【同义词辨析】 2019-08-21 引证cite-adduce
cite: implies a bringing forward of something as relevant or specific to an inquiry or discussion: asked to ~ a single piece of legislation enacted to relieve the situation. (inquire询问调查,通过提问问题来查证事实implies a searching for facts or for truth often specifically by asking questions,如began to inquire into the charges of espionage开始调查间谍指控,等于investigation,和question来自一个词根QUI表示seek,obtain寻找寻获, 与require,acquire,inquisition,perquisition同根)
advance: stresses the notion of bringing forward for consideration or study: the idea has been ~d as a theoretical possibility. consider指一般的考虑, 这里study不是'学习',而是指深入研究,一般的学习是learn
allege: often carries a strong suggestion of doubt about the validity of what is brought forward: tried the ~d perpetrator; and sometimes amounts to a disclaimer of responsibility for the assertion: the existence, real or ~d, of ghosts. 罪犯作恶者 (disclaim否认有责任或所有权,拒绝承认to deny, refuse to accept the responsibility or ownership,如the school disclaimed any responsibility for his death学校否认对他的死亡有责任,如disclaimed in equal measure the virtues and vices attributed to her一概拒绝承认别人归给她的美得或恶行) A amounts to B表示AB相等或接近A is the same with B, 如the confessions were obtained by what amounts to torture这些供状是用近乎逼供的方式得来的
adduce: more specifically applies to a bringing forth of evidence, facts, instances, or arguments in support of a position or contention: reasons ~d by those who doubt the reality of UFOs. bring forward和bring forth都表示提出。forward表示从后向前,forth表示从内向外,但两个词组意思相同 contention争论
cite引述: 指提出关于当前调查讨论的事情,advance提出: 强调供考虑或研究,allege声称: 表示对所提出的强烈怀疑,有时近乎否认对该声称主张有责任,adduce引证: 为了支撑观点而提出证据事实实例论据
记忆方法: 1)首字母CAAA想成As Careful As Aristotle像亚里士多德一样小心<==引证要小心
2)引证的意思是作为解释证明阐明而提出mean to bring forward as in explanation, proof, or illustrations.