【同义词辨析】 2018-01-10 滑稽模仿caricature-travesty

caricature: implies a LUDICROUS exaggeration of a characteristic or peculiar feature of a subject: this film is the ~ of the novel.

burlesque: implies mockery EITHER through treating a trivial subject in a mock-heroic style OR throught giving a serious or lofty subject a frivilous treatment : a ~ that treats a petty quarrel like a great battle.

parody: applies partiuclarly to a treatment of subject in the style of a well-known auther or by sustained and subtle exaggeration or distortion: a witty ~ of a popular soap opera.

travesty: implies use of extravagant or absurd style that at once demeans the reader and the topic : this production is a ~ of a classic play.

caricature: 滑稽的夸大特征, burlesque: 嘲弄,小事说大|大事说小, parody: 模仿风格,travesty: 荒诞不经荒谬-->亵渎降格

记忆方法: 1)首字母记忆,CBPT残暴拼图-->滑稽模仿

         2) 后两个词parody和travesty可以词根记忆,请阅读记住【词根系列】 介绍 中第151、253、和238个词根的意思。

         3)滑稽模仿的意思是引人发笑模仿mean a comic or grotesque imitation.    grotesque古怪的