

【同义词练习】 第03/30周(2023.05.08--2023.05.14)

jason246 发表于 2023-6-1 12:57:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. stresses persistence in clinging to or bleeding another for one's own advantage: ~ who abandoned her when the money ran out.
  a) hanger-on
2. stresses the servility and snobbery of self-seekers: the president's own ~ made others grovel.  (self-seeker: 自私自利的人)
  b) dulcet
3. usually contemptuous, refers to someone who habitually keeps company with or depends unduly on others for favor:
  c) leech
4. adds to this a strong suggestion of fawning, flattery or adulation: a  military dictator who would only listen to ~.
  d) toady
5. a gratifying, soothing, appealing quality: the ~ tone of a harp.
  e) sycophant
6. stresses the parasitic laziness, dependence, opportunism, and pettiness of the cadger: her brother, a shiftless ~, often came by for a free meal.  (cadger乞丐,索要的人)
  f) sponge
7. applies to one who clings to a person of wealth, power, or influence or is useless to society: a jet-setter with the usual entourage of ~.
  g) parasite
cdaebfg Right group parasite mean an obsequious flatter or self-seeker.

1. regularly suggests a desirable or sought-for quality and connotes such contributing factors as exactitude, care, devoted workmanship, or thoughtful choice: chose her words with great care and ~.
  a) precision
2. more often suggests a less than desirable quality and is likely to connote such contributing factors as rigidity, severity and strictness, or overnicety in observance of rules or proprieties: spoke each sentence with an annoying and intimidating ~.
  b) preciseness
3. implies a leading to an unplanned end or state by a flow of consequences: such good results can only ~ to our credit.
  c) redound
abc Right group precision mean the quality or state of being precise.

1. stresses an easy coolness of manner or casualness that suggests indifference or unconcern: ~ as ever, she ignored the crying baby.
  a) resplendent
2. implies a concentration of the mind or spirit that eliminates or overcomes distraction: even in heated debate, she remains very ~.
  b) composed
3. implies a temperament that is cool or assured even under severe provocation: a guest speaker who maintained an air of ~ civility.
  c) collected
4. implies freedom from agitation as a result of self-discipline or a sedate disposition: the ~ pianist gave a flawless concert.
  d) unruffled
5. suggests apparent serenity or poise in the face of setbacks or in the midst of excitement: his mother remained ~ during the wedding.
  e) imperturbable
6. may imply calmness, deliberateness, or dispassionateness: kept a ~ head during the emergency.
  f) cool
7. suggests a glowing and blazing splendor: the church was ~ in its Easter decorations. (注意是resplendent不是resplendid)
  g) nonchalant
gcebdfa Right group cool mean actually or apparently free from agitation or excitement.

1. implies something obviously, but not necessarily extremely, harmful to the thing it affects: the ~ effects of prolonged fasting.
  a) noxious
2. applies to what is both offensive and injurious to the health of body or mind: ~ fumes emanating from a chemical plant.
  b) detrimental
3. stresses close adherence to outward forms and a censorious attitude toward others' defects in these respects, coupled with little real concern for spiritual matters: always under the gaze of ~ neighbors.
  c) deleterious
4. applies to what has an often unsuspected or unanticipated harmful effect, especially on the living body: megadoses of vitamins can have ~ effects.
  d) pharisaical
5. implies injury through poisoning or destroying influence: the ~ notion that discipline destroys creativity.
  e) baneful
6. implies irreparable harm done through evil or insidious corrupting or undermining: the claim that pornography has a ~ effect on society.
  f) pernicious
badcef Right group pernicious mean exceedingly harmful.

1. stresses an authoritative and fixed allotment but carries no clear implication of an even division: each employee is ~ed a parking place.
  a) sack
2. implies a dividing according to some principle of equal or proportionate distribution:  profits were ~ed according to a predetermined ratio.
  b) apportion
3. implies haphazard or arbitrary distribution with no suggestion of fairness or equality: each child was ~ed a portion of pie.
  c) allot
4. implies the looting and destroying of a place: barbarians ~ ancient Rome. (loot抢劫战争或骚乱受害者)
  d) assign
5. suggests a fixed appropriation of money, property, territory, or powers to a person or group for a particular use: ~d $50.000 for park improvements
  e) allocate
dbcae Right group allot mean to give as a share, portion, role, or lot.

1. implies falling invariably into the same imitative pattern or form: views of American Indians that are ~and out-of-date.
  a) align
2. applies to a once effective phrase or idea spoiled by too long familarity: "you win some, you losesome" is a ~ expression. (once前不用an)
  b) stereotyped
3. applies to what has been worn out by overuseas to become dull and meaningless: all of the metaphors and images in the poemare ~.
  c) hackneyed
4. applies to what what has been used or exploiteduntil its possibilities of interest have been totallyexhausted: a mystory novel with a ~ plot.
  d) trite
5. suggests a loss from constant use of qualities that appeal or arouseinterest: used phrases too ~ to generate any interest or convey any praise.
  e) shopworn
6. stresses the bringing of points or parts that should be in a straight line into correct adjustment or into correspondence: ~ the front and rear wheels of an automobile.
  f) threadbare
bdcfea Right group trite meaning unknown

1. implies eagerness and avidity in doing, making, encountering, or experiencing:possessed a ~ for life.  对生活有热切的期待(兴致
  a) glint
2. implies a quickly glancing or gleaming light: steel bars ~ in the moonlight.
  b) gusto
3. implies a liking based on pleasurable sensation: the discerning ~ of a tea taster.
  c) relish
4. suggests a capacity for keen gratification: seemed to utter the denunciation with great ~.
  d) zest
5. implies aspecific liking or interest, whether nature or acquired: had a ~ for music; or a discerning appreciation based oninformed aesthetic judgment: excellent ~ in wines.
  e) taste
6. implies a hearty relish that goes with high spirits and vitality: sang all the old song with ~.
  f) palate
Wrong dafceb Right group taste mean a liking for or enjoyment of something because of the pleasure it gives.

1. applies to a period begun or set off by some significant or striking quality, change, or series of events: the steam engine marked a new ~ in industry.
  a) period
2. may designate an extent of time of any length: ~s of economic prosperity.
  b) era
3. suggests a period of history marked by a new or distinct order of things: the ~ of global communications.
  c) repair
4. is used frequently of a fairly well-defined period dominated by a prominent figure or feature: the ~ of Samuel Johnson.
  d) epoch
5. applies to the mending of more extensive damage or dilapidation requiring professional skill or special equipment: the car needs to be ~ed by a mechanic.  professional专业的;职业的implies a job that requires special training or skill需要特殊训练和技能,如professional qualifications/skills
  e) age
dabec Right group period mean a portion of time

1. applies to occurrence, existence, or use in or survival from the distant past: ~ accounts of dragons.
  a) obsolete
2. may suggest some regret, reluctance or weakness in the giving up: ~ed her crown with bittersweet feelings.
  b) old
3. stresses the hoariness and dignity of great age: the family's ~ patriarch.
  c) venerable
4. suggests that something is so antiquated or outmoded that it might have come from the time before the flood and Noah's ark: an ~ mode of travel.
  d) antique
5. implies that something is discredited or outmoded or otherwise inappropriate to the present time: ~ teaching methods.
  e) relinquish
6. may apply to either actual OR relative length of existence: an ~ sweater of mine.
  f) antiquated
7. implies qualities that have gone out of currency or habitual practice: this nuclear missile will make all others ~.
  g) ancient
8. implies that something has the character or characteristics of a much earlier time: the play used ~ language to convey a sense of period.
  h) archaic
9. applies to what has come down from a former or ancient time: collected ~ Chippendale furniture.
  i) antediluvian
gecifbahd Right group old mean having come into existence or use in the more or less distant past.

1. a selection of propositions on subjective and arbitrary grounds: a company that ~ an eager  customer for each of its products..
  a) resolve
2. suggests advancing an assumption that cant be proven and is accepted becuase it serves as BASIS for some action, thought: ordinary humans must ~ the reality of time and space.
  b) posit
3. imply a hazy or imperfectly realized belief or uncritical acceptance: the work which ~ a knowledgeable readership. OR the necessity of accepting what must be logically true: an effect that ~ a cause.
  c) postulate
4. suggests what is taken for granted is entitled to belief until disproved: he is ~ innocent until proven guilty.
  d) presume
5. indicates arbitrary and deliberate accepting of sth not proven or demonstrated: had ~ that the family would welcome his return.
  e) assume
6. suggests laying down position from which inference can be drawn, or stating facts or principles fundamental to an argument: an argument ~ on a belief of value of formal education.
  f) presuppose
7. often suggests only the separation or division into elements or parts: matter ~d by the microscope into distinct cells; or its change of form or metamorphosis: hatred ~d by suffering into tenderness.
  g) premise
bcfdega Right group presuppose meaning unknown

1. implies pouring forth without restraint or in a stream: uttered ~ apologies.
  a) luxuriant
2. suggests rich, soft luxuriance at, or slightly past, the peak of perfection: nude portraits that have a ~, sensual quality.
  b) prodigal
3. stresses a definitely hostile or alarming quality in what portends: conditions that ~ the stability of society.
  c) menace
4. suggests an unstinted, unmeasured, or extravagant profusion: a ~ wedding reception of obvious expense.
  d) lush
5. implies reckless or wasteful lavishness threatening to lead to exhaustion of resources: ~ spending exhausted the fortune.
  e) profuse
6. implies marked vitality, vigor and creative power in what produces abundantly or luxuriantly: a fantasy writer with an ~ imagination.
  f) exuberant
7. suggests a rich and splendid abundance: the ~ vegetation of a tropical rain forest.  (vegetation: 1.植物总称, 2.单调生活)
  g) lavish
edcgbfa Right:) group profuse mean great abundance.

1. retains its basic notion of chance occurrence but may also imply nonessential character: the essential and ~ values of an education.
  a) apprise
2. implies the formal communication of something requiring attention or demanding action: ~ied them that their mortgage payment was due.
  b) accidental
3. implies the imparting of knowledge especially of facts or occurrences necessary for an understanding of a matter or as a basis for action: ~ed us of the crisis.
  c) acquaint
4. implies the communicating of something of special interests or importance to the recipient: ~ me of any rallies in the stock market.
  d) inform
5. lays stress on introducing to or familiarizing with: ~ed myself with the basics of the game.  (被介绍introduce熟悉familiarize的人称为acquaintance熟人: 相识的人泛泛之交熟人(与某人)认识略有交情(对某事物的)了解, 如the proprietor was an old acquaintance of his业主是他的一位旧相识
  e) notify
bedac Right:) group inform mean to make one aware of something.

1. used with in or to, implies assurance based on faith that another will not fail one: ~ed in her own strength.
  a) supremacy
2. implies superiority over all others that is usually perfectly apparent or generally accepted: the ~ of Shakespeare among English dramatists.
  b) ascendancy
3. sometimes implies supremacy, but its chief idea is either that of emerging domination or of autocratic use of power: struggled to maintain the ~ over the other teams in the league.
  c) trust
cab Right:) group supremacy mean the position of being first, as in rank, power, or influence.

1. suggests foresight and stresses the idea of making adequate preparation by stocking or equipping: ~ suitable accommodations.
  a) apply
2. stresses bringing into contact or relation with sth. else such that it proves useful or acquires practical value: ~ specific rules to the situation.
  b) furnish
3. may stress the idea of replacing, or making up what is needed, or of satisfying a deficiency: foods that ~ needed protein and vitamins to the diet.
  c) provide
4. may emphasize the idea of fitting with what is needed or, sometimes, normal or desirable: the porcupine, ~ed by nature with a built-in defense.
  d) supply
cadb Right:) group provide mean to give or get what is desired by or needed for something.

1. usually implies exerting effort to overcome the resistance of WEIGHT: ~ the chair while I vacuum.
  a) boost
2. implies the lifting of something heavy, especially by mechanical means: ~ the cargo on board.
  b) heave
3. can be used in place of raise, but can also be used meaning to raise itself: a steeple ~ into the sky.
  c) hoist
4. implies a disposition to dominate often in disregard of others' rights or in determined and energetic pursuit of one's ends: ~ and successful in the business world.
  d) lift
5. may replace lift or raise esp. when exalting or enhancing is implied: ~ the musical tastes of the public.
  e) elevate
6. carries the implication of bringing up to the vertical or high position: soldiers ~ a flagpole.
  f) rear
7. implies lifting with a great effort or strain: struggled to ~ the heavy crate.
  g) aggressive
8. suggest assisting to climb OR advance with a push: ~ his brother over the fence.
  h) raise
dcfgehba Right:) group lift meaning unknown

1. sug. forming of a close union RATHER THAN loss of identities: new immigrants that were readily ~ into the population.
  a) commingle
2. sug. a combining in which one or more elements are lost in the whole: in her mind reality and fantasy ~.
  b) coalesce
3. stress the oneness and indissolubility in the resulting product: a building in which modernism and classicism are ~.
  c) blend
4. implies the elements as such disappear in the resulting mixture: ~ several teas to create a balanced brew.
  d) merge
5. implies affinity in the merging elements and a resulting organic unity: telling details that ~ into a striking portrait.
  e) equivocation
6. implies a homogeneous product but may OR may not imply loss of each element's identity: ~ the salad greens. (homogeneous表示相同种类,见2018-02-13 相似similar-identical)
  f) mix
7. sug. that the elements are still somewhat distinguishable and separately active: fear ~ with anticipation in my mind.
  g) amalgamate
8. implies a closer or more thorough unity or harmony: a sense of duty ~ with a fierce pride.
  h) mingle
9. suggests that the ambiguity is intentional and the intent is to mislead: a report on the nuclear accident filled with ~s.
  i) fuse
Wrong gdicbfhae Right:) group mix meaning unknown

1. sug. habitation, but oft implies what is favored, or cultivated: his ~ pleasure has lost its appeal.
  a) fussy
2. implies having very high and often capricious ethical, artistic, or social standards: a woman too ~ to tolerate messy little boys.
  b) wonted
3. implies fine discrimination in perception and evaluation: makes a ~ distinction between an artist and a craftsman.    (fine和nice相解,都表示精细fine discrimination,如精细陶瓷是fine china, fine gold金)
  c) nice
4. implies affected, often exasperating fastidiousness: small children are often ~ eaters.
  d) squeamish
5. adds a connotation of querulousness to finicky and particular: very ~ about the starch in his shirts.  querulous不停抱怨的=complain,如don't be querulous like a baby不要像小孩一样抱怨
  e) particular
6. implies an insistence that one's exacting standards be met: a customer who is very ~ about his fried eggs.
  f) dainty
7. suggests an oversensitive or prudish readiness to be nauseated, disgusted, or offended: ~ about erotic art.
  g) fastidious
8. suggests a tendency to reject what does not conform to one's delicate taste or sensibility: when camping, one cannot afford to be ~ about food.
  h) finicky
Wrong Wrong bgchaedf Right:) group nice mean having or showing exacting standards.

1. sug. giving thought to in order to reach a suitable conclusion, opinion or judgement: refused even to ~ my proposal.
  a) abomination
2. suggests that something is so odious that it is dismissed or rejected out of hand: anything that was Yankee was ~ to my Southern aunt.
  b) consider
3. suggests the arousal of loathing, disgust, and extreme displeasure: in her opinion all of modern art is an ~.
  c) anathema
4. suggests somthing so dreaded that one seeks continually to avoid it: the deficit became an annual congressional ~.
  d) bugbear
5. suggests a pet aversion that one habitually or especially avoids: his mooching brother-in-law was the ~ of his life.
  e) bete noire
bcade Right:) group abomination mean a person or thing that arouses intense dislike.

1. stresses a stirring up and urging on and may or may not imply active prompting: charged with ~ing a riot.  prompturge不同,urge是敦促的意思不一定有效果,而prompt是促使,表示不但催促而且产生了效果to make someone to do something or make a decision,如what prompted you to say this是什么让你这么说,如economic recession prompted Japanese consumers to spend less经济萧条促使日本消费者减少开支)
  a) instigate
2. definitely implies responsibility for the initiating of another's action and often connotes underhandedness or evil intention: ~d a conspiracy against the commander.
  b) foment
3. suggests abundant emission: it never rains but it ~s; and may sometimes imply a coming in a course or stream from or as if from a spout: workers ~ed from the subway exits.
  c) pour
4. implies a persistence in goading in regard to something already in seething activity: years of ~ing kept the flame of rebellion burning.
  d) abet
5. implies both the assisting and encouraging of some action already begun: accused of aiding and ~ting the enemy.
  e) incite
eacbd Right:) group incite mean to spur to action or to excite into activity.

1. suggests a tool or device capable of performing delicate or precise work or one precisely adapted to the end it serves: the surgeon's ~s.
  a) appliance
2. refers to a tool or instrument utilizing a power source and often adapted to a special purpose: modern ~s that take the drudgery out of housework.
  b) implement
3. may apply to anything necessary to perform a task: lawn and gardening ~s.
  c) tool
4. applies to a device, tool, or vessel, usually with a particular function, used in domestic work or some routine unskilled activity: knives, graters, and other kitchen ~s.  vessel器皿
  d) utensil
5. suggest an implement adapted to facilitate a definite kind or stage of work and suggests the need of skill: a carpenter's ~s.
  e) instrument
6. often used with with, is likely to imply complaisance, dependence, or lack of a strong opinion: willing to ~ with the opinion of the majority.
  f) comply
eabdcf Right:) group implement mean a relatively simple device for performing work.

1. implies a severe, formal, and often public or official rebuke: a general officially ~ for speaking out of turn. (reprimand用来解释第一组censure,词义接近)
  a) reprimand
2. implies great size and dignity but stresses impressiveness: large, ~buildings line the avenue.
  b) majestic
3. combines the implications of imposing and stately and adds a suggestion of solEmn grandeur: a ~ waterfall. 
  c) imposing
4. adds to greatness of size or conception the implications of handsomeness and dignity:a mansion with a ~ staircase.
  d) grand
5. implies an impressive largeness proportionate to scale without loss of dignity or good taste: ~ paintings and tapestries.
  e) grandiose
6. implies a size or scope exceeding ordinary experience, but is most commonly applied DEROGATORILY to inflated pretention and absurd exaggeration: ~ schemes of world conquest.
  f) magnificent
7. may suggest impressive size combined with poised dignity, erect bearing, handsome proportions, and ceremonious deliberation of movement: the ~processing proceeded into the cathedral.
  g) stately
acbdfeg Right:) group grand meaning unknown

1. may indicate a clear specific reference or citation as a typical example or a special case: failed in her attempt to ~ a clear example.
  a) instance
2. implies the making of a statement so precise, explicit, and detailed that misunderstanding is impossible: use only ingredients and amounts ~ied.
  b) specify
3.  stresses a freedom from favor OR prejudice in making a judgement: arbitration by an ~ third party.
  c) mention
4. implies the clear mentioning of a name and therefore may suggest more explicitness: ~d three people as participants in the crime.
  d) impartial
5. indicates a calling attention to, either by name or by clear but incidental reference: failed to ~ the incident.
  e) name
abdec Right:) group mention mean to make clear or specific by referring to something explicitly.

1. implies such great worth as to make valuation all but impossible: a good education is ~.
  a) dear
2. a price beyond the thing's value OR the buyer's means: the resort's shop seems rather ~.
  b) priceless
3. applies to what is of great even incalculable value because scarce or irreplacable: our ~ natural resources.
  c) valuable
4. a relatively high or exorbitant price, or excessive cost usually due to factors OTHER THAN thing's intrinsic value: coffee was ~ during the war.
  d) precious
5. used like invaluable in a hyperbolic sense, adds even more intensity: a ~ bon mot. (hyperbolic夸张)
  e) expensive
6. sug. worth measured in usefulness, enjoyableness as well as market value: iron is a ~ commodity.
  f) invaluable
7. may apply to either the infliction of corporal punishment or to verval censure or denunciation: ~d his son for neglecting his studies.  inflict使承受苦难伤害等inflict某人使别人遭受,afflict某物使别人遭受)   (censure正式批评, denounce公开批评,参见2017-04-14 批评criticize-denounce)
  g) chastise
8. implies a high price and may suggest sumptuous or luxury OR rarity: the ~ food graced her table.
  h) costly
fedabcgh Right:) group costly meaning unknown

1. suggests the elaboration of invented details and distortion of historical facts produced by popular tradition: the ~ courtship of Miles Standish.
  a) boredom
2. adds suggestions of listlessness, dreariness, and unrest that accompany an environment or situation or company that fails to stimulate or challenge: seeks distraction from the ~ of housework.
  b) doldrums
3. stresses profound dissatisfaction or weariness of spirit and often suggests physical depression as well as boredom: a life of self-indulgence that later left him subject to feelings of ~.
  c) tedium
4. is likely to suggest dullness and lowness of spirits resulting from irksome inactivity or sameness or monotony of occupation: could scarcely bear the ~ of listening to one long lecture after another.
  d) ennui
5. applies to a period of depression marked by listlessness, lagging spirits, and despondency: failed to raise her from the ~; or implies a dull inactive state: the stock market has been in the ~ lately.
  e) legendary
eadcb Right:) group tedium mean a state of dissatisfaction and weariness.

1. suggests a contemptuous attitude and an attempt to make something seem small: inclined to ~ the achievements of others.
  a) minimize
2. implies open condemnation with intent to discredit: ~ied their do-nothing attitude.
  b) disparage
3. is the least specific term and suggests something equivocal rather than definitely illicit about the relationship: had a series of ~s after his divorce.
  c) belittle
4. implies depreciation by indirect means such as slighting or invidious comparison: ~d golf as recreation of the middle-aged.
  d) depreciate
5. implies a representing of something as being of less value than commonly believed: critics ~d his plays for being unabashedly sentimental.
  e) decry
6. connotes an effort to make something seem as small as possible: do not try to ~ the danger involved.
  f) affair
cefbda Right:) group decry mean to express a low opinion of something.

1. implies the capacity of containing or keeping: the container will ~ a gallon of liquid.
  a) contain
2. usually stress freedom from anxiety and apprehension of danger or risk based on grounds that are sound and sufficient: ~ themselves from the harm.
  b) hold
3. implies holding without crowding or inconvenience: the banquet hall can ~ 500 diners.
  c) secure
4. implies the actual presence of a specified substance or quantity within something: the can ~s about a quart of oil.
  d) accommodate
bcda Right:) group contain mean to have or be capable of having within.

1. implies the restoration to health after disease: searched for new medications to ~ the dread disease.
  a) remedy
2. may also apply to this but commonly suggests a restoring to soundness of an affected part after a wound or sore: his wounds were slow to ~.
  b) heal
3. suggests the correction or relief of a morbid or evil condition through the use of a substance or measure: vainly searched for something to ~ her arthritis.
  c) cure
4. basically applies to a victim of the chase and in more general use may apply to one pursued intensely as well as to one actually taken by the hunter or pursuer: the private investigator stalked her ~ relentlessly.
  d) quarry
cbad Right:) group cure mean to rectify an unhealthy or undesirable condition.

1. stresses a sudden arousal or renewal of physical, spiritual, or intellectual life or activity especially in something inert: the arrival of spring ~s the earth.  renew恢复续约续借
  a) bookish
2. suggests a stimulating influence that arouses from dullness or torpidity: ~ed his lecture with humorous anecdotes.
  b) vivify
3. emphasizes the imparting of motion or vitality to what was previously deficient in or lacking such a quality: telling details that ~ the family story.
  c) animate
4. may suggest learning derived from books rather than actualities: had about him an effete, ~ air.  这里actual=real
  d) enliven
5. implies a freshening or energizing through the imparting or renewal of vitality: her appearance ~ies a weary drawing-room drama.
  e) quicken
edcab Right:) group quicken mean to make alive or lively.

1. applies to what cannot be used or performed without creating ill will, odium, or envy: the ~ task of deciding custody of the child.
  a) repellent
2. applies to something that is so alien to one's ideas, principles, or tastes as to arouse  resistance or loathing: regards boxing as a ~ sport.
  b) distasteful
3. implies a repugnance that causes active antagonism: practices that are ~ to the American political system.
  c) repugnant
4. implies a contrariness to one's tastes or inclinations: a family to whom displays of  affection are ~. (contrary相反的,词组on the contrary)
  d) thick
5. suggests an objectionableness, often on personal grounds, too great to tolerate: the colonists found the tea tax especially ~.
  e) invidious
6. suggests a generally forbidding or unpleasant quality that causes one to back away : the public display of grief was ~ to her.
  f) obnoxious
7. is more often used for body parts than of body build: ~ legs.
  g) abhorrent
ecgbfad Right:) group repugnant meaning unknown

1. applies especially to the expansion of diameter and suggests a widening of something circular: dim light causes the pupils of the eyes to ~.
  a) amplify
2. implies gradual expansion beyond a thing's original or normal limits: bureaucracy ~ed to unmanageable proportions.
  b) recede
3. implies the extension or enlargement of something that is inadequate: ~ the statement with some details.
  c) inflate
4. implies outward expansion caused by pressure from within: a stomach ~ed by gas.
  d) distend
5. implies distension by or as if by the introduction of a gas or something insubstantial and suggests a resulting instability and liability to sudden change: an ~d ego.
  e) swell
6. may apply whether the increase comes from within or without and regardless of manner, whether by growth, unfolding, or addition of parts: our business has ~ed with every passing year.
  f) dilate
7. implies a gradual withdrawing from a forward or high point in time, space, or attitude: the flood waters gradually ~d.   (如a middle-aged man with receding hair/a receding hairline一个发际后移的中年男子,如"an individual human existence should be like a river---small at first......gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly..."人生像条河,开始很小......逐渐地河变宽,岸退后,水变缓......在新四14篇,选自Russell罗素的<How to grow old怎样变老>。解释中说这个词也可以指时间或态度,但没有查到这种用法,全都用于空间space
  g) expand
feadcgb Right:) group expand mean to increase in size or volume.


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