【同义词辨析】 2017-11-08 抛弃abandon-forsake
abandon: suggest complete disinterest in the future of what is given up: they ~ their cat at the end of the summer.
desert: implies a relationship(as of occupancy or guardianship) may imply desolation: ~ed farm growing to brush. OR culpability: soldiers who ~ their posts.
forsake: implies a breaking of close association by repudiation and renunciation: ~ her husband for her career.
abandon抛弃: 不再关心,desert抛弃逃避: 放弃住所或逃避监护等关系-->荒凉或罪责(如逃兵),forsake抛弃: 断绝不承认紧密关系。
记忆方法: 1)首字母联想,FAD(时髦):caprice in taking up and dropping a fashion(无缘无故般的兴衰)。
2) 抛弃的意思是完全放弃mean to give up completely.