【同义词辨析】 2019-01-16 老练sophisticated-disillusioned

sophisticated: implies either refinement, urbanity, cleverness, or cultivation: guests at her salon were rich and ~; or artificiality of manner, over-refinement, and absence of enthusiasm: too ~ to enjoy the carnival rides.  refine有三个意思,1.小改进 2.提炼提纯 3.优雅礼貌,这里用3,名词是refinement) urbane温文尔雅,形容有修养礼貌又自信,如the urbane host of a television series一个温文尔雅的电视节目主持人)   rides可以乘坐的游乐设施,如过山车,海盗船,旋转木马等,carnival狂欢节嘉年华

worldly-wise: suggests a close knowledge of the affairs and manners of society and a concentration on material ends and aims: a ~ woman with a philosophy of personal independence.

worldly: close to worldly-wise, stresses alienation from spiritual interests and dedication to happiness in this world: chose to focus on ~ concerns.    (alien陌生的外族的外星的,贬义,如an alien environment陌生的环境 an alien culture外族文化,alienate使疏远不友好,如his comments have alienated a lot of young voters他的言论使许多年轻选民离他而去)

blase: implies a lack of responsiveness to common joys as a result of real or affected surfeit of experience and cultivation: ~ travelers who claimed to have been everywhere.       respond快速反应或答复     surfeit过度满足以至于厌倦恶心

disillusioned: applies to someone who has lost all illusions and hope as a result of experience and who lacks enthusiasm or ideals: saw the world around him through scornful, ~ eyes.

sophisticated老练老成: 可形容与人礼貌处事圆滑聪明修养高,或表示表面礼貌缺乏热忱不真诚,worldly-wise精于世故: 表示深谙世道重视物质利益(如王熙凤),worldly世俗的: 强调不关心精神世界追求世间享乐幸福,blase厌腻厌倦享乐: 由于经历或修养,对通常的享乐不感兴趣,disillusioned失望幻灭: 由于过去的经历,不再抱希望幻想热情理想

记忆方法: 1)首字母SWWBD往往不是的<==老练的人不多          老练的人阅历深,经验多,为人处事稳妥。他们虽看透了人情世故却知世故而不世故。他们知道自己想要什么,也知道别人在想什么,反义词是幼稚

         2)老练的意思是对世事有经验mean experienced in the ways of the world.