

【同义词练习】 第01/30周(2023.04.24--2023.04.30)

jason246 发表于 2023-6-1 07:18:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. often stresses the fruit of wisdom or deliberation and may presuppose a weightier occasion, or more authority, or more personal concern on the part of the one giving counsel: the benefit of a father's ~.
  a) counsel
2. implies prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity: forced to endure a ~ companion the whole trip.
  b) advice
3. implies real or pretended knowledge or experience, often professional or technical, on the part of the one who advises: a book of ~ for would-be entrepreneurs.
  c) garrulous
acb Right group advice mean a recommendation as to a decision or a course of conduct.

1. means to overwhelm completely and to reduce to submission, inactivity, or passivity: statements intended to ~ the fears of the people.
  a) crush
2. implies a force that destroys all opposition or brings an operation to a halt: a rebellion that was brutally ~ed.
  b) quash
3. implies a conscious determination to subdue: the government ~ed all opposition newspapers.
  c) suppress
4. suggests ending something as abruptly and completely as putting out a flame: hopes for a promising life ~ed by a single bullet.
  d) apprehend
5. implies a sudden and summary extinction: the army ~ed the rebellion.  summary有两个意思,1. 梗概, 2. 立即,用于法律,如summary arrest立即逮捕,summary execution死刑立即执行,这里指立即消灭)
  e) extinguish
6. implies foresight mingled with uncertainty, anxiety, or dread: ~ed that his odd behavior was a sign of a troubled soul.
  f) quell
facebd Right group crush mean to bring to an end by destroying or defeating.

1. implies a forced and unlawful entering of closed premises for the purpose of committing a felony, usually that of larceny or robbery: lived in constant fear of ~.
  a) theft
2. chiefly in legal use, applies to simple direct theft in which the property of one person is taken into the possession of another: ~ is "grand" or "petty" according to the value of the goods taken.
  b) fussy
3. adds a connotation of querulousness to finicky and particular: very ~ about the starch in his shirts.  querulous不停抱怨的=complain,如don't be querulous like a baby不要像小孩一样抱怨
  c) burglar
4. implies the taking and removing of another's property without the person's consent and usually by stealth: the ~ of an idea may hurt far more than the ~ of money.
  d) robbery
5. in strict use implies violence or the threat of violence employed in the taking of another's property: the messenger was attacked and seriously injured in the course of a ~.
  e) larceny
cebad Right group theft mean the act or crime of stealing.

1. applies both to things prescribed by and to persons obedient to custom and may suggest stiff, restrained, or old-fashioned behavior: a ~ report on the summit meeting; a ~ manner.
  a) ceremonial,ceremonious
2. implies accord with general custom and usage and may suggest a lack of originality or independence: ~ courtesy; ~ standards of beauty.
  b) formal
3. a price beyond the thing's value OR the buyer's means: the resort's shop seems rather ~.
  c) conventional
4. both imply strict attention to what is prescribed by custom or by ritual, but ceremonial applies to things that are associated with ceremonies: a ~ offering; ceremonious to persons given to ceremony or to acts attended by ceremony: a ~ old man.
  d) expensive
bcda Right group ceremonial,ceremonious mean marked by attention to or adhering strictly to prescribed forms.

1. imply extreme low-spiritedness and DISCOURAGEMENT resulting from failure to accomplish | achieve goals: ~, the doomed explorers resigned themselves to failure.
  a) true
2. is likely to stress genuineness and especially correspondence between appearance and essense: a ~ diamond.     genuine有2个意思,都表示:1不造假的,2真诚的,在2017-06-23 真正authentic-bona fide)
  b) real
3. stresses the fact of existence or fidelity to the existent as opposed to the nonexistent, abstract, or hypothetical: the ~ tests of this missle have not yet been made.
  c) actual
4. can stress conformity to the real especially as a model or standard: the ladybug is not a ~ bug but a beetle; or conformity to the pertinent facts that are known or knowable: the ~ verson of events.
  d) dispirited
dbca Right group real meaning unknown

1. suggests an elaborate often rhetorical or poetic compliment: coronations once inspired ~s.
  a) panegyric
2. applies to the formal praise accompanying the mention of a person in a military dispatch or in awarding an honor: a ~ noting her lasting contribution to biology.
  b) citation
3. imples warm enthusiasm in praise of a person or a thing: the subject of several spirited ~s at the banquet.
  c) collate
4. applies to a prepared speech, especially a funeral oration or an essay extolling the virtues and services of a person: delivered the ~ at the funeral.
  d) tribute
5. implies minute and critical comparison in order to note points of agreement or divergence: data from police districts across the country will be ~d.
  e) encomium
6. implies deeply felt praise conveyed either through words or through a significant act: a book of ~s marking his fifty years of service.
  f) eulogy
abefcd Right group encomium mean a formal expression of praise.

1. is used less formally and emphatically for summon: the President ~ Congress for a special session.
  a) convoke
2. implies a summoning to court usually to answer a charge: ~ to answer the charge of drunken driving. 
  b) cite
3. suggests a calling up of a number of things that form a group in order that they may be exhibited, displayed, or utilized as a whole for some purpose: ~ the troops for an inspection.
  c) call
4. suggests giving orders directly and orally: ~ her fix a drink for him.
  d) convene
5. is somewhat less formal or emphatic than convoke: ~ the students in the school auditorium.
  e) bid
6. implies the exercise of authority, and may imply a mandate, imperative order OR urgency: ~ by the court to appear as a witness.
  f) summon
7. implies a summoning to assemble, esp. for deliberative or legislative purposes: ~ an assembly of the world's leading scientists. 
  g) muster
Wrong cbgedfa Right group summon mean to demand the appearance of.

1. suggests an acting or a potential for action or use in such a way as to avoid loss or waste of energy or resources in effecting, producing, or functioning: an ~ small car.
  a) efficient
2. suggests possession of a special quality or virtue that gives effective power: a detergent that is ~ in removing grease.
  b) effective
3. suggests the accomplishment of a desired result or the fulfillment of a purpose especially as viewed after the fact: the measures to halt crime proved ~.
  c) awkward
4. stresses the actual production or the power to produce an effect: an ~ rebuttal.
  d) effectual
5. is widely applicable and may suggest unhandiness, inconvenience, lack of control,  embarrassment, or lack of tact: a dinner party marked by periods of ~ silence. 
  e) efficacious
aedbc Right group effective mean producing or capable to produce an effect.

1. applies to a face as seen and as revealing a mood, character, or attitude: the benign ~ of my grandmother.
  a) sanguinary
2. suggests attention to the contours and characteristic expression as indicative of  race, temperament, disease, or qualities of mind or character: a youth with the ~ of a warrior.
  b) physiognomy
3. applies especially to something attended by, or someone bent on, bloodshed: the Civil War was America's most ~ conflict.
  c) visage
4. suggests attention to shape and proportions of the face and sometimes to the impressions it gives or the changes in moods it reflects: a penetrating gaze and an aquiline nose gave him a birdlike ~.
  d) countenance
5. is the simple, direct, and also the inclusive term: a strikingly handsome ~.
  e) face
dbace Right group face mean the front part of the head from forehead to chin.

1. sug. habitual WAGGISHNESS and playfulness oft clumsy and inappropriate: the dim-witted took his ~ jokes seriously.
  a) humorous
2. stress a desire to produce laughter, may be DEROGATORY by implying CLUMSY,dubious or ILL-TIMED attempts at humor and wit: ~ remark not appreciated at the funeral.
  b) jovulgar
3. suggests the use of analysis or logical reasoning with a definite aim: a philosopher of ~ bent. 爱好
  c) reflective
4. implies HABITUAL or temporamental fondness for jesting and joking: a ~ fellow whose humor often brightend spirits.
  d) witty
5. suggests clever, quick mind and caustic tongue: the commentator is remembered for his ~ reviews.
  e) facetious
6. broadly applies to anything that Evokes usually genial laughter, and may contrast with witty IN implying eccentricity and whimsicality: LACEd his lectures with ~ anecdotes.
  f) jocose
fecbda Right group witty meaning unknown

1. can imply mental derangement, but it MORE OFTEN suggests lack of control by or open conflict with reason: our world which often seems ~.
  a) unreasonalbe
2. is likely to suggest guidance by some force other than reason such as ambition, greed, or stubbornness that makes or shows one decifient in good sense: made ~ demands on a friend.
  b) chivalrous
3. suggests high-minded and self-sacrificing attentions: a ~ display of duty.
  c) irrational
cab Right:) group irrational mean not governed or guided by reason or not having the power to reason.

1. implies a turning away from what is distasteful or unwelcome: seems ~ to anything requiring work.
  a) averse
2. implies a holding back through resistance or unwillingness: I'm ~ to blame anyone just now.
  b) impassioned
3. implies a holding back through fear, uncertainty, or disinclination: ~ about asking her for a date.
  c) reluctant
4. implies lack of harmony between what one anticipates doing and one's opinions, predilections, or liking: ~ to believe that he could do anything right.
  d) hesitant
5. implies warmth and intensity without violence and suggests fluent verbal or artistic expression: an ~ plea for international understanding.
  e) loath
6. implies lack of taste for or inclination toward something and may imply disapproval: ~d to go out in bad weather.
  f) disinclined
acdebf Right:) group disinclined mean lacking the will or desire to do something indicated.

1. implies peremptoriness arising more from the urgency of the situation than from an inherent will to dominate: an ~ appeal for assistance.
  a) mangle
2. implies a tearing or crushing that leaves deep extensive wounds or lacerations: thousands are ~ every year by auto accidents.  bruise瘀伤purple mark紫色的一块皮肤 laceration撕伤割伤
  b) imperative
3. implies the cutting off or removal of an essential part of a person or thing thereby impairing its completeness, beauty, or function: a poignant drama ~ by inept acting.
  c) batter
4. implies the loss or injury of a limb or member usually by violence: a swimmer ~ed by a shark.
  d) cripple
5. implies the loss or severe impairment of an arm or a leg: the fall ~d her for life.
  e) maim
6. implies a pounding with series of blows that bruises deeply, deforms, or mutilates: a ship ~ed by fierce storms at sea.
  f) mutilate
bafedc Right:) group maim mean to injure so severely as to cause lasting damage.

1. suggests abundant emission: it never rains but it ~s; and may sometimes imply a coming in a course or stream from or as if from a spout: workers ~ed from the subway exits.
  a) gutter
2. stresses the intended effect of the action often IN distinction or contrast with the action or the means as such: will use any means to achieve his ~.
  b) sluice
3. implies a sudden and copious outpouring of or as if of something released from confinement: blood ~ed from the wound.  copious大量
  c) pour
4. implies the operation of something like a sluice or flume for the control of the flow of water and regularly suggests a sudden abundant streaming: rainwater ~ing through the gutters.
  d) end
5. suggests a flowing through a channel or from an opening or the abundance or continuousness of that flow: tears ~ed from her eyes.
  e) stream
cdabe Right:) group pour mean to send forth or come forth copiously.

1. implies a desire to retaliate or get even and therefore connotes states of malice, spite, or unwillingness to forgive: angry determination to ~ herself for the slight.
  a) avenge
2. stresses a breaking down by chemical change and often implies a corruption: the body was badly ~d.
  b) decompose
3. suggests that the ends of justice are served OR another is being vindicated OR a merited punishment is administered: ~d the insult to his honor.
  c) revenge
cba Right:) group avenge mean to punish a person who has wronged oneself or another.

1. implies clearness, be it manifested in freedom from dirt or soil: a room as ~ as a pin; or freedom from clutter, complication and confusion: ~ workmanship; or freedom from admixture: took whiskEy ~.
  a) surprise
2. commonly implies a lying in wait along a public way, often in concealment: highwaymen who ~ied all travellers; but sometimes it merely implies an intercepting and detaining: a teacher ~ied by questioning students.
  b) waylay
3. in technical military use may imply stragetic planning and secrecy in operations intended to catch an enemy unawares: ~d an enemy camp; but general use is more likely to suggest a chance catching unawares: police ~d a burglar leaving the house.
  c) ambush
4. tends to evoke the image of would-be attackers concealed in a thicket and is often used with reference to guerrilla warfare: he had been ~ed by rebel forces; but is equally applicable to other situations where the primary image is pertinent: ~ed by joy.
  d) neat
dbac Right:) group surprise mean to attack unawares.

1. is essentially exchangeable with significance: a speech of enormous ~.
  a) weight
2. implies a judgment by which a superior worth or influence is ascribed to something or someone: there are no cities OF ~ in this area.
  b) import
3. implies conspicuous or self-evident consequence: a decision of very great ~.
  c) respect
4. implies a judgment of the immediate relevant importance of something that must be taken into account or that may seriously affect an outcome: idle chitchat of no particular ~.
  d) consequence
5. implies a quality or character that should mark a thing as importance or of consequence but that may OR may not be self-evident or recognized: time would reveal the ~ of that casual act
  e) importance
6. implies a considered evaluation or estimation as the basis of recognition of worth: after many years they came to ~ her views.
  f) significance
7. may imply importance in social rank  but more generally implies importance because of probable or possible effects: whatever style you choose is of little ~.
  g) moment
Wrong begafcd Right:) group importance mean a quality or aspect that is felt to be of great worth, value, or influence. (value实用价值,worth货币价值)

1. sug. an indirectmention by a hint, roundabout expression or figure of speech: ~ to incidents previously unkonwn.
  a) refer
2. usually implies a slight or glancing reference in a text or speech: a theory ~ to here but discussed later.
  b) advert
3. can imply a welcoming recognition: ~ guests with open arms; but more often it implies that something comes or is allowed to come into one's possession or presence while one is passive: ~d the news without comment.
  c) allude
4. implies intentional introduction, specific and definite mention, and sometimes judging: ~ to her claim as fantasy
  d) receive
cbda Right:) group refer meaning unknown

1. suggests a deep quietude or composure: the ~ beauty of a formal garden.
  a) forerunner
2. is applicable to anything that serves as a sign, omen, or warning of something to come: the international incident was a ~ to war.
  b) tranquil
3. both apply, chiefly figuratively, to one that proclaims or announces the coming or arrival of a notable event or person: robins, the ~s of spring(harbingers); the ~ of a new age in medical science.
  c) harbinger, herald
4. applies to a person or thing that paves the way for the success or accomplishment of another: 18th century poets who were ~s of the Romantics.
  d) precursor
bacd Right:) group forerunner mean one who goes before or announces the coming of another.

1. implies patience under provocation and deliberate abstention from harsh judgment,  punishment, or vengeance: the most ~of music teachers.
  a) lenient
2. implies compliance, mercifulness, and a willingness to make concessions out of charity or clemency: an aunt ~ of her nieces' and nephews' shortcomings.
  b) penitence
3. implies sad and humble realization of and regret for one's misdeeds: willing to forgive when faced with the outward signs of ~.  (很容易错写成pentinence’,联想penny发音: 因为1分钱忏悔)
  c) forbearing
4. implies softness of temper and a relaxation of discipline or rigor: ~ parents pay for it later.
  d) tolerant
5. implies a freedom from bias or dogmatism and a reluctance to judge or restrict others harshly who hold opinions or doctrines different from one's own: a very ~ attitude towards dissenters.
  e) indulgent
cebad Right:) group forbearing mean not inclined by nature, disposition, or circumstances to be severe or rigorous.

1. extreme, even undue lack of severity in punishing, and may suggest a weak softness: criticized the courts for excessive ~.
  a) lenity
2. stress benevolence and good will as shown in generosity, broad understanding and tolerance OF others: showed a little ~ to the weak-willed.
  b) grace
3. imply a benign attitude and willingness to GRANT FAVORS or make concession: the victor's ~ in treating the vanquished.
  c) charity
4. imply mild and merciful disposition IN one with the duty or power of judging and punishing: a judge little inclined to show ~.
  d) clemency
5. imply a compassion THAT FORBEARS PUNISHING even when justice demands it or that extends HELP to the lowliest and most undeserving: admitTED his guilt and begged for ~.
  e) mercy
6. tends to stress the number of times a thing occurs without regard to the interval of recurrence: they ~ come to dinner.
  f) often
acbdef Right:) group mercy meaning unknown

1. a close synonym of these words, is likely to appear in elevated language: longed to ~ among trees and hills. (elevate提升,elevator: 直梯)
  a) sojourn
2. is the equivalent of lodge, and usually suggests the status of a guest: decided to ~ at his sister's house for the weekend.
  b) stay
3. implies a marked lack of generosity: a ~ child, not given to sharing.
  c) lodge
4. distinctively implies a temporary habitation or abode, and more or less uncertain place or way of living: ~ for a while in the south of France.
  d) live
5. expresses the idea that a person keeps or returns to a particular place as his or her fixed, settled, or legal abode: ~ happily in New Hampshire.  (abode: 住所寓所.You are welcome to my humble abode竭诚欢迎光临寒. right of abode: 居住权)
  e) put up
6. ALSO suggests a habitation for a time and may connote restricted accomodation such as in a hotel or rooming house: chose to ~ there for the night. (rooming house: 有家具的出租房屋,如Forrest Gump阿甘家)
  f) stingy
7. is the term commonly used in place of sojourn or lodge: ~ at that hotel for the entire week.
  g) reside
8. may stress the idea of actually spending one's time and carrying out the activities of one's family life: ~ for years in the house next door.
  h) dwell
hefagcbd Right:) group reside mean to have as one's habitation or domicile.

1. implies a passing from an inactive to an active state and stresses the influence of an external agent in arousing to activity: a switch in the office ~s all the outdoor lights.
  a) activate
2. implies a tearing or crushing that leaves deep extensive wounds or lacerations: thousands are ~ every year by auto accidents.  bruise瘀伤purple mark紫色的一块皮肤 laceration撕伤割伤
  b) mangle
3. may stress the arousal of something more or less inert or lifeless, often by communicating an impetus or force: took steps to ~ the local economy; or an imparting of significance or interest to something: a set of images that ~ the story.
  c) energize
4. implies an arousing to activity or a readying for activity by an imparting of strength or a providing with a source of energy: a speech that ~d the sales force for what lay ahead.
  d) vitalize
abdc Right:) group vitalize mean to arouse to activity, animation, or life.

1. is the least specific term and suggests something equivocal rather than definitely illicit about the relationship: had a series of ~s after his divorce.
  a) affair
2. implies a thin scattering of units: a ~ population.
  b) liaison
3. implies duration but not necessarily permanence of the attachment: known for her ~ with a powerful senator.
  c) sparse
4. stresses passion as the motivating force and often connotes transcience: went from one ~ to another.
  d) amour
5. emphasizes the clandestine nature of the relationship: frequently drawn to complicated ~s.
  e) intrigue
acbde Right:) group amour mean an instance of illicit sexual relationship.

1. is general and exchangeable with other terms, but may specifically imply a distinctive propelling motion with the arm: ~ the ball with great accuracy.
  a) throw
2. usually implies lightness in the thing thrown, and sometimes a scattering: ~ bread crumbs to the birds.
  b) cast
3. implies a powerful and forceful driving as in throwing a massive weight: ~ the intruder out the window. (hurl abuse(threat) at固定搭配辱骂(威胁)某人)
  c) toss
4. suggests a throwing carefully at a target: ~ horseshoes; OR lightness and casualness: ~ trash in the basket.
  d) fling
5. stresses lack of prudence in spending and usually implies imbalance between income and outgo: known in college as a real ~.
  e) sling
6. suggests a light or careless or aimless throwing and may imply an upward motion: ~ her racket on the bed.
  f) spendthrift
7. suggests propelling with a sweeping, swinging motion,usually with force and suddenness: ~ the bag over his shoulder. sweep挥动: His arm swept around the room. 他伸出手臂绕着房间了一圈) (swing规则来回运动: 来回或前后运动regular movement to and fro, back and forth: 例如swing the rope back and forth前后摆绳)
  g) pitch
8. stresses a vigorous throwing with slight aim or control: ~ the ring back in his face.
  h) hurl
abhgfced Right:) group throw mean to cause to move swiftly throughspace by a propulsive movement or propelling force.

1. indicates a calling attention to, either by name or by clear but incidental reference: failed to ~ the incident.
  a) name
2. implies the clear mentioning of a name and therefore may suggest more explicitness: ~d three people as participants in the crime.
  b) instance
3. suggests something affected or created by the free play of the imagination: the ~ characters created by Lewis Carroll.
  c) fanciful
4. may indicate a clear specific reference or citation as a typical example or a special case: failed in her attempt to ~ a clear example.
  d) mention
5. implies the making of a statement so precise, explicit, and detailed that misunderstanding is impossible: use only ingredients and amounts ~ied.
  e) specify
dacbe Right:) group mention mean to make clear or specific by referring to something explicitly.

1. implies tacit acceptance or forbearance of opposition: usually ~ to his wife'sWishes. (1: desire表示强烈愿望,慎用,一般用wish 2: tacit: 不愿说话不爱社交的性格).
  a) assent
2. implies not only consent orassent, BUT ALSO hearty approval and willingnessto go on record: totally ~ to the free enterprisesystem.
  b) subscribe
3. implies an act involving the understanding or judgmentand may apply to propositions or opinions: potential members must ~ toorganization's credo. (注意judge的名词要去e
  c) consent
4. sometimes implies previous difference ofopinion and attempts at persuasion, negotiation or discussion:finally ~ to give him a raise.
  d) agree
5. involves the will or feeling and indicates compliancewith what is requested or desired: ~ to their daughter's wish to go on the trip.
  e) expense
6. often designates the aggregate amount actually disbursed for something: our ~s were higher last month.
  f) accede
7. implies a yielding, often under pressure, of assent or concession: officials ~ toevery demand of the prisoners.
  g) acquiesce
Wrong Wrong gbadcef Right:) group assent meaning unknown

1. implies powerlessness coupled with persistent weakness or complete ineffectiveness: stormed about in ~ rage.
  a) gracious
2. denotes merely lack of power or efficacy which is often temporary or relative to a specific purpose or situation: claimed he was ~ to make the change.
  b) impotent
3. implies courtsy and kindly consideration: her ~ acceptance of the award.
  c) powerless
bca Right:) group powerless mean unable to effect one's purpose, intention, or end.

1. often implies a general or transient longing for the unattainable: she ~ed that there were some way she could help.
  a) sanguinary
2. stresses the force of physical appetite or emotional need: ~ sweets constantly. 甜食
  b) wish
3. applies especially to something attended by, or someone bent on, bloodshed: the Civil War was America's most ~ conflict.
  c) want
4. specifically suggests a longing for something that would fill a felt need: ~ to have a family.
  d) crave
5. implies strong envious desire, typically for what belongs to another: one of the most ~ed honors in the sportsworld.
  e) desire
6. stresses the strength of feeling and often implies strong intention or fixed aim: ~d to start a new life in another state.
  f) covet
bdacfe Right:) group desire mean to have a longing for something.

1. applies to something that is all that is implied by the term, usually a term of abuse, that follows: an ~ coward.
  a) outright
2. implies that what is described has gone to the extreme and can be made neither better nor worse or is past recall: he is an ~ fool.
  b) happy
3. applies to what is or seems to be so utterly what it is as to be beyond the possibility of being lessened, softened, or relieved: an ~ evil.
  c) out-and-out
4. combines the implications of lucky and fortunate, with its more common meaning of being blessed: a life that has been a series of ~ accidents.
  d) arrant
5. applies to what is completely as described at all times or in every part or from every point of view: this is an ~ fraud.
  e) unmitigated
daebc Right:) group outright mean without limit or qualification.

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