【同义词辨析】 2017-05-26 限制limit-confine
limit: implies the setting of a point or line, as in time, space, speed, or degree, beyond which something cannot or is not permitted to go: visits are ~d to 30 minutes.
restrict: suggests a narrowing ortightening or restraining within or as if within an encircling boundary: laws intended to ~ the freedom of press. (restrain克制:避免极端to holdback from going to extremes如: restrained themselves from trading insults他们克制住自己不互相侮辱) (freedom of press是新闻自由不是印刷自由)
circumscribe: stresses a restriction in every direction and by clearly defined boundaries: the work of the investigating committee was carefully ~d.
confine: suggests severe restraint within bounds that cannot or must not be passed and a resulting cramping, fettering or hampering: our freedom of choice was ~d by finances.
limit限制: 表示设定点或线,不能或不允许超越,如时间空间速度程度等,restrict限制: 表示使变窄变紧克制,好像放入圆形边界,circumscribe也是限制:指各个方向都划清晰界限(circum是词根表示周围 scribe是词根表示写),confine严重限制: 表示严重限于界限内不能通过,导致狭隘束缚无法行动(cramp狭隘拘束,fetter束缚到无法行动,hamper干扰阻碍,意思相同没翻译)
记忆方法: 1)首字母LRCC想成Left Control Right Control左右控制<==即限制
2)限制的意思是设置界限mean to set bounds for.