【同义词辨析】 2019-12-24 预见foresee-anticipate

foresee: implies nothing about how the knowledge is derived and may apply to ordinary reasoning and experience : no one could ~ the economic crisis.

foreknow: stresses prior knowledge and implies supernatural assistance, as through revelation: if only we could ~ our own destinies.    revelation启示录

divine: adds to foresee the suggestion of exceptional wisdom or discernment: an European traveler who ~d the course of American destiny.

apprehend: implies foresight mingled with uncertainty, anxiety, or dread: ~ed that his odd behavior was a sign of a troubled soul.

anticipate: implies such foreknowledge as leads or allows one to take action about or respond emotionally to something before it happens: the servants ~d our every need.

foresee预见: 泛指任何方法,可用于通常的经验推理,foreknow预知: 强调先知神明启示相助,divine: 表示预见的人有智慧洞察力,apprehend担心害怕: 表示伴有不安焦虑害怕,anticipate预见: 表示预见从而能在事情发生前采取行动作出反应

记忆方法: 1)首字母FFDAA是美国食品药品监督管理局<==预见风险

         2)预见的意思是预先知道mean to know or prophesy beforehand.     (prophesy预言预示connotes inspired or mystic knowledge of the future, especially as the fulfilling of divine threats or promises, or implies great assurance in predicting特别是上天启示的,如天谴,还表示非常确定,如preachers prophesying a day of divine retribution牧师预言天谴的一天)