【同义词辨析】 2017-09-25 计算calculate-reckon
calculate: is usually preferred in reference to highly intricate and precise processes that produce a result not readily proven by physical confirmation: ~d when the comet would next appear. physical confirmation实际(物理)验证
compute: is the term for reaching an exact result by simpler though often lengthy arithmatic processes: ~d the interest at a monthly rate. 写成arithmatic或arithmetic都正确arithmatics is the part of mathematics that involves basic calculations such as adding or multiplying numbers算术是数学的一部分,仅涉及加减乘除等基本运算
estimate: applies chiefly to the forecasting of costs or trends and suggests a seeking of usable but tentative and approximate results: the mechanic ~d the cost of repairs.
reckon: usually suggests the simpler arithmatic processes or methods that can be carried out in one's head: ~ the number of yards of fabric needed.
calculate计算: 高度复杂、精确的计算操作, 结果不易验证, compute也是计算: 较简单但更冗长的算术运算, estimate估计: 指大略地尝试性地预测成本趋势等, reckon心算: 可以在大脑中进行的简单算术
记忆方法: 1) CCRE想成ChangChang RE: 常常算,再次(RE)算<==提高计算能力 "算"的本义是1、计数,如笔算心算计算算账算盘 引申为2、承认有效,如算数算话 3、推测计划,如算计算命推算打算谋算机关算尽人算不如天算,又如我算着他明天准来表示推测。此字起源不详。 "计"是会意字,从言从十,本义是1、算数,如计算合计计入预计 引申为2、用于算数测量的仪表,如温度计静电计 3、谋划打算,如"父母之爱子,则为之计深远","计者,所以定事也",国计民生,如"校之以计,而索其情"出自《孙子兵法》第一篇《始计》,是其点睛之笔。
3) 计算的意思是用数学方法确定mean to determine something mathematically.CCRE想成ChangChang RE: 常常算,再次(RE)算<==人人提高计算能力