【同义词辨析】 2019-10-05 国庆笔记《一些记忆小窍门part 5》
1) curtail缩短,谐音implies a cutting that deprives completeness or adequacy,如ceremonies curtailed because of the rain.
2) mirth欢乐3L: implies lightness of heart, love of joy and ready laughter: family reunion is the occasion of much mirth家庭聚会欢乐时光
3) decent体面,表示seemly and proper得体适当,联想新加坡sp如decent people didn’t go to such movies体面人不看
4) meek温顺,谐音being mild and gentle,如the refugees were meek难民温顺
5) haul和hurl两词,词形接近意思相反,haul拉拖重物,hurl抛重物,haul发音像"号"子,如三峡纤夫号子,所以是拉,如he made a living hauling the coal他拉煤为生,如hurled the intruder out of the window扔出窗外.
6) delirium谵妄发狂extreme emotional excitement解释由3个e开头,in a delirium of ecstasy狂喜
7) dulcet甜美,a gratifying, soothing, appealing quality,首字母gas气体,甜美空气,如the dulcet tone of a harp竖琴甜美音调, 如utile dulci有用甜美,是一个拉丁短语,有人用它形容乔布斯的设计理念