【同义词辨析】 2020-01-29 驱逐eject-dismiss
eject: carries an especially strong implication of throwing or thrusting out from within: ~ed the obnoxious patron from the bar. (thrust猛推一下suggests less steadiness and more violence than push, and may imply a single abrupt movement or action,如thrust the money in my hand and ran away把钱猛塞(推)到我手里然后跑开) 词根JECT表示扔to throw,hurl,如本例字面意思是向外仍
expel: stresses a voluntary, often permanent thrusting out or driving away: ~ed from college. voluntary志愿自愿的,感觉这个词这里没有用,没有译出 词根PEL表示驱动to move, drive,如本例字面意思是向外推
oust: implies removal or dispossession by power of the law, by force, or by compulsion of necessity of situation: issued a general order ~ing all foreigners.
evict: chiefly applies to a turning out of house and home by a legal or comparative process: ~ed for nonpayment of rent. 短语turn someone out表示将某人赶走驱逐to eject or expel someone from a place不常用,turn out的4个常用意思是 1、结果是 2、生产产出 3、出席率投票率 4、关灯
dismiss: implies a getting rid of something unpleasant or troublesome by refusing to consider it further: simply ~ed the quarrel from her mind.
eject扔出驱逐: 特指从里向外扔出推出,expel驱逐: 强调永久性推走赶走,oust驱逐: 指通过法令强制驱离剥夺,evict驱逐: 指将人逐出住处,通过法律程序,dismiss不再考虑解散解雇: 指除去不快麻烦,不再考虑
记忆方法: 1)首字母EEOED,doe是雌鹿,想成逐鹿<==驱逐 "逐"是会意字,本意是"追赶",字形象人的脚在豕等动物后面追逐的样子,现在有3个意思,1、追赶,如逐鹿(比喻争夺天下)角逐(jué表示争相取胜)追逐笑逐颜开 2、依照先后次序一一挨着,如逐步逐个逐渐逐年逐一 3、强迫离开,如逐客令放逐驱逐 这里用3 "驱"的本意为"使马奔驰",引申为驱赶驱逐驱使 如the farmer bought a doe农民买了头雌鹿
2)驱逐的意思驱走赶出mean to drive or force out.