. a comparatively minor but special ability making for ease and dexterity in performance: has the ~ for making swift, cutting retorts.
  a) catastrophe
2. a special favor by God, nature, or fortune: the ~ of a beautiful singing voice.
  b) faculty
3. stress the inclination perhaps MORE THAN ability: a family that has always had an artistic ~.
  c) aptitude
4. a disastrous conclusion and stresses finality: speculation about the ~ that befell Atlantis.
  d) talent
5. an innate capacity AS WELL AS a natural liking for sth: a child with a definite mechanical ~.
  e) gift
6. sug. an impressive inborn creative ability, often an inner drive that forces its possessor to achieve: the ~ of Mozart.
  f) knack
7. a marked natural ability that needs to be developed: allowed her dancing ~ to go to waste.
  g) bent
8. applies to an innate OR acquired ability for a particular accomplishment or function: a rare ~ for remembering people's names.
  h) genius
fegachdb Right:) group gift meaning unknown

1. implies the taking of measures to protect against danger of loss, injury, or destruction: ~d his papers in a vault.  destruction彻底毁灭utter undoing, 如saw the rapid destruction of his entire life's work毕生心血于一旦)
  a) conserve
2. suggests a keeping sound and unimpaired and implies the avoidance of undue use or of waste or loss or damage: took every possible measure to ~ fuel.
  b) preserve
3. implies ignorance of the knowledge gained by being educated or by reading: a literary reference that is meaningless to the ~.
  c) unlettered
4. stresses a resistance to destructive agencies and implies the use of methods and efforts to keep something intact or in existence: ~ food for winter use.
  d) save
dacb Right:) group save mean to keep secure from injury, decay, or loss.

1. implies change of direction essentially by rotation and not usually as a result of force or pressure: the comet will ~ toward the earth.
  a)  cunning
2. suggests a yielding to force and implies a distortion from the anticipated, normal, or desired straightness: metal rods ~ under the immense weight.
  b) curve
3. implies the influence of a force having a spiral effect throughout the object or course involved: the ~ed wreckage of a spacecraft.
  c) turn
4. implies following or producing a line suggesting the arc of a circle or ellipse: the road ~d sharply to the left.
  d) twist
5. implies great skill in constructing or creating: a writer who is ~ in his manipulation of the reader.  
  e) bend
cedba Right:) group curve mean to swerve or cause to swerve from a straight line or course.

1. implies both approval and authorization and may suggest the providing of a standard: the President ~ed covert operations.
  a) accredit,certify
2. suggests a lifting of spirits often from loneliness or boredom as well as from pain or grief: ~d himself by reading books and writing poetry.
  b) solace
3. suggests an explicit statement of support: publicly ~d her for Senator.
  c) endorse
4. usually implies official endorsement attesting conformity to set standards: the board voted to ~ the college(accredit); must be ~ied to teach(certify).
  d) approve
5. implies commendation or agreement and may suggest a judicious attitude: the parents ~ of the marriage.
  e) sanction
ebcad Right:) group approve mean to have or express a favorable opinion of or about someone or something.

1. often interchangeable with satisfy, may imply more abundance or richness in measuring up to a need that is less calculable, more immeasurable: a son who ~ed his father's fondest hopes.
  a) answer
2. implies adequacy to an end or need in view and often suggests a standard of comparison: ~ied all the requirements for her degree.
  b) wicked
3. usually connotes malice and malevolence: ~ person who delighted in the suffering of others.
  c) satisfy
4. implies an exactness of agreement between a requirement and what is submitted to fill it: designed to ~ the demands of today's students.
  d) meet
5. usually implies the simple satisfaction of a demand, need, or purpose often in a  temporary or expedient manner: a solution that ~ed their immediate need.
  e) fulfill
ecbda Right:) group satisfy mean to measure up to a set of criteria or requirements.

1. in ecclesiastical and especially Roman Catholic use refers to a pardon extended for sins confessed and atoned for and implies that the eternal punishment for sin has been removed: asked for and was granted ~.
  a) oblivious
2. suggests a failure to notice or remember as a result of external causes or conditions  OR of a determination to ignore: lost in thought, ~ to the rushing crowd around her.
  b) unmindful
3. may suggest inattention and heedlessness OR a deliberate disregard: a crusading reformer who was ~ of his family's needs.
  c) absolution
4. implies a heedless or negligent habit of or propensity for failing to remember: ~ of my duties as a host.
  d) forgetful
cabd Right:) group forgetful mean losing from one's mind something once known or learned.

1. implies an assumed or affected shyness: don't be misled by her ~ demeanor. (demeanor: 反映态度的举止A man's demeanor is high and elegant器宇高雅) (coy还表示含糊不愿意说: she is coy about her age她对年龄避而不谈 )
  a) shy
2. implies a timid reserve and a shrinking from familiarity or contact with others: ~ in front of of total strangers. (timid一般的胆小,贬义不重He is timid by nature他生性胆小)
  b) coy
3. suggests absence of undue confidence or conceit, or of boldness or self-assertion: very ~ About citing his achievements. (self-assertion主断: 坚持自己的主张)
  c) modest
4. implies a power to stun or astound, usually because of size, numbers, or complexity, or greatness beyond one's power to describe: a ~ volcanic eruption that destroyed the city.  stun和astound同义,表示惊讶
  d) stupendous
5. implies a frightened or hesitant shyness characteristic of immaturity: the ~ boy rarely told us how he felt about anything.
  e) diffident
6. stresses a distrust of one's own ability, opinion, or powers that causes hesitation in acting or speaking: felt ~ about raising anobjection.
  f) bash
bacdfe Right:) group shy mean not inclined to be forward or obtrude oneself.

1. suggests the use of forethought to avoid the necessity for unwelcome or disagreeable actions or measures: his resignation ~ed the task of firing him.
  a) unwearied
2. implies the taking of immediate and effective measures to avoid, repel, or counteract  threatening evil: deftly ~ed a hostile corporate takeover.
  b) ward off
3. suggests a close encounter and the use of defensive measures: a hot drink to ~ a chill.  寒冷着凉to catch a chill==to catch a cold感冒
  c) obviate
4. stresses the apparent absence of any sign of fatigue in the person or thing concerned: detectives remain ~ in their search for the killer.
  d) avert
5. implies the existence of some factor that shuts out every possibility of a thing's happening or taking effect: an accident that ~ed a career in football.
  e) preclude
6. implies the existence of or the placing of an insurmountable obstacle: the blizzard ~ed us from going.
  f) prevent
cdbaef Right:) group prevent mean to stop something from coming or occurring.

1. usually applies to color that is pale or faint or diluted (as with white): the rose ~s of the evening sky.
  a) shade
2.7.5pt"> ignite: like kindle, stresses successful lighting but is more likely to apply to highly flammable materials: ~ a firecracker; OR it may imply a stirring into activity: a love of learning ~ by her first-grade teacher.
  b) tinge
3. may be a close synonym of color: flowers of many ~s; but suggests gradation or modification of colors: the many green ~s of spring.  gradation递进modification渐变
  c) tint
4. distinctively applies to color that modifies other color by mingling with or overlaying: embarrassment brought a ~ of red to her pale cheeks.  mingle混合overlay重叠
  d) hue
5. more usually indicates a gradation of a color or hue according to lightness or brightness: use a paler ~ of blue for the curtains.
  e) color
6. is the ordinary and generic term for this property and specifically applies to the property of things seen as red, yellow, blue and so on as distinguished from gray, black, or white: gave the white room touches of ~.  generic term通称,如fruit水果是通称
cfdbae Right:) group color mean a property of a visible thing that is recognizable in the light. 首字母比较好记,CHS TT想成橙黄色图腾

1. stresses ABSENCE of strangeness and unexpectedness, and may apply to what is normal: my ~ order for lunch.
  a) wonted
2. less emphatic than habitual or wonted in suggesting fixed habit or invariable custom: accepted the compliment with her ~ modesty.
  b) customary
3. sug. a practice settled or established by much repetition: a ~ excercise regime(锻炼方法) that served me well.
  c) usual
4. sug. habitation, but oft implies what is favored, or cultivated: his ~ pleasure has lost its appeal.
  d) retrench
5. suggests a reduction in extent of something felt to be excessive: falling prices forced the company to ~.
  e) habitual
6. applies to what accords with practice, convention or usage of an individual or community: a ~ waiting period before remarrying.
  f) accustomed
cfeadb Right:) group usual meaning unknown

1. implies the opposite of all that is delicate or sickly and connotes vigor and health shown in muscularity, fresh color, a strong voice and an ability to work long and hard: a lively, ~ little boy.
  a) slender
2. emphasizes the absence of illness, weakness, or malfunction: an examination showed his heart to be ~.
  b)  well
3. applies particularly to robustness in old age: still ~ at the age of eighty.
  c) healthy
4. implies appearance and behavior indicating soundness and balance or equilibrium: she looks especially ~ in her tennis shoes.
  d)  hale
5. implies the possession of full strength and vigor or freedom from signs of disease or may apply to what manifests or indicates these conditions: the doctor pronounced the whole family ~.  
  e)  robust
6. implies leanness or spareness often with grace and good proportion: the ~ legs of a Sheraton chair.  leanspace是褒义词,表示精瘦没有多余脂肪lack of excessive fat,如来自饮食节制长期锻炼等,而上边的thin形容人一般是贬义,表示瘦弱面黄肌瘦不健康等)   (Sheraton喜来登,酒店名, 还表示18实际一种新古典主义的家具风格,以Thomas Sheraton命名an 18th-century neoclassical furniture style, so called after Thomas Sheraton,这种家具的框架都是直角,腿是圆形,从上往下逐渐变细,所以例句中说它苗条)
  f)  wholesome
7. implies merely freedom from disease or illness: she has never been a ~ person.
  g) sound
egdfcab Right:) group healthy mean enjoying or indicative of good health.

1. implies a unique and peculiar relationship to a kind or category or individual: children with ~ nutritional needs.  peculiar表示独特罕见implies uniqueness or rarity, an eccentricity peculiar to Britons英国人特有的习惯) category类型kindtype等的基础词,很通用,哲学上表示范畴,指所有可能类型possible classes中的一个,因此classcategory还要基本通用 
  a) interfere
2. stresses having a distinctive quality, character, identity, or use: airline passengers who require ~ meals.
  b) special
3. implies unequivocal reference to one of a class or group: valued each ~ opinion.  equivocal故意模棱两可deliberate use of language open to differing interpretations,如only gave an equivocal answer只给出模棱两可的答复  
  c) specific
4. implies a meddling in such a way as to hinder, interrupt, frustrate, disorder, or defeat, although not necessarily with conscious intent: the rain ~d with their game.
  d) individual
5. may add implications of preeminence or preference: a matter of ~ importance.  preeminent和eminent意思一样都是好到stand out出众的程度,翻译成显著突出,如an eminent scientist一个卓越的科学家
  e) especial
6. stresses the distinctness of an something as an individual: an Alpine scene of ~ beauty.  
  f) particular
cbdaef Right:) group special mean of or relating to one thing or class.

1. implies a habit of saying no more than is needed: her husband was the ~ type, not given to idle chatter.
  a) reserved
2. implies reticence and suggests the restraining influence of caution or formality in checking easy informal exchange: a ~ and distant demeanor.
  b) exhaust
3. implies a temperamental disinclination to speech and usually connotes unsociability:  the locals are ~ and not receptive to outsiders.
  c) reticent
4. too, implies reticence, but usually carries a disparaging suggestion of lack of frankness or of a will to conceal something that might be reasonably made known: a ~ public official usually stingy with news stories.
  d) secretive
5. implies a reluctance to speak out or at length, especially about one's own affairs: strangely ~ about his plans.
  e) silent
6. stresses a complete using up or emptying: a theme that can never be ~.
  f) taciturn
eafdcb Right:) group silent mean showing restraint in speaking.

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