

【同义词练习】 第02/30周(2023.05.01--2023.05.07)

jason246 发表于 2023-6-1 07:20:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. suggests a flowing through a channel or from an opening or the abundance or continuousness of that flow: tears ~ed from her eyes.
  a) celebrate
2. suggests marking of occasion by ceremonious performance of required acts and rituals: today not all holidays are ~ nationally.
  b) keep
3. suggests acknowledge of an occasion by festivity and indulgence: they traditionally ~ Thanksgiving with a huge dinner.
  c) commemerate
4. suggests marking of occasion by observances that remind one of origin and significance ~ Memorial Day with laying of wreaths.
  d) observe
5. suggests a customary or wonted noticing without anything untoward or inappropriate: ~ THE Sabbath.
  e) stream
edacb Right group keep meaning unknown

1. stresses independence combined with freedom; or, applied politically, independence in matters pertaining to self-government: the establishment of ~ school districts.
  a) autonomous
2. stresses the absence of a superior or dominant power and implies supremacy within one's own domain or sphere: a ~ nation not subject to the laws of another.    dominate主导控制to have power over, to control,如he denied that his country wants to dominate Europe他否认他的国家想要控制欧洲,又如father was no longer the dominant figure of the family随着妇女就业,父亲不再是家里的主导人物,dominant hand常用的手) (superior卓越,强调比别人高或者好,这里表示上级)   (supremacy最高权威地位,指超越其他superiority over all others, 如the supremacy of Shakespeare among English dramatists莎士比亚在英国剧作家中享有至高地位)
  b) free
3. implies a standing alone; applied to a state it implies lack of connection with any other having power to interfere with its citizens, laws, or policies: the struggle for Ireland to become ~.  注意with any other having power的用法,用现在分词代替定语词从句
  c) anticipate
4. may imply a getting ahead of another by being a precursor or forerunner or the checking of another's intention by acting first: ~d the firing so she decided to quit first.
  d) sovereign
5. stresses the complete absence of external control and the full right to make all of one's own decisions: you are ~ to do as you like.
  e) independent
adecb Right group free mean not subject to the rule or control of another.

1. stresses a depriving of characteristic force by removing something essential: an amendment that ~s existing gun-control laws.
  a) emasculate
2. implies a marked and often temporary loss of courage, self-control, or power to act: ~d by the near midair collision.
  b) unnerve
3. implies a loss of manly vigor, fortitude, or spirit: the sight of blood usually ~ned him.
  c) unman
4. suggests a gradual physical or moral weakening through such debilitating influences as climate, disease, luxury, or indolence until one is too feeble to make an effort: totally ~d after a week's vacation.
  d) enervate
5. implies confidence rather than certainty and implies reliance on one's own powers or methods, or trust in another: as much ~ as is ever possible where hurricanes are concerned.
  e) assurance
abcde Right group unnerve mean to deprive of strength or vigor and the capacity for effective action.

1. applies to an exactly proportioned reproduction on a very small scale: a doll house complete with ~ furnishings.
  a) minute
2. applies to what is so minute it can only be seen under a microscope: found ~ defect.
  b) little
3. implies extreme smallness: a beverage with only a ~ amount of caffeine.
  c) tiny
4. implies exceptional or abnormal smallness: ~ gymnasts outshone her larger competitors.
  d) blanch
5. implies a whitening either by the removal of color: ~ed when she saw the accident; or by preventing it from developing: ~ celery by covering the stalks with earth.
  e) petite
6. is often interchangeable with little, but it applies more to relative size determined by capacity, value, or number: a small amount.
  f) diminutive
7. is an informal equivalent to minute: ~ cracks have formed in the painting.
  g) microscopic
8. is more absolute in implication and often connotes less magnitude than is usual, expected, or desired: your pathetic ~ smile.
  h) miniature
9. applies chiefly to girls and women and implies marked smallness and trimness: specializing in clothing for ~ women.
  i) small
hgafdicbe Right group small mean noticeably below average in size. 首字母SLDPMTMM排列成STDLP送他的礼品3M口罩(小礼品)<==小的

1. suggests a pompous affectation of dignity, especially in gait or bearing: ~ like a peacock.
  a) pilfer
2. implies a repeated stealing by stealth in small amounts: dismissed for ~ing from the company.
  b) strut
3. may apply to any surreptitious taking of something either tangible OR intangible: ~ jewels. ~ a look at her. 偷偷看她
  c) filch
4. adds to pilfer a suggestion of quickness: ~ed an apple when the man looked away.
  d) purloin
5. stresses a removing or carrying off for one's own use or purpose: had ~ed a typewriter and other office equipment.
  e) steal
Wrong baecd Right group steal mean to take from another without that person's knowledge or permission.

1. implies a coming after immediately in a sequence determined by some rational cause or rule, such as natural order, inheritance, election, or laws of rank: she ~ed her father as head of the business.   (immediate直接立即stresses the absence of any intervening medium or influence强调二者之间没有任何其他事物,如had immediate knowledge about the situation掌握直接的信息,如do it immediately立即做。作为对比,近义词direct也表示直接,但强调特定"关系",如因果起止问答始终,如had a direct bearing on the case对案件有直接影响)
  a) follow
2. may apply to a coming after in time, position, understanding, or logical sequence: speeches ~ed the dinner.
  b) supervene
3. suggests the following by something added or conjoined and often unforeseen or unpredictable: events ~d that brought tragedy into his life.
  c) ensue
4. is usually applied to mere physical entrance to a locality or a building: members must show their cards upon ~ to the club.
  d) succeed
5. commonly suggests a logical consequence and a naturally expected development: after the lecture, a general discussion ~d.
  e) admittance
dabec Right group follow mean to come after something or someone.

1. may apply to a voluntary giving without expectation of return: provided ~ services; but usually applies to something offensive or unpleasant given or done without provocation: a ~ insult.
  a) wanton
2. is likely to suggest dullness and lowness of spirits resulting from irksome inactivity or sameness or monotony of occupation: could scarcely bear the ~ of listening to one long lecture after another.
  b) gratuitous
3. implies a giving above or beyond what is required by rule and may suggest the adding of something not needed or not wanted: an abrupt man who regarded the usual pleasantries as ~.
  c) tedium
4. implies a gratuitous impertinence or logical absurdity: resented her ~ advice.  又如uncalled-for jealousy无谓的妒忌
  d) uncalled-for
5. implies not only a lack of provocation but a malicious, arbitrary, or sportive motive: the ~ destruction of property by vandals.
  e) supererogatory
bceda Right group supererogatory mean done

1. usually implies a formal declaration of a serious offense: an athlete ~d with taking illegal drugs before the race.
  a) masculine
2. implies a direct, personal declaration: ~d him of trying to steal his wallet.
  b) accuse
3. technically refers to a formal charge of malfeasance in office on the part of a public official: the House of Representatives ~ed President Andrew Johnson for high crimes and misdemeanors.
  c) impeach
4. is usually used in a legal context and implies a formal consideration of evidence prior to a trial: ~ed by a grand jury for first-degree murder.
  d) indict
5. applies to qualities or attributes or attitudes characteristic of men and not shared by women: a ~ physique.
  e) charge
ebcda Right group accuse mean to declare a person guilty of a fault or offence.

1. applies to a task or responsibility imposed by one's occupation, rank, status, or calling: the lieutenant governor had a few official ~ies.
  a) relent
2. implies a yielding through pity or mercy by one who holds the upper hand: finally ~ed and  let the children stay up late.
  b) succumb
3. suggests a full surrendering after resistance or conflict to the will or control of another: voluntarily ~ed to an inspection of the premises.
  c) capitulate
4. implies weakness and helplessness in the one that gives way or an overwhelming power in the one that overcomes: a stage actor ~ing to the lure of Hollywood.
  d) yield
5. in reference to a person implies being overcome by force or entreat: ~ed to their pleas for popcorn; but in reference to a thing implies such qualities as elasticity or weakness that facilitate a giving way: a mattress that ~ed to pressure.
  e) duty
6. stresses the fact of ending all resistance and may imply either a coming to terms, as with an adversary, OR submission to an irresistible opposing force: the college president ~d to the protesters'demands.
  f) submit
7. implies a voluntary yielding or submitting out of respect or reverence for or deference or affection toward another: I ~ to your superior expertise in these matters.
  g) defer
eafbdcg Right group yield mean to give way to someone or something that one can no longer resist.

1. ususally suggests an attempt to overtake, reach, or attain often with eagerness and persistence, sometimes with hostile intent: ~ the bandits on foot.  
  a) chase
2. implies direct or intuitive perception esp. of intangibles or of emotional states or qualities: a doctor who was ~ of the woman's deep depression.
  b) pursue
3. implies speed in following, sometimes in order to catch what flees and sometimes to turn or drive away what advances: ~ing the boys out of the orchard.
  c) follow
4. implies a following in the track of one gone before: ~ along behind the leader.
  d) sensible
5. is the comprehensive term, and often implies the lead or guidance of one going before, but, in itself, gives no clue as to the purpose of the one that follows:~ a path to the town.
  e) trail
bdaec Right group follow meaning unknown

1. stress a tiring until one is unable to endure more: ~ of the constant arguing.
  a) tire
2. implies the complete draining of one's physical OR mental strength by hard exertion: shoving snow ~ him.
  b) exhaust
3. suggests often an excessive, deliberately assumed suavity: the ~ sales pitch of a car dealer. (sales pitch推销语言His sales pitch was smooth and convincing他的推销词流畅又有说服力)
  c) jade
4. implies a drooping with fatigue: arrived home, all ~ out by a day's shopping. 
  d) fag
5. implies a draining of strength or patience: the long ride ~ us out.
  e) smooth
6. suggests a wearing or fatiguing that deprives one of all freshness or eagerness: ~d with the endless round of society parties.
  f) wear
7. suggests the causing of great lassitude through excessive strain or undue effort: ~ by the long, hard climb.
  g) fatigue
fbedacg Right:) group tire meaning unknown

1. applies to organic bodies having life as opposed to those from which life has gone: ~ artists.
  a) vital
2. opposed to dead, is like living, but follows the word it modifies: toss the lobster into the pot while it's still ~.
  b) anodyne
3. usually suggests something that soothes or calms often by inducing forgetfulness or oblivion: the ~ of religious fervor.  soothe使平静缓解: to calm, or lessen the pain or anger使平静或缓解疼痛愤怒,联想soft柔软,如soothing music舒缓音乐,cold tea is soothing for burns凉茶有助缓解烧伤) (fervor热忱,warm and steady emotions温暖持久的感情,如本例宗教热忱)
  c) animate
4. is applied to that which becomes alive and active or is given motion simulating life: an ~ cartoon.
  d) animated
5. is used chiefly in direct opposition to inanimate to denote things alive or capable of life: a child seemingly afraid of every ~ object.
  e) alive
6. implies the energy and especially the power to grow and reproduce that are characteristic of life: all of his ~ functions are normal.  生命功能
  f) living
febdca Right:) group living mean having or showing life.

1. otherwise similar to popular, is likely to carry derogatory connotations of inferiority or coarseness: goods designed to appeal to the ~ taste.
  a) ordinary
2. stresses the fact of being generally known and easily recognized: a ~ melody.
  b) vulgar
3. implies usual everyday quality or frequency of occurrence: a ~ error; lacked ~ honesty; and may additionally suggest inferiority or coarseness: his ~ manners shocked her family.
  c) dark
4. applies to what is accepted by or prevalent among people in general sometimes in contrast to upper classes or special groups: a hero typically found in ~ fiction.
  d) common
5. stresses accordance in quality or kind with regular order of things: an ~ pleasant summer day; a very ~ sort of man.
  e) plain
6. the general term, implies utter or virtual lack of illumination: a ~ cave.  (illumination照明启迪彩图,词根LUM表示light光,如lumen流明是物理中光的单位,luminary名人,luminous发光的光彩的,bioluminescent生物发光的如firefly萤火虫和most deep-sea animals大多数深海动物)
  f) familiar
7. suggests ordinariness and homely simplicity: she comes from ~, hard-working stock.
  g) popular
bfdgace Right:) group common mean generally met with and not in any way special,

1. implies strength derived from vigorous growth, determination of spirit, or solidity of construction: people of ~ independence.
  a) tough
2. may imply power derived from muscular vigor, large size, structural soundness, or  intellectual or spiritual resources: a ~ desire to succeed.
  b) tenacious
3. suggests an ability to endure stress, pain, or hard use without giving way: wear ~ boots when hiking.
  c) stalwart
4. suggests an unshakable dependability and connotes great physical, mental, or spiritual strength: ~ supporters of the environmental movement.
  d) sturdy
5. implies great firmness and resiliency: a ~ political opponent.
  e) prepossession
6. sug. a fixed conception likely to preclude objective judgement of anything counter (adj) to it: a slave to his own ~.
  f) stout
7. suggests strength in seizing, retaining, clinging to, or holding together: ~ of their right to privacy.
  g) strong
dgfcaeb Right:) group strong mean showing power to resist or to endure.

1. implies an attempting to destroy a reputation by open and direct abuse: no president was more ~ by the press.
  a) presume
2. implies the printing or writing and publication or circulation of something that defames a person or his or her reputation: sued the magazine for ~.
  b) slander
3. imputes malice to the speaker and falsity to his or her assertion: threatened with a lawsuit for publicly ~ing the company.
  c) asperse
4. implies a continued attack on a reputation often by indirect or insinuated detraction: each candidate ~ the other's motives.  (detract批评: de向下,tract拉牵引,字面意思向下拉)
  d) libel
5. suggests what is taken for granted is entitled to belief until disproved: he is ~ innocent until proven guilty.
  e) traduce
6. stresses the resulting ignominy and distress to the victim: so ~d the governor that he was driven from office.
  f) malign
7. stresses the suffering of the victim from oral OR written calumniation: town gossips carelessly ~ed their good name.
  g) caluminate
8. suggests a specific and often subtle misinterpretation but may not always imply deliberate lying: the most ~ monarch in British history.
  h) defame
9. stresses the actual loss of or injury to a good name: forced to pay a substantial sum for ~ing her reputation.
  i) vilify
idgcaebfh Right:) group malign mean to injure by speaking ill of. 首字母MTAVCDSL4个字母想成A MTV,后4个想成Chu Da Shi Le出大事了<==被控告诽谤

1. implies a casual often nostalgic recalling of experiences long past and gone: old college friends like to ~.
  a) bustle
2. suggests a jogging of one's memory by an association or similarity: that ~s me of a story.
  b) recollect
3. implies a keeping in memory that may be effortless or unwilled: ~s that day as thought it were yesterday.
  c) recall
4. implies bringing back to mind what is lost or scattered: as near as I can ~.
  d) reminisce
5. implies a noisy, intrusive, often self-important activity: the hustle and ~ of city life. (the hustle and bustle固定搭配:形容扰攘的城市生活,hustle用手推人催促)
  e) remember
6. suggests a summoning back to mind and often a telling of what is brought back: can't ~ the words of the song.
  f) remind
dfebac Right:) group remember mean to bring an image or idea from the past into the mind.

1. implies dexterousness, but also stress resourcefulness, artfulness and inventiveness in coping with situation as they arise: a ~ host of a radio call-in show.
  a) adjure
2. adds a suggestion of GREATER urgency or anguished appeal: ~ her not to leave him. (anguish: extermepain极度痛苦)
  b) beg
3. implies eagerness, anxiety or solicitude: I ~ you to have mercy.
  c) entreat
4. implies advising as well as pleading, and suggests the involving of something sacred: in God’s name, I ~ you to cease. (Plead:恳求,辩护)
  d) adroit
5. suggests an annoying persistence in trying to break down resistance to a request: ~ his mother nearly every day to buy him a new bike.
  e) beseech
6. suggests earnestness, insistence, esp. in asking for a favor: children ~ to stay up late.
  f) implore
7. suggests a posture of humility: with bowed heads, they ~ their lord.
  g) importune
8. implies an effort to persuade or to overcome resistance in another: ~ him to change his mind.
  h) supplicate
dfeagbhc Right:) group beg mean to ask or request urgently.

1. suggests an artful, gentle pleading in an attempt to gain one's ends: ~ed their friends into staying for dinner.
  a) wheedle
2. suggests enticing or alluring through beguilement: ~d by his friend into trying the exotic dish.
  b) incline
3. stresses the use of soft words, artful flattery, or seductive appeal: ~d the old man out of his money.
  c) coax
4. suggests open flattery and the obvious use of charm in an effort to win over: a salesclerk not above shamelessly ~ing customers.
  d) cajole
5. is likely to sug. the intervention of an external force, such as bending and tipping: graciously ~ her head in response to cheers.
  e) blandish
cdaeb Right:) group coax mean to influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering.

1. implies the distracting of the attention from worry or duty especially by something different, often something light: tired businessmen looking for a comedy to ~ them.  distract分心转移注意力to take attention away
  a) blowsy
2. may describe a lazy lack of neatness, order, and cleanliness: a ~ old office; or it may apply to a natural and not unwholesome disorder: a thicket ~ with underbrush; or it may suggest drab misery and squalor: tried her best to overcome the ~ circumstances under which she grew up.
  b) dowdy
3. implies dishevelment or disorder: looked ~ and dissolute; to which is often added a notion of crudity or coarseness or grossness: songs carelessly belted out by a ~ singer.  这个词最早表示红面蓬头垢面的女乞丐  (dishevelment蓬乱,如the wind disheveled her风吹乱她的头发和衣裳)
  c) frowsy
4. stresses notions of slovenliness, unkemptness, and sordidness: a run-down ~ apartment.  slovenly有2个意思,1、邋遢不整洁messy, unclean, untidy,如slovenly clothes/habit不整洁的衣服/邋遢的习惯,如he grew lazy and slovenly in his habits他养成了懒散邋遢的习惯; 2、马虎的careless, 如slovenly thinking随便的想一想,如Lisa was irritated by the slovenly attitude of her boy friend莉萨对男朋友吊儿郎当的态度很恼火)  (unkempt没收拾的、头发蓬乱not looked after carefully or kept neat,如his hair was unkempt and filthy他的头发蓬乱污秽)  sordid脏到恶心的
  d) divert
5. is likely to suggest a complete lack of taste resulting from a combination of the untidy, drab, and tasteless: an old hotel with an imposing but ~ appearance.
  e) slatternly
dcaeb Right:) group slatternly mean deficient in neatness, freshness, and smartness, especially in dress or appearance.

1. suggests having repellent characteristics such as small-mindedness, ill temper, or cupidity, or it may stress inferiority and suggest poverty or penury: a ~, rundown neighborhood.
  a) abject
2. is stronger than all of these in stressing dirtiness and physical or spiritual degradation or abjectness: a ~ story of murder and revenge.
  b) sordid
3. may imply degradation, debasement, or servility: the ~ poverty of her youth.
  c) mar
4. applies to disfiguration or maiming that spoils perfection or well-being: a text is ~ by numerous typos.
  d) mean
5. suggests a loss or lack of some essential high quality of mind or spirit: ~ collectors who view artworks merely as investments.
  e) ignoble
dbace Right:) group mean mean below the normal standards of human decency and dignity.

1. adds a suggestion of GREATER urgency or anguished appeal: ~ her not to leave him. (anguish: extermepain极度痛苦)
  a) cranky
2. implies readiness to take offence and undue irritability and sensitiveness: ~ about reference to her weight.
  b) testy
3. suggests irascibility over small annoyances: everyone grew ~ under the emotional strain. 
  c) choleric
4. may suggest impatient excitability and unreasonableness in addition to an irritable frame of mind: a ~ invalid tried the nurses' patience.  (irritable: 不耐烦的容易生气)
  d) splenetic
5. suggests moroseness, and a bad RATHER THAN a hot temper:the ~ type that harbour a grudge.
  e) cross
6. suggests a habitual fretful irritability with those who fail to conform to one's set notions, fixed ideas, or unvarying standards: ~ neighbors much given to complaining. 
  f) touchy
7. suggests a temporary irascibility or grumpy irritability as from disappointment or discomfort: a squabble that left her ~ all day. (squabble: 小争吵)
  g) irascible
8. implies a tendency to be angered on slight provocations: the boys got a rise out of the ~ old man.  
  h) implore
hfbcdaeg Right:) group irascible mean easily angered or enraged.

1. implies extreme complication and often disorder: an ~ explanation that clarifies nothing.
  a) involved
2. suggests complication and entanglement that make solution or understanding impossible: ~ questions concerning freedom of press and censorship.
  b) intricate
3. applies to what offers difficulty in understanding, solving, or dealing with: baffled by the ~ budgetary procedures.
  c) complex
4. often applies to a known and voluntarily accepted danger: shy away from ~ investments. (shy away回避,避开:Alan doesn't shy away from controversy艾伦不回避争议 )
  d) complicated
5. suggests the unavoidable result of bringing together various parts, notions, or details and does not imply a fault or failure: a ~ problem that calls for a ~ solution.
  e) knotty
6. suggests difficulty of understanding or appreciating quickly because of perplexing interweaving or interacting of parts: the ~ balance of power among nations.  perplex困惑adds to puzzle a suggestion of worry and uncertainly, especially about making a necessary decision,如an odd change of personality that perplexed her friends她奇怪的性格改变令朋友感到困惑
  f) risky
aedfcb Right:) group complex mean having confusingly interrelated parts. 之前参加一次考试,抽到的作文题目是"复杂度complexity",引用过这段话:"Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it天才消灭复杂度",软件工程software engineering的"中心任务"是"控制复杂度complexity control","控制复杂度只有一种方法:divide and conquer分而治之","分析analyze"是指把复杂的事物分隔成组成部分或元素analyze means to divide a complex whole into its parts or elements,有一种观点: "如果你能把一个大问题分隔成几个小问题,问题就已经解决了一大半",可见分析是关键。

1. stresses spontaneity and absence of pretense or simulation: her ~ delight at receiving the award.  (simulate仿真: 高度逼真的模仿,没有贬义,如the training chamber simulates a weightless atmosphere训练室模仿(仿真)了失重环境)
  a) unfeigned
2. stresses absence of hypocrisy, feigning, or any falsifying embellishment or exaggeration: offered a ~ apology.   (hypocrisy伪善,假装有美德to pretend to be moral,语气很重,专批hypocrites伪君子feign巧妙假装,比pretend有技巧些,如feigned sickness to stay home from class病逃课,embellish细枝末节的装饰,如用花边floral border装饰书页, exaggerate夸张: 说话不合实际不克制,如unable to tell a story without exaggerating讲故事总是夸张)  
  b) wholehearted
3. often stresses lack of conformity to what is sanctioned by the law as defined by statute and administered by courts: an ~ U-turn.
  c) illegal
4. suggests sincerity and earnest devotion without reservation or misgiving: promised our ~ support to the cause.
  d) sincere
5. suggests honesty, warmth, and exuberance in the display of feeling: received a ~ welcome at the door.
  e) hearty
6. suggests depth of genuine feeling outwardly expressed: a gift that expresses our ~ gratitude.
  f) heartfelt
adcbef Right:) group sincere mean genuine in feeling or expression. (genuineauthentic更突出真诚真实,如genuine piety真诚的同情,比较an authentic story真实故事)

1.  agreement between two correct accounts that match NOT ONLY in overall conclusions BUT detail by detail: your story ~ with earlier accounts.
  a) square
2. st.equivalent to agree, s.t to accord and s.t to harmonize: his action deesn't ~ with his words
  b) exceed
3. implies going beyond a limit set by authority or established by custom or by prior achievement: ~ed the speed limit.
  c) comport
4. stress the way in which dissimilar elements match, complement or answer to each other: fulfillment seldom ~ to anticipations.
  d) harmonize
5. fundamental likeness in form, nature, or essential quality: ~ to local customs.
  e) conform
6. stress blending of dissimiliar things to form a congruous and pleasing whole: ~ conflicting colors through the use of blue.
  f) agree
7. sug. precise or mathematically exact agreement: force facts to ~ with theory.
  g) correspond
8. implies perfect fitness in relation or association (as in character, spirit, quality or tone):  the speaker's remarks didn't ~ with the sentiments of his listeners.
  h) accord
9. applies to any precise going, existing, or fitting together: the conclusion ~ with the evidence.
  i) jibe
10. like accord, implies fitness of a relationship: acts that ~ with ideals.
  j) tally
jibgedahfc Right:) group agree meaning unknown

1. implies recurrence at essentially regular intervals: ~ appearances of a comet.
  a) alternate
2. may apply to two contrasting things appearing repeatedly one after the other OR to every second member of a series: club meetings on ~ Tuesdays.
  b) periodic
3. stresses breaks in continuity: an ~ correspondence with a distant relative.
  c) thing
4. stresses repetition and reappearance: the boy suffered from ~ illness.
  d) intermittent
5. refers to 1) whatever can be known or inferred as existing in space and time as OPPOSED to one existing only in thought: virtue is not a ~, but attribute(属性) of a ~; 2) or to an inanimate entity as opposed to living beings, esp. persons: she treasures each ~ she buys.
  e) recurrent
badec Right:) group intermittent meaning unknown

1. sug. more decisiveness and ungracisouness, and often refers to denial of what is expected or asked for: ~ them the loan they needed.
  a) decline
2. implies a courteous refusal and may refer to offers or invitations: ~ the invitation to dinner.
  b) repudiate
3. stresses a contempt and disdain in rejecting or repudiating: ~ his amorous advance.
  c) Reuters
4. implies a disowning and casting off as untrue, unauthorized or unacceptable: ~ the value of their parents.
  d) spurn
5. "Exclusive: Trump spurns Taiwan president's suggestion of another phone call"
  e) hostility
6. implies a peremptory refusal by or as if by sending away or discarding: ~ the plan as unworkable.
  f) refuse
7. sug. strong, open enmity showing itself in attacks or aggression: a history of ~ between the two nations.
  g) reject
fadbcge Right:) group decline meaning unknown

1. may mean only this but more often carries a derogatory connotation of an action or manifestation of a person's lower nature: a woman who was victimized by her own ~ appetites.
  a) timely
2. applies to what occurs or appears at the time or moment when it is most useful or valuable: a ~ warning.
  b) carnal
3. may apply to any gratification of a bodily desire or pleasure but commonly implies sexual appetite or bodily satisfaction: a place infamous for providing ~ delight.
  c) fleshly
4. stresses a relation to physical as distinguished from rational nature: led a mindless, ~ existence.
  d) sensual
5. similar in meaning, is somewhat less derogatory than carnal: a saint who wrote at length on his ~ temptations.
  e) animal
badec Right:) group carnal mean having a physical orientation or origin.

1. implies uncompromising inflexibility: the school's admission standards are ~.
  a) enthuse
2. implies an arousing or experiencing of enthusiasm: was ~d about the new vacuum cleaner.
  b) rigid
3. suggests restrictions or limitations that curb or coerce: the judge's ruling is a ~ interpretation of the law.
  c) rigorous
4. implies the imposition of hardship and difficulty: the ~ training of recruits.
  d) stringent
5. emphasizes undeviating conformity to rules, standards, or requirements: their doct put them on a ~ diet.
  e) strict
badce Right:) group rigid mean extremely severe or stern.

1. retains the basic notion of off center and in this use stresses divergence from the usual or customary: led a life of charming ~ies.
  a) eccentricity
2. stresses a strongly individual and independent quality and is likely to imply a following of one's peculiar bent or temperament: a style marked by ~.
  b) idiosyncrasy
ab Right:) group eccentricity meaning unknown

1. implies a temperamental inability to act promptly or speedily when promptness or speed is called for: the agency is usually ~ about fulfilling requests.  sloth是南美一种动物叫树懒,它生活在树上行动非常缓慢a South American animal that lives in trees and moves very slowly. 这个词常形容人又,如房龙在《人类的故事the story of mankind》中说: "the human mind is slower than the proverbial turtle, is lazier than the well-known sloth"人类思维进步的速度比伊索寓言中的乌龟,比众人皆知的树懒懒
  a) lazy
2. suggests a disinclination to work or to take trouble and is likely to imply idleness or dawdling even when at work: his habitually ~ son.
  b) indolent
3. suggests a love of ease and a settled dislike of movement or activity: the summer's heat made us all ~.
  c) slothful
cab Right:) group lazy mean not easily aroused to action or activity.

1. is likely to apply to an easily remembered succession of tones which identifies a simple musical composition, such as a ballad or waltz, but in technical use it applies to the dominating melody, usually carried by the upper voices, of a piece of vocal music: hummed a lovely Celtic ~.
  a) melody
2. stresses the sweetness and beauty of the sound produced and often suggests the expressiveness or moving power of a carefully wrought pattern: a poignant ~.
  b) tune
3. can denote a usually simple musical composition or the air that gives it its character: can you remember the ~ of "America"?
  c) air
cab Right:) group melody mean a clearly distinguishable succession of rhythmically ordered tones.

1. connotes deliberate restraint or restriction and is opposed to inordinate and intemperate: a person of modest, ~ virtues.
  a) temperate
2. is likely to connote absence or avoidance of excess: proceeded at a ~ rate of speed.
  b) moderate
ab Right:) group moderate mean not excessive in degree, amount,or intensity.

1. otherwise very close to pitiful, almost always implies a contemptuous commiseration, though contempt may be weakly or strongly connoted: faced a weak, ~ resistance from the opposition party.
  a) piteous
2. implies not so much the effect on the observer as the quality in the thing that may excite the pity: heard from afar their ~ cries for help.
  b) pitiable
3. applies especially to what excites pity or sometimes commiseration because it is felt to be deeply pathetic: a long line of ~ refugees; but it can also apply to what excites pitying contempt: a ~ excuse.
  c) pitiful
bac Right:) group pitiful mean arousing or deserving pity or compassion.

1. denotes merely lack of power or efficacy which is often temporary or relative to a specific purpose or situation: claimed he was ~ to make the change.
  a) powerless
2. implies powerlessness coupled with persistent weakness or complete ineffectiveness: stormed about in ~ rage.
  b) impotent
ab Right:) group powerless mean unable to effect one's purpose, intention, or end.

1. implies a disinterest in the imaginative, speculative, visionary, romantic, or ideal; it may connote down-to-earth practicality and accuracy in detail: a ~ account of their adventure; but often it suggests preoccupation with the obvious and a neglect of more subtle values: took a very ~ attitude toward her illness.
  a) prosaic
2. stresses dullness or tediousness and when applied to persons usually implies a tendency to talk or write at length in an uninviting manner: wrote them a dull ~ letter.
  b) prosy
3. implies an opposition to poetic and usually suggests a commonplace unexciting quality and the absence of everything that would stimulate feelings or awaken great interest: a downtown with a certain mundane,~ air.
  c) matter-of-fact
cba Right:) group prosaic mean having a plain, practical, unimaginative quality or character. plain平凡表示不装饰不浮夸,如平凡的世界译名是ordinary world,但觉得用plain更好,2019-07-15中会介绍这个词,ordinary是符合常规常识所以平常,如ordinary day/man平常的一天/平常的人,感觉路遥应该不是强调符合常规常识,而是强调不加粉饰无以浮夸

1. usually implies the power to make logical inferences and to draw conclusions that enable one to understand things: a ~ being; in applications to things conceived or formulated, it stresses satisfactoriness in terms of reason: engaged in ~ discourse.
  a) reasonable
2. emphasizes the possession or use of practical sense, justice, and fairness and the avoidance of needless error: willing to grant any ~ request.
  b) rational
ba Right:) group rational mean having or manifesting the power to reason or being in accordance with the dictates of reason.

1. suggests prosperity and increasing wealth: an ~ society.
  a) opulent
2. suggests lavish expenditure and ostentatious display of great wealth: ~ mansions.
  b) rich
3. implies having more than enough to gratify normal needs or desires: one of the ~est nations in the world.
  c) affluent
4. stresses the abundant possession of property and intrinsically valuable things: retired from politics a ~ man.
  d) wealthy
cabd Right:) group rich mean having goods, property, and money in abundance.

1. applies to something that goes straight to the point without swerving or hesitation: a ~ approach.
  a) aboveboard
2. applies to what is consistently direct and free from deviations or evasiveness: a ~ answer.
  b) forthright
3. describes an action or method that is free of all traces of deception or duplicity: a chief executive who managed to be honest and ~ in all her dealings.
  c) straightforward
bca Right:) group straightforward mean free from all that is dishonest or secretive.

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