【同义词辨析】 2019-02-12 助手assistant-aide
assistant: applies to any such a person, regardless of the status of the work: a carpenter’s ~.
helper: often implies apprenticeship in a trade or status as an unskilled laborer: a mother’s ~ who performs the duties of a nursemaid. 保姆护工
coadjutor: implies equality except in authority and may be used of a coworker or volunteer: viewed the librarian as ~ of her researches.
aid, aide: are often interchangeable: a nurse’s ~, a teacher’s ~; but aide frequently and aid rarely denotes a special, highly qualified assistant who acts as an adviser: the President and his chief ~s formulating domestic policy. (可高到部长级别,如总统高级顾问都可以叫aide)
aide-de-camp: designate specifically a military officer who personally attends a general, a sovereign, a president, or a governor, often as an escort but sometimes with definite duties: instructed his ~ to keep the press away.
assistant助手: 可以用于任何承担他人部分工作的人,无论何种地位,helper助手: 常表示学徒身份、技术不熟练,coadjutor助手: 仅是职权不同但地位相同,可以是同事也可是义工,aid,aide高级助手: 能互换,但aide常表示高级助手,aide-de-camp随扈副官: 表示军事武官,照顾护送将领君主总统州长等
记忆方法: 1)首字母AAAA CH四个中国人一个好汉三个帮<==助手
2)助手的意思是承担他人部分工作的人mean a person who takes over part of the duties of another, especially in a subordinate capacity. subordinate下级