【同义词辨析】 2018-10-18 分开separate-divorce

separate: may imply any of several causes such as dispersion, removal of one from others, or presence of an interfering thing: ~d her personal life from her career.

part: implies the separating of things or persons from close union or association: an argument that ~ed the friends permanently.

divide: implies a separating into pieces, groups, or sections by cutting, breaking, or branching:  civil war ~d the nation.  divide and conquer而治之是词组,也是主要的算法设计范式algorithm design paradigm---如果能把复杂的大问题分解成简单的小问题,问题就解决了一半)  

sever: implies violence especially in the removal of a part or member: his arm had been ~ed by a chain saw.  链锯,小机器锯

sunder: suggests a violent rending or wrenching apart: a friendship ~ed only by death.     (rend用力,wrench拧)

divorce: implies a separating of two things that commonly interact or belong together: would ~ scientific research from moral responsibility.

separate分开: 任何方式使不再连接(no longer connected),如驱散移除干涉,part分开: 表示此前紧密地联系联合divide分割: 表示分"成"碎片小组小块,如割砍折断叉开,sever割断: 表示暴力割断(removal移除),常用于四肢或部件,sunder撕碎: 撕碎拧碎,同样表示暴力divorce分开离异: 被分开的人或物通常在一起 (belong属于;合得来如Talor Swift的<you belong with me>表示合得来)

记忆方法: 1)首字母SPDSSD想成深深地撕破的==>分开

        2分开的意思是mean to become or cause to become disunited or disjointed.